

TheGodLn · Action
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3 Chs

Armageddon Program

Night of New Tiki City. Nine o'clock.

Spider Man shot a rope of web, slinging himself Across the huge bridge at the speed of sound.

Right now, he was in pursuit.

The woman with bizarre mechanical claws has been sprinting for over an hour now. It was impressive that she could run so fast and for so long despite being carrying those things this whole time.

She easily weighed a full ton.

(No time to praise the cat burglar! I've got to set this chick up and really do the job.)

Spider realized a while ago that outrun was impossible. She was too fast. But she was just running in a straight line— whenever she came across a intersection or a quick turn, she'd let herself hit and keep run after regaining her balance.

But the spider was more agile.

He started shooting webs ahead, covering the left passage that led out of the alley.

Just like he expected, she hit the wall and went to the right.

She was off balance!


The Totally Awesome Spider Man propelled himself ahead, and landed right in front of the woman.

He quickly webbed her way back. There wasn't escaping this time.

"I ain't letting you run on me now."

The masked hero raised both fists.

But, instead of fighting, Shawn decided to go up.

She jumped up to the building and ran on the roofs. Leticia leaped from building to building.

"Oh, fuck! Fight me, will you!?" He followed after her.

They continued doing this until they reached a certain warehouse.


The woman had disappeared inside of the metal warehouse.

"Where is she... what... hm?"

Some sort of panel came from the floor.

"Hii, Mr. Hero~♪!"


A young girl, who appeared to be in her late teens, appeared on the monitor. She had long purple hair and wore a black outfit, like a circus ringmaster.

"You know you're invading my territory, right♥?" She giggled. "But don't worry, I won't report or sue you. In fact, I think this is a great opportunity, Mr. Spiders Man! I've been watching you for these past two months, ever since you started webbing around and saving people. Ah, and you can call me DD. Heh heh."

(What is she talking about...?)

"Firstly, I want you to prepare that little heart of yours for what's to come. Oh, and to spice things up I'll tell you a secret, Hero: The beautiful lady you've been chasing is nothing more than a pawn to me. Yep, just a little pawn that I control. Astonished? I am the Mastermind behind these little, uhm... 'Affairs.' And more, be careful with the ground."

The floor busted open beneath him.

He fell dozens of meters down.

"I'm not even surprised anymore..." Spider Man mumbled to himself as he fell, completely straight and with his arms folded.

After a few minutes, he ended on a empty white room.

"Where the hell..."

"You okay, kid?" A man in black asked.

He had short ginger hair and was carrying a compound bow. A quiver and dozens of arrows were on his back.

The guy couldn't see it, but Spider Man's eyes were wide open.

"A-a... Are you? No, I'm sure you are! You're Archer, aren't you??! Keith Birdman, the Archer! Founding member of the Alliance of Heroes!! I'm your fan!"

The man smiled tenderly and waved his hands.

"Haha. Thanks, kid. But I don't think this is the time for it."

"Wow... Is the rest of the Alliance here???"

He took a look around, but the room was totally empty.

Archer spoke. "No, they aren't. I've been investigating a certain person and ended up here. I've been stuck here for about two days."

(Hmm... So I'm not the only DD captured.)

"You've been here for two days straight? You must be going crazy..."

"Not really. That lass, DD, she always give me food and water. She said I just had to wait until another person got here and then we would be able to escape — something about filling a requirement," Keith started looking around the room.

"There it is. That button on the wall wasn't there before."

He pressed it and the wall split open.

"Let's go, kid."