
World's Revelation

The World is changing for the worst. It is nearing impossible to survive in this world. Common animals have turned into beasts, monsters from other dimensions have began to fall upon Earth, and worst of all there are no heroes strong enough to actually stop them. A group of humans, strangers to one another, have been called forth as this generation's final hope. The group of new heroes have little to no experience in battle, but the only way to survive is to learn of the hardships of battle. They learn that the World's Revelation has begun. They learn that they are the only hope humanity has left. Survival of the fittest and teamwork are the only way to survive now. Only the strongest will move on and the weak are mere meat shields. Will these humans be able to stop the Revelation?

WonderSuru · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Bea's Training

The night struck and we all went back to Gennesir to rest. Aurelia was extremely restless and couldn't sleep at all. She walked down to the kitchen to get a drink of water then noticed me sitting at the table talking to Dearie and Baphomet.

"Felix? You're up too?" Aurelia asked and walked toward me.

I looked at Aurelia then smiled. "I share a room with Bea and I didn't want to wake her up..."

Aurelia smiled at me then gently rubbed my head. "Mind if I join you..?~"

"Go ahead..~ I'm not stopping you.." I said.

Aurelia smiled at me then hurried over to get a glass of water then made her way back over to the table. She sat down next to me and held her glass with both hands. I noticed she was so tense, almost like she couldn't keep herself together.

"You know the hardest part about being a Princess? You have to meet a certain standard because everyone sees you a a Superior Being, but circumstances are different between Princesses..." Aurelia said and stared at her glass.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We are all doomed to repeat history one way or another. The Original Belle and Rapunzel fought a lot growing up. Beauty was just so outgoing, she just didn't care about the rules while Rapunzel was the exact opposite. Me and Zella are following that path, but not for the reasons Rapunzel and Belle fought." Aurelia said.

"What was their reason for fighting?" I asked.

"A being disguised as Rapunzel seduced The Beast and killed him for the Wonder Star in his Temple causing Belle and Rapunzel to have an all out war between their two nations. This was before Rapunzel even moved over to what was once called Royal Greens." Aurelia explained.

I looked at Aurelia and sensed her unwillingness to fight Zella. "You don't have to fight her...besides we have more important things to deal with like growing our name and Rank. We've got to get our names off the hit list."

"I know, but I have something to prove. I have everything to prove as a Princess. Well I'm not an official Princess until I've passed the Royal Test, but I still wield the Scarlet Rose..! I want to save my best friend..." Aurelia said.

"Let's just go through with it. After all, we are defending our name here." Dearie said.

"We can worry about everything else later. We need to focus on you getting stronger because while certain monsters here are relatively weak, the heroes and special class monsters are not." Baphomet said.

"And you aren't the strongest in the world. You start suppressed at the beginning of every fight. Your Base Level. You only grow as the fight goes on so you can't be getting too cocky. Not against a Princess." Dearie added.

I looked at Dearie and Baphomet then smiled. "I got that, but I just don't want Aurelia doing something she doesn't want to do.."

Aurelia looked at me and blushed a bit. "Felix..."

I stood up and gently rubbed her hair. I leaned down and kissed her lips. "I'll be stand beside you the entire time..~ You won't be alone, My Beauty..~"

[Bond with Aurelia has increased...]

[Status UP! Aurelia Status: Best Friend with Benefits.]

Aurelia blushed even more and smiled. "I know you will, My Beast..~"

"I'll see you in the morning~" I said then walked off.

Aurelia waved and watched me walk away. She looked at her watch then a digital screen appeared in front of her. "We aren't going to lose...I believe in him..."

{Act 24: Bea's Training}


The next day I woke up and rolled over to see Bea still asleep. This was the longest I've ever seen her sleep, but before she was always busy with Golden Rock. I moved her hair from her eyes then smiled at Bea.

I got out of bed then began to get ready for the day. Dearie woke Baphomet up and Baphomet opened one eye then reverted back to her HDS Form. After getting ready, we went downstairs to see if anyone else was up.

Leonie was up preparing breakfast for everyone, but she was wearing her casual royal dress and had her hair up in a bun. She even hummed a soft tune and was accompanied by songbirds and parrots harmonizing with her.

Leonie looked so elegant, so attractive...I couldn't take my gaze off her. Leonie soon noticed me standing by the kitchen entrance then smiled at me.

"Felix..~ Good morning, did you sleep well last night?~" Leonie asked.

"I uhm...yeah..! I slept great..~" I said then looked away with an awkward laugh.

Leonie smirked and turned off the stove. "I see even your instincts betray you~ It's okay to be attracted to me, Beast..~ I am an unclaimed Queen after all~"

"I don't know..." I said and looked at Leonie.

Leonie smiled and shrugged. "Stay in denial then, but you'll understand that to be a true beast, you'll need to be in tune with your instincts~"

"Whatever you say..." I said, still blushing.

Leonie rolled her eyes and smiled then walked to the table to get the table prepared for breakfast. Leonie made a feast for breakfast to celebrate our true first day as Team Ryujin. I couldn't wait to eat as it all looked and smelled amazing to me.

Everyone else began to come downstairs as they smelled what Leonie had prepared. It was nice seeing everyone come down, we truly felt like a team now. We all got seated and thanked Leonie for the food.

We began to eat together, making small talk about our plans for the day. It was an amazing experience to enjoy breakfast with everyone.

[Bond with Team Ryujin has increased...]

"That was delicious! I feel energized enough to start my daily training!~" Bea said and grinned. "Speaking of training...Felix, I want you to join me!~"

I nodded and smiled. "Okay~"

Aurelia looked at Bea shyly then cleared her throat. "Uhm...can I join as well?"

"Me too!~" Layla said and smiled.

"Sure, but we aren't gonna be doing anything spectacular or anything. I'm just gonna help Felix with some techniques and such." Bea said.

"I still don't mind coming, I wanna see how you two train~" Layla said.

"I'm curious as well. I've never even seen you fight before now that I think of it." Aurelia said.

Bea chuckled and shrugged. "Alright, alright~ You can come, I might as well take in a few extra pupils~ Anyone else want to join?"

No one else wanted to join us for Bea's training so it was just us four.

"You all can go ahead, I can clean this all up myself~" Leonie said.

"You sure, I can standby and assist." I said.

Leonie smiled at me and squished my cheek. "Aren't you so adorable..~"

I blushed and stood up. "Nevermind, Bea let's go."

Bea giggled and looked at Leonie. "I'll see you later."

"Likewise~" Leonie said then stood up to clean up.


We all stood in an open area that was still close to our home. Bea took a scroll out of her bag then tossed it to me. I caught it then opened it and read the technique name.

"Ryujin Flash Strike. A Taijutsu Technique." I said as I read the scroll.

"It is a very effective technique, but even I haven't truly mastered the true capabilities of the technique. It is one of the most basic techniques, yet the most complex. It's the first technique you learn actually." Bea said and smiled.

"How does it work?" Aurelia asked and tilted her head.

Bea made a clone of herself using her energy then walked backwards. "I'll show you."

Bea dashed toward the dummy and surrounded her hands in Ryujin Energy then began to strike her clone. She tried to get the timing down then exerted her energy into her fist, striking the clone with a powerful blow. Golden lightning flashed from the spot where the clone was struck, making the clone recoil backwards.

"Whoa...the output of that strike..." Layla said.

"Each successful strike makes your attack potency increase by 120% while powering up yourself by 1% per successful strike landed. That's what makes Ryujin Flash Strike so great. It always deals critical damage each time it lands." Bea explained.

'If Bea hasn't even mastered this technique, then I know I'm in for it...' I thought to myself.

"Are you ready to try it out?" Bea asked and crossed her arms.

"Yeah." I nodded and read the scroll. "I need maximum concentration for this don't I?"

"The timing is very strict. You need to exert your energy 0.1 seconds before impact. It also has a second effect that I haven't mastered. If you exert your energy 0.001 seconds before impact, a second impact will land and deal double the damage, boosting your power by 5%." Bea said.

I closed the scroll then closed my eyes. The scroll shined and Draconic Symbols flew out of the scroll and entered my body, allowing me to utilize Ryujin Flash Strike. I looked at the clone of Bea and got into my stance. I concentrated onto channelling my Ryujin Energy around my hands.

Bea watched me and smiled. She watched as I dashed toward her clone. I struck the clone and no effect.

"I made it so my clone only takes damage to Ryujin Flash Strike. If you want to deal damage, you need to get the timing down!" Bea instructed.

I kept striking and exerting my energy, getting nothing but heavy blows and knock backs. No matter how fast I exerted my energy it wasn't fast enough to trigger the technique. After a few more attacks, I stepped back and recovered my stamina.

"Man this timing is crazy. 0.1 seconds?" I said then looked at the clone.

"Don't give in. I think I know a way to help you land at least one and it requires me." Dearie said.

I looked at Dearie and she nodded at me. I smiled then nodded back. I looked at the clone then dashed toward her. I went for a palm strike and Dearie slowed down time.

"Exert now!" Dearie called out.

I landed the blow and exerted my energy then golden lightning flashed, blowing the clone back. The clone grunted and slid backwards then fell onto one knee. I looked at my hand and noticed golden and red energy flowing around my hand.

"You landed it, with Dearie's help~ You did land it no matter what I say~ However the trial isn't over..~ Now I want to you land at least five Ryujin Flash Strikes while she's attacking as well." Bea said.

"Five, consecutively? I needed Dearie's help for one..." I said.

"Do you want to defeat Zella and Regina? You've got to want this badly! Before we barely did any training because of Hero Trials, but now we have time. I'm your instructor now! It's time we get stronger the right way instead of abusing our traits!" Bea said.

I grunted and nodded. "I got it, Sis.."

Bea smiled and lowered her arms. "Now rush out there and defeat my clone! You won't be able to defeat her alone...Layla, Aurelia. You both jump in as well!"

Layla smiled and hurried toward me and stood beside me. "We are getting a chance to fight against THE Bea Knight!"

"This is actually kinda exciting, way better than my training regimen~" Aurelia said as she stood on the other side of me.

"She can take damage, but you need to deal Five Ryujin Flash Strikes to defeat her!" Bea called out.

I nodded and looked at Bea's clone then had a flashback to when we first trained together. I shook my head then smiled. "We are past that now...I can let loose."

Bea nodded and crossed her arms. "Show her what you're made of!"

I smirked then dashed toward the clone and surrounded myself in Ryujin Energy then went for the first strike, but she dodged it and kicked me away then palmed my stomach landing a perfect Ryujin Flash Strike then the second impact blew me away. Layla caught me and slid backwards grunting.

I grunted softly and got out of Layla's arm. Layla smiled at me and gently held onto me. I reassured her that I was okay then sensed an attack then pushed Layla out of the way, dodging the sword Bea's clone threw at us.

"No way I'm letting you get away with that one!" I called out then smiled.

Bea's clone smiled at me then dashed toward me. I dashed toward her and clashed with her. Bea went for another strike then grunted when she was hit with a powerful Scarlet Bullet. Aurelia walked forward toting her signature firearm, the Scarlet Gunsword.

"Don't forget about me." Aurelia said then smirked.

The clone smirked at Aurelia then dodged Aurelia's slash and kicked her away then rushed toward me. I dodged her attacks then hit her with a shoulder strike then golden lightning flashed. The clone groaned as they were knocked back then grunted as Aurelia landed a headshot, blowing the clone away.

"Come on! I know you all can do more! Show me more!" Bea coached.

I dashed toward the clone and jumped up. I smirked then my body glitched and I swapped placed with Layla who came down then landed a powerful blow on Bea's clone. The clone stumbled then groaned as Aurelia landed a powerful slash on her, blowing her away. The clone hit a wall of light then I emerged from her shadow then landed a powerful blow to her back.

Powerful golden lightning flashed from her back then she was blown forward. I flew after the clone then used my shadows to pull the clone back down. I landed two more Ryujin Flash Strike then knocked her away.

"Just one more!" Bea called out.

I roared loudly then rose my hand in the air and my charged Ryujin Energy surged powerfully around my hand. I lowered my hand then gripped my wrist. Golden and red lightning surrounded my hand then I grunted as high winds blew. "Ryujin Arts!"

Aurelia grunted as I dashed toward the clone and felt the powerful winds as I dashed past her. "All of that energy!"

"Pure Dragon Energy!" Layla said excitedly.

The clone smirked then clapped her hands together and expanded her energy. She surrounded herself inside a protective barrier of Ryujin Energy.

"Even though I am not a dragon like you, I am still a Ryujin Hybrid!" Bea called out.

"Ryujin Flash Crush: 10%!" I bellowed and struck her barrier.

"Ryujin Flash Crush, only usable when you've stored at least 10% of energy and each strike takes one percent away. You think you break her barrier in ten strikes?!" Bea called out.

"Just watch!" I bellowed then began to strike her barrier, doing minimum damage to it. "Dragon Boost: 30%!"

Red energy surged powerfully around my body then I struck her barrier again, cracking it. I smirked and was about to strike it again, but Aurelia called out to me.

"Move! I'm gonna save you two more attack!" Aurelia said then set up her Scarler Sniper.

I moved out of the way quickly and watched Aurelia then noticed her Wonder Energy spiralling around the barrel of her sniper. The Scarlet Rose Symbol shined on her hand. I noticed a few roses sprouting around her.

Aurelia concentrated heavily on the weak spot of the clone's barrier. She concentrated so intensely, she began to drool then a drop of her drool fell upon a rose then it shined brightly.

"Wonder Arts: Scarlet Break!" Aurelia bellowed then fired a powerful bullet at the crack of the clone's barrier.

The impact of the bullet caused a shockwave then the shockwave shattered the barrier. The clone looked surprised then I dashed toward the clone. Bea's close became alert to me, but couldn't move. She looked down and noticed my Shadow pinning hers.

"Ryujin Flash Crush!" I bellowed and landed the final attack on the clone then powerful golden and red energy surged around us.

The clone grunted softly then disappeared as she was defeated. Bea smiled and nodded as she heard us cheering. I looked at my hands then felt the power of the Ryujin Flash Strike surging through my veins.

"Your body is rapidly adapting to the technique..~ That's another things we Ryujin Clan members have. Adaptive Learning. You see how fast you learned how to use Ryujin Flash Strike and its Dragon Arts? I want you to remember this feeling as we train from now on..~ We will move on when you've mastered that technique..~" Bea said as she walked toward us.

I looked at Bea then chuckled softly. "It feels nice to actually learn how to use an ability, although it is more fun to find our new techniques on the fly like I've been doing..~"

Bea gently rubbed my hair and nodded. "Now how about we all go a few rounds?~ Now I wanna fight!~"

"Bring it on, Sis~ You can't beat all three of us together~" I said.

"Oh yeah? Enough talk, let's get right to action!~" Bea said as she caught me off guard with a playful tackle.

I laughed as I was put on the ground. "No fair! No fair! Help me!"

Aurelia snickered and helped Bea playfully attack me. "No way I'm getting on her bad side!~"

"Yeah, sorry Felix!~" Layla giggled.

The four of enjoyed playing around outside together. It has been a while since I've even had this much fun. It truly felt like a new start..

[Bond with Layla has increased...]

[Bond with Bea has greatly increased...]

[Bond with Aurelia has increased...]

[New Technique(s) Available: Ryujin Flash Rush, Shadow Ryujin Flash, Wonder Warp Strike, Wonder Arts: Maddening Wonder Crush]