
Wolves Of War

This book will no longer be updated. War, blood, and gore. This is exactly what a werewolf story should contain. This story follows a werewolf who is now known as Fenrir. He was given this name by the people of ancient Norse who revered his power, and put him in their mythology. This story takes place in the modern day, and will follow his slow decent into madness. With opportunities to redeem himself, what path will he choose? This is my first book so the writing isnt going to be top tier, yet. The more I write the better i will get, hopefully. Let's hope so before the story gets really juicy.

LupusDeus · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Meeting Part 2

It's been a long day. Even though it's not past noon yet since I didn't sleep last night I think it's time to take a nap.

As I start to head downstairs Kate comes walking towards me holding some files. "Mahkah told me you were still up here. I'm glad I asked him where you were." She starts checking through here files before handing me a piece of paper.

"I thought that I would give you details of your new mission before you left since you don't like to answer your phone." she says.

"I told you before it was on silent and I don't like to check my phone while on missions." I say.

"And I told you to keep it on vibrate." Kate pauses for a few seconds before continuing. "I need your report from last mission, you know the one with the newborn."

"He didn't make it. A cop shot him and we were surrounded. In short, I failed now if you excuse me I need to get some rest." I say as I walk past her.

Even though I didn't like Lapu I wished that I didn't have to kill him. But considering the situation, I had no other choice. Either way, he would have been hunted down and killed by us eventually since he had a hard time following the rules.

"Excuse me, I'm not finished with you yet." she says before I get too far away. "I need a written report from you before you leave."

Writing reports is a waste of my time. The last wolf in charge of this HQ knew reports by us only needed to be verbal. Like always, new people in charge like to do things as thoroughly as possible to impress their bosses.

"I'm sure you already know that a verbal report is all that is needed. All they really care about is if the mission was successful or not." I say as I start walking away from her again.

This time she doesn't stop me from leaving. She probably doesn't want to waste time arguing with me because she knows it won't get her anywhere. Usually, we try to be nice to the managers here because they give easier missions to the ones they like. Each mission has it's own difficulty and is assigned to a specific rank to complete it. However, if it's slow, we can opt to take ones that are suited for lower ranks instead.

There are five ranks in total, not including Etu at the head of the Order. Ranks also come with a letter assigned to them. The lowest rank C doesn't get any kind of helmets they are mostly new recruits are not considered worthy of one. Next is B rank bronze, A rank white, S rank black, SS rank silver.

There is one exception for silver however. They added in the past few hundred years SSS rank to include silver, to acknowledge the ones that are far stronger than the average silver. Each HQ has about one SSS rank, but this one has two which includes Mahkah and I. Nitika is one as well, but she frequently goes to other HQs to help them if needed.

As I head down to the main lobby I notice that it has filled up with some of the other ranks that live here. There are about twenty of them most I don't know the names of and don't really care to. This HQ has about two hundred wolves that regularly go out on assignments as well as the twenty or so that help run this place and give out missions.

With my orders in my hand, I walk out the door and head to the nearby woods. I find a tree deep enough in the forest to sit down and lean on. It's been a long and stressful day, so I pull out a cigarette and light it. When I'm almost done smoking a hear someone walking up to me. Its Hakan, he followed me out here I can only imagine what he wants.

"I gotta say I was surprised to hear you agree with me during the meeting." he says. He sits down and leans against a tree close to me. "At least we both know that the government will only see us as monsters."

"If there is a small possibility that they won't, then it's at least worth trying. I just want to make sure that we are prepared no matter how this turns out." I say as I throw my cigarette butt on the ground.

"Listen, we both know what needs to be done. We need to attack the humans before they attack us. Make the first move and catch them off guard." he says enthusiastically.

It's not like I'm against a war breaking out, but it's too soon. There would be too many casualties on our side. We would likely suffer so many losses that we might never recover from it.

"We need to see how this plays out first. All of our lives depend on this. If we rush this it could doom us all." I say as I get up "Now if you have any bright ideas I suggest that you keep them to yourself."

"It seems like I have to do everything by myself. All I wanted was some help. As we stand here arguing one of our kind is being tortured and you expect me to just sit back and let that happen." he says with growing rage in his voice.

"So that's what this is about. You want to put us all in danger just to save a single wolf?"

"How would you feel if it was you in that situation or someone that you know? Being captured like that with no hope to escape."

I have to agree with him on some level. If someone I cared about was in that situation I probably would save them even at the cost of a war breaking out. On the other hand, if everything goes right with Etu's plan they no doubt they would request for their release.

"I don't have time for this, do what you want but leave me out of this. Besides, I have to complete my mission otherwise I will get another scolding from kate" I say.

"It doesn't look like your taking your assignment seriously. Have you even read your mission report yet?"

"I'm getting sick of arguing with you, how about we settle this with a sparring match. Getting your ass kicked might change your mind about all of this." I say while a smile.

Hakan has always been jealous that I got promoted to silver first instead of him. He thinks he deserved it more since he has been with the Order years before I joined. He tends to be too cocky and doesn't realize when he is outmatched. The difference in power between S and SSS is immense, putting him in his place is exactly what he needs.

"We both know you can beat me in a fight. You just don't want to do what's right. If we teamed up we could easily break our comrade out of there" he says.

"If you were stronger you could do it yourself. But instead, you try to drag me into your little scheme. If you do this you will have the entire Order hunting you down, and that's not something that you could survive through." I say now glaring at him. "Then again, hunting down rogue wolves is one of my favorite jobs. You should pray that I don't find you first."

"I knew I shouldn't have bothered talking to you. You're even more stubborn than I am. Fine, I'll leave you alone." he says and walks away in the direction of HQ.

At least now I can finally get some rest. Maybe I'll just find some tall grass to lay in. That sounds like it would be more comfortable. Laying there listening to the birds' chirp, the wind blowing, and more importantly no more interruptions.