
World's Revelation

The World is changing for the worst. It is nearing impossible to survive in this world. Common animals have turned into beasts, monsters from other dimensions have began to fall upon Earth, and worst of all there are no heroes strong enough to actually stop them. A group of humans, strangers to one another, have been called forth as this generation's final hope. The group of new heroes have little to no experience in battle, but the only way to survive is to learn of the hardships of battle. They learn that the World's Revelation has begun. They learn that they are the only hope humanity has left. Survival of the fittest and teamwork are the only way to survive now. Only the strongest will move on and the weak are mere meat shields. Will these humans be able to stop the Revelation?

WonderSuru · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Dragon Brawl

Kylran stared at me and took a few steps back then his eyes glowed. He looked up at Irma who was watching closely now. He looked back at me then smirked.

"So you think you've got any chance at defeating me?" Kylran asked.

"No. I don't think I have a chance of defeating you. I know I will lose, but I won't go down without showing your master what I am." I said then watched him.

Kylran laughed then sighed. "This only makes me want to tear you from limb from limb even more...after I'm done with you, there will be nothing of you left."

"Show me then instead of talking." I said and grinned, baring my fangs.

{Act 15: Dragon Brawl}


Kylran walked forward then dashed toward me. I watched him closely then dodged his first two strikes then countered with a shoulder strike, pushing him back. Kylran caught his footing then went for an open palm strike, but I blocked it and grabbed his wrist.

"Strike now!" Baphomet yelled.

I roared then palmed his stomach with enough force to blow him away then flew after him.

"Rush! Rush! Rush!" Dearie called out.

I used a burst of speed to attack Kylran swiftly with a flurry of attacks then knocked him upwards. I propelled myself above him then Dearie slammed a Light Blast against his body, sending him crashing to the ground. I roared and began to rapidly hurl orbs of draconic energy at him, but he flew through them and struck my stomach with a knee. I groaned in pain, holding my stomach.

"Pathetic!" He roared and knocked me down with a double axe handle then launched a large sphere of light energy down at me.

I recovered then dodged the sphere of energy then smirked. "It's time to show me what you both can really do!"

"Right!" Both Dearie and Baphomet said.

I dashed toward Kylran and Dearie made multiple Live Decoys of herself then Baphomet boosted them all by enhancing their conditions. Kylran grunted as he noticed the number of clones Dearie had created. He watched at the decoys flew around rapidly then noticed multiple walls of light energy form around him. Dearie's clones began creating a barrier around him.

Dearie bellowed and began to rapidly fire Light Blasts at the barrier of walls. Kylran noticed the Light Blasts bouncing around the walls then began to dodge and deflect them.

"Baphomet!" I called out.

Baphomet laughed as she flew toward the barrier then her body shined brightly. She grew in size then landed in front of Kylran as the barrier disappeared. She summoned her scythe and licked her lips. "Now you'll see my true power!"

Kylran groaned as Baphomet's energy blew him away. He landed on his feet and stared at Baphomet in awe. "This monstrous energy... it's exactly like his..! Just who are you?!"

"We are someone you'll never amount to!" Baphomet said then dashed toward Kylran and slashed downward, creating a line at his chest.

Kylran grunted then dodged Baphomet's delayed slash then heard an explosion behind him. His eyes widened and he looked back to see the damage caused by Baphomet's slash.

Baphomet laughed then watched me dash forward then dashed after me. Dearie stopped time, allowing me to land an uppercut then time resumed and Kylran groaned as he was knocked upwards. Baphomet appeared in front of Kylran then kicked him down toward me.

"Dearie!" I roared.

A Wrath Symbol appeared in front of Dearie then she manifested it into me, allowing me to strike Kylran with a Wrath Boosted kick. Kylran recovered and landed on his feet then he panted softly.

"What the hell..? Why can't I land an attack on him..?! He's below me! He shouldn't have an upperhand!" Kylran said angrily then growled. He bellowed then his aura surged powerfully around his body.

I watched him and chuckled. "Oh now he's mad..."

Baphomet shrunk back into her HDS size then floated next to me. "Dearie, you have every Sin right?"

"Affirmative." Dearie said.

"Give him Sloth. I have an idea." Baphomet said.

Dearie nodded then the Sloth Symbol shined in front of her and she manifested Sloth into me. I began to slowly feel drowsy then fell asleep standing up.

Kylran looked at me and noticed I was sleeping. "You dare to mock me by sleeping, Human?!"

Layla watched me and bit her nail. "Why is he sleeping..?! Why would Dearie make him fall asleep..?!"

"Hold on..." Irma said and watched me even closer.

Kylran dashed toward me and struck my face then grunted as he noticed I didn't take any damage. "What..?"

Baphomet watched from the air as she charged a Dragon Burst. "I knew it..~ Sloth grants him immunity to being damaged by just simply ignoring the fact he took damage..~"

Kylran began to throw a flurry of attacks at me, but couldn't break through my defenses while in this state. He took a few steps back then noticed all my injuries were healed. He grunted as I opened my eyes then the Sloth Symbol disappeared.

"Complete." Dearie said.

"I knew it." Irma said.

Layla looked at Irma and tilted her head. "Knew what?"

"That System he has. It's an HDS Unit isn't it?" Irma asked.

"I-It is..." Layla nodded.

"That system just used a Divine Sin, a Sacred Verse. I thought those had disappeared along with the Savior, but who would've known that she now has them..?" Irma said as she watched me closely and smiled. "Felix...He is something else..."

I taunted Kylran then watched him fall for my taunt. He bellowed as he dashed toward me. I blocked his punch then swiped it away then struck him with a Tiger Claw Strike. He groaned and stumbled backwards then fell onto one knee as I struck him in a vital spot.

The entire crowd was in awe seeing Kylran fall onto one knee in pain. Witnessing this caused an uproar then I noticed the students of Vyldru Dojo jump down from the audience to help defend Kylran.

"What?! This isn't what we agreed on!" Dearie called out.

"They are just gonna jump us?" I asked and watched them.

Layla grunted as she watched. "Master! This is breaking the rules! They are going to attack him! You have to stop this match!"

Kylran stood up and stopped the students from attacking. "This is between me and him! No one interferes!"

The students listened to Kylran and retreated back to the audience. Kylran looked at me and scoffed then closed his eyes.

"You're more impressive than I thought, I'll give you that...however, now that I know the extent of your power, it's time that I show you where you truly stand." Kylran said then pointed at me then fired white lasers at me.

The lasers were fired at me at speeds of light and I couldn't dodge then in time. I groaned as he hit me with the lasers then appeared in front of at light speeds then palmed my chest. I groaned as multiple delayed strikes hit my body, blowing me away. He appeared in front of me then kicked me to the ground and grunted as my aura pushed him backwards.

I flew toward him and we clashed rapidly. He parried my next strike then rushed me with light speed strikes then kicked me away. He flew toward me then went for a kick, but hit a decoy and looked up and noticed me charging up a full power Dragon Cannon.

I bellowed and gripped my wrist. "Dragon Cannon!"

I fired a massive beam of draconic energy at him then he fired a beam of light to collide with my Dragon Cannon. The two beams entered a struggle, but Kylran's was obviously stronger. Dearie boosted my Condition to its highest possible level and Baphomet assisted me by merging her Dragon Burst with my Dragon Cannon.

"No matter how strong you get, you'll never win!" Kylran bellowed.

"Dragon Boost...50%!" I bellowed and groaned as veins began to grow on my neck and arms. The amount of heat my body produced began to stress my body out in ways that harmed me physically.

Kylran grunted as he noticed my attack pushing back, but he used his full power to break through my Dragon Cannon then struck me. I groaned as I was hit then a massive explosion happened. Kylran panted and watched me fall from the smoke cloud and aimed at me once again, but heard Irma's roar.

"That's enough!" Irma said then warped toward me and caught my body. She noticed I was unconscious and smiled at me. "You'll make a fine student...Felix Ryujin."

Layla sighed on relief as Irma stopped the battle. She smiled at me and sat down. "That was amazing...yet so scary to watch..~"

Kylran scoffed and crossed his arms. 'That Human's power is unreal... I've never struggled to defeat anyone except Irma. Whoever this guy really is...I have to kill him immediately when I get the chance. He is a problem...'


I woke up on a futon bed and sat up, holding my head. I grunted softly and looked around then noticed I was in a room.

"Finally awake huh? You really showed out against Kylran. A Rank F...going toe to toe with a Rank A like him. I wasn't expecting you to last even five minutes, but I was proven wrong..~" Irma said as she prepared some tea for me.

I looked at Irma then looked around for Dearie and Baphomet. "Where are they..?"

"With Layla." Irma answered then walked toward me and sat down at the low tea table. "Join me, we have a lot to discuss."

I got out of the bed and walked over to the table and sat down with her. "Does this mean you'll train me?"

"I can see your hidden potential. You're a unique case when it comes down to fighting. While others can't freely raise their attributes like you can, it would seem you hold a rare trait. Your overall can become higher than your actual Rank...after this training, you will become stronger than you realize." Irma answered then poured a cup of tea for me and her.

I stayed silent and closed my eyes. "Honestly, I just don't want to hear his voice anymore...but in this battle...he helped me."

Irma giggled softly and sighed. "Cheshur is a unique kind of Monster. He isn't necessarily evil like many may believe. Cheshur is a Trickster, he only does what he believes is right and he sees your potential. Cheshur will even go against his own master just to make her mad."

"You believe that?" I asked.

"It's hard to deny it when I lived through it. After Wonderland merged with Madriax, his presence had caused Madness for many. Only those that are strong-willed can endure his banter and if you manage to endure it, he ends up respecting you. That's just the kind of monster he is. All he wants to do is play games." Irma shrugged then sipped her tea.

"So you believe he likes me because I am able to endure his taunting and bantering?" I asked.

"You sure ask a lot of questions." Irma said as she set down her cup.

I looked down and stared at my reflection in the tea. "I mean I am still new to everything in the outside world. I'm new to just figuring out how I can make my goal become a reality."

"Which is?" Irma asked.

"To walk simply enjoy life with my sister and everyone I care about...as well as defeat the Red Dragon that killed my parents. I don't have any out of reach goals like saving the entire multiverse from whatever is endangering it." I said.

"What if it comes to that point where you have to save it to make your dream into a reality?" Irma asked.

I looked at Irma and stayed silent. I haven't even thought of that possibility, but it made sense as I am now a registered Hero. The thought of going toe to toe with a World Bearer was frightening to say the least however.

"I can see where you struggle and it's your Human Side that seems to be holding you back. You lack confidence. Layla explained everything thus far to me and I'm here to tell you that since you're struggling with said confidence outside of battle, I will help you build it up and it starts by learning the ways of a dragon." Irma explained.

I tilted my head and rose an eyebrow.

"Dragons are courageous and prideful creatures, they are also very territorial over their Clans. That also explains why Kylran is so passionate about Layla. Not only is she a Princess, but she used to be a part of his harem and was destined to marry him until you came along and swept her off her feet..~" Irma explained further then smiled at me.

"What are you getting at?" I asked then sipped my tea.

"What this all comes down to for your special training is I'm gonna help you grow confident and that starts with a date. An actual date..~ With me! And not just one, we're going on dates all week. I will become your first girlfriend." Irma said.

I grunted and choked on my tea then coughed. "W-What?!"

"C'mon, you're acting like I'm asking you to marry me on the spot." Irma giggled.

"You might as well be asking that! What will the others think? You dating me and I barely even know you plus, you're older than me...like...way older." I said.

Irma blushed madly and steam came from her ears. "W-What are you talking about? I'm only 21! That's only a three year difference!"

"You're like 50 in—"

Irma covered my mouth and whined. "Who told you that?!"

"Layla." I said muffled as her hand still covered my mouth.

"Okay, yes. I am 50 in reality, but I'm literally locked into my Prime. I can't age past 21 anymore. Besides I can still have fun! You make it sound like I'm just some old lady trying to live her younger years again..!" Irma whined even more.

"I mean...you're like damn there old enough to be my grandma." I said.

"Just shut it mister!" Irma said, feeling extremely embarrassed. "You sure have a mouth on you, I'll tell you that."

I watched her sit back down and looked down. "I just don't know about this. I've only been on one date, if you can even count that as one. I mean I do..."

"Hm? You have been on a date before? With who?" Irma asked.

I took my phone out of my pocket and went to my camera roll and showed Irma a picture of me and Aurelia at the mall together. "Her name is Aurelia."

"Ahh, the leader of Team One. Layla was telling me about her the other day. Seems like she's very close to you, but I guess it wasn't enough to boost your confidence." Irma said.

"Well I'm inexperienced with life in general. Like in a fight, I can enter Do or Die Mode when my life is in danger...but in a normal human setting, I'm a wreck essentially. I just don't want to mess up...and hurt someone." I said.

Irma looked at me then smiled. "That's a part of life. Trying to live your life perfectly is a mistake because even if you don't mess up now you will. You're too focused on being perfect, but you should be focused on being yourself and building your character. I can tell you're an analytical type of person, you truly think before you act...but with me just throw that all out the window."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes~ You don't need to think too hard, just relax and go with the flow of your motion. That is how you achieve Tranquility within yourself. You overthink when you just need to simply relax. You panic and I can see it in your eyes. You just need someone who will toughen you up. You know someone who will help you grow some tough scales on your body." Irma said.

"Listen, I'm gonna help you find your inner peace. Your first step is to control your fear of life. Growing up essentially. The first step of finding Peace is growing your maturity. You were sheltered from what Layla told me so I'm here to break you out of your shell. Once this week is over, you will be a new man..~" Irma added.

I liked the idea of being able to control my fear which I knew was my downfall. I decided to allow Irma to help me find my inner peace by allowing her to help me mature.

"Okay.." I said and smiled. "I'll go along with your plan..."

"Good. Oh and one more thing. If you ever want to come up here on your own, I will grant you special access here at my home via Warp Point. Some days I'll be very busy training my pupils, so feel free to just warp here whenever you miss me, okay?~" Irma asked and smiled at me.

I nodded then Irma registered her house as a Warp Point for me then my phone beeped.

[You now have access to Irma's House!]

"I'll see you tomorrow okay?~" Irma said.

I nodded. "Okay...and thank you again..."

"Don't thank me yet...but you are very welcome~" Irma said with a happy smile on her face.


Pavie dropped me off at my house and I got off her back then pet her. She gave a happy cry and slightly wagged her tail. Layla got off her back as well then smiled.

"Well that was an interesting day..~ You even feel a lot stronger than before..~ The other teams won't know what hit them now..~" Layla said and giggled softly.

"Yeah.." I said and chuckled then looked at Layla.

Layla stared at me, smiling and looked away blushing a bit. "I'm sure Master Irma told you about me, how I'm a Princess of the Vyldru Clan and Village?"

"Yeah she did. That's pretty cool that you're royalty..~" I said and smiled at her.

Layla looked at me and smiled. "Not as cool as being the son of a literal goddess..~"

I chuckled and looked away a bit. "I'm still coming to terms with knowing that fact, but now that I know my origins...I guess I can be put at ease of knowing what I am.."

Pavie watched us then used her tail to push Layla closer to me. Layla grunted as she stumbled forward then I caught her. She looked at me and smiled shyly at me. I smiled back at her then instinctively stroked her hair behind her ear.

"It's only been a week since I've known you and... honestly I like you more than I ever liked Kylran. There's just something about you that draws me in..." Layla said.

"I don't know what that could be, but I guess I can leave it for you to decide." I chuckled softly.

Layla got closer then gave me a peck on my lips then took a few steps back. "I'll see you later..~"

"Yeah...definitely..~" I said and smiled.

Layla mounted on Pavie's back then she waved at me and I waved back. I watched Pavie fly off and sighed softly. Dearie nudged me and smiled at me. I looked at Dearie and smiled back then looked at Baphomet.

"Well, I guess the shy guy is learning to become more comfortable in his own skin~" Dearie teased.

"Oh shut it..." I chuckled and blushed.

Baphomet giggled and placed her hands on her hips. "It's true~ Plus we know about your date tomorrow, we were eavesdropping~"

"C'mon!" I said.

"We can't miss important dates like these! We gotta be there as your number one supporters, aside from Bea." Dearie said and smiled at me.

"I'm glad you realize you can't beat Bea when it comes down to supporting me." I chuckled and walked toward my porch.

"Well..." Baphomet said in a joking manner.

"Yeah whatever...~" I chuckled and walked into my house to tell Bea about my day.