
World's First Space Mage

Set in a modern day world, the future earth is exposed to magic, bringing forth mage professions, and even magical beasts. The world has changed massively. Join Alexandria, a hard working student who dreams to become an astronaut traveling the stars, on her journey through life as she tries to make that dream a reality.

DaoistReEeSeMe · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Steadily Training

Arriving upstairs, and heading to her room, Alexis locks the door behind her. Getting into her meditative position, she starts trying to visualize the wind elements but from within her inner world. Visualizing the smooth playful tickle of the air being brushed about within the room, and all around her. Feeling the wind elements slowly starting to converge on her, she thinks. 'Now how do I begin making my ring for wind magic? Blood magic I remember was quite easy, as I just made a tiny copy of myself as the ring using 13,337 blood magic elements, and did the same exact thing for my second ring. Water magic was a bit harder, but I came up with a world of water, that had a moon of water over it, I needed to absorb for a really long time though, as it took 55,500 water elements just to finish the outline of the world and moon, thankfully training while in the bath works really well, although it did take some 5-6 years just to get this far with that method.'

While thinking of her past experiences in forming her magic rings, she continues to visualize the wind elements, and draw them into her inner world. 'For now I should just get as many wind elements as I can, and I can work on forming the ring when I have absorbed a good amount.'

Placing aside any distracting thoughts, Alexis continues to draw in and absorb the wind elements flowing through the air, although not many, she is still able to keep a pace of around five elements absorbed an hour, while not a lot, comparatively most would not even be able to absorb one in an area as unsaturated in wind elements as this one.

After a few hours, taking a break to eat, Alexis then resumes her training throughout the night until early morning.

Tiredly making her way to school, it seems nothing much is going on other than the teachers wanting everyone to be ready for the pre-finals beginning next week.

Arriving back home after another successful school and work day, Alexis sees her mother.

"Hey mom, look what I got" Holding up a white envelope, Alexis smiles.

"Oh did your check come out today, how much did you get this week dear?" asks Alice

"Just 200, but should be enough to finish paying this months rent considering dad sold a couple insurance policies earlier this month." Alexis holds her hand in a fist, with her thumb raised straight up.

Passing the envelope to her mother, Alexis says "By the way, I'll be doing some more studying tonight, if you could just leave my dinner in the microwave like last night, thanks mom!"

"Oh honey, don't study all the time, you need to take a break every once in a while, why not go next door, Sasha was talking about going shopping next weekend, do you wanna go check out the stores with her? You should interact more with the neighbors sweaty"

"Sure mom, but it will have to be after the Pre-finals are done with, anyway I'm off to do a studyathon." waving with one hand she runs up the stairs.

"Great! I'll let her know, don't overwork your self up there now. By the way, I'll leave a chocolate mint on top of the microwave, eat it once you finish your dinner." Alice half shouts up the stairs, as Alexis is making her way to her bedroom.

Doing another hard night of training wind magic, but still not having any new ideas for what to make her wind ring, Alexis continues to absorb wind elements very late into the night, even later than the night before.

"Alexandria, come get your breakfast and say bye to your father before he goes to work!" Her mother shouts from downstairs.

After waking up for a little bit, Alexis hurry's down the stairs. "Hey dad, you leaving for work already on a Saturday?" Alexis looks at her father quizzically.

"Silly, it's already almost the afternoon, you've already slept the morning away. Now make sure and help your mother with the chores today, I have a good feeling I'm going to make some good sales at the shopping district, so I may be home a little late."

"OK, see ya when you get home dad."

Seeing her dad leave, she hops up to her mother, and pokes her sides with her fingers. "Whatcha need help with before I do some more studying ma?"

Putting down the dish towel, her mother looks around, and says. "Oh you could clean off the patio, and water the plants, while I finish drying these dishes."

Eyelids raising, Alexis realizes she can use this chore to also practice her wind and water magic, swiftly arriving at the backdoor, she puts on her shoes and hops outside while shouting across the living room "Leave it to me ma!".

Envisioning what she needs the wind elements to do, Alexis raises her hand and evokes her wind ring. An isolated gust of wind quickly springs into life, moving back and fro across the patio, blowing away all the leaves and dirt that had accumulated.

This time raising her left hand, and thinking about mini rain clouds drizzling on the water plants, she thrusts her palm forward. Immediately after mists of water form and start raining down on all the potted plants.

Smiling, she thinks to herself. 'Heh to easy'

Going in and waving at her mother who had turned around when she heard the door open. "Hey I'm all done, I'm heading up to my room to get some more studying done."

"OK Alexi" Her mother smiles while turning back around to the dishes.

Sensing light on her closed eye lids, Alexis awakens realizing she must have fallen asleep while training last night.

Heading downstairs, it seems her parents let her sleep in today as they are both on the couch watching the television.

Noticing her first, her father smiles at her and says. "Looks who's finally decided to grace us with there presence."

"How'd your day go yesterday?" Alexis asks, knowing that her dads hunches are accurate more often than not, she's hopeful that he had some good sales.

"Haha" laughing he raises his fist in the air above his head and says "I got one, your moms still trying to decide what to get for dinner now, why don't the both of you go to the market and pick something delicious out."

"Oh I've still got to train, especially the pre-finals will be starting next week. But I haven't had homemade meatloaf in a while, can we get that, pretty please?" She asks while widening her eyes and wearing a big ol smile.

"That sounds perfect, I still have most of the ingredients, but someone will have to go pickup the hamburger meat, I remember the local food market had some going on sale for the weekend." Her mother says.

"I'll pick it up before I start training then" Alexis says as she heads for the door.

Her father passes her a 20 dollar bill before she finishes putting on her shoes.

Heading towards the local market, she sees playing on the ad screen a fight between a lion-headed snake that is around ten feet tall, and a mage using water magic. The mage throws a water ball that expands around the snakes head, the mage then closes their eyes and makes a fist with their right hand. The water freezes and explodes into a flurry of white dust that soon evaporates, when the mist like white dust finally disappears, the snakes entire head can no longer be seen as its body drops to the ground.

While continuing on towards the local market, she thinks to herself that the lion head on that snake looked pretty cool encased in ice. But without dallying to much she hurry's on to the market to pick up the hamburger.

Arriving back home with the hamburger, she waves to her parents, and heads upstairs to get back to training.

'I wonder if I could make my next ring in the form of a lion head' Wondering while drawing in the nearby water elements, she starts to come up with ideas for her tier II water ring.