
world's Apart

Dawn a final year student in high school came across an arrogant and proud rich child also the same age as hers but the twist is they met on the internet through chatapp. Dawn with the innocent mind of making friends with this guy she has never met before fell in love with him without realizing it. Wilson Jackson a proud and arrogant rich child was enrolled into Adventist High school, a public school to make him realise the struggles of other students and to teach him a lesson. Dawn and Jackson met in real life but unknowing to them they are chat buddies on chatapp.

Tifewasp1 · Teen
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3 Chs


I woke up to the sensational smell of fried eggs and baking. Getting off my bed, eyes half opened as I headed out and went straight into the kitchen. I saw my mom, her back against me in her apron. I tiptoed towards her and gave her a hug from behind.

"Ah! you startled me Dawn"

"Hehe, well I just wanted to greet my sweet mom a good morning"

I let go of her and went to sit on the dinning table ready to eat my breakfast.

"Mom, where is Dad"

I asked out of curiosity, searching the room for my dad. I looked at my mom and saw the disappointed frown on her face. I instantly realised what was going on.

"he's with her right??"

"Dawn, just let your father be, he's going to come home sooner or later"

hearing this from my mom made me furious and agitated. I stood up and angrily slammed my hand on the table.

"It has been 3 days now and he isn't back home! are you just going to allow him to toss you around!!!, mom we both know where he is, I just can't take this anymore"

My mom smiled to me, making me feel more irritated.

"Dawn, please enjoy your breakfast, you have a long day ahead, do not bother yourself with all this. It's between I and your dad dear"

Sh*t, why does she always have to hide her feelings away from me. If I feel this bad about what my dad is doing, how is my mom feeling now, probably like poop. Sigh I am only controlling my tears because I want to stay strong for my mom and be there for her.

I finished up my breakfast as fast as I could and went back to my room to prepare for school. I am the only child of my parents and my family isn't well off, infact we are the closest to what you can call poor. So technically I can't afford going to an expensive school or having a extravagant lifestyle like most of my peers. That's why I have no other choice but to attend Adventist public Highschool. Don't get me wrong, it's a great school, but maybe not as fancy and expensive like private highschools.

At long last am in 12th grade, after facing a lot of hardships and sleepless nights to get to where I am now. Things has gotten worst for I and my mom because of my dad's irresponsible actions and negligence to his family's needs by welcoming a mistress into the family. He has totally forgotten about I and my mom, and I only get to see him rarely. My mom was always there to support him when he needed her and she had always been by his side when he needed her the most and now he has forgotten that same woman who has always struggled with him when he needed help just like yesterday's newspaper, how ridiculous. Just seems to show that there is no such thing as true love. if this is what love is really all about, I guess am not yet ready to feel this way, to have this feeling called love...