

"Aahheemm... What are you two mumbling about? Huh? There's no time for that, so we must go out now before the sun will be setting." "Oh.. Yeah… Yeah.." "By the way, little Milla, is that costume also made by you?" "Hhmm? Yes, I made these and soon I'll make some for you two too, so let's go. And don't forget those rules that I taught to you.." "Copy that.." "Yes! Yes!" "Should we ride a car?" "Nope, it's too noisy and it will attract more undead too. So it's better to walk and exercise our body..." "Ohh.." *How come little Milla is quite knowledgeable about this kind of situation? Is this how smart a Game Maker is or does she have some kind of experience in this event before?… such clever sister..* Brother Jonathan got surprised by his little sister's expert mind. "Lock the door very firmly..."

The three were now walking on the street, seeing those zombies around and walking towards them. Both Brother Jonathan and Alex got scared and couldn't even move. But when they saw Kamilla killed those zombies calmly and bravely, the two also begins to try and move. "This not the time to be afraid nor show some hesitation, to survive, you must be brave and face them head on.." "You're right!?" "Ggaahh!?" The two then push forward and tried to kill for the first time in their entire life. * I... I.. I did it!? I killed the zombie!?* brother Jonathan felt satisfied and excited. "Hahaha! This is easy!" Alex, already enjoying killing the zombies. *Good, these two are already learning so fast, they also adjust pretty well… But still, I wish there must have to be in our town too... I need to find at least one Magic Orb before sunset…* "Let's go guys..." They arrived at Alex's house, but her uncle was nowhere to be found.

They still keep on scouting until they heard the sound of a gun near their location. (Bang! Bang!) The three looked at each other with shocking expression. "There must be someone there, let's go little Milla!" They immediately rushed to where the gun-shot is and entered into the house. "Is anybody here?" Brother Jonathan asked. "Helllloo?" Alex spoke too. "Be vigilant guys." "Copy.." "Help!" The three heard someone's voice, so they immediately rushed and go upstairs to look for every room. Until they saw a woman sat beside the bed with a gun on her right hand, while the zombie was already been killed.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" Brother Jonathan asked, "Please...Help me... My son is inside his room... Hiding in the cabinet... Cough... Cough.." "You two, go find the kid. I'll stay here... Go now.." "Okay... Be careful." Brother Jonathan and Alex immediately headed towards the other room. Kamilla tried to aide her but she refuses, for she got bitten on her left shoulder. *She got bit!?… it's too late now, I don't have any antidote... The Nabula Virus is already spreading and eating her blood, she will transform after an hour... * "I don't have any antidote... I'm sorry.." "No, it's okay… Just please save my son... Protect him... Please... Cough... Cough..." "I will… But what about you?" Kamilla asked her. "Mommy!" An appearance of a 12 years old boy, light fair skin, blonde curly hair, grey eyes and having cute and innocent facial feature. Wearing a red superman t-shirt, white short-pants, orange sports shoes, and eyeglasses.

"Dan! My boy!" Dan immediately hugged his mom with tears. While Kamilla just looked at her brother Jonathan and Alex with a sad face and shaking her head. "My boy... Listen to me... okay? cough... You must go with them... Don't worry, they are good people... They will protect you... Mommy cannot be with you... Cough... Cough.." "No! I'll stay with mommy! I'll stay with-" Kamilla suddenly smacked Dan's nape to make him faint. Brother Jonathan, Alex, and even the mother got shocked about it. "Sorry to interrupt, but we don't have much time... The undead are now heading this place and it's not safe anymore. Brother, carry the kid.." "I'm sorry for troubling you. You can leave me here now... Please go and also.. As for compensation for protecting my son... There are some weapons from the underground room, where my husband's things are been kept. Please... It can help you.. cough.. cough.." "Kamilla! The zombies are now at the entrance door!" "You can rest at ease ma'am, I'll protect your son whatever it takes." "Thank you so much... Now I can relax.." "Little Milla, we must go now! The zombies are already making some noise outside." Brother Jonathan interrupted them while carrying Dan.

"You must go from the back, I'll distract them. Go now!" "Thank you and farewell..." They then headed at the back and slowly rushed outside. Hearing those gunshots inside the house, The three felt sad while hiding. "Now, what should we do Little Milla? Those weapons are very useful, but it still dangerous to go inside for now, and not to mention that I am carrying this kid." "You two must head back first, I'll distract them. So be sure to be home safely and just explain everything to this kid what happened today." "No! I wouldn't allow that, it's too risky for you to be alone. I don't want to leave you here!" "Big Brother Nathan, it's alright.. Trust me... I'll be safe and I promise... I'll be back. So go now!" "But my Friend Kamil-" "I'm not a kid anymore, so please listen.." "Hhmm, okay. But I'll keep your promise and we'll wait for your return... Did you get it? I'll die there waiting if you can't return." *Big brother..* Kamilla felt the love and caring brother that brother Jonathan expresses. "Kamilla! My dear Friend! Be careful! If anything happens to you! I assure the safety of your brot-...." (Smack! by Brother Jonathan). "I'll distract them now, so when you see the chance, run." "Okay got it.." Kamilla ran so very fast making noises, leaving the two without looking, and keep on running until she finds a hiding area.

*Level 1 undead beings are so very slow and can easily kill, they will still take at least a year for them to evolve... For now, I need to go to the Hospital and find some medical kit..* Kamilla then headed to where to Hospital was located. She saw some zombies walking on the streets. *I still remember those techniques that Teacher Rico taught me, but my body is still hard and slow...This place… I'm here at Holy Spirit Private Hospital, I need to have some medicinal products and materials, but most of all, the Magic Orb." Kamilla entered inside, she saw few zombies walking, but she never minds it and just hides herself up, after that she then arrived where those Medicinal Storage are located. She grabbed mostly all of those medicines and put it on the bag. *medicines are also a good advantage for us humans who will need to survive in this calamity world. Back then, A lot of people we're forgetting to have their emergency kit and medicine, for they only think of food and shelter. That's why they end up having sickness and diseases... I am also one of them, I encounter getting cold and cough... I thought I am going to die, but eventually, that's where I meet Teacher Rico and take care of me...*

(Screech! Screech! Kkyyiiaakk!) Kamilla heard the sound of a zombie on the second floor. *What was that sound? I never heard of that kind of sound before… As if the zombie is talking to someone..* Kamilla got curious and wanted to know what it was so she then headed where the sound is. As she arrived and peeked in the window door. *A Doctor? Undead Doctor? What is it doing?* Kamilla saw the zombie felt in pain and anger like it's rampaging inside the laboratory room. *I think this Undead was actually working during the Christmas day and it even locked itself up inside. That's why it rampaging for it was hungry... Such a pity..." Kamilla tried to open the door and wanted to end the doctor zombie's life in vain. As she Smacked its head the Zombie took the hit and knocked down. Kamilla thought that it was dead, but for 5 seconds passed, the zombie doctor's head is slowly regenerating and healing its wounds. *What?! Impossible... A level 2 undead!? But it's still a second day of the calamity, how come it evolved so fast?! Not to mention, this undead never even ate human or even animal's flesh...* Kamilla got shocked when she saw a level 2 evolved zombie in front of her. *From its look and process of regeneration, this one is still fresh and still not completely evolved. But if it gets to eat a single human flesh, this one will mostly be hard to deal with, thank goodness I found it today.*

Kamilla then tried to kill it. While smashing its head, but it still regenerating again and again. *Urrghh... If only I got awaken, I'll definitely find where its core spot is...* "Ggrraahh!" The zombie counter attacking her. Using its hand smashing and punching, but Kamilla dodge every move the zombie gave for it still too slow. "This one is strong, but not strong enough to fight me. Then let's finish you off in one move.." Kamilla immediately jumps towards the zombie doctor and used her weapon gloves. And when Kamilla passed through, the Zombie got stunned and couldn't move. "This one is well made using strings... I called it 'STRINGER'..." The zombie got trapped made by the strings, and it covered all over its body. And when Kamilla just used one wave of her hands, the zombie's body got sliced into pieces. "Eeeww…. I think I'm throwing up... Using this weapon is very harsh, let's adjust this one when I got back."

"Now, let's look and find if this one has a Magic Orb... Hmm.." Kamilla then looked every everywhere from the disgusting chopped body using some stick she found inside. *Hhmm?* As she found something shining inside, and took it out. She inspects it first and saw a Clear Magic Orb, small size of a glass marble (Jolen). "Colorless-Magic Orb?! What's with this color?! If I remember, Magic Orb only consists of 6 different kinds of colors and each has the quality to boost the Virus inside our body and to awaken. The Red-Magic is the easiest to find, the Yellow-Magic Orb was not so. While the Blue-Magic Orb is not quite difficult to find, Green-Magic Orb is hard to find and Violet-Magic Orb rarely be found. But this one... I still don't know this..-" "ggrraahh!!" Kamilla heard the sounds of a group of zombies coming towards her location. * Shit... They already found me? This is very problematic, there is only one entrance and exit here, but they must be blocking it right now... I don't have any other choice since I got this, there's no need for me to examine it any further... It is still enough for me to awaken my Magai. This Laboratory room is quite good for me to meditate right now..." Kamilla then started to meditate.

*Since I still have those memories after I returned 8 years from the past life. Awakening of my Magai is very simple for me now. But first, this Colorless Magic Orb, its time to use this... Actually, we humans who are still living today we also have some small part of the Nabula Virus inside our body, and if we got ourselves lost control, we become like them too. That's why we must resist the Nabula Virus inside our body, and the solution to that is to absorb a Magic Orb to mutate the Virus into energy that I have that is called Magic Mana. There are many methods to absorb a Magic Orb, some use to absorb the energy of the Magic Orb, which is the easiest way, some swallow it directly, which give a 50℅ result, either you can awaken or become undead. But the most crucial method to absorb the Magic Orb is the 'BLOOD FUSION METHOD' which is nobody tried before. First is to make a wound on both hands and then hold the Magic Orb with both your hands. Then focus on finding where the Light particles came from inside your body... I am actually experimenting myself right now, so I am hoping to have a successful result…* Kamilla was trying to find the light inside her spiritual body and then fusing it with the Magic Orb. *What's this?! Why is the Magic Orb resisting to fused?!… My body is getting hotter and hotter…! Pain… I felt Pain... The Magic Orb is absorbing my blood… it got bigger and bigger… I.. I can't do this anymore…and now it's getting colder… Am I losing control?…* "Aarrrhhh!? Aaahhh!!? Ggrraahh!?" Kamilla shouted when she felt the pain, she couldn't bear it anymore, her whole eyes turned red, the veins on her body showed up like it wanted to come out, and her outfit got burned and pulverized by the heat from her body. Kamilla felt like she was dying at that moment, and blood starts coming out from her eyes, nose, and ears. The horde if zombies we're screaming of hunger outside, smelling the blood inside. *Am I dying?... Again?... No!?.. Endure it Kamilla!?... Endure it!?..* "Ggwwwaahh!!!??"


Morning came, Kamilla woke up inside the laboratory room naked. She walked towards the cabinet without giving any words or thoughts, while grabbing some lab gown on the lab cabinet, she also tore those other lab gowns and make clothes that can hide her private parts. Seeing her white smooth skin and sexy body, a new Tattoo has been marked on her Navel part which formed a black Infinity Twisted Ring. She looks much younger and brighter, but still having that emotionless facial features and quite creepy when she didn't fix herself up. After she dressed up, she never even spoke or having thought to herself again and just walked out and started scouting, killing and looting every place in their town.

Afternoon came and Kamilla arrived at the back of their house, she then jumped up into the balcony like it was nothing. *I'm home at last...* She then came inside and headed to the living area to where the two people are. As she approaches on the door and opened it, she heard two people arguing with each other. "How are we going to live now? Kamilla is now gone and we only have few food supplies left!" "Shut up! My little Milla will be back, just stay put and relax. Why are you complaining like you really helped a lot?" "I am not complaining! My friend is out there! Why did you even agree to left her there? She may even be alive or death but for us to be here-" "What's the noise all about?..." Kamilla then interrupted them, and when they saw her from her bedroom door, they got shocked and then rushed towards her, and hugged her. "Kamilla!?" "My sweet little Milla! I thought I'll never gonna see you again!" "My bestie! You're alive! Thank the heavens that they never have forsaken you!" Both of them cried.