
Addendum 1

She alone held the title of "Princess". She alone stood before the masses of people under her father's gaze and guidance.

King Matalpalhallafaelladrapahamo Fastiel's daughter, Matalpalhallafaelladrapahamo Roberia Slingeneyer.

She hated that name a lot. She hated it with a passion enough for people to flinch at its ferocity. For one, it was troublesome to pronounce. She had seen many people stutter while declaring the king's name or give up after a certain point. Yet, because it was 'a meaningful and symbolic title' it was continued as a heritage. Even if she hated it, she could not change tradition.

For another, it was a name that never gave her peace.

Roberia, being a young lady and the only princess of Rugnud, did not live a life of extravagance other princesses had. Where they had to wake early for their corsets and make-up, Roberia was forced awake to train with her father and the knights at five in the morning before the sun rose. Where princesses had the time and luxury to enjoy confectionery during tea-time at three during diplomatic visits, she was often hunting for animals in the bright afternoon, to mold her hunter's instinct.

At night, the princesses might have a curfew where they were expected to rest after a day of lessons and tending to court matters. Some might have guards to reinforce that they should not stay up later than a certain time. Roberia was instead assigned to guard duty at night, watching and ambushing anyone disrupting its peace and engaging actively in its patrols.

She had slightly more than two hours of sleep every single day because of that. Image power, a necessity for magi to perform spells, manifested differently for the knights and became a passive power that made the most ludicrous of claims not just possible, but commonplace. For the knights who honed themselves tirelessly, a generous sleep was only four hours long.

She had been raised as a warrior princess, one which knew naught of grace or delicacy. The only actual breaks she had were during huge events, celebrations or parades of the like. Only then was she given the chance to step outside of the castle not in battle wear but in extravagant robes and dresses which were, still, armor-clad.

But, even when she was graced with such opportunities, that name would never give her peace. Rugnud was a country where the strongest was hailed the king, and her father the model example. Naturally, the king's son ought to have become king, for a male was a symbol of power and initiative.

Matalpalhallafaelladrapahamo Michael Slingeneyer, Roberia's half-brother, was supposed to be king. He was an excellent strategist and an able fighter favored greatly in his prime. His weakness in raw brute strength was offset by his empathy for his people, the knowledge of his enemies and the combination of his brain with brawn.

However, he was ambushed by the very creature he stalked one afternoon. It tore his tendons and crippled his right leg before he could slay it. When Michael returned from the expedition wounded he was criticized as an incompetent knight.

Michael's materialistic fiancée left him. His supporters turned their backs on him and he was deemed a failure even in the king's eyes. But none could blame him; it was his first prominent failure and his only failure. No longer did he stand as a powerful leader and thus receded to the only position he still held – The King's Tactician.

So it was Roberia's turn to be groomed as the next monarch of Rugnud – At the young age of six. Of course, females were not particularly favored when it came to candidacy. The ministers agreed that Rugnud should be ruled by a man without periods of weakness and so they sought many candidates across the country. Countless men from all walks of life and occupations met her to take her hand in marriage.

Roberia resented that. Since the age of six Roberia had been hounded by lecherous, conniving men who demanded her as their spouse not for mutual love, but for the fame, wealth and glory of being king of Rugnud.

Those men went far to obtain the throne – Sowing discord amongst the ministers who took care of Roberia, boosting their reputation by making others commit fake crimes that they themselves 'resolved', harassing Roberia countless times whenever and wherever possible and even going so far as to hold a blade against the princess herself.

Boys above the age of thirteen tried their luck with her to no avail. Men as old as fifty-five wished to wed her. She became a target for every greedy man and every jealous woman. She hated the name she was given. She hated the men who were after her because of that accursed title. She hated the plentiful number of gifts she received every single time she returned to her bedroom. She hated her daily life itself.

The only things she didn't hate were the servants and maids whom she shared her troubles with, attendants who witnessed and understood her plight firsthand. Even so, there was little they could do for her. Roberia started becoming defensive and cynical towards the people she once genuinely cared for.

Then, she realized – There was no use.

As long as she stayed within Rugnud, as long as she was still a widely-known public figure she would be hounded by those bastards. She was harassed and bothered on countless occasions, she did not have as many successful expeditions, skirmishes and patrols. Those people, that name, all of the miscellaneous events ate into her warrior lifestyle. Her skills slowly deteriorated because of them.

She may very well become a mere tool used by others to become king, and nothing else. She started imagining the future of Rugnud, led under a foolish person whom merely desired to become king. She pained and cried her heart out one night, at her home being turned into a festering cesspool of depravity.

She was frightened by the idea of having her beloved Rugnud weakened so badly that other countries like Auser and Anik could easily invade and pillage everything. Not to mention that Findel might take advantage of the confusion and betray the peace pact. She just wanted her home to be safe and strong – So her people may live a life of peace.

And thus Roberia took up arms. She ordered a sword with a weight of seven and a half kilograms, prepared a medium pouch of gold with a small number of coins, and set off on a journey. The sixteen-year-old traveled West towards Findel.

Matalpalhallafaelladrapahamo Roberia's journey had begun.

Taking reference from long-ass names like Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch and 寿限無寿限無五劫の擦り切れ海砂利水魚の水行末雲来末風来末食う寝る処に住む処やぶら小路の藪柑子パイポパイポ パイポのシューリンガンシューリンガンのグーリンダイグーリンダイのポンポコピーのポンポコナーの長久命の長助.

You weren't expecting it, were you? Heh.

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