
Wonderful Love

Dr. Jeremy Mark didn't want; amethyst-eyed Bella Harden on his pediatrics ward, He knew all about nurses like her, beautiful and heartbreakers who'd turn a man's feelings away from his work. Jeremy had found out the hard way that nurses like Bella were turmoil. But Jeremy wasn’t expecting Bella’s incredible skills nor was he prepared for her radiant smile to cut right through his heart. Before he knew it, Bella had reopened all the old wounds…but she had the healing touch that might save him.

Elma_Francis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


She looked at him and wondered what made her want to step closer. From the first day she came into st. Micheals, she heard while working what a fine doctor he was.

What does he think I am? Some kind of virus he's put under a high-powered microscope? She squirmed under his close scrutiny. Her pulse fluttered wildly at the base of her slender neck.

When the uncomfortable silence had become unbearable, Jeremy said in a flat voice, "Paediatrics must be boring for someone used to being in the fast lane."

Bella sensed that something was different about Jeremy. She knew it since the first day she arrived at the hospital.

June 2020.

"Moses, you cannot do this to me. I was just newly turned and you cannot keep me on that job," Bella wanted to make him understand the situation.

"You did a nursing program in 2000 after you were turned. Sending you to work in a hospital is the right thing to do. With you there we can get more blood supplies," Moses replied, the person to do the job was decided a month ago.

It was getting harder getting blood supplies so they needed someone on the inside to do the dirty work.

"I cannot go into the sunlight, how do you expect me to work in a hospital?" She asked him.

"Stop being stubborn. You know no one disrespects him when he has made a decision," Moses gave her share of blood to her.

Bella walked up to him.

"Moses, I know you can put in a word for me not to go. I was turned recently. If you send me, you will be putting me and everyone else at risk," She pulled his shirt.

Moses laughed.

"You were turned in 94' Bella, this is 2021. You barely went out all this time and because of you we have moved many times over the years. Do you not think it is time to pay us back for all the help we have given you?" He asked.

"We moved because I cannot control my thirst. If I work in the hospital, I do not know what I would do," She told him.

Another vampire came in.

"Do not mind the slutty little girl, she is ungrateful," Monica said.

Bella sighed and went to meet her.

"All of you know that I never wanted to be a vampire. I did not even know that creatures like you existed," She said.

"You mean creatures like us?" Ann laughed.

Moses came to her and held her shoulders.

"There is nothing to be scared of. No one will find you out. There are no other vampires apart from us in New York. I promise you," He reassured her that she was going to be safe.

She sat down and remembered what happened in 1994. Her life was taken away from her in a split second.

She was just eighteen at least she was luckier than most vampires. Ann was turned when she was fourteen and till now she still had the same stature. She was not growing anymore.

She was going to her school, it was her final exam and she had an argument with her brother that day.

"What are you doing?" He asked her when she saw him searching her bag.

"Are you doing drugs?" He asked her.

"Why are you searching for my bag?" She shouted at him.

Gerald was her elder brother and he was in college then.

"Do you know what you are doing? Why are you on drugs?" He asked her and pour the content on her bag down to see what was there.

More pills fell down and injections too with a pack of cigarettes. Her lifestyle then was the worst. She had struggled with depression and their mother who was their sole guardian left them to move on with her new boyfriend she met six weeks ago in Chicago.

"Gerald, please do not interfere. What I am doing should not be your concern," She told him.

Gerald was angry.

"I try my best to provide for you. Mom did not leave us anything. I have been trying to take care of you, selling every profitable item just to make sure you finish high school but yet you are taking drugs?" He was angry.

Bella walked out on him.

"Gerald, I told you to leave this town as soon as possible, did I not?" An unknown voice was heard.

Bella eavesdropped on their conversation.

"My sister will soon graduate from high school, I was hoping we could finish before we moved," Gerald sound like he was scared.

"Your sister may remain here but not you. You know the rules, Gerald, you cannot remain in another vamps territory," He said and held him by his neck.

There was fighting and the other man was beating Gerald mercilessly.

Bella ran in.

"Is this Bella?" He asked him and went to her side quickly. He kissed her neck.

"I wonder how she would taste," He smiled and moved her hair away from her neck.

Gerald stayed where he was.

"I thought you were going to school?" He shouted at her.

Bella knew she had done something wrong. If she went to school, she would not have been in trouble.

Bella cried.

"Who are you?" She asked him.

"You do not need to know, little girl. All I know is that you are going to pay for your big brother's crime," He smiled.

Gerald was angry.

"If you want me to go, I will leave. Please do not hurt my sister," He pleaded.

The man laughed.

"Oh, so now you feel remorse? Gerald, I was given instructions by the head himself and he said I should make you pay and you know him. You should not have disrespected him," He said and brought out his fangs.

Bella was scared and called her brother's name multiple times but he stood there doing nothing.

He blamed her for not listening to him.

The man sank his fangs inside her neck and drained her.

"Now, Gerald Harden, leave New York and never return. Your sire and mine are not in good terms so you will not be seeing your sister again," He said and took her body with him.

Gerald blamed himself and was angry with his sister too. He felt the burden of the family was always on his shoulder. He traveled a month to Chicago to look for his mother but was met with death. His sire found him and turned him. He could not leave his sister alone, he had to go back to help her. He was not aware that there were rules about territories. The vampires who were in New York were terrible, deadlier than others and when they started threatening him, he was making plans to leave but he wanted his sister to complete her studies.

Bella found herself in an enclosed place.

"How are you, little girl?" Another man asked, his voice was different from the other man who killed her earlier but she noticed that he was also one of them.

"Get away from me!" She screamed and threw things at him but he came to her side and held her hand.

He sat beside her. He was beautiful, something she had never seen before.

"I need to go! Why am i still alive?" She asked him.

"Oh yes, do not mind Jonathan. He does things on impulse. I did not want him to kill you," He smiled widely.

She got up quickly and moved backward and mistakenly opened the windows.

"Ahh," She shouted and fell to the ground painfully.

"What is wrong with me?" She asked him and put her hand near the sunlight again and her skin burnt but healed immediately.

"Where am I? I want my brother," She cried and knelt down begging him.

The man held her face.

"Do you not think you are too young to be taking drugs? The concentration of drugs in your blood almost knocked Jonathan out and you would be surprised if you knew him," He told her and helped her back to the bed.