

It was early in the morning when I woke and turned to my other side when I realized Jacob wasn't there. I was surprised that Jacob was already awake; I stood up from the bed and saw that he was in the kitchen cooking something. I didn't disturb him and just went into the washroom to wash my face, brush my teeth, after I finished my daily routine I went outside but he was still in the kitchen.

I went near him and asked out of my curiosity, "what are you cooking hyung?"

"I was just cooking something for Eddie; I told you that today is his birthday, so I thought to cook something for him." He answered without looking at me.

"Oh! Wish him birthday from me too." I said smiling but it was a pure fake smile. I was really sad that this was happening. "Ok I will do that." He said still busy with the cooking.

I again headed towards the washroom to take a bath as breakfast wasn't ready, and I was feeling a bit sad too. I went inside the bathroom and sat on the stool thinking about Jacob and Eddie's friendship, "are they more than friends, are they dating secretly. They are so close they even slept together... but I did that too... Ah." I sighed as my hands trailed through my hairs. I sat there to calm down for a while, until I heard a knock on the door. "What are you doing inside Mason it's already half an hour till you went inside? Did something happen to you?" Jacob asked

"No hyung I will be there in ten minutes?" I replied and stood up from the stool to take a bath.

I quickly showered and after changing my clothes. I headed towards the dining table where I saw Eddie and Jacob sitting on the stools of the dining table, and my anger, frustration, sadness, pain everything went to another level. I started feeling many emotions at the same time.

I went near them and said hello to Eddie and he replied back to me with a smile, "happy birthday! Hyung told me that today is your birthday" I said with a smile on my face. I didn't have any problem with Eddie, the problem was him getting closer to Jacob, other than that Eddie was a great guy and was perfect too; that made me feel sad too. He replied, "thank you mason." , and ruffled my hair smiling pleasantly. He treats me like his younger brother and I would also have treated like an elder brother if he wasn't that close to Jacob.

I then took out a chair and sat in front of Eddie whereas Jacob was on the other side of him. I was feeling like I was looking at a couple .when I was eating food they were chatting, laughing and I was just eating my food I was feeling like a third wheel. I looked at my wristwatch and found that it was already time to leave. I saw they were still chatting so I said, "sorry to interrupt I will leave first."

"But why mason I will drop you," Eddie said.

"No that is okay I will prefer to go by my cycle today you can continue," I said as I stood up to leave my plate in the sink.

"Are you sure?" I heard Jacob saying they were his first words to me after Eddie arrived, he stood up and came near me but before he could come any closer I went away, "Yes, I will leave now." I replied and picked my bag and left the house leaving both of them in the house.

"I didn't even say a proper bye to him today. But it's better to ignore him because there no other option. But won't it hurt him? It's better to do that maybe that will help you forget the feeling you have for him." My brain was conflicting and contradicting my own facts. I was so puzzled and there was no solution so I let go of that topic and paddled towards my workplace.

I parked my cycle and saw Krystal's cycle wasn't there which meant she hasn't arrived yet. So I waited for her in the parking area. Within 5 minutes she also arrived and her first question was "what are you doing here. Didn't Jacob drop you today?" I shook my head as I wasn't in a mood to talk about that. She understood it by seeing my expression so she didn't investigate any further and we went inside. She put her stuff on her table and I went to change into my uniform.

I was zoning out again and was really bothered about them but I couldn't do anything.it was already noon and I already stopped thinking about Jacob and Eddie. I and Krystal decided to go to the nearest café to have lunch which opened a few days ago.

We sat on the seat near the door and as we sat I took out my phone and checked that there were 3 missed calls of Jacob and 1 message I quickly opened the message and it read:

"Sorry, mason I won't be able to have dinner with you today, as Eddie asked me to go with him for the movie whose ticket I bought him. He didn't have anyone to accompany him, and then we will go for dinner. , so I will be late too, around 10 .and if you want you can sleep early, I have spare keys of the house. TAKE CARE 🤗🤗🤗🤗"

It made me feel sadder that he was going with him but I replied to him that it was fine and send him a smiling emoji which was totally opposite to my mood at that time.

I kept my phone aside and we ordered a burger for each and waited for our order to be prepared. I was silent so she decided to start the conversation and asked, "How's it going between you and your lover."

Even though I was sad but that words made me blush and a smile generated on my face, "what do you mean by lover?" I said and tried to hide my smile.

"Well then how it is going between you and my brother-in-law," she said and smirked looking at me. Those made a tint of dark red shade appear on my cheeks. And I touched my cheeks which started getting hot.

"Hey stop doing that," I said and looked at her still holding my cheeks.

"Ok... ok I'll stop now just tell me how are you both doing?" she asked taking a few sips of water.

"Well actually we are doing well but I feel like he doesn't feel the same," I said as I remembered the moment Eddie and Jacob had.

"And well what made you think that?" she asked and the order arrived, the waited put the two plates on the table and bowed before leaving.

"I just feel that because he is so close to Eddie and whenever he is with him he won't look at me and even forget my presence sometimes. I also feel that because I never hide the fact that I like him whether I don't tell him by my words but I show them by my actions. But he never responds" I said and looked at Krystal who was taking a bite of her burger. "Are you even listening to me?" I said as I felt like she wasn't hearing me at all.

"Yes Mason I'm listening to you, let me tell you one thing you don't have to be jealous of Eddie..." and before she could complete I interrupted, "I'm not jealous I'm just offended a bit."

"Yeah whatever just listen you don't have to OFFENDED of Eddie because you know they are friends. from what I know about them; they are of the same age, they work at the same place they know each other for a long period of time and moreover Eddie was there with him in his darkest time when you even didn't know a guy named Jacob existed." She said as she took another bite of her burger and I did the same. "He stayed with him and supported him. You remember when you told me the first time about Jacob's family background I was so shocked that how he managed to survive because if I was at his place I would have attempted suicide already. Eddie was his only friend at that time that helped him survive this long. And you should understand they share a deep bond and you can't always name a deep bond LOVE"

That made a perfect sense and I was really started feeling the same way Krystal was telling, but I was still unsure how Jacob felt about me.

"But still; does Jacob also feel the same as I feel." I asked "well, you have to ask him to know that." She replied and we didn't discuss it any further and ate our burgers.
