
Earth Giant

Hesitancy seems too much of a light touch word to use. Fear of what I might lose rather than the potential of what I had to gain overwhelmed me.

It's been more than a week and I hadn't stepped inside the dungeon, not once. And it finally dawns upon me while I was comfortably cuddling with one of my lovers is that I am weak, just look at Ophis level yet she is asking others to lend a hand against the Red-dude up there.

And that unsettles me greatly, the matter of Ophis was handled easily, and forming an alliance with her is the second greatest thing that happened to my life other than the sudden addition of my criminally hot elf women.

Yes, with my current power level I would have some respect in the supernatural world, but that's not enough.

Once this whole illusion fiasco was taken off my face a lot of shitty and nasty people will be chasing after my ass.

Hades is one such people and why wouldn't he? I would have done something and get rid of my arch-nemesis the second I get the chance because a kingdom cannot be ruled by two kings.

So, he would be the first person to move in action, and with my measly 90 levels, I don't think so I can clap his boney ass.

Him aside, there are people like Odin, Zeus, Chronos, Nyx, and many others who just wanted a piece of yours truly.

Apparently, the original one doesn't know how to hold his sword back, the dude has banged a lot of women here and there & their husbands are not that happy, so if I did make the oh-so-awesome reveal of my real identity, those folks will chop me into pretty little pieces and feed those pieces to their dogs.

As for Nyx, I don't even want to talk about her. Sleeping with her was the biggest mistake that crazy asshole made, and now I have a yandere woman to deal with, so no thanks I don't have any wish to reveal myself to the world for now.

So, I guess I cannot afford to be this carefree anymore. I have to raise my level ASAP because I have a gut feeling that things will become more chaotic once that spineless bastard Kokabiel moves into action.

Pausing for a moment, I carefully free myself from Misery's arms without waking her up. I stood up and after putting on my clothes I teleported out of the room and directly appeared on the clearing where the construction is taking place.

I saw Kalawarna, Nol, and others stood around a table discussing something amongst themselves, I moved my attention to PI and saw the little guy yelling orders at the army of Shy Guy's.

"Move your legs faster, NO 10! Ay! No 40, did you forgot to sharpen your claws? These are not evenly cut! I need a flat surface!" PI yelled at them like a grumpy boss.

"Those logs will go there, idiots!" The shy guys tried to bow their heads to show him that they were sorry and won't do the same mistake again, but the heavy logs they are carrying on their shoulders fall down the second they lowered their heads.

"AUGHHH!!" Calm down boy, damn that was one angry scream.

"Hey there little guy, what happened?" Everyone stopped whatever they are doing and turned to look in my direction. "Hey girls." I waved at them.


The construction is going as planned, all we need is logs and more people, so I summoned around 600 Shy Guy's to boost our manpower, Elda took around 200 under her command and started to clear the front area of the forest behind our village for woods.

Nol and Kalawarna were in charge of building the structure of the houses so I handed them around 350 of these creatures.

Evelyn and Lucie are in charge of creating furniture like chairs and beds so I handed 50 of them and once they showed the shy guy how to build one, they are doing a pretty damn good job.

But if you are wondering, why don't we just duplicate the furniture available in the village, well we have a problem and that is, the spell has a time limit.

If it casted by a master mage like Nol, the duplicate item will remain intact for about a month, but people like Evelyn can't maintain them for that long.

So, as you can see, we are a little busy.

And Last but not least Delva the leader of dark elves and all the elves from both races are in charge of gathering food and hunting.

So no one in this village sits idly, everyone has their own set of duties and they carry on their work with utmost seriousness.


After a warm dinner with the girls, I finally summoned my system & opened up the dungeon's tab. I ignored the Rock golem dungeon and instead I went for the Earth Giant Dungeon, because I don't have any wish to fight weak golems or waste my time on it, so I went for the last dungeon available for me.

[Please choose the difficulty] This time I will go for hard, my man. [Are you sure you want to choose difficulty: Hard Mode?] Yeah, Boy.

[The level of enemies has been changed from lv80> lv140] [Enemies defense has increased by 40%] It told me, and then like usual the space around me shifted and but this time instead of a large field of grass I found myself in a valley surrounded by tall mountains.

[Spawning hostile mob in 3… 2… 1] I looked around me vigilantly trying to predict the direction they would show up but instead, the whole valley trembled like a fucking vibrator on the highest setting possible. And as I stood there clueless, something crazy happened a mountain to my left trembled violently & slowly something breaks itself free from the mountain, and that something is a huge ass chunk of the mountain. Two massive hands popped out from underneath the fallen chunk and then those hands pushed themselves against the ground and prop its whole body up to stand on its two feet.

[Earth Giant lv140]

Special Perk: Regeneration.

HP: 200,000.

MP: 50,000.

Now, this is a problem, this fucker would definitely crush my summons to death under its weight, to defeat something this big I need someone big and powerful. I can defeat it myself, but it will take a long-long time.

So, I guess I will just summon God-Fucking-Zilla, the king of monsters. But before that let's give a quick scan at my stats.


[Character Sheet]

Hyōdō Issei

Race: Primordial Demon/ Reincarnated Divine Soul.

Title: Womanizer, Scum, Ladies man, The Gamer, Undead Slayer, Zombie Slayer.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

Affinity: Light, Primal Darkness, Ice, Fire, Space.

Level: 90 [10,000/45,500 exp]

Age: 17.

HP: 1,020,000.

MP: 1,615,000.


Str- 17,000.

Agi- 14,800.

End- 18,000.

Int- 4,300.

Wis- 3,530.

Cha- 200.

Stats points Available- 000.

[A/n: So, what I did here is, every time he levels up, I add 500 exp more to his exp bar and 500 points to his HP and MP, as for his stats, he acquired around 11,600 stats points in the chapter of "Puppies" and 20,000 stats points in the next chapter, that means he has a sum of 31,600 points which I mainly distributed in str, Agi and end, and sprinkled a small amount on int and wis. And lastly, his tattoo absorbs 10,000 MP per day, so I added around 8 days' worth of accumulated magic points, including the Mana he absorbed after Killing Raynare.]

Money- 0.

Store points- 2,515,625.


Gamer's Mind [MAX][Passive]: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Immunity to mental disorder.

Gamer's Body [Max][Passive]: Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP, and all mass effects.

Indomitable Libido [Lv2] [Passive]: The user has an inexhaustible libido and very powerful sexual drive. users never get bored of sex or lose the mood for sexual activity & passion.

Increase closeness with opposite sexes by 30%.

Tactile Sexual Arousal [lv2] [Active]: The user knows his way around a woman's body, the User can cause pleasure, orgasms & sexual arousal through touch, further increasing the sexual quality of anyone just by touching them and induce complete sexual arousal; this can create extreme lust & pleasure, enhanced sensitivity to sexual pleasure and cause them to crave sexual interaction.

Increase closeness with opposite sexes by 40%.

Accuracy [Lv10] [Max] [Passive]: The probability of hitting targets has been increased by 70%.

Pain Resistance [Lv10] [Max] [Passive]: You have experienced pain beyond which can be survived. And yet you live. A testament of resilience and perseverance, regeneration and a powerful mind. Let it fuel you, empower you. Pain now lets you focus, clears your mind instead of distracting it. You shall not be broken.

Spear Mastery [Lv10] [Max] [Active]: A skill that allows user to freely handle spears. The user is able to operate with little or no effort, deliver skilful strikes to weak points with great precision and cut only and exactly what they want. This ability also allows them to become naturally skilled with multiple spears regardless of shape or size to suit their needs in combat. Their remarkably fast weapon control may allow them to bypass obstacles in order to cut their intended target.

Strong Hit [Lv6] [Active]: Strikes the target with a strong force. 30% increase in critical rate. 200% increase in attack damage.

Detect Bloodlust [Lv7] [Passive]: A skill that detects any bloodlust directed at the user. It is an instinctive skill.

It Detects bloodlust within hundred meters of the target's location. It also alerts the user of the location.

Sense Danger [Lv8] [Passive]: A natural survival instinct. It allows the user to sense when something bad might happen.

Create Instant Dungeon [Lv1] [Active]: Used to create instant dungeons. Stronger instant dungeons may be created according to level.

Blink[lv1] [Active]: Blink is skill that causes the user to move to a target location without interacting with the travel time or space between.

[Range: 100 meters. Cost: 200 MP per use.]

Commandment [lv1] [Active]: The user has transformed into a primordial demon that has existed prior to or since the beginning of time.

The user has absolute over the ten commandments, Each Commandment has a specific rule that, if broken, will place a specific curse on the victim(s) depending on what the Commandment itself is centred around.

[Targets above User level can easily break through the curses.]

Regeneration [lv1] [Passive]: Cellular regeneration and rejuvenation would be so powerful; the user would be close to true immortality. Brain cells & nerves can be completely repaired, to the point of keeping the mind intact. Decapitation can be reduced in effectiveness as the user can reattach their heads and seal the cut.

[MP: Depends on the seriousness of the injury.]

Empathy [Lv1] [Active]: The user can easily able to sense emotion in others. The user can also determine if someone is telling the truth or a lie, by looking into their eyes.

[MP: 100.]

Flight [Lv1] [Active]: The user can fly through the use of wings made of primal darkness.

[MP: 500.]

Enhanced Senses [Lv1] [Passive]: The user's senses are enhanced to levels much greater than any normal human or supernatural creature. The User can sense things in ways that language cannot explain, as well as sense the essence of other supernatural beings.

[Range: 100 meters.]

Hellfire manipulation [Lv1] [Active]: The users can generate and manipulate the cursed flames of Hell, which can completely destroy anything. Due to its mystical nature and the fact that it tends to attack a person's spiritual essence in addition to their bodies, is that hellfire can be effective against durable targets or people with accelerated healing. As hellfire can attack the spirit or soul, it can inflict injuries that either doesn't heal or heal very slowly meaning that a critical attack could kill people that heal fast enough to shrug off normally instantly fatal injuries. It can also bypass or damage durable/invulnerable targets by either targeting the spirit/soul or because its magical nature trumps simple physical durability.

[MP: 10,000 MP.]

Negative Energy Absorption [Lv1] [Passive]: Through the mark, the user can continuously absorb negative/dark energy and power, while removing it from the surrounding or a specific source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source permanently.

[The user cannot drain energy or gain the power of the target if their level is higher]

Desire Exhibition[lv1] [Active]: The user can draw out people's hidden desires, akin to hypnosis, mind control, or telepathy, and by extension lower their inhibitions. If the user applies enough of this power, he can actively compel people to confess internal secrets, sins, and truth, but the user must maintain eye contact for his power to work.

[MP: 100 per second, Target above User level can easily break through it.]

Demonic Lordship [Max] [Passive][Locked]: As the reincarnation of the devil himself, the user has full and total control over all demons. The user can command any demons to bow before him and then force them to go back to Hell. In Hell, the user has the power to freeze demons, hell loops, and all of Hell whenever he wants, and also has the ultimate power to command any or all demons to do anything he wishes.

[Need Lv300 to unlock this ability]

Primordial Demon form [Lv???] [Active] [Locked]: As a being that has originated from a species of a demon that has existed prior to or since the beginning of time. The user's true form is capable of driving mortals insane, petrify demons and other supernatural beings. Those who see it will be haunted by their worst nightmares or something worse than what they were originally scared of.

[Need lv500 to unlock this form]

Shadow Save [lv1]: The user can store the summons that he created inside of his own shadow and recall them when needed.



Mastered: [25]


Soul Taker.

Blade of lucifer.

Book of the Damned [Bonded Item].

Annihilation Maker [Bonded Item Lv1]

Author Here: I will not be able to upload any chapter next week and the week after it. End semester exams are starting, so I apologize.

But if I get time I will upload a chapter or two. And I also apologize for the small ass chapter, Adios, I'll see you, folks, two-three weeks later.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

HentaiisArtcreators' thoughts