
14 HIM

“I think I have, like, extra feelings”


Her eyes widened when she took me in, mirroring my expression. Of all things I expected tonight, seeing Aria was definitely not among them. Seeing her here, the warm glimmer of her houselights giving her an ethereal effect, my insides instantly turned mushy. When Aria cleared her throat I realized that I was still standing at her front door gaping at her like a fish out of water. I quickly shut my mouth and shifted my stance.

“Mr. Maxwell, what are you d—

“Good evening Aria” we both said at the same time and a small chuckle left my lips when she turned a little red.

“Ladies first” I continued before she had the chance to make me go first. I honestly just lived for such a moment. Being in her presence outside of work. Hey creep, how’re you?