
Chapter 2- sensei-Danzo?

A/N: Before you guys read this, I want you to know that I apologize for the shorter-than-usual chapter, I'll try and pull one that is longer than the next, thank you for your time. Peace.

"Ya-know, Mr..."

"Danzo, my name is Danzo," the old man named Danzo said. Naruto nodded.

"Cool! My name is Naruto," Naruto screamed out, "You still haven't answered my question from earlier though," Naruto looked at the back of Danzo's head whilst waiting for an answer.

"I just shot out a fire jutsu and voilà," Danzo stated, while also making hand signs to add to the effect. Naruto snorted at his funny hand signs.

"So, where are we going?" Naruto asked out of curiosity, Danzo just pointed ahead.

"We are going to my house, there I'll get your wounds patched up and you should be all right to go on with living," Naruto nodded at Danzo's explanation. It got quiet after that, before Danzo came out with a random question.

"So, Naruto? Have you decided yet if you want to go to the ninja academy to become a shinobi?" Danzo just waited for an answer.

"Hell yeah, shinobi are cool! I want to learn how to make jutsus and walk up walls and jump across buildings," Naruto abruptly stopped his rant. "I also want to not be weak, I don't want that to ever happen again. If only I was stronger I wouldn't have risked my life and almost died," Naruto said depressingly. Danzo nodded at his answer, expecting it.

"So, what are you going to do after this experience," Danzo asked, he knew the answer already but he wanted to know if Naruto knew it.

"Well, of course I'm going to train, and I will become even stronger than all the Hokages before me, but in order to do that I have to train hard every day!" Naruto yelled with compassion, Danzo smirked at Naruto's remark. Just as fast as Danzo smirked, it fell just as quickly to a passive demeanor.

"If you want, I could give you tips and help you along the way," Naruto couldn't sense any malicious intent in Danzo's voice. Plus, the more help the better, especially if it was coming from somebody who easily beat the people who not even himself could have even dreamed of beating.

"Okay Sensei-Danzo!" Danzo shook his head at Naruto's new name for him. Danzo abruptly stopped in his steps.

"We're here, time to get you patched up and ready for training," Naruto nodded but was confused soon after realizing that there wasn't a house insight.

"Sensei-Danzo, what do you mean? There is no house?" Danzo smiled at Naruto, before he grabbed on Naruto's shoulder and did a cool hand seal and yelled the word Kai!

Naruto's eyes soon widened to huge proportions after seeing a house appear out of thin air. The house though wasn't all that special, two stories, looked like any normal Konoha house to Naruto.

Danzo started to walk to the front door, Naruto falling in behind him. Once they managed to reach the house, Danzo opened the door for both of them to walk into.

Naruto cautiously walked in because this was new territory and for what he knew of Konoha, which wasn't much, he could tell they were far from the village.

"Make yourself at home, while I go get some bandages and some rubbing alcohol," Danzo quickly said before he left the living room into one of the many hallways. Naruto was amazed because from the outside the house looked small, from the inside the house looked a lot bigger.

Naruto looked for a couch that looked the most comfortable. As soon as he saw his target, he sat down and closed his eyes. He had to think of a training regime so when he does go to the academy, which should be in 3 years.

A couple of minutes later, Naruto was stirred from his thoughts when he saw Danzo walk back through one of the hallways with a bandage and rubbing alcohol. Naruto prepared himself for what was going to be a slightly painful experience.

Danzo walked over to his couch and kneeled down. He grabbed Naruto's pant leg and pulled it slightly up when he saw an almost fully healed wound. Danzo could have sworn those kunai were laced with poisoning.

Naruto awaited as Danzo finally put on some of the alcohol and finally the bandage. Danzo sat back up and looked at Naruto.

"It should heal pretty fast now, how are you feeling?" Naruto nodded his head signifying that he felt better than before. Danzo came out with another question. "Do you know what your training regime is, if not, I could help you with that,"

"Okay, what I got is wake up at 7:00am-

7:00am- eat breakfast

7:30am- practice- 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 kilometer dash for the next three years. I'll increase the exercise as time goes and it gets easier.

10:30am- chakra control- don't know how I'm going to improve that but I heard it's good.

11:30am- eat lunch

12:00pm- ninjutsu practice- although I don't have any ninjutsu to practice though.

2:00pm- taijutsu practice- I'll go through the library to find a taijutsu or just get the basics and improve there.

3:30pm- I'll work on anything that I haven't thought of already.

5:00pm- eat dinner

6:00 pm- study

10:00 pm- sleep" Naruto told Danzo, Danzo looked at Naruto with a raised eyebrow.

In curiosity, Danzo asked, "why not genjutsu," Naruto frowned.

"Because genjutsu is not cool!" Naruto yelled dramatically, Danzo would have to disagree wholeheartedly, but Naruto didn't need to know that yet.

"Well, I guess it doesn't matter now, since you have a huge chakra capacity and it's only going to get larger," Naruto nodded sagely, like he knew what Danzo was talking about.

"What are you going to do for the 3:30, do you have any ideas?" Danzo asked, just out of curiosity. If it were up to him, he would say he would leave it to something more relaxing, like fuinjutsu, or he could practice kenjutsu there, and do fuinjutsu for his studies.

"I really don't know, I was hoping you could help me with that." Danzo could tell what Naruto was trying to do, and it would work.

"Well, you could do Kenjutsu for the 3:30, and for your studies, you could do fuinjutsu," Naruto looked at Danzo, the question was there, so Naruto didn't have to even ask for Danzo to already know what was going to be asked.

"Kenjutsu, or bukijutsu is sword/weapon arts, fuinjutsu is a sealing art. You can make your everyday exploding tags, and you can make stuff like sealing scrolls from just a few jerks of the hand," Danzo explained as simply as he could. He didn't want to make it too complicated because he didn't know if Naruto was advanced in his studies.

"Sounds cool!" Naruto added after a minute of silence. Danzo nodded at Naruto's comment, agreeing whole heartedly.

"Well, it seems as if it's getting late, I believe it is time to leave. Get some good sleep tonight for your training tomorrow-," Danzo was rudely interrupted when the front door came flying open and the Hokage, flanked by 4 anbu, came rushing in.

"Naruto, are you okay? Did Danzo hurt you?" Hiruzen asked in a semi-serious voice and a semi-grandfatherly voice.

"Yeah, old man, I was just talking to Danzo about my training, after I was saved by him from a bunch of shinobi who had Kumo shinobi headbands," Naruto said laxly, who was oblivious to understanding the situation.

"It's okay Hiruzen, I wouldn't hurt little-old-Naruto. All I did was save him from a bunch of kumo shinobi and patched him up at my house. Although his wound healed faster than I would have thought so," Danzo added as an afterthought, Hiruzen looked at Danzo suspiciously, understanding that Danzo was a keen, slimy weasel and that whatever he did had an underlying meaning to it.

Hiruzen rubbed the sides of his head, "since this matter is over, Naruto, please go back to your condo, it is very late out," Hiruzen finished talking, and Naruto started to walk towards the door.

"Naruto, remember what I told you," those were the last words Naruto heard before he walked outside the house. He was tired and his bones felt weak. He felt as if he would crash any minute now. Seems like the adrenaline was finally leaving him and his wrapped wound finally seemed to mention its presence as he felt a sting of pain coming from his thigh.


"Danzo, what did you tell Naruto, and I swear, if you are manipulating little Naruto, I will cut your head off your shoulders myself," Hiruzen said seriously, pulling out a scroll, putting chakra into the seal and a sword popped out of it to add to the effect. Hiruzen also sent out a considerable amount of killing intent, which made two of his anbu flinch, and stirred uncomfortably in their spot.

Danzo, unfazed, kept up an indifferent disguise, "I didn't do anything wrong, Hiruzen, all I did was encourage young Naruto to start his training a little early," Hiruzen scowled at Danzo's explanation.

"But Danzo, he needs to have a childhood, we aren't in the war era anymore-," before Hiruzen could finish, Danzo slammed his cane down on the floor in annoyance.

"You're too naive, Hiruzen. No child who has a Bijuu will ever have a normal childhood!" Danzo quickly raised his voice, but as fast as it was raised, it was even faster that he calmed down to his normal passive mask.

Hiruzen pulled out a pipe, and lit it with fire chakra. He quickly took a puff, and blew it out making a Konoha sign. He sighed.

"I understand your 'concerns'," Hiruzen emphasized the concerned, "but it's fine. Anyways, what ideas do you have, Danzo? How do you want to help Young Naruto?"

Danzo quickly answered, "easy, just give him to me. I'll train him, hell, I'll even allow you to watch me. With such potential, it shouldn't be wasted, especially on someone like Naruto," Danzo smiled for a split second, he saw Hiruzen actually considering his suggestion, which was a first.

"And why should I do such a thing, Danzo? You could still manipulate him if you so pleased. Just because I am watching you, doesn't mean that you can't do anything about little Naruto while my back is facing you," Hiruzen's words made Danzo frown, but Hiruzen wasn't done there.

"Another thing is, I can't always be there, as I am a Hokage after all," Danzo knew the Hiruzen said that, to rub it in his face because he knew that was his dream, becoming hokage, "so who will watch you train young Naruto, day and night, whilst I am signing papers?" Hiruzen questioned, which got Danzo to think of countless people who he knew Hiruzen trusted that could watch over him train Naruto.

"How about Kakashi? He has the sharingan, and how about somebody like a Hyuuga too, to make sure that no matter what, they'll see whatever happens and whatever trick you may think I pulled, I even heard that Kakashi grew fond over young Naruto," Danzo started with a faux smile, which only added to Hiruzen's annoyance.

"You could even get the old toad to inspect Naruto with his seals if you have too, just let me train him, someone like Naruto, who has the potential to achieve great things, with his lineage and the beast, he should be trained," Danze finished, which made Hiruzen close his eyes, probably in thought.

Minutes passed and only then did Hiruzen finally open his eyes

"Oh lord, I think I am going to regret this, okay, fine, only under my surveillance and Kakashi's. I will go find the Hyuuga, and he will go to the academy, Naruto will graduate as a genin when he reaches the age of 12," Hiruzen said, what he wasn't expecting was Danzo to give him one of the biggest smiles he's seen in a long time.

"Also," this made Danzo stop in his tracks, "if you even hurt Naruto, I will kill you myself. Any missions you put him on, I know you Danzo, they must be reported to me, and must be under B rank," Danzo nodded at the requirements.

"You won't regret this, Hiruzen. He'll be the next god of shinobi in the world," stated Danzo with the most emotion that he has mustered in a long time.

"Don't make me regret this, Danzo. And if I even notice a slight tinge of manipulation going on, I will have your head," stated Hiruzen, who signed his anbu to follow him as he finally left the house of Danzo.

Several minutes after Hiruzen left his house, 4 figures jumped in through the window that led to the outside world, "Danzo-sama, the job, it's done. We can finally start plan 1," stated the masked individual on the left. His voice was tainted with nothing, it was even hard to tell the gender by the voice as no emotion could be found inside said being.

"Finally, Hiruzen, I will be Hokage," Danzo smiled, walked through one of the many hallways and flipped a hidden lever that revealed a secret passage leading to whatever deep, dark, and scary dungeon he had in his basement.


A/N: Yo, ZiixlZ here, I re decided about my ff schedule. The latest a chap will come out will be in a week, if I don't, just spam me in my dms because I probably got busy or forgot about FanFiction itself.

So, to get onto real business, I still haven't decided Naruto's affinities, I was thinking water and lightning (got lightning from his dad and got water from his mom,) but I want to know your thoughts on the subject. If you like it, tell me why. If you don't, do tell my why.

On another note, if there are any mistakes here or grammar errors, do remind me by commenting, I want to fix any and all errors.

And for all you babies who are saying, "well why not all affinities," or, "give him 4/5," I don't want to make him op too fast, he will become over powered, but shit like that takes time, you don't become Goku over night. He will learn to use all affinities at one point in the story, but not right away.

I want to give him like 2-3 affinities that make sense, for instance, his mother had one affinity, water, and his father had 3 affinities, lightning, fire, and wind. Give me something reasonable, so he probably won't have earth affinity because none of his parent have the affinity and Uzumaki are known for having strong affinities to water.

Well, ima go and, on a serious note, I still don't know if I want to do a relationship in this ff, if you guys have read my other fanfics, I don't really like doing relationships in ff's because they usually ruin the story and it gives Naruto a huge weakness. I also hate every single person in the Konoha 12, so... yeah. Peace.

Word count: 2565

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