
Words of Silver

A collection of short stories.

dumdum007 · Urban
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2 Chs

To Chase A Dream

They say that love prevails all. But does it really?

It holds the power to bless people with the wonderful joys of life, showering them with the petals of jubilation, while it brings nothing but angst and suffering for the rest.

Arlene Rheault was one of those individuals who had their utmost faith in love, to the extent that she was willing to sacrifice herself and her dreams for its sake.




The sudden pressure which was being applied on her shoulders combined with the loud yells were enough to pull Arlene out of her slumber. It took her a while to figure out where she was, and what she was doing.

"Arlene Rheault! If you are done with your precious nap, then can we please go to the cafeteria and have our fill? I am famished."

The familiar feminine voice brought her out of her dazed state. She looked to her side and found her high school best friend, Clarissa Griffin, standing next to her. It didn't take her more than a glance to recognize the young lady, though she wondered why it seemed like she was seeing her after a long time.

Her eyes trailed off to the checkered brown blazer which she was donning over her crisp white button down shirt on which a maroon tie rested. The matching checkered skirt which stopped a couple of inches above her knees waving in the air as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

"Arlene? What are you staring at?" Clarissa frowned after not getting any reply from her best friend.

"Huh? Nothing really." Arlene replied to her with confusion written all over her face. "What were you saying again?" She looked up from her uniform and focused her eyes on her face.

"I was asking you to accompany me to the cafeteria. Everyone has left already."

After hearing her reply, Arlene let her eyes roam around, realizing that she was in a classroom. All the desks were empty except for one which was occupied by her.

"Sure." Arlene mumbled as she got up from her desk. "Did I fall asleep during the class?" She asked her friend, trying to recall what exactly had happened. No matter how hard she tried, nothing came up in her mind.

"Yeah, but don't worry, it was just a self study period and since it's the start of our studies here, the teacher didn't mind you dozing off." Clarissa shook her head, trying to comfort her friend, but still got no response.

"Oh, my!" Clarissa yelped when her eyes caught the sight of a white jade band nestled neatly on Arlene's ring finger. "I see you have got yourself some new jewellery. You didn't tell me that you went shopping. I could have accompanied you." She complained.

"Oh!" Arlene mumbled to herself as she stared at the back of her left hand, especially how the thin band glimmered under the pale white lights of the class.

"What?" Her friend said.

"Nothing. I just thought I…" She trailed off as she herself didn't know how to answer Clarissa. She found the place too familiar, and she could identify things including her friend. But no matter how hard she tried to think of it, she couldn't recall how she came to the school at all. One of the things which she couldn't recall about was the ring.

"You must have some weird dream. Chillax, Arlene. Now, can we please go downstairs? You promised me that you will pay for my lunch today since it's our first at high school." Clarissa jumped a little with excitement.

She was Arlene nodding her head at her words and passed her a side smile. Without waiting for Arlene's verbal confirmation, she grabbed her arm and dragged her outside.

Arlene on the other hand, was still at an utter loss. She just let her best friend drag her downstairs and to the cafeteria which was packed with students dressed in the same uniform. The only difference she could spot was the color of their ties.

'The ties' colors must correspond to the years these students are in.' Arlene thought to herself as she briefly glanced at the dark maroon tie which was knotted perfectly around her collar.

"Let's settle down here." Clarissa pulled her to a stop next to an empty table which could fit around six people.

Before she could reply, she was dragged down to sit on one of the chairs.

"I will get our lunch. You should just sit here. You look like you are still sleeping." Clarissa shook her head helplessly after seeing her best friend's state.

"Thanks, Clar." Arlene said. She was shocked how after realizing how the words came out of her mouth like it was almost natural for her to call her Clar.

"Since when did you start thanking me? You sure are acting weird today." With these words she walked away, leaving a confused Arlene to sort her thoughts out.

Arlene found it weird how she found the things around her too familiar when her best friend had just told her that it was her first day there. Her mind was muddled with something. She couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was, but there was something which was troubling her.

'It must be some weird dream like Clar said.' She frowned, thinking to herself. Never in her life she had forgotten a dream after getting it. Yet this time, she couldn't even recall its context.


Her stomach grumbled a little in protest. It was then she realized how hungry she was.

"Let's eat first." Deciding on focusing on her body first, she muted the nagging voice which was poking her mind again and again, for the time being. It was better to focus on her body's demands before anything. She let her eyes roam around the cafeteria for a while. It wasn't long before she saw Clarissa walking towards her with two plastic trays in her hands.

Arlene exhaled out a relaxed sigh as the tray filled with warm food was pushed before her.

"Someone sure looks happy." Clarissa chimed in as she sat across Arlene.

"Yeah! Food always makes me happy." Arlene mumbled as her stomach grumbled again. "Hold on! Wasn't I supposed to pay for the lunch?" She looked up from her tray as her fork played around with the macaroni on the side.

Her words were enough to make Clarissa roll her eyes back. "How stingy do you think I am, Arlene?" You can always pay for the next one."

"Alright." Not wanting to step on her nerves, Arlene decided to just focus on her meal.


"Hey, Nana." Her cheery voice filled the silence marred, two bedroom apartment as Arlene walked inside. She made sure to lock the door properly on her way in. Though she lived in one of the posh areas of the city, she was always careful of the people in her surroundings.

On her way back to her apartment, she felt much better than before. Things were starting to seem normal to her like it was one of those usual days.

"You are back." An elderly woman walked out of one of the rooms with the help of her cane. A fond smile was resting on her face which only added to the number of wrinkles which graced her face.

"Nana!" Arlene skipped across the lounge and made her way towards her maternal grandmother. She engulfed her in a hug the moment her feet came to a halt before the old lady. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, little lady. How was your first day at that fancy high school." Her Nana spoke up, patting her back lightly.

"It was good, Nana. It's good to have Clarissa with me. I should thank uncle Oren for sponsoring both of our studies when he comes to visit us next time." Arlene said as she took a step back.

Oren Leighty was her father's friend who had been looking after Arlene and her maternal grandmother since she was an infant. He had looked after the two of them like his own family. Everytime she thanked him, he would always reply to her with the same words.

"Your father was a good man. He helped me out whenever I needed it. I can never repay him. The money you get for your studies and expenses is just the return from his investments from back then. I just manage the accounts since I am your guardian."

Nana nodded. "Yes, you should. He is a nice man."

"I will." Arlene gave her a bright smile. "I will go and freshen up, Nana."

"You do that. I will heat up the food for you. You should rest after having your food. I don't know why you prefer walking. You must be tired." Her Nana frowned, worrying about her.

"I prefer walking than choosing a bike or ride for such a short distance. And thanks, Nana. I will go now." Arlene hugged her grandmother once more before making her way to the other room which belonged to her.


Next Day,


Arlene had barely stepped inside the class when a loud, cheery voice greeted her. It belonged to no one else but Clarissa.

Before Arlene could figure out why her best friend sounded so exhilarated after seeing her, she was engulfed in a bear hug.

"You lucky brat." Clarissa muttered next to her ear before retreating back a little so that she could have a better look of Arlene's puzzled face. "Why are you looking at me like you have no idea of what's going on?"

"Umm… because I really don't have any idea about what's going on?" Arlene stated as a matter of fact. She had just walked inside the classroom. How was she supposed to know what was happening?

"Don't tell me that you didn't see all those huge posters plastered on the walls on your way to here?" Clarissa looked at her as if she was having a hard time believing her words.

"What posters are you talking about?" Arlene frowned. She was too busy humming a tune as she walked from her apartment building to the campus that she barely paid any attention to her surroundings.

"I don't know what to do with you sometimes." Clarissa grabbed her elbow and dragged her out of the class. She came to a stop at the end of the corridor where a bunch of girls were already standing, looking at something.

"I meant this." Clarissa pointed both of her hands towards the poster which was plastered over the wall.

Arlene frowned before turning her attention to the poster. It was about an exhibition of paintings which was to be held by the end of the month. She would have taken it lightly and paid it no attention if it wasn't for the artist whose paintings were to be displayed.

"Now you know what I was talking about. Not only painting is your passion, you are damn good at it. If you take part in this competition, you might have the chance to have your work displayed with your idol." Clarissa continued to ramble on while Arlene decided to focus on the poster.

It stated that a competition was being held for which the city's top high schools and colleges were invited. The selected schools would first carry out a small scale competition for their own students. Each school would only submit a single painting which would represent their school in the final event which would be held at the end of the month.

The winning painting would get the chance to be a part of the exhibition of Lael Walton, who was a renowned artist of the country and Arlene's idol. He was also a part of the judge's panel for the final competition.

She had been fond of painting since childhood and this was the chance for her to get her work acknowledged, but be a part of something big.

"Why are you so quiet?" Clarissa grabbed her shoulders and shook her, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Nothing, really. I was just thinking which painting I would use for the contest. Maybe I will paint something new." Arlene replied to her in a casual tone though her face was already beaming up with excitement.


"Nana?" Arlene called out for her grandmother like she usually does as soon as she stepped inside her apartment. Unlike the previous day, her grandmother didn't come out of her room to welcome her. Arlene found it odd since her Nana had a habit of doing it. She would come out of her room and let Arlene hug her for as long as she wanted.

"Nane?" Arlene raised her voice and called out to her Nana as she made her way towards her room.

"Nana? Are you okay?" She knocked at the closed door lightly before stepping inside the room.

Her eyes landed on her grandmother's figure and she heaved out a relaxed sigh. She was sitting on the foot end of her bed. A red dress was resting in her lap, her finger moving slowly over it as she caressed the fabric. She was holding on to it as if it was too precious to her.

"Nana?" Arlene spoke up again, this time keeping her voice low.

"Yes, my dear?" Her grandmother finally looked up from the dress. A faint smile was embracing her lips while she tried to have a better look of her grand-daughter through her circular spectacles with her squinted eyes.

"Why weren't you replying to me, Nana?" Arlene complained.

"I was thinking about something, my child. I didn't hear you." The brief reply from her Nana only added a frown to her face.

"Come, sit with me." Seeing the troubled look on her grand-daughter's face, she spoke up while patting the space next to her.

"What is it, Nana?" Arlene did what she was asked to do and sat down on the bed next to her. "Who's dress is this?" Her eyes trailed off to the dress which was resting in her grandmother's lap, the frown on her face deepening as she stared at it. She found the dress eerily familiar when she was sure that it was the first time she was seeing it.

"It belonged to your mother, my dear." Her grandmother answered her. "I took it out for you to wear it, child. We are having guests in the evening. They will be coming in with your uncle Oren."

"Oh! But won't it be too fancy for just a bunch of guests, Nana?" Arlene looked up from the dress.

"Let's just say it's a small formal dinner at our home. The people who will be coming later on in the evening knew you mother and father." Her grandmother patted her shoulder lightly before passing the dress to her.

"Now, go and freshen up. I haven't had lunch yet. We can have our lunch together if you hurry up." She added before getting up from the bed. She walked out of the room, leaving Arlene on her own to sort her thoughts.


Later in the evening,

Arlene walked out of her room after her grandmother called her. She was donning the same dress which she was asked to. She was glad after seeing that the dress was more like a knee length, sleeveless frock with a boat neck.

The red made her flawless jade like skin stand out more which was clear from any blemishes. She had tied up the black locks of her naturally wavy hair up in a loose bun, keeping her face bare. The only accessory she was supporting was the simple white jade bang on her ring finger. She wasn't a fan of accessories but she hadn't taken it off as the ring didn't trouble her as if it wasn't even there.

"Good evening." She bowed her head and greeted the guests as they walked inside the lounge.

Oren was the one who was walking at the front. A man and a lady, who were modestly dressed, were following him.

"It's good to see after so long, child." Oren spoke up as soon as his eyes landed on Arlene. "You look so beautiful."

"Thank you, uncle Oren." She replied with a nod.

"Let me introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Dorion." Oren continued after greeting Nana and settling down on the single sofa. "They are my close friends just like they were to your Dad's." He pointed his chin to his right where the said persons were sitting on the couch.

Arlene trailed her eyes to the other side and greeted them with a slight bow of her head. She was a little shocked after hearing how they knew her parents since they didn't look much older.

"You have grown out to be so beautiful." The lady spoke up while looking up at her.

Arlene thanked her with an awkward smile. That was all she could do as she continued to stand there awkwardly, hoping for the dinner to get done soon.

Her grandmother had already left to check on their dinner. She wanted to make sure that everything was right. Arlene wanted to be the one to do it, but she was turned down and asked to tend to the guests and entertain them until she was called with the excuse that he had helped enough for the day.

Twenty five minutes later,

"The meal was delicious." Mrs. Dorion spoke up as she finished off the last of the ice cream in her bowl.

"That's a good thing." Arlene's grandmother bobbed her head.

"The dinner was indeed good, but if you don't mind then can we please talk to Arlene now?" Mr. Dorion added to her wife's remark as he wiped off the corner of his mouth with the paper napkin.

"Sure." The old lady mumbled softly before getting up from her chair, leaving a confused Arlene behind.

They were sitting in the kitchen, next to the counter, occupying a round wooden table which could only fit the five of them. Arlene saw her grandmother's retreating figure and couldn't help but frown. Something was off, but she couldn't put her finger on what it was.

"Arlene, darling. There is something you need to hear." Oren spoke up, asking for her attention.

"What is it, uncle?" She gave him a puzzled look only to see him sighing.

"Your father was a really good man, but he was no human." He broke the news to her.

"W-what are you saying?" The frown on her face only deepened.

"Listen, child. Your father, Robin, was my brother." The lady spoke up. "We belong to the royal family of another world, Gregoria, a world full of elves. Your father married your mother when he was sent here for a mission. He chose to stay back here after marrying her."

"I refuse to believe this." Arlene shook her head in a no. There was no way that she belonged to an elf race. They didn't exist in the first place.

"You know that it is true. His blood runs in your veins." The lady continued while Dorion just continued to stare at Arlene.

"Even if what you say is true, what are you doing here?" Arlene narrowed her eyes at the two of them.

"We are here to take you back to where you truly belong. Moreover, we are your true guardians. Your father requested us to let you spend some time here until your sixteenth birthday." The lady explained it to her.

"Uncle Oren?" Arlene turned her attention towards the man who was sitting quietly all this while.

"They are telling you the truth. Your father made me the witness of it all." Oren patted the top of her head.

"We have already booked a private flight for this friday. It will take us to one of the islands of Greenland which has the portal to our world." Dorion spoke up firmly.

"N-no, this can't…" The rest of her words died down as a tearing pain shot up in her head. She scrunched her eyebrows together, trying to stop herself from groaning out loud.

It was then she was it all, as the memories of her past life came back to her. She recalled how she had lived through this scene and how she was taken to another world which was filled with elves.

She saw herself slaying a dragon with a golden sword, and ascending to a throne. She saw herself getting married to an elvin guy who was much taller than her. She saw her children as they played pranks on her and their father. And at last, she saw a much older form of herself.

She was lying down on a bed as she was too weak to even move. The same elvin man who was her husband was holding on to her hand, saying sweet things to her. She remembered how he asked her to follow her dreams if she was ever given another chance to live her life.

"I will always find my way to you." He had promised her as she took her last breath.

"Arlene? Are you okay?" Oren's voice pulled her back to reality.

"Y-yes. I think so." She mumbled to herself. She was starting to realize what had happened with her life, and why she was so disoriented the other day when she woke up from her nap.

"We respect your mother alot, child. For that we are willing to give you the right to choose yourself. The flight is on friday morning. Come to the airport if you want to accompany us. We'll wait for you." The lady continued after seeing that she was fone. She took out Arlene's ticket out of her purse and passed it to her.

"Friday morning?" Arlene mumbled to herself as she stared at the ticket. "You will get your answer on friday morning." She spoke up, giving the three people around her a wide smile as her fingers played with the ticket.


Friday Morning,

"May I help you with something?" The woman, who was sitting on the other end of the desk, spoke up as soon as her eyes landed on the girl who had just walked inside the room.

"I wanted to register myself for the competition, Ma'am. Can you help me with it?" Arlene walked up to the desk and gave the lady a smile.

There was no way that she would give up the second chance with which she was blessed. Her husband had asked her to live her life the ways he wanted to this time. That was what exactly she would be doing and follow her passion while holding on to his promise.

Seeing the lady nod her head in response, she continued. "So, where do I sign?"

Another one shot fiction for my lovely readers. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Have a great weekend :)

Lots of love for all of you <3

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