
Working my way up in the student council.... In a magic school!

As the wind blows.. A girl named Akiara climed up a steep building to find hidden treasures. But the thing she fount was the most unique as the others. She had fount a hidden train station.. As she stepped on the train,She was filled with a lot of regret entering it. But.. what she saw when she stepped of the train is the reason why her mum sent her here... May what adventures hid of the mentoring she has to do..

Abbie_Micallef · Urban
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2 Chs

The grand entrance!

Akira looked around and found the letter her mum spoke about it said: To Akira. She gleamed and opens it it said:

The train you was just in led to this beautiful place! Does the Sakura trees looks nice! Anyways.. The reason why you discovers this place and why you was homeschooled learning about magic is because this is the place I attended at your age. What you will be doing here is.. To mentor the students. Think that is exciting well guess what? Your the 40th school council in this school as I applied for it. There are 40 spots in the council make your way up to mentor more people! You also will be a student here. Since you love baking so much I applied you for the magic baking class. Anyways enjoy your time here, and send letters occasionally or else you'll be in for it!

Love by, Your mum.

P.S here is some money since you got a huge job to do! You also get your own dorm here. The dorms are so beautiful! However I have no clue if they changed it.

She found a map and placed the letter in her bag. She followed the map to the school and went into the office she was supposed to go in.

A strange man looked at her

The man:" Greetings! You must be Akitas daughter, the new student and the 40th places school council. I am the principal here at the Hoshi Academy. As part of the student council you'll mentor someone that has very low grades.. Shes called Emica, she has a twin brother aswell Elicho. But he is currently in class. I will be watching you at the back of the room. Make sure you're polite to her. EMICA YOU CAN COME IN!"

Akira took a deep breath and looked at Emica

Akira:" Oh hello, Emica are you happy with me mentoring you ?"

Emica:" I-I'll be glad if you do t-thanks!"

Akira:" So what do you struggle with on your classes? I will try my best to mentor you, I am sorry if I mentor you wrong in any way or Offend you since your the second person I'm every mentoring.."