
Chapter 6- Two Year Timeskip

Naruto stalked Kakashi as he encircled him several times. Naruto took a step back, thinking of ways to get out of the situation that he was in. Naruto looked to his right, where the Hokage, Danzo, and Might Guy were sitting on a bench, watching the scene as it unfolded.

Turning his attention back to Kakashi, he could see just the slightest muscle twitch, which meant that he was going to reach for a kunai. Naruto, seeing this, went and grabbed a kunai too. Throwing it at similar speeds to Kakashi. The only difference was the one Kakashi threw was encased in lightning chakra.

Naruto, although in battle, was reminiscing about the time he "accidentally" shocked Kakashi after learning that he had a lightning affinity. He tried to release it without getting trained in it, and he "accidentally" shocked Kakashi. Which, inturn, Kakashi was severely mad at him, and continued to shock him "accidentally".

Paying attention to the kunai's meet, he watched as Kakashi's kunai pierced through his, heading towards him. Naruto moved his head to the side by just a small margin, easily letting it pass by him.

Now that Naruto was paying more attention to his surroundings, he noticed that Kakashi wasn't in his original position. This made Naruto go on high alert.

Naruto's body flickered out of the way, avoiding two hands outstretched from the ground, trying to get ahold of his ankles.

"Kakashi, you have done that way too many times for me to get caught in one of those," Naruto added, "especially after the last time," Naruto mumbled.

"It was worth a try," a muffled voice said, coming from under the ground.

Naruto watched as a white-haired man jumped up from under the ground, wiping down the dirt off his clothes that he had gathered when he was underground.

"You have a good reaction time, how about we try stage one: Taijutsu," Kakashi said, before running over to Naruto at high speeds that Naruto was barely able to perceive.

On the other side of the training ground, Hiruzen asked Danzo, "Why is Kakashi trying so hard?"

"The reason why Kakashi is trying so hard, is because any less effort and Naurto himself would get angry and bored. Naruto hates it when people don't try against him, especially people that are stronger than him. He thinks, in his head, that if you don't use one-hundred percent of your effort, you and your opponent will never become stronger, in this case, Naruto wants to become stronger immediately," Danzo explained, to which he was rewarded with a nod from the Hokage.

"So, he is a hard worker-?"

Before Hiruzen was able to finish his thought-turned sentence, he was interrupted by Danzo.

"And a prodigy. No one I have ever teached in my entire life could learn as fast as Naruto could. Hell, I would even say that he is stronger than Orochimaru at his age. Maybe even when he was a genin and you were teaching him. If I would have to estimate his strengths, I would say everything is around low-chunin, mid-chunin except for his chakra reserves and genjutsu.

If I had to estimate his reserves, I would have to say he is around high-anbu, low-kage level reserves. His genjutsu on the other hand, is weak, except for his ability to break through them. Because of his abundant amount of reserves, it would be hard to take him under your control with just C-rank genjutsu, anything lower than C-rank and you won't be able to get a hold of him," Danzo explained, which surprised Hiruzen.

Hiruzen stopped spending much time with Naruto because of his political status as Hokage, and Naruto was too busy training. He would be surprised if Naruto had any friends, with how long he was at the training grounds. That's why Hiruzen said that Naruto would go to the academy, he knew that under Danzo's teachings, he wouldn't have many friends.

Hiruzen was surprised that Naruto had still had a lot of his emotions, although he noticed that during combat he was this unreadable enigma, but not during combat, he was the opposite, a happy go lucky child, as if he was as sane as the rest of us. Hiruzen knew better though. It was mostly all a facade.

'Just like your father,' Hiruzen thought, a smile morphing his face at the thought of Minato. Minato was a good spirit, nice and kind to his comrades, but deadly and cruel to his enemies, that was probably why Danzo was fine with Minato, not even doing anything fishy to Minato when he was Hokage, probably because Danzo actually respected Minato as a strong unit. He was guessing it was because Minato was strong and reminded Danzo of his former teacher, Tobirama Senju.

Now paying attention back to the fight, he saw that Naruto was actually going toe to toe with Kakashi, although the latter wasn't necessarily trying as hard as Naruto because Hiruzen saw that Kakashi still hadn't showed his sharingan yet, which was understandable because Naruto was still just seven years old, but that was no disrespect to Naruto's strength.

Hiruzen was surprised again when he watched Naruto disappear in a pattern of shunshin, actually managing to hit Kakashi because of the surprise of speed. With Naruto's abundant amount of stamina and chakra, he could probably outrun even the likes of Kakashi, but that was not taking in account Kakashi's strength, which was far above your average Jonin.

"Nice hits Naruto, I didn't think you'd actually manage to make me do something like this," Kakashi said, before reaching for his headband.

Naruto, seeing what Kakashi was going to do, body flickered over to Kakashi's spot, in order to stop Kakashi from removing the headband. Naruto was too late though, as Kakashi managed to remove the headband that was covering his left eye.

What was revealed was a fully developed, three tomoe sharingan. The eye spun lazily, easily perceiving everything around him. The birds flying over his head, the leaves falling, slowly, very slowly due to his enhanced perception.

"Finally, I was able to make you pull out your sharingan, I guess that means it's time for me to get rid of these old suckers," Naruto said, before making a hand seal and yelling the word Kai.

A seal that read the kanji, 'three/ten,' read across his entire body lit up, and quickly faded away. This surprised the Hokage, as he wasn't told that Naruto had gotten a resistance seal, specifically one that was the strongest and had the most effect on the user of the seal. It was a double edge sword, it made your speed increase, but the levels of each stage of resistance was increasingly harder than the next, and was able to kill those that were weaker than it before them.

This was a lot more interesting than before, especially since both were trying harder than before. Might guy, who was awfully quiet, which was highly unlikely of him, sped to the middle of the field, with a flag in hand. He put it in the middle, and yelled Hai, which made both participants speed off to the other.

Danzo had a sly smirk on his face that Hiruzen could easily tell meant, 'I told you so.'

"Okay, just say it. 'I told you so.' You were right, Naruto did have a lot of potential that would have definitely been ruined if it weren't properly spread, however, in my defense, I was only hoping that he could have at least something reminiscent of a childhood," Hiruzen defended himself, which Danzo shook his head at.

"Just pay attention to the battle, you might miss something," Danzo said, which inclined Hiruzen to turn his full attention towards the fight between Naruto and Kakashi.

Both of them clashed, fist to fist. Naruto threw a kick, which was easily thrown back to Naruto, seeing that his advancement was futile, he body flickered behind Kakashi, throwing a punch to his head.

Kakashi, predicting this because of his eyes, ducked under the punch, and sweeped kicked Naruto. Naruto jumped over the sweep kick and sent a haymaker towards Kakashi.

Kakashi saw this coming, and jumped back a couple of meters. Both noticed that the fight was going nowhere, so Kakashi was the first to change it up, forming specific hand seals for a jutsu.

Horse → Tiger → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger

"Fire release: Great Fireball Jutsu!" Kakashi yelled out, as he spewed out a giant fireball that took over a fifth of the entire field.

Naruto, who had no jutsu to defend himself, could only do one thing, shunshin. However, that was probably something that Kakashi expected and would then defeat him accordingly. Naruto knew he wasn't going to beat Kakashi, as Kakashi was more experienced and fought in a war himself. So, he would have to do something that was so stupid, yet smart, that not even Kakashi would expect it.

Naruto had just the thing.

Forming just one hand seal, he swapped places with Kakashi, which surprised him, so he wasn't able to put up a water wall as fast as he was usually able to, so some parts of his body were slightly singed from the fireball.

When the water met the fireball, a huge mist covered the field, which concealed the two from the pealing eyes of the bystanders.

When the mist cleared, there stood a slightly scathed Kakashi, with an unconscious Naruto on his back that looked almost completely fine, if it weren't for the fact that he was unconscious.

"Don't worry, he is just unconscious, but damn if he isn't stupid," were the first words that came out of Kakashi's mouth, which was covered with a mask, "I still can't believe that he was stupid enough to swap bodies with me. That is just unheard of!" Kakashi stated, which surprised Might Guy, and made both Danzo and Hiruzen smile.

"I didn't know that was possible," Might Guy stated, which Hiruzen nodded, agreeing with his statement.

"Well, theoretically speaking, if you were to overcome someone's chakra with yours, like with a genjutsu, you should, theoretically, be able to swap bodies with someone else," Hiruzen said.

"To think of that on the fly, is just nigh-crazy, and smart," Danzo said, which in turn made Hiruzen and Might Guy have to agree with his statement.

"I told you, Hiruzen, that Naurto is a prodigy and hard-worker," Danzo stated.

Hiruzen nodded, while snapping his fingers. After he snapped his fingers, an anbu came out of the tree that sat directly above them, and went to heal little Naruto and Kakashi from any wounds they might have.

"He is definitely stronger than I thought he would be. I just have one question for you, Danzo, do you plan on teaching him Shadow clone jutsu? I mean, with his huge reserves, he should be able to make at least fifty without sweating," Hiruzen replied to Danzo, who just nodded his head, signifying a yes.

"Make sure you make him use it wisely, I don't want a dead Naruto, or at least not until he dies a respectful death, plenty of years after mine," Hiruzen added.

"Would I be me, if I weren't careful, Hiruzen?" Danzo asked rhetorically.

"No, I guess not," Hiruzen said.

"Hiruzen, before you leave, I want to send him on a c-rank mission, before he goes to the academy. I want to make sure he has his first kill," Danzo explained, which inclined Hiruzen to raise an eyebrow.

"At such a young age, are you sure he is ready?" Hiruzen asked.

"He was born ready, his ancestors and parents promised us that," Danzo said, who walked over to Naruto's unconscious body, picked him up, before leading his body to the house, and laying it on the couch to let him get some sleep.


One day Later-

Naruto walked into the assignment office inside of the Hokage building, and greeted the Hokage and the academy instructor, Iruka. He had gotten to know Iruka because of the many missions he had taken, which was around 100 D-ranks.

"So, Hokage-sama, what mission will I be taking today?" Naruto asked.

Hriuzen waved over a chunin towards him, who was carrying a scroll in hand. Naruto watched as the Hokage opened up the scroll, nodded at it, and waved Naruto towards him.

"You will be taking something different today. You will be doing your first c-rank mission. This mission was recommended to me by Danzo, your sensei," Hiruzen started, "this mission will be a bandit extermination mission," Hiruzen finished.

Naruto's eyes widened. He didn't think he would be taking a C-rank today, let alone a bandit extermination one, which guaranteed you would have to kill. Naruto thought he would be allowed to wait for his first kill, but it seems not. He would be thrown into it immediately.

"Yes, Hokage-sama," Naruto said, as he grabbed the scroll from the Hokage's hands, looked into it, and walked out of the assignment room.

If one were to look at Naruto, they would think he was as calm as someone who was meditating, his thoughts portrayed otherwise. He knew that killing was going to be inevitable, but he thought that he would be given a little more time.

Naruto sighed through his nose, he guessed now was better than never. At least this would give him more experience outside of battle, although he knew that he could take on any normal bandit, it was better to over prepare than underprepared and die.

Naruto looked back at the contents one last time, before putting on his mask and pocketing the scroll into another one.


One hour later, Naruto was facing the bandit camp. It was a lot bigger than he thought it would have been, but he was prepared for something relative to this size or bigger, as he had over prepared, so he was fine.

He would take an hour of reconnaissance to get a feel of their pattern.

Naruto breathed through his nose, and out of his mouth before he quickly sped to the bandit camp.


Onara O Shiri walked across the podium. He thought of his tragic past. He had a tough childhood, as his mother died giving birth to his younger brother, and his father was an abusive alcoholic because of his mother's death.

That was the reason why he became a bandit, it was a way to get rid of his pent up anger inside that burnt like an undying fire. Him and his brother both became bandits at a young age, after accidentally killing their father in a freak accident.

They later fled to a small-no-named-village that was taken over by a bandit group. They later joined them, him being fourteen and his brother being eight.

Now, eight years later, they are both doing relatively good. Thankfully, they hadn't come across a shinobi in a long time, as they were a relatively large amount of people and they were good at hiding, even though there were an abundant amount of people in their camp.

An hour passed, he changed position periodically, but it was his time to take shifts by the outer part of the camp. Once he managed to make his position, he settled down, taking in the view of the moon.

Onara liked the moon better than the sun, even at a young age, he never knew why.

As he was paying attention to the moon, he was too busy to realize the slight tint of steel heading for his neck. The last thing he would see before his death was the moon, crimson-red, with a cat-like eye slit in it.


Naruto noticed a bandit not paying attention to his surroundings so he capitalized on it. He slowly crept up to the bandit and flowed chakra to his hand, which made a Kodachi sword appear from thin air.

When Naruto fully grasped the sword, he slit the throat of the bandit, crimson red blood spilling from the neck of the twenty-something year old man. He watched with disgust as the man fell over lifelessly.

Naruto, who didn't want to let go of the advantage, grabbed the body of the lifeless bandit, and hid him behind a bush.

Naruto did the same thing to the next few bandits, slashing their throats and hiding them in places that weren't too obvious.

Naruto miscalculated a step, and accidentally got caught, although he killed the bandit before he could call too much attention. Even then, the deal was done, every single bandit on the premise came barreling in to kill Naruto.

Naruto watched in slow motion as the bandits came to slaughter him. It was almost laughable, how a seven-year-old could see people who were thrice his age in slow motion. It was almost laughable. Almost.

Naruto didn't allow himself to be taken advantage of, and quickly killed the bandits who thought they could kill him because of the size and age difference. They were wrong.

He sunk his Kodachi in every single one of the bandits, smoothly with no extra step, efficiently as always. He watched as every single person he stuck his Kodachi in, fell lifelessly to the ground.

What gave people the right to kill others, was a thought that came up everytime he killed another person with his Kodachi. He almost felt numb during all of this, like if he were stabbed, he wouldn't feel the jolt of pain from the wound.

A bandit tried to sneak attack him, but he easily saw through it and body flickered behind the unknowingly-dead bandit. He stuck his Kodachi through the back of his head, killing him in seconds.

'Is it the thought process that is kill or be killed? Is that what gives me the right to kill others because if I don't, they will kill me and others that are innocent?' Naruto thought, as he shoved his Kodachi in another victim that wasn't so innocent.

"Stop thinking over it so deep when it isn't that deep. We kill, oh well. Get over it and your emotions, or they will eat you from the inside," the Kyuubi said from inside his head.

"I understand that, but what is the difference between me and him? On my side, I am deemed a hero, but on their side I am deemed an enemy, an evil person. Vice-versa. So, what is the difference between me and them? Is it just morals? Is it stance, they have a life and a family too? What makes my stance right, and theirs not? What makes my rule over theirs?" Naruto asked from within his head, as he learned early on that if you talked to the Kyuubi out loud, people would look at you weirdly.

Naruto was only met with silence from the Kyuubi.

Naruto shook his head, as he stabbed the last bandit with his Kodachi, this time shoving it through his heart, killing him instantly, saving him the pain.

"Well, at least I don't enjoy killing, as that would make me a sadist. I guess that is what makes me human, my emotions. Without them, I would just be an empty shell with no purpose. With no purpose, there is no point of living," Naruto said outloud.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are wise for your age?" the Kyuubi asked, which just made Naruto chuckle, which would be weird if somebody saw him, as he was surrounded by many different bodies, lying lifelessly on the ground.

"Too many times, too many times," Naruto said. As he stalked over the many different bodies, and the adrenaline ran out, he threw up. It was something that would be easy to get used to, but Naruto didn't know if he wanted to.

Naruto wiped his mouth with his hand, before walking away from the scene, disgust plastered across his face at what he just did, and the number of people he did it too. He would never forget this, especially the eyes of the first victim he killed. That would forever be plastered on his mind. If Naruto were to look back at the scene of scattered bodies, he would have seen a masked man, with one eye whole, with a sharingan spinning like a mad man.


Yo, ZiixlZ here. I got out with this chapter. Since I had nowhere to go with the old chapter, I had to time skip. There will probably be another time skip, to when he finally manages to go to the academy, although I haven't fully decided on it yet.

His two main affinites are lightning and water, if you haven't realized it already. Naruto hasn't been trained in any elemental chakra natures yet because Danzo wanted him to get experienced in the basics. As soon as Naruto returns back to the mission, he will start to learn elemental ninjutsu. If you guys want a little filler for that, I can do it, although it is mainly up to you guys.

If you guys like this chapter, please heart it or do whatever to express it. A comment would be nice too. Just anything to show you guys are actually interested in this story. A comment goes a long way around.

If you guys think he is too strong for his age, which I completely see, you guys got to realize who is training him. Danzo, the hard ass is training him, Kakashi, who is in the anbu, so not completely lazy Kakashi is training him, and Might Guy is teaching him. So he will learn a lot faster with the right teachers.

The reason why Hizashi is not here is because Hiruzen trust Kakashi enough to watch over Naruto, so he doesn't need Hizashi anymore. Also, Might Guy would be a better help as Might Guy is more proficient in areas Naruto needs help in.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I put out, as I have enjoyed making it the most. Thank you for your time, peace out.

Word Count- 3690 words

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