
Chapter 1

This is it it's finally my 18th birthday, I am finally legal, I'm a grown adult damn is it normal that I'm scared as hell? Let me rewind a bit, my name is Nkanyezi Sithole but people call me Ngazi, Kwanda and Kwezi then me. I'm the last born and the only girl which is a struggle. Too much protection,too much babying, just too much of the wrong things " Weeh Nkanyezi wena woza phela" Khulekani calls me snapping back to reality, Khulekani is the second born he's 22 years of age, uyabona lo, he can't take anything serious, we could be in such serious shit but you'll find him laughing or making a joke , before Khulekani there's the first born Nkulukelo he's thirty one and he's way too serious, so serious that my friends think he's my father, if it's not him it's Nkayniso he is the third one from my brothers, he's like a younger version of Nkulukelo just a little less serious, he is twenty-five , then it's Kwanda who is the fourth one, him and Kwezi are normal people Kwanda is twenty-three and Kwezi is nineteen then it's me who just turned 18 today.

" Haibo Nyezi asamba phela we are going to be late" Nkanyiso, my brothers said they are going to take me somewhere, i am wearing a beautiful white dress and my body is bodying you hear me, my brothers walk in my room " Haibo and then" I ask confused because they didn't knock."Angithi awuphumi" Kwezi we used to change your diapers" he replies "So?" Kwezi and I bicker like cats and bogs yaz I "Hai tsek nina" Nkanyiso says" Hey nina, nizolwa mina singahamba na?" Khulekani asks and walks out and the boys follow him, not going to lie but my brother's bodies are yoh just hot.

Uhm parents-wise, my whole life it's been my brothers and I, everytime I ask about my parents , my brothers always dismiss me, it's like a wound gets open the minute I talk about it. I walk in our cars, well their cars, I just get in Nkanyiso's car and we all drive away. Not to sound bratty but we are loaded, like Beyoncè loaded mainly because all my brothers have jobs, I might not know what type of jobs they do, but they are loaded and I'll forever be grateful for the rich lifestyle they have blessed me with.