
Chapter 1 "lost"

The Wolf Warrior

   There was rustling in the bushes,whimpering,growling and howling.  Then there was silence. Soon, before you know it, an orange and red pup comes running out whimpering in fear.  A black male wolf came running after the pup with anger. The pup ran into the woods, lost and lonely, never to be seen again.SHADOW

The Woods

  The pup kept running till it ran out of breath and that's when it noticed, it was lost.  The pup would howl for hours. After long, it gave up. It looked up to see dark clouds then it started to rain.  Soon after 5 minutes the pup found a den and rested until it was morning. It was morning and the pup was starving so it went to go try hunting.  The pup found a rabbit he got on four paws bent down but something startled him and he jumped and came down landing on old leaves. The sound scared the rabbit away.  Soon the pup heard running and panting the pup got scared and started to run away. The pup didn't get far it was stopped by a bobcat. The pup was shaking it thought it was the end.  Without looking the pup heard a jump and looked up to a wolf fighting the bobcat. This wolf was not an ordinary wolf it had wings!MOONLIGHT

The Wolf With Wings

   "Are you ok?"says the wolf.  The pup didn't answer because it was to scared.  The wolf pup looked up at the wolf the Wolf was a light blue with white stripes running down her.  "What's your name?" asked the light blue wolf. "F-Flame" studerd the pup"what about you?" his face started to lighten up and wasn't scared anymore.  "I'm Moonlight" The wolf said calmly. Flames stomach growled with hunger. Moonlight walked to the bob cat tearing meat off and gave it to Flame. "Your a brave pup" said Moonlight "would you like to join my pack?"her wings swishing side to side.  "Do I have to have wings?" Flame said curiously. Moonlight giggled "No I want you on our pack because your brave"Moonlight smiled"you could have caught that rabbit if you didn't jump.FLAME

The Pack

  The journey to the pack was a little long but they have finally made it there.  He was nervous cause everybody had wings. "Don't be nervous there's just something you don't know yet",said Moonlight.  Flame was very confused what did she mean "something you don't know yet?" Moonlight started to show him around until something happened.  A black and red wolf started to tease Flame because Flame was a wolf. Flame got anger. "Are you just going to let him tease you,teach him a lesson.  Before without sinking Flame sprang at him digging his claws in the wolf and biting. The wolf struggled to break free. The wolf flung off onto the ground with a crash.  Flame looked down at wolf and snarled. Flame soon backed up and the wolf got up and backed up from Flame. "That should teach him a lesson",Moonlight eyed the wolf with anger.  They finished there tour but at the end they found another wolf it was a black and white wolf "Star!" yelled Moonlight happy. "Who's this" asked Star. "Star meet Flame". The she-wolf looked at Flame and nodded as "hello".STARSTAR


   Star was so cool he wish he could be like that.  Soon there was a rustling in the bushes and out of know where a black and gray wolf sprang out a started to hurt Moonlight.  Flame started to get mad about the attack. Moonlight started to whimper cause she couldn't fighting. Without thinking about what could have happened he jump at the wolf claws out and mouth open.  He dug his fangs in the wolf's neck and clawed the wolf's eye . The wolf ran away whimpering. "How did you defeat him?"asked Moonlight in surprise. She watched him for a second then said "it's time".  She put her paw on Flame. Flame started to feel pain then passed out. When he woke up he changed he was black and red with wings!    


The Pack Members

"Next is will out pack members",explains moonlight.  First,we went up to a blue and black she-wolf with a bandage on her leg and a chain around her neck.  "This is blue star" Moonlight stared at bluestar and put her tail up like a signal. Bluestar nods hello but not in a friendly way.  Besides Bluestar there was a red,black,and white wolf. The wolf nodded but not for hello more like a welcome. "This is Nightwing",says Moonlight.  He could tell these weren't the nices members. Without introducing the rest there was a howl for a warning. Next thing they heard was growls and panting.




The Battle

   There was another pack of wolves trying to attack or pack!  Soon Flame realized something. The pack was his old pack! He recognized his leader. He hated the old pack so he decided he will fight with his new pack.  He didn't want to fight any wolf he wanted to fight his leader,cookie. A brown wolf came out of the woods first. Within a second the wolf howled and all the wolves ran out of the woods.  Moonlight got to cookie first so he went after shadow. Shadow was looking the other way so Flame jumped on shadow making him tumble to the ground. Shadow was scared and tried to break free.  Shadow tried to say something "watch ou-". Out of nowhere a wolf came and jumped on Flame and Shadow ran away. Flame thought this was the end but Bluestar came and knocked the wolf. He looked over to see Moonlight was knocked down and very hurt by cookie.  Flame charged at Cookie knocking him over and chasing him away. All the wolves from the other pack was gone. Flame looked at Moonlight. Moonlight said nothing it was to late she was dead. Flame howled saying to everyone there was a death. Silence covered the pack.  Before Flame could say anything there was a laugh. The laugh came from the wolf that laughed at him when he first came. "I have never liked or leader anyways",the wolf said with laughter. "Really you think is funny!?" Yelled flame. Flame jumped at the wolf with full anger and without hesitation he killed the wolf.  Flame didn't feel a little sorry.


The New Leader

    After Moonlights death they had to get a new leader.  Everyone was chatting. Then a black and pink wolf with wings spoke. "We have decided" she continued "Flame will be our new leader for chasing cookie away! Everybody cheered.  Days later Shadow got kicked out of the old pack. Shadow came to our pack and spoke "Flame I am sorry for chasing away,the leader said to chase you away or I will get killed".  "You are forgiven",said Flame. Shadow was now part of the clan. Shadow has changed and has grown wings. Cookie has been chased away and is now surviving alone. Everybody lived happy.  


     It has been years since Moonlight died.  New pups were born and more fights were fought.  There was even new pups! The mom was named petal and she was very overprotective of the pups.  It took a lot of work to earn her trust. This is how Flames new journey starts.


New Warriors 

   Flame started to realize they didn't have enough warriors to fight off battle.  A lot of the warriors were weaken to. He told petal about the problem and petal agreed he can train them.  A dragon wolf came up and screamed "what,there only pups." "There old enough,scar". Scar sighed then walked away. Flame could tell he was mad but they had no choice.  I will take one pup and train it and I will ask the others but I won't just pick anyone. They will be loyal. "Good",replied petal. He can tell petal was worried. "I have already dicied tow wolves who will train them, Bluestar and Nightwing.  He can tell Petal hated that idea but he new they were strong and loyal. "Fine". Replied petal. Petal got up and went to her den while the nursery wolf watched the pups.



  Flame haven't fully found out the other people training the pup but he will figure it out.  Flame decided to call all the wolves and figure it out. He howled and all the wolves gathered.  "Today we will be training new warriors, Petals pup". Flame continued "I have already picked five and there are six pups so I will pick the next trainer soon, The trainers are me,Petal,Nightwing,Bluestar, and Scar".  Everybody new Flame had picked good people. "The last trainer will be Lightning". A black and blue wolf came up and nodded and touch the pup's nose. Everyone went back to there dens as for the trainers stayed behind and meet there pups to train.  "Petal may you tell them there names?" Flame asked. "There names are,Ravenclaw,Fireheart,Twilight,Spotted leaf,Cinderpaw, and Barley". All the pups stranded proud. Lightning was training Barley,Barley was a white and light blue pup. Barley reminded him of Moonlight.


LIghtning  And Barley


     "We will start training tomorrow",explained Flame.  Flame couldn't stop looking at Barley. Soon all the wolves even the pups went back to there den.  The sun has risen and they were going to hunt. The pups were excited. Flame was talking a pup named Twilight.  The next day was sunny everybody was happy and it was time to train Twilight. Both of the pup and wolf went a woods.  The woods they went to hand the most prey. Twilight was a energetic pup. The pup saw a rabbit when she first got there.  "Go get it",said Flame with encouragement. The pup crouched down and without a noise crept over to the rabbit. A second later the pup sprang out.  The rabbit dodged the pup. The rabbit was running but a wolf came out of nowhere and killed it. It was Star. Flame looked at the pup and gave a signal to eat it.   The pup enjoyed the meal. Before Flame new it something jumped at Twilight. He saw who it was it was a wolf name Graypaw.


 Protect Twilight 

  Flame hurry up and stood in front of Twilight and got hurt.  Flame was angry. He looked around and Gray paw was gone. Out of nowhere the wolf jumped on Flame pushing him to the ground.  Graypaw was a well trained wolf very strong. Flame new he was stronger. Flame got up grabbing Graypaw's neck. Flame threw the wolf on a tree.  The wolf sprang at Flame digging its teeth into Flame. The fight went on for a while. Twilight had gone and got help. Once help got there he was passed out.  "Flame are you ok?"said the wolf. Flame recognized that voice. It was Star. Flame couldn't get up he was to hurt. "I'm fine", Flame new they were worried. Flame pushed himself up.

Hurt Flame

  Back Home

  Flame had a hard time getting back home from the scratches.  Flame was happy he protected Twilight. Flame fell down a few times.  Twilight was always there to help. When Flame got back LIghtning saw and ran over "Flame,are you ok?" Asked Lightning.  Flame nodded. Lightning took him to the healing wolf. They went into a den with a wolf inside. The wolf was green and white.  "Hi Spottedleaf" greeted Lightning. Spottedleaf got up and got some medicine. Spottedleaf gave the medicine to Flame "thank you" said Flame.  Flame rested until he healed.



  A group was heading to the mountains to make sure nobody was passing.  Flame went to even though everyone tried to stop him. The view was beautiful.  Flame had to focus on the ground. They saw a wolf but the wolf wasn't crossing.  The wolf looked at them and just stared. It's like the wolf was looking at something.  Soon Flame noticed. The wolf wasn't looking at them. The wolf was looking behind them.  Flame turned around. A gray and black wolf pushed twilight off the mountain. Flame jumped down and everyone gasped.  Flame spread out his wings and grabbed twilight and tried to fly. Flame couldn't fly and crashed to the ground. Twilight crawled out of his wings not hurt.  Flame was very sore though. Twilight was whimpering. Flame could barley here her though.



  It took a while to heal Flame refused to be helped.  Spottedleaf had to force Flame to take the medicine. Flame soon fell asleep and it became easier.  Flame woke up and was covered in bandages. There was even bandages where he wasn't bleeding. He looked up and a pup was looking at him.  He heard Spottedleaf giggling. Flame looked at Spottedleaf then look at the pup. "Why am I wrapped in bandages",asked Flame. "Well,this pup really wanted to help so I let him and he did this", said Spottedleaf.  Flame looked at the pup and the pup sat with pride. He realized what pup he was it was Nightwing pup he was training,cinderpaw. Cinderpaw was a black and white wolf.He got up and took the bandage off. The pup grabbed the bandage and chased after Star.  When Flame walked out Star was covered in bandages. Flame giggled and helped Star.




   It was a normal day,at least what they thought.  Flame was going to call a meeting until he heard a howl.  The howl wasn't any howl,it was a howl of warning. There was a growling and panting from a distance.  Each side of the area came growling. All the wolves where out besides the pups. The pups where hiding.  Soon a wolf came running at Flame,Flame grabbed the wolf and flingged it at another knocking them both down.  Flame looked around and saw Star looking around. A wolf was behind Star going to attack. Flame ran at Star and pushed the wolf on its back.  The wolf came back at flame and clawed him. Star grabbed the wolf and fought with it. Flame went to help another wolf. While looking around a wolf jumped on Flame and Flame couldn't get back up.  Flame noticed witch wolf it was it was a black and white wolf named Midnight. Flame couldn't say anything and thought it was the end. Soon something made the wolf yelp. He looked to see who it was.  Twilight was biting the wolves tail. Flame was proud. Flame found the leader and half way killed him. The wolf made a howl and all the wolves ran away. Flame was glad he had Twilight.


Twilight Becomes a Warrior

  It has been many years and Twilight is now grown up.  Today Twilight becomes a real warrior. Flame has invited a warrior to sneak in there area and see what Twilight does.  When Flame sees the wolf he looks at Twilight. Flame sees that Twilight has saw the wolf. Twilight was not moving. Flame thought she wasn't going to do anything.  The wolf didn't know she saw him so he thought she wasn't well trained. As soon as the wolf was about to attack. Twilight spun around grabbed the wolves neck and flung the wolf to the ground.  Flame was surprised. The wolf ran back without fighting back. Flame new she was trained


Another death

      Twilight is now a warrior.  Today Flame has invited another wolf but stronger.  This wolf wasn't going to be at camp. The wolf was going to be in the hunting ground.  "Twilight,may you go out hunting?"asked Flame

"Yes,Flame"replied Twilight.  While Twilight was walking,Flame was watching.  The wolf came but Twilight wasn't moving. Flame remembered that he told the wolf what she did last time.  This time the wolf was attacking. Twilight still didn't move. The wolf landed on her. She pretended like the wolf won.  The wolf got up and Twilight sprang at the wolf grabbing the wolf and throwing it. Soon there was a warning howl. While they were training the camp has been attached!.  Soon he noticed a death. He couldn't believe who it was,Star. Flame couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Who killed her!"shouted Flame.

"Blackout,the packs leader."responded a wolf.  Flame turned to the leader. He pounced at the leader ripping an ear off.  The leader yelped. Flame killed the leader. He turned back at Stars dead body.  He cried and went back to the den.


New Warrior

  Flame was running out of warriors he needed more or he can never survive.  He just couldn't get over "The Death". He sent out some not trained well warrior to search for more wolves.  When then came back they brought no one. This has been going on for days but no warriors found. Flame was about to give up until he heard this.  "Flame,we found a wolf!"shouted a wolf. He looked up and saw a wolf who already had wings. He saw it was a she-wolf. He told the pups to go eat.  The wolf was a dragon wolf! The wolf was strong and brave. He noticed the wolf had scratches. The pup told him they had to attack her cause she wouldn't follow.  Flame came up to her and said,"you are a new member of our pack". The wolf wanted to say that she didn't want to be in but she was scared. "What's your name?"asked Flame.  "It Redstripe" replied the wolf. Flame ordered a wolf to show her around.



     Flame had an uneasy feeling about the new wolf,as if he didn't trust her.  He can tell she didn't like it here. Redstripe was wandering around and talking to clan mates.  It looked as if the other wolves didn't trust her. Soon his new wolf messenger came. "Flame,Scar has claimed that wolves as been scented on out territory!"the messenger looked worried.  Flame got up and patted threw the forest. Once he found scar he couldn't believe what he saw. Redstripe had scar on the ground. "What is going on!?"yelled Flame in disbelief. "He tried to attack a loner wolf!"  Yowled Redstripe. Flame nodded at looked for the wolf. The unknown wolf was on the ground whimpering. He just remembered scar was his strongest wolf,was Redstripe stronger? "What your name",Flame questioned the wolf.  "It's nighthowl",replies the wolf. Flame sent him to be a new member.

Strongest wolf in battle

     It was a year ago when Redstripe join or pack,now she was trusted.  It was a normal day. Well at least they thought it was. Soon Flames ear went up and he sniffed the air.  Soon a howl of alarm rose. They were being attacked. "Get all the pup to the dens!"shouted Flame growling.  A wolf came out with petal dead in his mouth. Flame has filled with anger. None of him was happy. His teeth shown and giggled.  He took his claw and slashed the wolves neck. Soon the wolf dropped dead. Then the whole pack came. These wolves were well trained but his pack was stronger.  Soon Redstripe was running and the leader. Flame thought that she would die. Soon I pup was running out of the den. Another pack wolf was running straight at it!  Soon without noticing Bluestar was fighting the wolf,she was very weak but didn't give up. The pup ran back whimpering. Soon before Flame can get there she was dead.  She was too weak to defend herself. Flame couldn't handle it there has been so many death ever sense Moonlight had died. Flame was done with this! He killed a lot of pack members one by one.  He was filled with anger. All the wolves ran away this their tails down. He couldn't handle the anger. He laid by Bluestar motionless body.

The new warrior again

    Flame stayed in his den crying he wouldn't leave.  Nightwing came and shared his emotions. All the wolves would visit Flame. He finally decided to get out of the den and hunt.  There was something rustling in the woods. There was a wolf. It was chasing territory prey! Flame sprang at the wolf. The wolf struck back and Flame was on the ground.  Soon the wolf was gone. It was so fast and strong. He didn't get a good look. "Redstripe,I want you to search the forest for a wolf" Flame demanded

"What does it look like"replied Redstripe 

"I couldn't see,it ran away before I can see it"

Redstripe can into the forest with some other wolves.  Flame decided to search too. He was searching the forest for hours all day,soon there was claws on his back.  Above him was a white and black female. She wasn't like a stripe of white and black she was half and half. She had a moon on her head thought.  He realized what she was,she was a elementAnother death

      Twilight is now a warrior.  Today Flame has invited another wolf but stronger.  This wolf wasn't going to be at camp. The wolf was going to be in the hunting ground.  "Twilight,may you go out hunting?"asked Flame

"Yes,Flame"replied Twilight.  While Twilight was walking,Flame was watching.  The wolf came but Twilight wasn't moving. Flame remembered that he told the wolf what she did last time.  This time the wolf was attacking. Twilight still didn't move. The wolf landed on her. She pretended like the wolf won.  The wolf got up and Twilight sprang at the wolf grabbing the wolf and throwing it. Soon there was a warning howl. While they were training the camp has been attached!.  Soon he noticed a death. He couldn't believe who it was,Star. Flame couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Who killed her!"shouted Flame.

"Blackout,the packs leader."responded a wolf.  Flame turned to the leader. He pounced at the leader ripping an ear off.  The leader yelped. Flame killed the leader. He turned back at Stars dead body.  He cried and went back to the den.

New Warrior

  Flame was running out of warriors he needed more or he can never survive.  He just couldn't get over "The Death". He sent out some not trained well warrior to search for more wolves.  When then came back they brought no one. This has been going on for days but no warriors found. Flame was about to give up until he heard this.  "Flame,we found a wolf!"shouted a wolf. He looked up and saw a wolf who already had wings. He saw it was a she-wolf. He told the pups to go eat.  The wolf was a dragon wolf! The wolf was strong and brave. He noticed the wolf had scratches. The pup told him they had to attack her cause she wouldn't follow.  Flame came up to her and said,"you are a new member of our pack". The wolf wanted to say that she didn't want to be in but she was scared. "What's your name?"asked Flame.  "It Redstripe" replied the wolf. Flame ordered a wolf to show her around.


     Flame had an uneasy feeling about the new wolf,as if he didn't trust her.  He can tell she didn't like it here. Redstripe was wandering around and talking to clan mates.  It looked as if the other wolves didn't trust her. Soon his new wolf messenger came. "Flame,Scar has claimed that wolves as been scented on out territory!"the messenger looked worried.  Flame got up and patted threw the forest. Once he found scar he couldn't believe what he saw. Redstripe had Scar on the ground. "What is going on!?''yelled Flame in disbelief. "He tried to attack a loner wolf!"  Yowled Redstripe. Flame nodded and looked for the wolf. The unknown wolf was on the ground whimpering. He just remembered scar was his strongest wolf,was Redstripe stronger? "What your name",Flame questioned the wolf.  "It's nighthowl",replies the wolf. Flame sent him to be a new member.

The new warrior again

    Flame stayed in his den crying he wouldn't leave.  Nightwing came and shared his emotions. All the wolves would visit Flame. He finally decided to get out of the den and hunt.  There was something rustling in the woods. There was a wolf. It was chasing territory prey! Flame sprang at the wolf. The wolf struck back and Flame was on the ground.  Soon the wolf was gone. It was so fast and strong. He didn't get a good look. "Redstripe,I want you to search the forest for a wolf" Flame demanded

"What does it look like"replied Redstripe 

"I couldn't see,it ran away before I can see it"

Redstripe can into the forest with some other wolves.  Flame decided to search too. He was searching the forest for hours all day,soon there was claws on his back.  Above him was a white and black female. She wasn't like a stripe of white and black she was half and half. She had a moon on her head thought.  He realized what she was,she was an element.

Not as weak as you think

 "Looks like you have found me"she said giggling

"What do you want,stay away from my pack!"

"I am going to be living here now I want you pack to leave"

"Is this a joke,we aren't leaving!"

"Ok fearless leader but I will make you"she sprang on him digger her claws in him. He made her fall over and he clawed her eye. Soon she  attacked from behind. He flipped backward and grabbed her neck, he flung her to a tree making her unconscious. She grabbed her and took her back to camp. "Red Stripe and blackout guard her tell me when she wakes up"

"Yes sir"they both said walking towards her. Once she woke up she tried attacking but they both held her down. They called Flame over because she woke up. "Get away!"she yelled her eyes glowing. 

"We had to capture you because you tried to take over our land and kill me"

"This is my land now"

"I can kill you right now"he said lashing out his claws

"Ok you guys can keep your land,it's just I don't have anywhere to live"

"You can live with us"

"You wouldn't want a loner"

"We brought in loners such as the ones who were guarding you"

"Wow but there so strong"

"Because they have came and lived our ways and you can be like them"


"You will sleep with my warriors but you won't need a guard I'm trusting you" he said walking away. She wondered if she should stay or if she would leave. The next morning she got up to hunt. Two wolf apprentices were staring at her. She jumped up startled. "She looks cool" said one "and pretty" said the other. Soon someone called them I think they names were rocky and coco they were energetic. Coco was a dark brown male and rocky was a light brown female.

Out by myself

  Soon she got up and started to head for the exit when a wolf stopped her. "And where are you going,if I may ask?" She asked like he didn't trust her.

"I'm going outside to hunt"

"You need a guard"

"No,I don't need to watch all day and night"

"You stay here while I get a guard" he said without caring about what she said. She ran out before they got back. Of course she wasn't running away, she just wanted to hunt. A while later she caught enough prey to feed the whole pack. Soon she heard rustling,she walked towards the sound and couldn't believe what she found. A mother wolf was hurting a pup. She recognized the mother.it was her mother! She hated her because she would hurt her as a pup. "Well if it isn't my mother" she said and made her mother stare at her.

"It's good to see you,lunar"

"Come here pup" she said and the pup ran to her whimpering.

"Hey give that mutt back she's mine!"

"Welp not anymore you hurt her,anyways I will be going now"

"This isn't the end!" The mother said running away. Lunar picked up the pup and headed for camp. Once she got there Flame was waiting for her. Once he saw the pup he wasn't angry anymore and he was surprised even more of how much food she brought. "Who is this"flame asked in a soft tone

"This pup was being abused by my mother so I brought her here"

"Well pup what's your name?"


"Lunar bring the food to the pile and take the pup with you so it can eat"

"Yes sir"she flicked her tail telling the pup to come with. She put the food in the pile and picked out a good size piece of crow. Once she gave the crow to the pup the pup ate it in 20 seconds. Poor pup she thought.