
Chapter 27 comments on the net (3) volume 3 501-507

501 The "wordofgod" has already pointed out

1. All the friends of Shengba Ba are the only Purple Saint.

2, Shengba, friends are all insane.

The male hangs delusion to marry the saint to get rich;

The female hangs delusional to marry a saint to make a fortune.

The beautiful name is out of the mountain.

"Mighty cat uncle: @田中行者 Someone has registered your trumpet, and people who don't know think you have joined Ge Jiao.

502, finalseer: Circumcision created neurosis.

"Ge Hua: And everything.

"2007chunlu55: The bigger he is, the smaller he is. Ziweixiang says he is weak but he is bigger.

"Anonymous: With all due respect, this is like a cult.

"" Ge Hua: Give it to God Ge.

"Feifeifeifei 99: You can reopen a post to announce to the world that you are the man of destiny. Half of the friends believe you will win.

"" Pueraria lobata: 20331126

"Ggyywzw: Lao Ge really retired.

"" Ge Hua: Ge Shen mainly attacked the Internet and spread the gospel to the people of the world.

"He Zhengyi: God of the pot will end up in a pot sooner or later!

"" Zhuxue and Taxue: Ge Shen mighty.

"Then what duang's place is broken: I am a god, you have to listen to him (GeYiMin does not feel [Funny]

503. Xu Xiangguo: If you want to take it, you must follow it.

We should respect Ge Yimin as holy so that we can see him dancing on the fire.

"The King of Monster Leather Pants: Just elect yourself and it will be over.

"" Le You Jian -: Ma Weiqing, Wang Jianxin, Zheng Kuifei, Ge Yimin. Huang Wei. . . . .

Who else is welcome to add~

"Ge Hua: 20331126 Ge Datong.

"" Blue called Oh: I'm still poor and in the same world hahaha, no matter which civilization has slums.

"Gehua: Geshen's substance is even.

504. Sayuri in the greenhouse: Go to GeYimin for the last time, when you leave

I will stamp the dust off my feet to testify that they are not.

This is my last post to GeYiMin.

I didn't want to be here. Because you said [Just forget you don't want to, don't say more] (in the belief is not a post that can be used for business) Why do I have to "talk more"? But I want to say a few words when I leave. Sorry!

I said, one yuan can buy a person's soul,

Indeed, for the sake of his own popularity, he does not hesitate to fake, deceive, and persecute others. When others do not do what they do, they get angry and turn over. I really don't know if your Gejiao wants to save others or let others save you? Also, your explanation after deleting all the friends in QQ is [They are useless to me. . . . ] Very surprised! They are useless and no longer needed, so they are deleted. This is your Ge-style philosophy. Is the relationship between people just using and being used? Therefore, you have no friends, not even one. Only profit is a picture. Don't be talking about God being fed by a woman and fabricating that you are unworthy. He who guards his mouth and tongue protects himself from disaster.

Every tree can recognize him by looking at the fruit. People do not pick figs from thorns, nor grapes from thistles.

Originally you have nothing to do with Christianity.

Claiming to be Christian, but not confessing Christ. What is it called? In fact, the reason is very simple. You profess to be Christ, can you still believe in the true Christ? Seems to be getting worse now? As long as it is good, you are all alone, even suggesting that you are a "crape myrtle sage" (I have never heard of [masturbation]). You have a lot of titles! "Great Internet Religious", "Thinker", "Christ" and "Prophet". In fact, you only deserve one title, that is, "Satan's Vanguard"! The great adulteress in "Revelation." . .

The ten horns and the beast you saw will hate this harlot, make her cold and naked, and will eat her flesh and burn her with fire.

When it comes to binding Satan, your answer is [Let it add popularity. . . ]

In fact, I want to borrow the power of Satan. Add popularity to yourself, a guy who calls himself a prophet and Christ. To indulge the evil and insult the Father in Heaven for a little bit of petty profit. Really unscrupulous. Is your popularity so important?

A good person derives good from the good in his heart. The wicked utter evil out of the evil in his heart. Because of the fullness of my heart, I speak out.

Ge [Its affair is not morally prohibited. . . Everyone's sexual satisfaction is as convenient as going to the toilet, since there is no moral problem in going to the toilet. . . In case of the opposite sex, both parties voluntarily. . . ]

God, what is this called? Disgusting! You can even think of it? It's not how conservative I am. Sex is the crystallization of love and the rise of emotions. How could it be like going to the toilet? Even those with hormonal imbalances feel guilty, do you have it? of course not! Look at those animals that are also in pairs. Maybe you are ashamed?

Imagine your Ge-style communist society. The male has lost his father's responsibility (I don't know who his cub is); the mother is the head of the orphanage (I don't know who the cub's father is). The husband became a duck; the wife became a chicken. "People" wander between "sexual exchanges." Looking for their own prey of the opposite sex. Revel in it. . . Of course, it may promote people's exploration of unknown areas. Such as; Why are animals more sensible than "humans"? More ethical? Confused. Exploring. .

Ignorant people delight in folly; wise people act with integrity. . . At that time, people will say to Dashan: 'fall on us! 'Said to the hill: 'cover us! '

Fried Soufan's "Ge-style Communist"

At this time you have mutated. You have changed from a theologian to a sociologist. [Each person does his best, distributes according to his needs] Pediatric theory, ignoring human nature and each doing his best. Who should work hard? Who should be the department? Allocation according to needs, needs, is it food and clothing or luxury villas? Who is responsible for the distribution? Deceive yourself and others. Your explanation is that [people will become] you have mutated from a sociologist to an anthropologist. Like Che Guevara, we must transform human beings. Transform people's thinking. Turn people into communist machines. Of course, there will be extramarital affairs. . In fact, your theory is plagiarized except for gender issues that others dare not think about or talk about. .

What has been done will be done again; what has been done will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun. Is there one thing that people can point to and say, this is new? However, in our previous generations, it has already been.

Ge ["I am a god, you have to listen to him." He refers to Ge Yimin]

Typical foolish dreams! In the past, you naively thought that you were a lost lamb and didn't know what you were doing. Actually not, you know what you are doing. The purpose is clear. It is to use the name of Christ to achieve one's own goals. You are not the highly narcissistic guy I used to say, you know yourself well. I just want to be famous, crazy, perverted, out of control. Of course, there is still ambition, but it is getting further and further away from the goal. More and more distant. Except for a few loyal vests, they all left, see through. People are examining the significance of their debate with you?

Whatever has it, it will be given to him to make him rich; but what is not, even what he has will be taken away.

Final warning!

Don't call yourself Christianity. You can change your name to prevent Christianity from being demonized and hurt the innocent. The Bible is sacred, do not quote the scriptures casually to avoid retribution. Don't blaspheme the Holy Spirit for your own purposes. The gain is not worth the loss. People are responsible for their actions and pay for their actions. Watch out! Be afraid!

So I tell you that all human sins and blasphemy can be forgiven. Only blasphemy against the Holy Spirit can never be forgiven!

This is my last time here.

Almost all your vests here. You continue to entertain yourself! God wants everyone to be saved and not one to perish. Hope you can repent! Kneel before God and confess your sins. Pray for God's forgiveness with a humble heart. God is merciful and will forgive you. I am leaving. When I leave, I will stamp the dust off my feet to testify that they are not.

Do not give the sacred objects to the dogs, and do not throw your jewels in front of the pigs, for fear that they will trample on the jewels with their feet and turn around and bite you.

Chapter 505: The Deception About Yemei and Plastic Products

After I joined Yemei, I realized that this is a cult at all!

Everyone knows the main plastic products of Yemei Forum, Yemei, Yexue, etc., but for Yemei's former administrator (Li Juan), many newcomers to Yemei and God's Bar may not have heard of it. She He is the biggest victim in Yeme's history.

Maybe Yemei has blocked all posts about this at the time. But his crime has affected many innocent people.

Originally only waiting for God's salvation and his repentance, but now it seems that the power of Yemei religion has become too strong to be ignored. When we left Yemei, it was only on the eve of Easter. At that time, Yemei had more than 4,000 members. In a blink of an eye, there are now 5,000 people. As long as one person spreads the cult's thoughts to two people, the country will be deceived and even deceived every year. There will be tens of thousands of people injured. Since one's own desire affects the entire nation, it has to be criticized, so I have to stand up and expose his tricks.

The first is Yemei's identity. Yemei claims to be a reporter from Xinhua News Agency. I have to admit that I have not investigated whether this is true or not. But one day it can be confirmed that he is lying. He said his real name is Ge Yimin and he graduated from Nanjing University. But we did not find this name on the list of graduates of Nanjing University. Obviously, this is Yemei's shameful deception.

Furthermore, Yemei is already the father of the child, but he is still despicable enough to deceive the young administrator himself. When he knew the truth, he vowed to divorce his wife and marry him. I believed him in this way and began to wait with expectations. However, the dream turned into a nightmare, and Yemei later confessed to the administrator Xingkong, and then showed his favor to the then moderator of the Yemeizhe Museum of the glacier. Yemei said to these girls that he was the only one in his heart, and he didn't feel that way for others. Later, Bingxin believed it to be true and felt pressure to leave Yemei. When I stayed, the truth finally came to light.

I don't know how many people have been deceived by Yemei, this is really a shameful act.

Later, I posted a post on Yemei, asking Yemei, what is a god-given marriage? "God-given marriage" was what Yemei said when he told Bingbing that he wanted to get married with Bingchuan online, and he was confident of bringing this marriage to reality. It's nothing more despicable to deceive believers in the name of God. Thing.

After that, Yemei never showed up to escape. Later, Yemei explained that he had gone to interview the veteran, but the place was remote and there was no internet. Faced with such a coincidence, most people began to laugh at Yemei.

A long time later, Yemei posted a shameful post to defend herself. The title was "I admit that I love myself, and I also admit that I love the stars", what a shameless beast! What about your wife? What about your child? Why would you say such a thing? Did you think of them when you said this?

Yemei and Plastic, everyone thought they were worthy of respect. In fact, you are too wrong.

Yemei's deception is of course far more than what I said, but because of time constraints, let me talk about plastic products below.

Plastic products are said to be familiar to Yemei, but they are actually as familiar as a person.

Last year we saw a piece of news on the website about the death of a girl, and the portrait in the hands of the father in the photo was the photo uploaded by the plastic product on Yemei! So everyone went to find the plastic product, only to find that the plastic product was still there, and the beauty photo was not hers at all! But hasn't Yemei ever seen a plastic product, hasn't he? Later, when I was online one day, we found that Yemei and Plastic Products were using the same TP. What happened? Yemei didn't talk about it at the time, knowing that we all knew it, and then explained that they were all surfing the Internet at a certain university, and the plastic product was sitting on the machine next to him.

People are all around, why do you upload fake photos?

In 2004, the four beauties of Yemei, plastic products did not have votes. I wanted to make the four beauties better serve Yemei, and plastic products, whether elected or not, will do their best to play for Yemei.

Excuse me, have you ever seen plastic products themselves? Has any of you seen it, can you tell me?

But the truth is actually very simple, but because it is disgusting, we have never said, that is: Plastic products and Yemei are actually the same person!

We suspect that Yemei is not the only one dressed up as plastic, but there is no way to verify it now, but why does Yexue maintain Yemei so much? Is it really because of his young ignorance that his brother Yemei treats her too well? still is. . . . . . Moreover, Ye Xue's QQ has never been on, so there is no level to talk about. QQ is also an important way for Yemei to recruit members, but why wouldn't a main force like Yexue not be on QQ?

Playing someone else is much more fun than playing yourself, but after all, it fools the public and hurts too many people.

I wrote these words, hoping to alert all Yemei members who were deceived, hoping to alert God to all innocent people. And maybe Yemei's influence and destructive power has already affected the entire nation, and maybe his influence is far greater than I thought.

Hope God can redeem our people. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

506. Five steps to unify the world when I was 15 years old: (Chat with Yimei QQ)

→Laugh at life∮ 20:39:39

Good~ Ge Yimin 20:40:18 The Diary of a Madman at Yeme High School June 21 I took a nap today at noon, thinking about the theme song of "Blood Suspicion", "Thank you", but I couldn't fall asleep, what a song that made people cry. In the evening they told me that Tang Jinghua, who was admitted to the Nanda Junior Class, was speechless. As for yourself, swear: "North, Wai, Nuo, She, Yi". Who is the answer? PS; Interpretation of Symbols: Nan, Wang, Jing, Jiao, Yige Yimin 20:40:35 I will explain to you the song Yimin 20:42:00 Five steps to unify the world at the age of 15: Peking University, going abroad, promise Bell Prize for Literature, Clubs, Unified World Song Yimin 20:43:43 Now: Nanjing University, website (Ge Yimin Post Bar, Ge Yimin Community), Jing (Ge Yimin Jing, Ge Huaxun, CCP Declaration) , Jiao (Ge Yi Min Jiao, CCP League), Unify the World → Smile at Life ∮ 20:44:23 Internet? Song Yimin 20:44:35 Reality Song Yimin 20:45:02 Realization of a communist society in the world, that is, a unified world song Yimin 20:45:41 Ou be the world chairman, haha→Laugh to see life∮ 20:45: 54 Chinese people do not have a Nobel Prize in Literature until now. Yimin 20:46:15 Chinese abroad have, Gao Xingjian's song Yimin 20:46:56 No, my 15-year-old steps are different from now, I have listed as above →Laugh at life∮ 20:47:09 Hehe, this is your ideal

Song Yimin 20:47:29

Working hard ING~~~ →Laugh to see life∮ 20:48:58 Haha, your ideals are different from ordinary people

→Look at life with a smile∮ 20:49:22

Why do you want to create education?

Song Yimin 20:49:47

To implement a communist society around the world

→Laugh at life∮ 20:50:00

Want to be like Hitler?

→Laugh at life∮ 20:50:12

The one just now?

→Laugh at life∮ 20:50:27

Hitler and the church

Song Yimin 20:50:58

Is not

I am a peaceful and harmonious export of communist values

Song Yimin 20:51:23

There are these CCP declarations, but you are not interested in watching them.

→Laugh at life∮ 20:51:38

Communism did not take off~~

→Laugh at life∮ 20:51:48

I've watched a lot~ →Look at life with a smile∮ 20:52:17 Somewhat weird~ It makes people question

Song Yimin 20:52:23

Well, I keep updating

→Laugh at life∮ 20:53:02

Therefore, I think the Buddha said more rationally. Song Yimin 20:53:26 Well, please fellowship more in the future →Laugh at life∮ 20:53:26 So what does the Bible say? →Look at life with a smile∮ 20:53:38 If you come, you will also move over

Song Yimin 20:53:46

You just read the bible

→Laugh at life∮ 20:54:01

Haha, move it to Ge Yimin. Ge Yimin 20:54:08 The Bible's verses about communism are listed in the CCP Declaration →Laughing at life∮ 20:54:49 that I have seen

Song Yimin 20:55:10

Well, I post the chat log to the community

507. Sayuri in the Greenhouse: "General GeYimin Admits Wrong" (Funny)

General GeYimin, who had just returned from other forums, went to Baidu Post Bar, despite his exhaustion. Continue to talk to the netizens here about his great Ge Gong thought. It was too late that day, and we said: "General Ge, go back and rest. You just came back from another forum for narcissism. Keep your body."

General Ge Yimin shook his head, "It's not in the way, you know that many people on the Internet now regard my Ge-style theory as an enemy and continue to cause trouble for me. You are the future of Ge Gong, you must insist on extramarital affairs, this is the top priority "We were all excited, with tears in our eyes. What a great GeYiMin. He doesn't even let others' marriages go. . .

General Ge looked up at the sky and said, "It would be great if there are as many stars in the sky as the people who believe in my nonsense." Suddenly, he got excited, his whole body trembled, and his eyes gleamed. "But there are such people. Always find my fault, mess up my thoughts, mess up the post, they don't want extramarital affairs, they don't accept my mutual covetousness and deception, they are sinners.

With that said, General Ge bent down, took off a stinky shoe from his foot, then looked at the sky and said, "Damn heretics."

He threw the stinky shoe bar hard. I saw that stinky shoe made two perfect arcs in the air, and then it fell down. "These netizens who opposed me have been scolding me at GeYiMin, including what Sayuri, what little birds and birds. I have endured it for a long time. I am going crazy," General GeYiMin cursed frantically. Everyone applauded, proud that Post Bar has such a lunatic.

After his mood stabilized, General Ge asked: "Where did my stinky shoe fall? I'm still barefoot," "It fell on the head of one vest," the other vest said.

General Ge Yimin was startled and said: "Hurry up to the hospital and see if there is any problem." Soon, news came from the hospital that he was opened, plus harmful gas invaded, and he was in a coma. . . .

At this time, General Ge was still barefoot, standing there steadily, and said to us: "To deceive the world always requires sacrifice. For my cult cause I can break the blood, they are pseudo-big, yes Honourable..."

He lowered his head and said: "But I have to admit that I was too reckless to throw stinky shoes up at the time. I apologize to the vests. I'm like a netizen in Tieba to explain the situation."

We immediately burst into tears, what a good GeYiMin, his small mistakes in the process of fighting with the righteous netizens were actually remembered by him, and he apologized. We must learn from General Ge in future posts. , To learn from his senseless and righteous mind, learn from his spirit of not hitting the south wall and not giving up.

At this time, from the direction of the hospital came the sound of evil wind passing through the broken window "East wind blows, war drums, don't believe GeYimin who else do you want to believe..." "Huh? Where is my front teeth..." ..."