
Working as a private detective in the fictional world

Reincarnating into a world full of mysteries, Jaxon Cross must find his way to the top to live the hedonistic lifestyle he desperately pleases, with the help of his unreliable system and his own intellect. For additional chapter join my patreon patreon.com/WriteandZen ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ. ⌖ ╾━╤デ╦︻ The novel is a collection of different movies, comics, and even TV series. Including popular movies like Fast and the Furious, Marvel, and various slasher and action movies. ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ. ⌖ ╾━╤デ╦︻ And yes, I've been inspired by "Super Detective in the Fictional World," and many series with similar ideas. But I'll promise you an original take on the series.

Write_and_Zen · Movies
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28 Chs

Solving mysteries, one case at a time

Jaxon stretching his body went downstairs to where the main office was as he let out a long yawn.

"Put some shirt on, you idiot!" Emily threw a shirt his way and he grabbed it before it could hit his face, "Your girlfriend ran away in a hurry, by the way. Did I cause a misunderstanding?"

"Wipe the smug off your face, pipsqueak" Jaxon said as he put on the white t-shirt, "One, you're just a little girl, so I bet she didn't even notice you, two, she isn't my girlfriend."

"Oh, so a one-night stand then?" Emily perked her ears, "But she was too pretty for you to let her go like that, maybe you should ask her out again, you did get her number right?"

"Don't you have school?" Jaxon stared at the little girl in front of him if not for the fact this girl was the real granddaughter of the old man, he would've long kicked her out before she could even say a single word, "And next time, don't just waltz in like you owe the place."

"I do own the place though!" Emily shrugged, "At least half of it, you should decide whether I get the top half or lower office floors, and stop using this place to bring back girls as if this place didn't look enough like a crack house, now you want to upgrade it to a whore house."

"Go to school, before I drag you there myself." Jaxon threatened the girl who clearly wasn't taking him any seriously, "And mind your language! If your dad didn't have any more reasons to hate me already, you might just give him a couple more."

"I was just here to deliver this to you." She said showing him the bunch of business cards he had ordered a while ago, "You must've forgotten to change the address."

"I didn't, I was actually living there if you remember." Jaxon said shaking his head, "But they printed them too late, this is the second batch. It luckily arrived right on time! I already went all over town giving the first batch of cards to every person I come across."

"Jaxon Cross, private detective...Solving mysteries, one case at a time, hahaha." Emily took one of the cards out reading them in his voice as she couldn't help but laugh, "Couldn't you find a better tagline? Oh, the back of the card is even more awesome, Services offered: Investigation and Surveillance, Protection and Security Consulting, Retrieval, and Recovery Services. Specialties: Discreet and Confidential, Quick and Resourceful, Committed to Client Satisfaction,"

"If only people knew the only thing you're good at satisfying yourself... oh and the tagline, No mystery too complex, no challenge too great. I'll uncover the truth for you." Emily had the laugh of her lifetime, nearly crashing onto the floor choking for breath as she couldn't stop laughing.

Jaxon for a minute stood there with his lips twitching till he finally had enough, he grabbed the girl, carrying her over his shoulders and he dropped her out closing the door in her face, and to drive the point home he even turned the close sign around that read, "The Case Files Await! We're Closed!" 

"Petty bastard!" Emily made faces at him through the glass door as she finally ran away.

"That damn girl!" Jaxon shook his head as he looked at his business card, "Is it really that bad?"

"Whatever, I've already sealed the deal with the first batch of cards already, and printing another batch is not a hassle I want to go through again."

Jaxon sat down on his chair fiddling with the paperweight, "Let's play the waiting game."

An hour passed, and then another, and soon another, and there was not a single person is sight let alone a single call, not even a single person even walked by his side of the office.

Despite being a small town, back when the old man was in charge, he still had quite a busy life. Minor cases here and there aside, the folks in the town trusted him enough to let him handle even the slightest matter.

Whether it be someone in the family stealing, a teenage girl running away with her boyfriend to a rock concert no one's ever heard of, or someone getting involved in drugs, hell even the town sheriff would personally invite him around when things's got too complicated and they needed some extra help.

"Trust..." Jaxon shook his head, having spent very little time in this town after he came home back from college, the people who knew of him had positive opinions on him, if one were to ask around they would have nothing but good things to say about him, but a good opinion and trust was a whole different thing.

Sure, he was the guy to call if one needed a babysitter but when it came to a crime, no one trusted him well enough to give him any job that would require one to look into their personal lives, which included almost all of a private detective's job.

No one in this small town wanted a stranger to know the ins and outs of their personal matter.

"I guess, I should branch out from here..." Jaxon thought to himself, "If the jobs don't come to me, I should go looking for them myself."

Thinking for a bit, he called out his system and just as he had seen it before, he still needed 5 more points for him to open up his system.

"If I gain some good power-ups from my system, I should be able to do much more... if it's good enough." With his expectations towards the system fading day after day, there wasn't much he could do, to begin with, other than hope for the best, "If all of this doesn't work out, I'll just get a regular job and spend my days wanting to end it all, like a normal human being."

While wondering what he should do, to gain those 5 points, he instinctively reached out for his cigarette and lit it up. 

"Maybe, I should go around the pub and distribute my cards again.. and go drink a little while I am there..."