
Woman power

Ashra must prove to her dad that a woman can also take rule of the land. she tries her best to fight for the place of the Queen of Kutill, A very beautiful community blessed with everything that a modern community has. ************ on the other hand is Adam, A very famous young business man who falls in love with Ashra who refuses to accept him though she is equally in love with him, she does that in other to keep her Position as Queen of Kutill. Read The kings Daughter by Qudrah Adam. ©️Kudirat .k. Adam

TheCertifiedQA · Urban
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5 Chs


Bismilahi rahmani Rahim


After the heated argument between Aamirah and Ashra. Ashra left Aamirahs house in Anger and drove back home where she thought and thought and finally came up with an idea on how to make her father accept her as the Queen and ruler of Kutill.

Early in the morning,she got dressed into a beautiful black Abaya with a Golden Embroidery which made her fair complextion sparkle.

She strolled towards her father's room where she only met her Mother who was seated and reciting the Holy Qu'ran as usual.

"Mother, Asalamualaikum" she greeted as she sat infront of her mum.

"Walaikisalam" her mother replied without taking her eyes of the Qur'an.

"Where is father?" She asked.

"He is With the Elders" her mother responded as she rose her head up to meet her daughter's Beautiful face.

"Okay. How was your night?" She asked her mum who replied with Alhamdudilahi.

"I'll be right back" she stood up and walked over to the door to exit.

"Don't you have classes today?" Her mother asked making her pause in her pace.

"yes. but it's in the Evening"She replied and her mother nodded.

"okay bye mum"Ashra said,she stormed off to the throne room. Where her father's meeting was taking place.

On getting there,she sighed and mutter's some Duas as she pushes the door to the throne room open.

"Asalamualaikum" her voice Echoed through the big throne room where the elders were seated and conversing with the king,Her father.

"Walaikisalam" they chorused, including the king who was wondering what his Daughter wanted though he knew quit well the motive behind her Appearance.

"Good morning Elders of Kutill" she greeted as she walked towards her father who gave her a quizzical look which she ignored and began speaking.

"As you all know,I am princess Ashra of kutill. The Daughter of king Zucknan the third"she looked over to her father who ignored her eyes.


"I Am here to ask for your Approval to become the new Queen of Kutill after my father Deaccends the throne"her voice sounded like that of a lion "Yes,I am a woman and I know"


"What makes you think you can rule my kingdom?"her father finally spoke.

"because I am a royal blood who is willing to take the peoples problem on my shoulder"she said, sounding so boldly.

"why should we allow you rule?"An elderly man questioned.

"Number one,If another person is brought to Rule this kingdom there will definitely be a change of Elders. And that will surely make the kingdom suffer discomfort because those who are knowledgeable will be removed"she breathed in, for she had held her breath as she spoke.

"She is right" they began to whisper amongst themselves which didn't Go unheard by her and the king.

"With all due respect I would like to ask for your permission to take over this Kingdom my king?"she spoke to her father who stared at her in awe.

"hmm... Okay but there will be a condition" he stated.

"what condition is that my king?"she asked.

"You will be Crowned After you have Attained your Bsc and you will be the Queen of Kutill for Nine month. And in those months you'll have to prove that you are worthy of becoming the permanent Queen of this Kingdom"He says and she nods and bows.

" Thank you your highness and I will never let you all down. This is A royal promise"she sounded sure as she smiled in Comfort and Achievement.

"You may All leave. I want to be alone with Princess Ashra"her father said and all the elders did as told, including the guards who left Ashra and her father alone in the throne room.

"I hope you do know what you are doing" Her father says to her and she turns arround and looks at him.

"I know, I know what I Am doing"She said with certainty Audible in her voice.

"You are playing with your life! Don't you want to get married?. Ashra if you take up this position your life won't be the same , I promise"her father tried to warn her.

"That's why I have decided to never Get married"her words sounded Foolish to her father ears but she meant it all.

"You are foolish" he cursed.

"Father if Me getting married will stop me from managing my decision. Then I won't get married"she said, her father felt like slapping her that instant but he controlled himself not wanting to Do something he had never done before.

"Get out from my sight this instant before I lose it"He closed his eyes as he Tried his best to control his Anger.

"Okay father,but remember you have agreed. And as known to me, you don't go against your words"she said and stormed out of the throne room leaving her father in a maize of thought.

She headed straight outside where she ordered Uzi to take her out for she didn't want to be at home knowing her mother will lecture her about her decision.