
Wolves and Zombies

Scott McCall, after years of being separated from his pack is starting over anew when he gets offered by Deaton to move to Seattle with him and continue to work for him weeks before the firsts Zombies arise.

Grimm_48 · TV
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4 Chs

Haunted House

Summary: Scott McCall, after years of being separated from his pack is starting over anew when he gets offered by Deaton to move to Seattle with him and continue to work for him weeks before the firsts Zombies arise.

Disclaimer: I don't own teen wolf or iZombie

Scott is heading to a house being decorated for a fundraiser in the spirit of Halloween, something Deaton signed him up for and only sprung it on him within the hour.

As he's walking down the stony path looking at the pierced skull and tombstone decorations on the side of the path he wonders if Deaton was trying to signal him to get to know some people or if he's trying to warn him to not meddle with another city's supernatural world.

His involvement in giving power to the Nemeton had ugly aftereffects afterall.

Seeing a pale, blonde, almost white-haired girl looking around his age pace up and down every few meters of the path ahead of him he decides to speak up once he reaches her.

"Hey. Are you having second thoughts about volunteering too?" Scott asks friendly.

"Uhh I... yeah." Liv answers surprised by his question.

"Yeah, I get it. My boss made me come here, how about we suck it up together and work extra hard to get this job done quickly?" Scott asks, leading her to the house while offering a fist bump, which Liv barely responds to.

"I'm Scott by the way." He tells her as they are walking up the stairs of the house.

"So any idea how this works? Do we sign in anywhere or something?" Scott asks, looking around the entryway once they are inside, a couple people walking past them every few seconds.

"Everyone gets an assignment." Liv says, walking down a hallway with Scott following behind her, looking around curiously.

"Look who decided to show up. What station you on? Tombstones, blood spatter...?" Peyton asks her best friend once she sees her arrive.

"I don't really care." Liv says cutting her off.

"Kinda your personal motto lately." Peyton says disappointed, looking at her while stopping gluing eyes onto a wall.

"Liv oh how glad I am to see you here. Let's see where to put you. How about you grab a hammer and head over to help with the mad scientist lab?" Liv's mother says pulling her daughter with her, revealing Scott to Peyton clearly now.

Scott waves at her awkwardly, receiving barely a reaction back by the girl who's more focused on her roommate.

"Oh, you mean over there by my ex fiancée? Sly mom. I think I'd rather paint tombstones instead." Liv replies.

"I genuinely don't really understand you anymore." Her mother says disappointed and walks away, rushing past Scott before he can even ask where he should help.

"Sooo... where does one get an assignment?" Scott asks walking over to Peyton slowly, looking at the attractive brunette.

"Sorry about the scene just now." Peyton says trying to smile at him but her mood gets killed when she sees Liv head outside while staring at Major longingly, almost walking into a door as a result.

"Ah that's nothing. I've been in way worse situations." Scott tells her, thinking back on Stiles being possessed by the nogitsune and Malia finding out Peter is her father.

"Anyways, assignments... how about you help majo... how about you just help me and hand me those eyes." Peyton says, switching from suggesting major when the tall, fit man follows Liv outside.

"Alright. Happy to." Scott says, taking off his jacket and sets it down on the table with the fake eyes, picking up the large box with ease instead, surprising Peyton a bit.

"Wow. You're strong, what do you do?" Peyton asks.

"I'm a vet... helper. I'm still missing a few exams for the full thing." Scott replies, setting down the box and hands her the first plastic eye.

"Vet huh? How'd you get roped into volunteering?" Peyton asks, gluing the object to the wall and taking the next one Scott hands her.

"My boss signed me up. I didn't even know until an hour ago." Scott says chuckling.

"Why'd you come then?" Peyton asks.

"Well I thought people were counting on my help. I didn't realize that this event is so well... organized?" Scott answers.

"Yeah, the woman who talked to the blonde you walked in with. She's part of the planning committee. This is an annual thing for her. For us." Peyton tells him.

"Wow, does everyone know everyone here?" Scott asks curiously.

"Probably not. This is a special circumstance. She's the mother of my best friend and roommate who happens to be the snowflake you arrived with."

"Ah I see. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm ..." Scott starts to say before Major pat his shoulder asking "hey buddy, you look pretty strong can you help us guys pull up the wooden wall outside?"

"Sure." Scott answers, after looking at Peyton who nods strongly, giving him the impression he was bothering her more than helping.

"Let's go." Scott says following Major.

After about 4 more hours of helping with the decorations, having quickly been taken under the wing of Major Scott heads back to the entrance area to fetch his jacket, but sees the space where he put it empty.

After asking around a bit he gives up and just hopes someone took it by mistake and will bring it back when they finish the decorations tomorrow.

"Hey good work Scott. Looking forward to tomorrow." Major tells Scott, getting in his car.

"See ya." Scott replies, waving quickly and goes over to where he parked his bike, spotting the brunette girl from earlier complaining with her white-haired roommate.

He looks at them for a while before she notices and looks at him sharply, her mind already racking about any criminal connection who could try to make trouble for her or her boss.

"Liv, that guy over there. Do you know who he is?" Peyton asks, nodding to Scott who is getting out a helmet.

"He said his name is Scott." Liv mumbles nervously, her hand fiddling in her bag, trying to conceal the guy's jacket she stole due to the kleptomaniac's brain she ate.

"Scott." Peyton says to herself, remembering to call a friend at the police department to check if he can find anything on a Scott with two stripes tattooed on his left upper arm.

So that evening she's reading the files in the police system on the young man.

The next day Scott shows up at the haunted house and is quickly roped into assisting Major once more.

"Oh, what do I see here? Peyton you better not steal my daughters fiancée." Liv's mother jokes, seeing the brunette stare in Major's direction lost in thought.

"Don't worry. I can honestly only say, eww. I'm keeping my eye on the guy helping him. Something's off about him." She tells the older woman.

"Off or cute? I mean look at that cute jaw." The woman teases with a smirk.

"Whatever." Peyton mumbles and focuses on painting a tombstone on a wooden plank.

Around half an hour later a bottle of water enters her view.

She pulls her earphones out and turns to look at who offered it, only to freeze up seeing the face of the same guy whose file she spend the better half of the night reading and interpreting.

"Oh, it's you. Ahem, how's volunteer work treating you?" She says, trying to not show her uncomfortableness around him, but failing.

"Fine, but I must've done something wrong. I mean I'm by no means a psychic, but even I recognize the cold shoulder. I'm sorry I won't bother you anymore." Scott says, surprised by her reaction and leaves.

She ponders going after him and apologizing but decides on this being a good outcome.

"Hey, did something happen between you and Scott?" Major asks, going over to her and sitting down next to her after seeing his newest friend leave the brunette dejectedly.

"No." Peyton says.

"I'm just asking because he seemed interested in you and was nervous about talking to you and now he's brooding on his way to his bike." Major asks.

"Nothing happened OK, he just gives me a bad vibe alright?" Peyton says annoyed, Scott listening in on this with his werewolf hearing.

He gets on his bike and looks towards the now finished house once more before putting on his helmet and taking off ahead of everyone else.

That night

"Why did we have to come? I mean we're not even wearing costumes for that matter." Scott asks Deaton who sweet talked him into joining Deaton in checking out the haunted house.

"What is it with you? This morning you were bouncing off the walls with excitement." Deaton asks knowingly.

"Nothing." Scott mumbles.

"A girl it is, I see." Deaton chuckles, patting his shoulder.

"You know you won't succeed in fooling me, so why not stop trying?" Deaton tells him.

"I'll give you one more piece of advice, which you may not like that much, which is you're new here. You can become whoever you want to be here. Your worth isn't measured by the strength of your pack or if you have that special someone." Deaton tells him supportively.

"So, you're saying stay single for a while?" Scott asks, receiving a headshake and a "just go have fun for once." as a reply.

"Fine." Scott sighs and enters the house, spotting Liv in a Zombie costume talking to who he assumes are major in a dr. Frankenstein costume and Peyton as a ghost.

"Oh, hey Liv. Let me introduce you to my new friend, Scott. Scott! Come over here." Major says before beckoning the man over.

Scott joins the three quickly and major leads everyone outside before bolting with Liv suspiciously, leaving Scott and Peyton to talk.

"It's really nice of you to try help Peyton find someone." Liv thanks Major as they walk away.

"OK, I'm not gonna beat round the bush. Do you have something against animals or something?"

Scott asks Peyton, making her smile momentarily.

"No. Not in the slightest." She answers.

"What makes you feel uncomfortable around me then?" He asks, sensing the emotion coming off from her.

"Alright. Right to the case. I can appreciate that. The thing is I'm a lawyer and had a friend get me your police record." She tells him.

"Oh, I see. Yeaah, well most of that is a long time ago." Scott says.

"It's still unnerving to find out the person you met had multiple cases of breaking and entering, obstructing the law and other stuff." She says, looking at him curious for a reaction.

"I was trying to help. My best friends dad is the sheriff and we tried to help him when there was a killing spree in our hometown." Scott tells her.

"But I guess that doesn't change that we did break and enter a lot and did less than legal stuff to get information on the cases." Scott sighs.

"I'm sorry. I think I'll just leave you alone." He says disappointed in himself, only now realizing how being a werewolf and trying to help people will always keep fucking up his life.

"For what it's worth, if I hadn't seen your police file I would've liked to get to know you." Peyton tells him before she turns around and walks away.

"Hah, just my luck. The first people I meet I shouldn't meet again." Scott says to himself.

Scott just walks around for a bit before leaving the event, shooting Deaton a text that he's leaving.

"Hey Scott, where are you going? You just got here. Did you strike out with Peyton?" Major asks, suspecting his interest in the brunette lawyer.

"Uh, I guess kind off. Anyways thanks for taking me under your wing for th3 build but I think it's better if we part ways here. Our circles just won't mix well." Scott says, patting his shoulder and walks to his bike, driving away.

Major, surprised by his new friend's reaction goes looking for Peyton and finds her playing with some kids.

"Hey, do you have a second?" He asks her, receiving a nod and they stroll around for a bit while chatting "what happened with Scott? He bounced already." Major asks her curiously.

"I checked his police file and let's just say it's well within the double digit page category." Peyton informs him.

"Really? That guy? He didn't seem like that at all." Major says shocked.

"It's mostly petty stuff like breaking and entering. That's not really something you will sense when hanging out with someone." Peyton tells him.

"Yeah, I guess." Major says.

That night

"I was really glad to see you at the haunted house today." Peyton tells her roommate, when the two enter their apartment.

"Yes. It was nice to relax a bit." Liv says.

"So, can I expect you to continue to make an effort or was this a one time situation?" Peyton asks.

"I... really don't know. I hope so though." Liv answers, knowing how taking on the mindset of the person's brain she ate makes her life difficult.

"Do you want to see a movie?" Liv asks Peyton while going to her room and start to take off her makeup and costume.

"Sure." Peyton agrees and sees a familiar denim jacket in her roommates room.

"Where'd you get that jacket?" Peyton asks.

"Uhh, it was in my bag the other day I only noticed after I got home. I tried to find who it belongs to but had no success." Liv lies to hide the fact that she stole it.

"Really? Because I'm sure that's Scott's jacket. The guy who arrived together with you." Peyton says suspicious.

"It is? Do you know where he's staying or how to reach him?" Liv asks.

"Sorry, I don't." Peyton answers, looking at her friend wondrously.

"Here, can you hold onto it and give it to him if you see him again?" Liv asks, hoping to get rid of th evidence of her petty theft and for her friend to talk to the man interested in her again.

"I don't think we'll meet again" Peyton says.