
Word End

Stepfiney Hunt a 32 years old woman whom live in the end of the world for 15 years yet one day she wake up in another body of a boy of 18 years old name September. Read along to see what she/he going to do with the struggle of gender and the struggle of having to go through the apocalypse once more.

Sinoun_Blomfield · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

I open my eyes feeling the brightness and everything spinning around all over the place. Oh wow I am going to throw up for sure. Wait close my eyes and let do this one more time where exactly am I that the question. What was it the last thing I remember? Breathing I try to talk everything slower to bring back my memories everything is so disorientated right now. And the ringing in my ear doesn't help at all.

It's bright, I open my eyes once more; why is there such a bright sun light, it is not possible for the sky to be this bright and the air is really clean that it doesn't hurt to breathe. The last thing I remember was that I was push in to a crowed of hungry crowd of wolf. Did someone safe me from there, who could have safe me from that kind of situation I would not count on the ass that was the one to push me in to the crowd of hungry wolf in the first place.

"Okay, kids we have him surrounded. Let attack the monster." I hear a loud girl voice and children screaming and running toward me.

What is going on right now. Did I turn in to a monster but I still have all of my memory and my humanity.

"Attack, attack brother September." I fall down backward watching the kid climbing all over me laughing and giggling with happiness. They don't looked skinny as a stick nor do they looked dirty. They looked so clean and wearing clothes that is so neat and tidy.

"Okay, okay, kids I think our brother September have learn his lesson. So should we let him off?" I looked at a cute girl that is so pretty one could called her an angel she looked about 15. This is the kind of girl that would get sold off or torture in to the mouth of man in the World End. Everywhere she goes man would drool over her. The kid run off as she finish speaking.

"Big bro are you okay?" She reach out her hand toward me. Wait a minute did she called me big bro. I am a woman dame it even though I haven't been taking care of myself over the 20 years of the World End I still have breast to show I am a woman.

Wait where is my breast, I pat down on my chest which is as flat as a board. I pull my shirt open and looked carefully where the heck did my breast goes.

"Brother, what are you doing? You pervert we are outside don't suddenly undress yourself." The cute pretty girl spoke out screaming in my ears as she try to button up my shirt.

"Who are you? Why do you keep calling me brother?"

"Brother, stop playing around."

"I am not playing around, seriously if you don't answer me and tell me who you are I am going to seriously hurt you."

"Brother it me your little sister, May. Don't try to scared me." The girl star at me with tears in her eyes she looked so cute like she is younger then she is. I could feel a sharp pain in my chest and I really just want to reach over to wipe her tear and tell her that I am her brother but I could not lie to such a cute and innocent girl.

"I am not your brother, 1. I don't have a sister 2. I am a woman." Even if my beautiful breast is gone I am still a woman inside and outside.

"Little June come here there something with big brother September." A girl at the age of 10 run over looking like an exact copy of the girl in front of me only a younger version with baby fat still on her cheek.

"sis what wrong?"

"Brother do you know who this is?"


"Idiot brother September how can you not know me." June start to shake me, but I really don't know you I am so confuse right now sob sob.. can someone please explain to me what is going on right now. I lost my breast and got two very cute sister that I don't even know. my head hurt and I just could not keep my eyes open anymore.


"Doctor what wrong with my brother?"

"We don't know what is the course but he seem to have lost his memories."

"What, how is that possible he is so healthy and fit. How could he all of a sudden turn out to lost all his memories."

"He might have hit his head and you don't know about it."

I hear the voice of the discussion going on and sobbing sound all around me. I open my once again and this time I am laying on a bed instead of standing outside somewhere. Now this time where the heck are my? Wait that not the problem, the problem is I am a woman and don't have any sibling I for sure know of that. I didn't lost my memories, seriously I remember every single thing that happen to me for the last 15 years of my life when the World End.

"Elder brother, big brother September is awake." I looked at the two girl that holding each other hands and half crying and smiling at me which make me feel really guilty for making such cute and angel like girls to be crying over me.

"September, you are awake. How are you feeling right now?" I shook my head I really don't know how I should really feel.

"Give him some space, it hard already for him to feel so disorientated with everything and not know what is going on."

"I know what going on" I spoke. "I remember everything, we are 15 years to the Apocalypse right now."

"Apocalypse." The elder brother looked at me weirdly and giving the doctor a give me an answer what going on with my little brother or I am going to hurt someone and they know that it going to hurt.

"Is this not 15 years to the World End. Why do you all looked like I am crazy when we already 15 years in the apocalypse."

"September, my little brother there is no apocalypse of any sort. When did you hit your head so hard that it made you think we are at the end of the world?"

"Elder brother Ap," the elder brother glare at May.

"Gee, I won't use your name stop glaring at me." May duck behind my bed using me as the shield and she spoke loudly "And don't be mean to big brother." Oh right say that once you stop using me as a shield.

But then again she so cute even though she is not my sister I still want to steal her and keep her to myself. Okay this is not the time to be daydreaming right now I mean I am slow on the up keep but come on how could they not know that we are in the apocalypse right now and looking at me like I am the crazy one.

Just one second. There is a mirror opposite of me in the room and I only suddenly realizes it, I looked at the mirror and a very cute boy or man that looked like an exact copy of May and June looked back at me, the face looks so handsome that I almost fall in love with that face and it looked like almost like an angel that drop down from heaven.

Heck who is that man, I wanted to reach out and touch the face but I reach out and touch my face seeing as the guy is seating right on my spot. No way this is not me right, it must have been a dream. I pat my chest and the boy-man in the mirror did the same. FUCK!!!! It really gone, I reach down between my leg and stop; no need for me to looked I can feel my wee wee dangling between the leg.

What the FRECK happen to me how oh how. I knew I am slow but really how the heck did I become such a cute handsome pretty boy all of a sudden this can't be I am a woman. Where is my beautiful sexy lady body I don't have confidences in my face but my body differently attract attention. What more the face on the mirror looked so handsome I want to married him to me. Wait that Is me.

Wait that is not the most important thing how am I going to know what kind of gender I like I am a woman through and through but my outward appearance and everything outside is all man. Oh my god Stepfiney Hunt your priority is so out of order, I wanted to cry how am I going to shower and use the toilet. My mind is spinning out of control I don't know what to do. I know I am Stepfiney Hunt who live in the Apocalypse for 15 years now. Not this pretty delicate little boy of only 18 years old that even I want to jump at him.

Oh man I am not going to do very well at the World End with this face beautiful face of my, both man and woman would want to bed me. Wait that not import come one Stepfiney Hunt concentrate, first I need to find out where exactly I am right now.

"Where are we?" I spoke out my voice sound as soft and delicate as I looked.

"We are in our house." June answer and hold on to my hand. "Brother are you feeling better. Are you okay?"

"umm…what day and year are we in?" I ask this the Elder brother looked so ugly his aura fill up the room that made it so difficult to breath it was fill with murderers intent straight at no one in particular in the room. But it was so stifling that I wanted to faint.

"Brother you're scaring us. Dale it down a bit."

"Sorry, I am going to avenge September, whoever it is that have done this to my little brother."

"That not important right now bro." I spoke.

"Oh you know who elder brother is?"

"No, I just assume that what I called him." I clear my throat and ask once more. "date and year"

"It's is 20th of 2010."

"Are you sure."

"Yes brother it is the right date. You been out for almost 1 week. We are so worried `bout you" May spoke out and grab my hands.

Well shit, I could not help but laught out. I am back. I travel back to the time before the apocalypse before the World End. Before everything when in to shit and before everything broken out in disaster. How, how is it possible.

Wait maybe this time it may not happen at all, maybe this time is my chance to live a normal life even in a boy body, and not worried and coward in the dark like a coward again. I can have a normal life I can be normal. I couldn't help jump up and stand on the bed. All three of my sibling looked at me like have gone crazy as I am laughing and jumping about like a crazy person.

"Yeah brother is back." June join in with my happiness. And our big brother could not help but just smile at the two of us without saying a word.

Oh wait the 20th 2010 that is like only 4 days until the World End and I am not even sure if this time it will happen again like last time so better safe then sorry. I drop back down on to the bed trying to calm myself down. Sis, little sis, and elder brother I have family to take care of. Every time I think of leaving to defend for themselves my heart almost burst open in pain and would stop that idea of me leaving this cute and handsome family behind.

I must make sure. " bro is there going to be a meteor shower coming in a few day."

"Yes there is, we all called it the star shower. It going to happen in three day we were planning to go to our town house to get away from the city to watch it."

Shit it is happening again, it the same name star shower and the same date that is happening. Going to the town house, dame I have a rich family who even own a town house.

"How far is the town house? Is it safe, do we have somewhere to hide in the town house."

"Of course it is safe you been there after all our brother is one of the major governed people. Anywhere he goes must be secure."

"Talking about that, I have to go to work. Now that Sep is okay, you guy's can get back on your plan to go the town house first. I will join you guy after my work."

"Bro are you sure you're going to make it to the town house before the star shower."

"Of course, I will." He reach over and ruffle my hair making it going out of fashion and out of order.

"Brother stop it you're messing with my hair"

"See even though you lost your memories you still act the same." He ruffles my hair some more and wouldn't let me go.

I almost wanted to bit his arms off for not listening to me and somehow he knew what was going on in my mind because he put his hand up in defeat and start grinning like a full.

I seat on the wheelchair as May pushed my chair and June when to get our butler to bring us to the townhouse on the trailer.

"Auntie and Uncle is waiting for us in the trailer."

"Who is aunty and uncle again" I ask trying to get to know the family as fast as I could without being so stupid. But of course I don't think they ever go the image of me crying the end of the world out of there head any time soon.

"Auntie Liliy is our mother's sister and she has taken us in since we were small after our parents passed away."

"oh" I wanted to say sorry seeing as I made my little sister remember something so unpleasant but then it would feel wrong to say sorry as well seeing as they were my parent to.

"September" uncle and aunties rush over and given me a big hug I try to smile and not scared then seeing as I am completely someone else using this body and their nephew have die already. Putting it this way I feel comply bad for the whole family for me to be stilling their brother life and replacing myself in their life. I am so, so sorry, but to repay you I will looked after you until the apocalypse come and make sure that at lest you have enough food and enough place to stay.

"Who whole the money in or family?" I ask thinking that the money is with my auntie or uncle.

"Silly child of course it you and your brother. We just got back from our travel. Sorry we were not here when you are so sick."

"Oh it okay uncle and auntie. You are here now that is the most important thing."

"Okay let quickly made our way to the town house. I want to get there before the meteor shower so we prepared everything. I am so exciting to watch it"

"Don't mind your crazy uncle Tomie. He is just really crazy over anything to do with the universe and star. He even drag me all over the earth just to see the different star in different angle. " auntie Liliy laugh and gently smack uncle Tomie on the shoulder.

I smile along with everyone, seem like this is a very happy family I could feel the warmth from all their smile. As we seat down I became quite relive that we are living the city because once the World End hit everything will go in charoset and either half of the people turn in to monster or get eaten by the monster. In the other World End we called them Spiritwalker they like to tear in too human flesh and eat them whole of course people at the beginning think they were zombies but they weren't they were completely different from Zombies one thing when you get bitten or scratch by them you don't turn until you completely die from the infection itself. Event when you die with intact body you will turn in to a Spiritwalker.

I stay on the wheel chair not feeling like I could seat still seeing as we are so close to the judgment day once we get to our town house there is only a day left for me to try and get everything from the shop.

"May is there a big shop on our way to the town house." I ask May seeing as she is a girl of 15 and would be more interested in shopping she should know where all the shop are.

"Yes there is a very big shopping plaza and even a big bulk store they literally have everything in bulk and it near us only an hours drive."

"Tell our driver to go to the bulk shop on the way to the house."

"big bro is there something you need there it not good for you to go shopping in such a bad condition you in right now."

"There time for me to rest on this van." I try to think of what we need we definitely need thing that doesn't go off for year to comes kind of food like rice, pasta, nuts, meat, lot of salt so we can cure the meat and for sure dried good that is hight in calories.

"May ask the driver where can we buy a remodelling place for our house."

"Big Bro what is going on?" she touch my forehead trying to see if I had any fever or going crazy from the high temperature.

"Hey come on now just listen to your brother for this few days and don't even think that I am going crazy just pretend that you are spoiling me for now okay." I grab on to her hand begging for her to not ask to many questions. If there is no judgment day then everything will be fine and it would be great and I just have to act crazy for a few day and the food we can eat for years to come and it doesn't matter. Not like anyone could steal it from our house.

Now if the Judgment day do come we are ready for it and will be prepared for anything that will be swinging at us. I looked at the innocent family and feel great protection for all of them. I am now responsible for their live 2 elderly and 2 very soft and delicate girls. If only I can stop everything from happening and stop time making sure that the judgment day never ever comes that would be amazing. I just keep feeling that something might go wrong along the way.

"Big Bro, what wrong you are scaring us all." June ask me as she can feel the killing intense that I was lashing out from worried from their safety.

"Sorry it is nothing," I rub June hair and smile at her. "My cute little June your big bro will bring you shopping for many good thing so think about what you need and what you want. Money is not an issue." I wink at her.

"Really I can buy as much candy as I want and nice pretty dress as I want."

"Of course has your big bro ever lie to you before."

"Big brother don't spill June to much or she going to be wanting everything she see from now on." I smile this is the last few days that I could spill you girls before the horror of the World End hit us.

"You too May, we are going to buy whatever you want. Auntie and Uncle please think of the thing that you can think of that you wanted or need. Especially we want thing that are good that last for years to come."

Aunt Liliy and Uncle Tomie looked at me with their jaw dropping. Oh just wait until I truly shop that heck out of the store they would die rolling around thinking that I would have gone mad from craziness. But so, what? I am a sick person so I am going to take advantage of the fact that I am the main carer to this family. And depending on the fact that I have an unlimited amount of bank card.

"Brother the driver doesn't know any house remodelling place."

"Oh" now what; right I keep forgetting in have a strong big brother. I should called him to see if he has any connection. I give him a called before we get to the town house they can redesign everything especially before we get there.

"Bro, I want to redesign the town house do you know anyone that can do it quickly before we get to the house."

"Well of course I do, but why."

"I just want to redesign the house." He chuckle low and I really thought that my ears almost got pregnant from that low seductive laugher of his.

"Okay do whatever you want" I can really feel this big brother doting on his brother to death.

Now that I got the contact everything door for each room need a lock from the inside and outside the door must wit stand bullet. There must be a bunker as well that is air thigh. The front door and window must wit stand anything you throw at it.

I given the house modelling a called and given then my preferences. They work so fast with everything and got back with the design with in 2 hours the service sure is fast.

"Young master don't worried, we will finish everything with in 2 days before you get to the house."

"Make sure to send the key to the house to my big brother."

"Yes sir." This company is really discipline indeed. Now all I have to worried about is the shopping part.


Almost 1 day. And half pass by and I spend it eating and sleeping trying to recover all my energy as much as possible. I will have to take care of the family before elder brother get to the house then I can relax but what if he couldn't make it back then it up to me to make sure that the family is safe.

Finally, we made it to the market place that sale bulk so I excited order to buy, buy and more buying. Everyone head almost spin out of control from me pointing at the amount of stuff I was pointing at. Only my Little June is happy to being able to buy as much sweet as she wanted.

"June gets more than that."

"Okie dookie." She saluted me like a soldier to a captain.

"Sep dear don't you think you are buying a bit to much of everything. It not like we can eat any of this for the next 10 years." I smile and think inwardly uncle if it last for 10 years that would be great if we don't get rub by anyone whom is hungry enough to eat human.

"This is not enough. We have the money there is no need to worried."

"I am not worried about the money I am more worried how are we going to finish the food that you're buying." Auntie Liliy voice out as well.

Oh Uncle and Auntie you will hopefully be grateful that I am buying everything that I see in this store in a few day on.

"Aunties and Uncle please go and get thing that can last for a long time, like milk powder, rice, pasta. Any dried good that will last for year to come. Oh and meat and any dried meat you can find."

"…." There was no word that come out of them as if they have gone death and not a word would be coming out of their mouth.

"Please" I did the cute boy attack on them using my handsome angel like looked to kill them with one strike.


See work every single time and got to thank to my good look it effective to all man and woman. Even I have to keep my saliva down every single time I see my own refection and keep my own urge to jump on myself.

After sorting everything with the family and going around the store with May pulling everything that I think we will need May begin to push me to the second floor where all the cloth are. By the end of everything I almost bought half of the store to the house. I think I got everything that we might need.

Food, water, clothing, medicine very important, the shopkeepers could not stop smiling at the amount of money our family was spending seeing as we almost bought half of the shop clean. Because we spend so much money that the shop willingly deliver the food for us. So they follow behind the van all the way to the town house.

I am so exhausted from shopping all day but I need to make sure that the house is going to be safe. There is only 40 hours left until the meteor shower going to come. I looked at the house and completely happy with the remodelling of the house.

"Wow, our house looked so different." June cry out in excitement.

"What do you think sis." I ask May.

"Umm…it looked different."

"Yeah it is."

I try to think of what else we need to get prepared. I mean this time I am in a much better position than the last time, seriously at the beginning of the apocalypse all I could do is to run and cry hiding for my life praying that the Spiritwalker will not get me and tear in to me. I was literally a wimp and couldn't do anything, but now I know what going to happen so the family will be safe and have a safe place to stay and prepared with everything.

I try to think about what else we need building, food, medicine right we need transportation and weapon. Damn I completely forgot that we need weapon how do we get those. And it going scare the crap out of my family if they see me pull truck load of guns. They might think I am looking to take over the country if they don't' already worried about what is happening to me they will once they see guns involve.

What can I do? We for sure need the gun to protect ourselves but I don't know how to get it thought. Even spending 15 years in the World End I still never knew how you get the gun before the apocalypse happen.