
World ALTer - EinjarD

Many years ago, In order to protect humankind from the extinction, humankind created Einjard from a very advanced nano-tech. This tech was able to created a bio-mecha capable to halt the mysterious beings the humanity nemesis. Now, humanity has lose its places above the ground, and being forced to hide themselves so They could survive. "For the loved of mother Earth" Humanity once again rise to fent off those creatures and trying to reclaim the earth. --------------- Warning (18+) Gore and explicit content.

Yasha10 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Ch. 17

Seth who was watching Sheila training from a distance, was pondering something. He had been silently watching Sheila train for a while and he was starting to wonder what made her such a formidable fighter.

"Hey liza.. Isn't she supposed to be a complete amateur at fighting? "

"Yes.. I'm myself cant believe my eyes she could stood her ground with Lady Saturn"

She looks like a weak girl, but there was something about her that caught Seth and liza attention to made them curious. It was clear that she was fighting very well even tough she was a complete amateur.

"Is it intuition? Or maybe it's her pure reflexes?" Seth wondered to himself. Sheila could indeed see the trajectory that Lady Saturn was swinging, and it seemed she were able to dodge and evade her attacks even tough she wasted many movements. It was clear that she had a strong degree of instincts and reflexs when it came to combat situations. But was there more to it?

Lady Saturn who was sparring with Sheila show a slight hint of satisfaction, she knew that the young girl was a complete amateur when it came to fighting with a spear.

She was impressed by Sheila's instincts and reflexes, but she also knew that she still had a long way to go before she would be considered a worthy opponent.

"Good don't be afraid, trust your eyes don't blink or close it" Lady Saturn said while swinging a little bit more faster than before.

"You could see the sword moving a little bit slower than you thought right? Try find a gap and strike the moment you feel like it."

"You're using a spear, just find your distance and fight back the moment you could created one"

Despite being in defensive mode and having her focus on dodging and evading Lady Saturn attacks, Sheila still heard Lady Saturn instructions with full focus. She was waiting for the right moment to strike, waiting to find that opening that would allow her to counterattack and gain the upper hand.

Sheila was an amateur but she was a quick learner and a natural one at that, if she being polished she could defeated Lady Saturn someday.

Suddenly after taking a step back Lady Saturn change her stances, its looks like she shifting into a unique stance that emphasizes the dance-like movements of the sword. She begins making beautiful and graceful motions with her blade, as if she were performing an erratic dance. The movements seem almost like a work of art, as she shifts her stance and moves her blade in hypnotic patterns. Sheila is caught off guard by this unexpected change of stance and has to quickly adjust her own positioning to counter Lady Saturn's new moves.

Sheila starts to get hit, and while the blade is a dull one and there was no way it could cut her skin, she could still feel the pain of the impacts. The constant strikes and jabs of the "dance sword" put her on the bad position as she found herself unable to get a grip on the fight.

She was quickly losing stamina and she was beginning to feel tired. She had to find a way to shift the momentum in her favor before it was too late.

After desperately defending herself from Lady Saturn's relentless attacks, Sheila finally found a gap to strike back. She saw an opening in Lady Saturn's movements and she took her chance, thrusting quickly and pricesly. Her attack was swift and powerful, landing with enough force to knock Lady Saturn off balance for a moment.

This might be Sheila's chance to turn the tide of the fight and she was not going to let it slip out of her grasp.

Lady Saturn let out a smile from her face as she saw Sheila counter, she knew that Sheila would take advantage of the gap that she'd intentionally shown her. This was exactly what Lady Saturn wanted, as she knew that Sheila would take that and attack her.

Lady Saturn was well known as a person to never show mercy or weakness towards the students, but it's looks like Sheila caught her attention.

"Its looks like i found a beautiful gems again" Lady Saturn said with a big smile on her face.

After hearing the remark, Seth could only shudder a little bit. He knew that this was how Lady Saturn showed her face when she was excited, and he knew she had a tendency to push her students to their limits. Seth was aware of just how ruthless and relentless Lady Saturn could be when she showed that kind of excitement, as an ex-students he could guaranteed its best just to shut up.

"W-what do you mean? " Sheila said while having a hard time to take her breath.

"Maybe you could surpassed me in a short time," Lady Saturn said while touched her sword handles with her cheeks.

"and I love to fight you once you did." She was clearly impressed by Sheila's potential and she was excited by the thought of having a rival or even an apprentice that she could mold. She was also eager to test Sheila limits and push her to the very end.

If Sheila was able to surpass Lady Saturn, she would be delighted to fight her and would definitely have chance to fight a worthy opponent. Just like Seth, the genius who already surpassed her in that regard.

"Let me be clear, I'f you could defeated me... No matter who piloting your einjard, you couldn't be easily be defeated" Lady Saturn said while pointing herself with confidence.

Lady Saturn was known for her immense combat experience and she was the leader of a special beta squad who consist of (Z) Frame Einjards. These einjards squads were highly skilled soldiers who had been specially trained to handle the unique equipment and weapons of the (Z) Frames.

While Seth has its own beta squad who consist of (T) Frames Einjards, it's prowess was far inferior than the (Z) Squad. Some even said the (Z) squad could defeated Seth who was an Alpha without a sweat.

That's how powerful these special forces are, and it's already a well debate topics who is strongest between (F)enrir Alpha and (Z) Alpha, and many said (Z) would win with a middle difficultty.

Suddenly, Lady Saturn attacked Sheila in a blink of the eye, knocking her down before she could even react. She did not give Sheila a chance to fight back or even counterattack. Lady Saturn was clearly determined to put Sheila in her place and show her how powerful she is.

"Good night Sheila".
