
Wolf of Fire

Alpha Amusu was the feared Alpha of death. His name struck fear into the hearts of all who heard him, his wolf was deadly, vicious and mad. He spread his fangs of death,fear and dread all over like a blanket of vile sin. He was not a devil,he was THE DEVIL! But only one person could defile him...only one person could put an end to his viciousness. Aira,a young she wolf who was still struggling to discover who she was. Being trapped in slavery and torture in the Silver Moon Pack, Aira makes a difficult decision to save her people from the hands of the monster. She's tied up into a web of lies and fears, death and evil. Would she become consumed by the one thing she struggles so had to escape from? *This book is a historical fiction, situated in Africa. *However,its completely written in English. *It has been edited *Contains triggers like; Suicide, Rape, Murder, Violence, Torture and Discrimination.

Olive_Otamz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

20* The Day We Forgot


Aira shouted as she carried Dinma into the court while trying profusely to put pressure on her leg wound which was bleeding out.

"Mama! I can feel another aura around_an angry aura!"

Achi said worriedly, as he breezed in with inhuman speed to the courtyard.

"What about Ozo?"

Cha-cha asked, using her magic to try to stop the bleeding from Donna's leg.

"He went hunting since the clock of dawn,and has not co....


An explosion rocked the ground, sending everyone flat on their faces. The dust and ruins from the explosion, scattering everywhere.

And in the midst of the ruins,she could make out the troops of warriors, and they were not happy!!




Six Hours Earlier

Fire ran through the trees and bushes at speeds belonging to a goddess.

She broke through the forest,as wild as she could and Aira was not stopping her.

She had been tied down long enough_she needed all the freedom she could get.

The winds felt beautiful!

Fire felt as though she had been born again,which was not so far from the case.

After running for what felt like hours,she collapsed on the floor of the forest,not minding the dirt. Aira had so much to say but she wanted to mind her words.

Under the eyes of the gods,she felt she had wronged Fire.


She called from within.

Yes...you called.

"I want to apologise for..."

That's enough Aira...what ever I did,I did because of you. And I am ready to go back and do it over and over again!

Aira was overwhelmed, she had never understood how emotions worked but these days, she was beginning to feel...it was overwhelming.

"You can not imagine how wonderful it is to have you back. I do not know how it was possible that I have gone this far without you"

Fire barked out a laugh.

"When I was dormant,it felt as though I was trapped in a dark pit. There was a transparent veil and I could see you needing me but I could do nothing! It was the worst feeling in the world."

Aira smiled within. She understood completely even though she could not shake off the feeling that she was responsible for putting Fire through all that.

But at least she was back and strong! That was all that mattered.

There were so many unanswered questions,but they decided to let them go as they lay on the floor of the forest in comfortable silence, letting its thickness,

cover them completely.




Meanwhile...back in Black Silver Pack of Amajiri

The tracker warrior ran into the court of Alpha Amusu like a mad man was chasing after him.

Amusu sat on his throne with expression of death and anger on his face.

His eyes were completely black as usual.

Ever since the filthy female slave had insulted him,he was completely taken over by his animalistic side.

He was mad but his wolf was madder.

The entrance of the warrior interrupted the Beta who was trying to explain the status of the pack who were trying to take a stance against them.


The tired voice of the warrior called.

Amusu raised his eyes towards the direction of the warrior.

The fierce look he carried could burn holes.

"How dare you!"

The warrior, shaking like a leave both from tiredness and fear,lay flat on the ground in total surrender.

"Please forgive me Alpha. But I come bearing news. The border packs of Ara and Chin have reported to our pack's border  security that the slave you search for is in No Man's Land."

If it was possible for the Alpha's eyes to get darker,it did.

He stood up from his chair with a loud growl.

"She thought she could run away from me but I am the Alpha of Alphas. She can run but she can never hide!"

His voice, sending chills into the hearts of all who were present.

"Send a message to Ara and Chin immediately! Tell them that if that filth is not within their grasps before the end of today,then they should get ready to have the balls of all the men in their packs cut off!"

If the warrior could disappear,he did.

The speed with which he ran out of the court room was almost impossible. The Alpha had spoken and there was nothing that was going to be stopping him.




"What are your plans Aira?"

Dinma asked softly as she lay next to Aira on the forest floor.

She had been looking for the scarred girl for a long time before she instinctively decided to go into the forest.

Aira heaved a sigh of frustration.

What exactly is my plan from here onwards?

Her mind seemed to ask.

"Honestly, Dinma I have not really thought about it.

I know my goal is to get revenge for mama and everyone Amusu had ever wronged. But I have never considered the 'how'."

Dinma nodded her head slowly.

She completely understood.

"We need to speak with Cha-Cha about this. She is old,wise and has a lot of experience with life. She would be able to advise us."

Aira knew that was true. But she had already troubled to older woman so much already and she was not ready to involve her in matters such as those.

"I will think about it and maybe later on I will..."

Something moved in the bushes.

"Did you hear that?"

Aira asked Dinma,now bouncing up to her feet in a blink of an eye and on full alert!

Dinma although less alert,knew that something was going to be wrong very soon.

Before she could react or ask any questions,a red wolf charged from the bushes and grabbed her leg.

Dinma let out a loud scream in pain! Immediately,Aira, now completely changed into Fire rammed into the wolf, pushing him off her friend.

The wolf fell on the floor with a whine but did not stay for long.

He faced Fire squarely and attacked.

He was  taller and bigger considering the fact that he was a male,but Aira and Fire were going to be using that to their advantage.

The male charged with a force that could knock down a tree at Fire,who skillfully dodged the attack, slashing her paw through his flesh.

The painful whine of the male gave them a sense of accomplishment which was short lived as he growled and pushed her to the ground.

The thunder roared.

They fought for dominance for a while, snarling and snapping at each other as they rolled on the ground of the forest.

Digging her teeth deep into his eyes,the struggle ended.

The male let out a painful yelp as his eyes begun to bleed.

Taking advantage of the situation,she dug her paws into his neck, tighting her grip until she finally tore off his neck.

The rains began to pour, making a messy wash of the blood.

Fire was bleeding from the side of her body from the fight but she had more issues to attend to.

She wanted to let out a howl to warn Cha-Cha and the others but whoever had sent that wolf was no fool. He had a reason,and she was sure that reinforcements would be coming soon.

Marching towards the tree where Dinma lay silent and bleeding, she nudged the small girl who was doing her best to stay awake,with her nose.

Even though Aira would never admit it,she had grown fond of the girl and did not want her to die.

Dinma let out a small whine and instinctively did her best to climb unto Fire's now crouched back.

When they were sure that Dinma would not fall off,Fire began to dash through the forest and back to Cha-Cha's court.

If anything happened to them,Aira was not sure she would be able to forgive herself!




The cracking of bones from beast to human took no longer than a second as Aira stepped into Cha-Cha's court.


Aira shouted as she carried Dinma into the court while trying profusely to put pressure on her leg wound which was bleeding out.

"Mama! I can feel another aura around_an angry aura!"

Achi said worriedly, as he breezed in with inhuman speed to the courtyard.

"What about Ozo?"

Cha-cha asked, using her magic to try to stop the bleeding from Donna's leg.

"He went hunting since the clock of dawn,and has not co....


An explosion rocked the ground, sending everyone flat on their faces. The dust and ruins from the explosion, scattering everywhere.

And in the midst of the ruins,she could make out the troops of warriors, and they were not happy!!




*** Author's Note***

Hey guys ..I'm so sorry for the late update.

I got admitted into the university and darn...things have been so stressful.

I'm so happy for all the love I've received from my book

Thanks guys💖💖

You're truly the best.

I'll try to update as often as possible.