
Wolves Of War

This book will no longer be updated. War, blood, and gore. This is exactly what a werewolf story should contain. This story follows a werewolf who is now known as Fenrir. He was given this name by the people of ancient Norse who revered his power, and put him in their mythology. This story takes place in the modern day, and will follow his slow decent into madness. With opportunities to redeem himself, what path will he choose? This is my first book so the writing isnt going to be top tier, yet. The more I write the better i will get, hopefully. Let's hope so before the story gets really juicy.

LupusDeus · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


"Well then, shall we get started"? I say.

"So your here to kill me? Who sent you? Where are we?"

"It seems that you're getting ahead of yourself. You are in no position to be asking questions." I say as I take off the costume I was wearing. "If you manage to beat me I am willing to tell you everything that you want to know."

With that Chenoa starts to change into her werewolf form. She becomes a beautiful solid black werewolf, with her angry blue eyes staring at me.

She wastes no time to attack, a dozen arrows made of water quickly form around her. She shoots them one at a time in quick succession. Even at a distance over a hundred feet away, the arrows reach me in less than a second.

I manage to step out of the way of each arrow at the last second, each arrow hitting the sand and disappearing. Since she has complete control of them, I need to dodge as late as possible otherwise she could turn them around and fire at my back. I know she can do more than this, she is probably just testing me to find any weak points.

As I prepare for the next wave she does something unexpected. A great wall of water forms behind her, it seems to be fluctuating and trying to form into something. Then I see it, the walls starts forming into thousands of small throwing needles. My eyes go wide, this doesn't look good, she is done playing around. These needles probably move faster than the arrows due to the decrease in size. They are hard to see except for the fact that the sunlight reflects off of them.

Moving her hand forward in my direction the needles fly off from the main body in groups designed to cover a wide area. This is bad this desert is a flat plain, so there are no places to take cover.

The needles move much faster than the arrows, unlike before I don't have time to think about dodging them at the last second. I jump out of the way to the right barely avoiding her first attack while keeping my momentum going. As I land I do a quick somersault and in a fluid motion, I'm back on my feet running on all fours.

This is the best way to run, we are able to shift our bodies slightly to mimic the running style of our wolf ancestors. Not only that but it gives us better traction while running so we can change directions easily.

I run around her in a wide circle making sure I don't get too close so I have enough time to dodge her attacks. Her needles come close, hitting the ground right behind me. I speed up and slow down to keep throwing her timing off.

After a few minutes off her nonstop attacks she finally runs out and that's when I decide this is the best moment to charge. I lunge forward as fast as I can before she can gather more water to throw at me. It only takes me a few seconds to close in on her location. Running as fast as possible I dig my heel into the ground stopping me in an instant, using the rest of my momentum to ram my claws through her body. My claws do not reach her, instead a thick wall of water formed quickly in front of her stopping me short.

I pull my hand out and back away from the wall. Something is wrong, there is water still covering my arm.

"That was foolish of you, attacking a long-ranged user like myself with your claws. How did you think this was going to play out? There's no way you can dodge my water when it's connected to you." She says. The water on my arm starts turning into spikes and digging themselves in, I start wincing in pain. "Now you should tell me what I need to know if you want to keep that right arm of yours."

I start laughing. "Go ahead take my arm I don't need it to beat you. What, you really think I've been taking this fight seriously? I always test my opponents' strength first, that and it's fun to drag out fights."

"A bluff like that won't scare me. Fine have it your way."

She commands the water spikes to dig deeper into my arm, I start yelling in pain. They slowly dig themselves through my arm and continue out the other side. My arm is dripping blood onto the sand below.

"Had enough yet? She says. "You can't get that water off of you. I can move it to wherever I want on your body. So unless you want to die a painful death, I suggest that you start talking."

"No, this is nothing." I say holding my arm in pain. "I've been through much worse, in fact, I kind of like this. It's been a while since I felt this much pain."

"Don't tell me that your a masochistic. I'm having a pretty weird day and your making it even weirder."

"No, I think you're getting the wrong idea. Half the fun of fighting is letting your opponents think that you have no chance of winning the fight. Most of the wolves I fight are too weak to injure me in my base form."

"Base form? What do you mean by that"

"What I mean by base form is when I'm not using any of my abilities. Are you that ignorant that you can't tell when someone is holding back?"

"Strong words for someone in your position. I feel offended if you are holding back, just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't kick your ass."

"As I said before I do this with everyone. You are indeed strong, but I can't help but think that you are holding back as well. Someone with your rank is sure to be stronger than you are letting on."

The water spikes dig into my arm again, this time there are more of them. They start spreading my right arm until there is barely anything left of it.

"Fuck that hurts." My eyes are watering from the pain. My body tenses up and I start screaming in pain. "Alright that's enough, I'll tell what you need to know."

"Took you long enough. I was wondering how much longer this would take." She says.

"Just kidding" I say with a smile. I use my ability to heat my arm up to a degree that it evaporates the water in an instant.

The look on her face is filled with pure shock. "But how, that's not possible. Don't tell me that you can use fire. Even so, it's not possible to evaporate my water so fast."

My arm starts to immediately heal itself. It should be back to normal in less than a minute.

"I've never seen rapid regeneration that fast. That's not possible, that wound should take at least half an hour to heal. What are you, who are you? She says in confusion.

"Well, I think that all of this was a decent warm-up. What do you say, you want to start fighting seriously now?" This has been fun so far, but there is no point for both of us to continue to hold back. I wonder how power she can force me to use. Well, let's just start off slow and work our way up. There's no point in ending this as quickly as possible. "Alright, it's time to start with stage one, Inferno."