
3. HER

"Be gentle with yourself, you're doing the best you can"

~~~~~~unknown ~~~~~~

I walked back to Meena's office so that she could show me my work space and sure enough that angry look had not left her face one bit. It was like she had been frozen in one spot. She huffed in annoyance at my presence and stopped whatever it is that she was doing.

I followed her out as she lead us out of her office and opened the earlier door opposite the office of Mr Maxwell. I was really grateful to have my own working space far away from Meena and possibly the boss as well.

"You can stop acting nice now Aria . I know the likes of you that pretend to be all innocent. You're just a gold digger and that's how you got this job. But I'll warn you again stay away from him" I was utterly disgusted by her circling me like I was some prey and running her hands along my hair.

But seriously these problem knew nothing about me . Honestly they both deserved each other for all I could care. " Listen here Meena, I'm only here to do my job and neither do you know me that well as well so find somewhere else to pin your stereotype and let me do my work in peace.

I left her standing and opening and closing her mouth like some fish. She then glared at me and stomped her way out not forgetting to bang the door on the way out.

I looked around noticing that most of the stationary I wanted to buy had already been provided so I made note cards on how I should plan Mr Maxwell's schedule, preference of his coffee. Luckily it was all included in his diary.

I went through some of his emails and answered most of them, forwarding the personal ones to him. Sooner than later it was midday when I heard Mr Maxwell's voice booming through the intercom calling my name.

I scrambled out of my seat and stepped out of my office to see Meena snickering and entering her own office.

I knocked briefly and entered to see a furious Mr Maxwell tightly gripping his desk with so much force that it would probably come apart any moment soon.

He immediately stood up from his seat on eve I had fully entered his office. His hair that was neatly combed back earlier this morning was now disheveled and his clothes slightly wrinkled.

"Ms Moneigh, I will only ask once. Why did you send the email to Mr Miller; our most top investor refusing his proposal about the plans for the construction of the new hotel?" He continued circling me as I froze in the middle of the room. What was he even talking about .

"Answer me!" I flinched from his tone and visibly jumped back a little from him. He really looked like he wanted to hit me.

" I really do not know what you are talking about sir , please believe me. I really do not even know who Mr Miller is" I could not even muster up any courage to look at him so I put my head down.

"Really you have to come up with a better excuse than that because Mr Miller himself called to say that the email was forwarded to him by my personal assistant."

I really could not explain myself since he had already set his mind. I did not mind what people said about me but I did not like being blamed for something that I had not done. It brought bad memories.

"You will call Mr Miller and find a way to fix this. Now get out of my sight" he turned around growling at me. Seriously he was either growling, glaring and snapping at me.

I let myself out of the office and first stood outside wondering how I was going to even fix this mess. Meena walked out of her office literally cackling before she went into the elevator.

Everything suddenly made sense. Her earlier snickering before I went in . She really wanted me gone and I had no doubt that this wasn't even the worst she could do.

Sighing, I went into my office and started writing an apology letter. I found the address number of Mr Miller's office. Guess I'll be missing lunch today.

I picked up my coat and purse and stepped out of the company building to walk to where Mr Miller's office since it was nearly a twenty minute walk.

Reaching there I told the reception why i was there. Lucky enough Mr Miller was free and I was immediately directed to his office.

I mustered enough courage, squared my shoulders and knocked on his door . I opened the door and let myself in when I heard an it's open.

Mr Miller was an old man probably in his mid fifties with his sandy brown hair nearly turning grey and light green eyes. He was sat behind his desk and immediately stopped what he was doing to stand up and usher me into a seat.

"Good Afternoon Mr Miller, um ... well my name is Aria Moneigh; Mr Maxwell's personal secretary. I am really sorry for the inconvenience caused earlier and probably wasting your time.." I trailed off not wanting to embarrass myself however, he urged me to go on.

"Well that email that you received today was meant to be a verification of Mr Maxwell taking up your proposal and setting up a possible date for a meeting. Please forgive me??" I hopefully said to him offering the white envelope of the apology letter knowing that if I screwed this up the boss would chew my head off.

He just chuckled lightly and put the letter in his drawer. "Do you by any chance know a Steve Maraboli " I shook my head no. Suddenly confused whether I was supposed to know him or not.

"Well that's not important. He once said; Behavior speaks.. Before you even open your mouth, your actions have already told me who you are and what you're about. Simply and plainly. I'm sure this predicament was just a misunderstanding and there's nothing you need to worry about. I'll call Orion myself "

I was really humbled by this man's kindness that tears sprung up in my eyes. He really reminded me of my own grandparents before the incident occurred.

I was snapped out of my daze by a warm hand on my shoulder and a handkerchief appearing in front of my face . I quickly wiped my eyes with the given handkerchief and stood up clearing my throat.

"Don't worry Aria, whatever is going on will be okay. So grab your stuff we're going out for lunch . You have probably not eaten yet and it's almost half past one. " He said also grabbing things. I wanted to argue with him but the look he gave me said otherwise.

I followed him out of his office and a homey restaurant just opposite his building complex. Honestly I was a bit shocked since I thought he would choose a fancier place for himself.

We soon sat down and I decided to try his usual which was steak with mashed potatoes. The simplicity of Mr Miller really amazed and impressed me in just the short time I had interacted with him.

Sooner than I would've wanted I had to go back to the office .

"Looks like I'll be seeing you soon Aria,and please you don't have to call me Mr Miller all the time. Sounds so formal . I insist"

Leaving me again with no room to argue I waved at him and walked back to the office contented with how everything had turned. Walking into the company building, I waved to Kristy who waved back at me with a wide smile on her face.

I quietly slipped into my office after taking the elevator to our floor. I really had no idea what I was supposed to do in this time till work hours ended since the mail wasn't pending and most meetings would be in between Wednesday and Friday.

I took my seat at the desk and noticed a yellow sticky note stuck on the desk.

"Go to finance and validate the reports that the finance head will give you. I need them read and corrected in time for Next week Thursday's meeting

This was definitely from the boss because no one else could intimidate people in all ways possible even through notes.

I just decided to take the elevator to any lift since I did not know where the finance floor. I went to the 27th floor and was directed to the 19th floor . I greeted some of the workmates that were walking past me;asking them for the office of the finance head.

Since the office I was directed to was slightly opened , I pushed the door fully to step in at the same time someone pulled the door to step out resulting in both of us colliding . This led me spiraling down however, before I could meet the ground, rough calloused hands were quick to my rescue.

"Easy there tiger, " the warm voice of the stranger filled my ears as I gathered myself up and stepped away slightly to meet his gaze. He was really charming with ash blond hair and blue eyes.

"I'm Aria and I am the personal assistant of Mr Maxwell. He sent me here to collect the financial reports for the previous and ongoing projects. " I introduced myself to him when we went back into the office.

"Well I will get them for you since Bernard our head isn't. By the way My name's Ethan it's a pleasure meeting you Ms beautiful."

I playfully roll my eyes at his antics and waited as he stepped out to grab the files.

He came back almost immediately and my eyes nearly popped out. This was seriously a punishment all these files were too many to be validated in a week's time.

I put all the files in a box and Ethan offered to help me with the box.

"So how does it feel like working for the boss" he casually started while falling into step with me .

"I can't even explain it . But I'm sure you understand " retorting with a slight chuckle while I stepped into the elevator.

"You haven't seen the last of me Aria " he then added with a terrible laughter impression of an evil witch when the elevator doors began closing.

He was so easy going and I could tell we were going to be great friends.

I went back to my floor and started organizing the files from the projects that began earlier last year till this year when the projects will be finalized in November.

By the time I was finished organizing these files it was a little over 8:00 pm and work had ended two hours ago. I picked out everything I needed at home and took one file such that I could start validation.

The whole building was really empty with nearly all lights switched off. Hearing footsteps I turned abruptly to see Ethan carrying his brief case. I was really startled .

"Aria I'm sorry I scared you. The look on your face was priceless though." He was now full on laughing as he walked to where I was near the entrance.

"As a way to apologize allow me to take you home . It is quite late and it's not safe as well" he offered as he pulled the door open allowing me to step out. The cold harsh air nipped at my skin making me pull my coat tighter around myself.

"I don't want to inconvenience you Ethan besides I'll just take the bus and my place is far and...."

"Shhhhh, do you hear that" I shook my head no confused as to what he was talking about. "It's the sound of silence. So peaceful. Sorry Aria but you were rambling too much. Now hop on and I'm not taking no for an answer. Even though you keep glaring at me "

I had no energy to even begin arguing with him so I entered his passenger seat when he Opened the door for me and snapped the seat belt on. Ethan copied my actions and was now reversing from the parking lot.

Looking out of the window, I met the cold stare of Mr Maxwell. I nearly jumped in my seat at his presence.

He stood tightly fisting his hands and glaring at Ethan and I .

If looks could kill, the car would have probably blown up in flames at his glares.