
Wolf king hegemony

Our mc dies and gets reincarnated with some perks, starting his adventures through the myriad worlds. first world : Hotd writing gets better as the story goes. please contribute voting and reviewing. 3 chapter a day. discord server : https://discord.gg/Pm4nJWmPmU https://www.pa treon.com/user?u=80572751 if you wish to support me, i'd be thankful.

DualCultivator69 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

The wizard of oz

After a bit of waiting, Ironwood set the call up. And then I was looking at the man himself.

The Wizard of Oz.

The White King.

The man who was toyed with by the Brother Gods and given a mission by the God of Light.

Ex-husband of Salem.

We looked at each other, and I hummed. Ozpin took in my appearance, then after a few seconds, blinked. ~You... You really do have a Silver eye.~ I snorted harder then I ever have at that. First line in and THAT'S what he said? I knew why. Ironwood knew why. My girls didn't though.

"Isn't it pretty? Silver's eyes are the best, even when he's in his doggy form." And now I was choking. Of course Shizuka wouldn't care about the context, she'd roll with it.

"True. My lord does have radiant eyes." It didn't help me that Saeko was adding fuel to the fire. After I managed to get myself together, I pat Shizuka, getting her to zone out whatever conversation we would have, and let her take the pats as she shifted and laid her head in my lap. I heard and felt Saeko hum as she did, and suddenly, I felt a fuzzy head on mine.

Looking up, I saw that yes, she did shift. Then she moved, and laid next to me. It didn't take a genius to figure out what she wanted, so I used my other hand to rub her ears the way she liked, and placated her.

With both women laying content, I looked back to Ozpin and Ironwood, who were just looking at the interaction with a single raised brow. "What?" Ironwood chose to not say a word, and Ozpin just lightly chuckled.

~Nothing. Let's get to business as it were. First I would like to thank you for the efforts you and your pack put towards saving Beacon and Vale. Without them, we surely would've experienced far more casualties, suffered more damage to the kingdom, and perhaps lost more then just that.~

"Eh. To be honest, I didn't really do it for any of you really. The girls wanted to either help, or have fun... Some more then others." I intentionally looked at Saeko as I said that last bit, and the grin she gave me was unrepentant. After rolling my eyes at her, I turned back to Ozpin and Ironwood. Both men were a little uneasy that I just admitted to not caring about the loss of life, but oh well.

~Despite your... Less then upstanding reasoning. You still helped prevent the destruction of Beacon and kept the Fall Maiden's power out of Salem's hands. For that alone, we still need to thank you.~ Hm?

"Outright telling me about those huh? Weren't you supposed to keep those secret?" Ozpin sighed at that.

"We all know if you didn't know about them, you atleast had an inkling towards their existence. After talking with the rest of our circle, we all agreed to be upfront with this information." Interesting.

"Well, you're right. I know it all." Those four words made Ozpin and Ironwood react differently. Ironwood sat up straighter, and looked at me with a stern look. And Ozpin? Ozpin narrowed his eyes, and I could feel him change his posture and the air around him through the screen.

~What exactly do you know?~ I smirked.

(How much do I fuck with them? I could just outright say everything, though then they'd try to dump something on me. Though I could just threaten to fuck em up if they do. That'd do it. Decisions decisions... How about this?)

"Yes." I took a page out of Saya's book for this. Both men blinked at me, and I could almost hear the gears turning in their heads. Ironwood kept thinking, but Ozpin recovered first.

~You truly mean EVERYTHING. Don't you?~ I hummed as I scratched both of my girlfriends ears a little more.

"Yes. Though the whole thing is kinda stupid in my opinion." That got their attention.

~... And what would YOU have done in this situation?~

"Easy. Toss the bitch into space. Who cares about immortality if you're a space rock?" Was I stealing a page from Joseph's book? Yes. Did I care? No.

Ozpin just froze, and Ironwood seemed to require a reboot. It was funny at how easy it was to fuck with two of the most 'powerful' people on Remnant. But that always seemed to be one of the easiest solutions in my eyes. Kars got his, so if a human with sunlight magic could deal with him, then people with soul powers could deal with an immortal Queen.

"Immortal?" I blinked. I thought he knew.

"Did you not know?" Ironwood just turned to look at Ozpin, who was just as still as a statue from my answer. If I remembered right, he was still soft on her, despite literally dying a few times to her, so ideas on actually defeating her were harder for him to come up with.

~I... No. He's correct James. Salem was granted immortality... Well, cursed with it to be more accurate.~

The way Ironwood grit his teeth made me wonder if I went too far. "And you didn't think to give us that information Ozpin?!" Uh oh.

~I feared if I did, that any companions I found would simply despair. Against an enemy that does not die, hope for victory becomes nonexistent.~ Kinda true, though he was still an asshole for not telling people about it.

"DAMMIT OZPIN! That information is too valuable to keep hidden from us! Who else knows, no. Who else have you kept this from!?" Huh... Pretty sure neither of them are focusing on me now...

I looked to my girlfriends, Saeko was interested in this conversation, but Shizuka was just looking at me, not paying any mind to what was going in in the background. I stopped scratching their ears, and made sure they both looked at me for this. 'Wanna go?' They both nodded at me, and I made sure that Ironwood and Ozpin were too busy talking to each other to notice me shifting and leaving.

So just like that, I opened the door with my paws, and left with my girls trailing behind me. The Atlas guard didn't know what to say about three wolves leaving his boss' office, and so our leave went unnoticed by Ironwood.

We ran for a bit, and eventually made it to the streets and markets of Atlas... But then I realized a problem. (I don't have any Lien on me.) I got used to not needing to pay for stuff, and forgot that we actually NEED money to get said stuff.

So I shifted back, sat down on the roof we were on, and shared that tidbit of information with the girls. Shizuka just hummed, and Saeko smirked before she shifted back. "Saya remembered that issue, and got a card from Weiss a while ago. I don't think she'll mind not having it for the day." I blinked, then hugged Saeko. She ate up the hug, and after giving Shizuka a hug to placate her, we all went down to street level.

Shizuka stayed in her wolf form, and walked besides Saeko and I as we started going through stores for Saya's order. Though, they took the opportunity to buy their own food. I didn't really know what I wanted to eat, so I just bought the first thing I set my eyes on. Who knew wolf kabobs were a thing?

After another half hour of the impromptu shopping spree, the girls had their food, food for Rika, and Saya's orders. With all that settled, we ran back to Atlas, dropped off the food, and dipped before Ironwood caught me and brought me back to the call.

From there, we ran off to the wilderness, and searched for food. As usual, Saeko took my left, and Shizuka took my right. If the rest of the girls were here, then Rika would be by Shizuka's side, Saya by Saeko's, and then the rest of the pack would be in their own formation.

For now, I led, and used my nose to pick up any scents. I didn't really need to worry about Grimm since they had no scent, and I didn't know why. It took a minute, and me contemplating if I should increase my senses to their higher stages, but I got a scent. (Welp. I'm sorry Bambi.) With that scent locked in, the girls and I went off to get us some deer. (I wonder what everyone else is doing.)

{Ozpin's POV after Maccillian left}

It was a mess. With the reveal of Salem's immortality, James had started hounding me for more information. And with both him and Glynda, who was in my office as she usually was, I was backed into a corner. I very well COULD offer more answers, but the fallout with my inner circle would be astronomical if everything I knew was revealed.

And even with a potential solution to Salem's immortality, there would still be the process to do so. And even then, it was still just an idea, there was no foundation to even BEGIN trying it.

~Ozpin, answer me! What else have you kept from us?!~ Ah yes, back to the situation at hand.

"James... There are things that SHOULD be hidden, and things that MUST be hidden. Not all knowledge was meant to be spread."

~Don't avoid the question OZ! Secrets about Salem and her abilities, such as IMMORTALITY, would make our battle against her FAR easier... Unless there's a reason you're not telling us about WHY you're keeping them secret.~ James was perceptive. And unfortunately for me, FAR too perceptive. I made sure not to react, lifetimes of experiences had helped me keep control of my body... But not of my prosthetic. I'd only had prosthetic limbs in a handful of lives, so I was unable to keep my new limb from slightly twitching... A detail both Ironwood and Glynda noticed.

"Sir... What else are you keeping from us?" Glynda would sometimes question my judgement, but this was different. The tone she used had an edge to it she'd usually reserve for her students. This was less a question, and more a statement. She was pushing for an answer... And I was unsure if I should keep it from them.

We had a solution to Salem. Not the idea from Maccillian. But Maccillian himself. From what we've seen, he had the power to fight and put down Titans. We had gotten eye witness testimonies from the students on the changes the Grimm Dragon went through, and after compiling them all, we understood it had become a Demi-Titan. But still, Maccillian had killed it, and walked off without seeming tired.

But there was an issue with this. Also from our students, specifically Pyrrha and the girls of team RWBYY that were there, I learned something else. Maccillian and his pack were World Travelers. That was an issue due to the fickle nature of them. After some time, they could just leave, and we'd have lost the biggest asset we'd have. (Yin hasn't told them of her change, and Yang and the rest of team RWBYY haven't spilled the beans.)

"I... I cannot tell you. There is a reason, yes, BUT! I have told you all about the rest of her abilities. Unless Salem has gained more, then you all know her repertoire." Glynda and James both looked at me, disappointment and frustration clear on their faces, and I couldn't help the sigh that left my lips. "Perhaps we should focus more on the initial conversation. Mr. Ma...-"

It was at that moment, that we all seemed to realize we were missing the reason for the call in the first place. (When did they leave?) I didn't notice. James didn't notice. And Glynda certainly didn't notice.

~... We'll get back to them later. For now, we need to TALK Ozpin.~ Another sigh, but I couldn't keep this conversation away anymore. For now, I'd speak about what they SHOULD know.

(If only there was another way to counteract Salem.)

{Yin's general POV same time}

'This is strange and unusual punishment, but I like it.' What was I talking about? Oh, it'd be the way Ruby was using me as body pillow. We should rewind a few hours and give a recap of the month.

After Maccillian and his girls left, the house settled into a schedule. Ruby had ended up stumbling across Maccillian training me in hand to hand once, and from there, the rest of the house joined in. I hadn't told dad or Ruby about being a Werewolf yet, so we did combat against him, sometimes Saeko, and Rika. Saya mostly fought against Ruby, for and I quote 'to deal with speed crap better.'

So today, we went to the field, and did our training. Yang and I fought a good bit, at first to get rid of the fear she had because of Adam, but now to improve herself. Sure she was never hurt, but like I realized earlier, she knew she would've ended up FAR worse then Saeko was. Sure she was cut into and all that, but she had a healing factor that surpassed our aura's.

From then on, Yang's been working on her temper, and we've been working on better ways to use her semblance. We've been working on meditating, despite her annoyance with the practice, and a form of martial arts. When we got passed the 'fear' portion, we got to the 'what would we do' part. And when Yang realized she had nothing other then 'punch the fuck out of him' or 'blast him with Ember Cecilia' then we got to work.

Ruby's been working on how to be faster with hers, and how to actually fight without Crescent Rose. Speaking of the scythe, she's actually been doing some modifications to it. Thanks to both Rika and Saya, she's got two modes to her sniper form now. One meant for closer to medium range, and a high powered version to REALLY snipe with.

When dad's not teaching, he helps out in our training. So did uncle Qrow, but he's gone out to do something, just didn't know what.

And for me? Well, when everyone slept, and I made sure I wasn't being watched, I got a presence detection skill after a few days because of Salem's Seer's. Which I told Maccillian about when I noticed. I would go into a dungeon and train my Werewolf powers with the plan Maccillian gave me.

First was power. Now with my strength stat in the mix, we found out how hard I could hit. And to compare before and after. Before, I could easily break a tree and steel. But after? If I really wanted too, I could bench press a Goliath.

Then there was my healing factor. And when that was mixed with the Gamer?

[Regeneration(Noblesse Werewolf Version) Level 13 - Active/Passive

Passively increases vitality effectiveness and stamina regeneration by 3x. Stamina cost for wounds 10sps.

Active - By spending 300sps, the Gamer can increase VIT and heal 5x faster then usual. Stacks with passive and Werewolf Form.]

It was OP please don't nerf.

At level 1, it was strictly a passive. But when I got it to level 10, it gained the active. Now was it a stamina guzzler? Yes. Did I give a flying fuck? Nope! I was level 63 now, and I had a good 400,000 HP. Before my change, I had a fraction of that. So with both the boost to HP, stamina, which grew the more I used my new abilities, I was able to use my active for a minimum of a minute if I used a few other stamina skills with it.

And when I did? If I was in the red, I could heal back all of my HP in under a minute if I had breathing room. It was beyond broken, and I was tempted to kiss Maccillian for giving me broken skills.

Speaking of skills.

[Werewolf Form(Noblesse) Level MAX - Active

Increase HP, STR, DEX, VIT by 3x.

Aura(Noblesse) 2x effectiveness.

Stamina cost increases the longer the form is held.

15sps for the first 10 minutes.

35sps for every 8 minutes afterwards.

75sps for every 5 minutes afterwards.

100sps for every minute afterwards.]

I still drooled at that to this day. Out of everything I had, that was by far my BEST ability. Even with Vergil's Summon Swords, this one ability made me confidant enough to backhand Salem into the next world. Then there was the skill I rolled from Maccillian.

[Wolf King's Wrath Level Max - Active

Increase HP, STR, DEX, VIT by 2x for 8 hours.

Stamina cost - 500 for activation. 100sps drain until effects wear off or are canceled.

Use may lead to exhaustion debuff if stamina drains too much.]

With all these skills, I had multiple 'this isn't even my final form' powers. It was fucking awesome! Now the stamina drain for all of them could get pretty costly, and even with my 100,000 points worth of stamina, it could get depleted pretty fast if I wasn't careful. Sure I had 500rps, but if I fought something in my Werewolf form for too long, then I'd start dipping into the negatives.

But to be realistic, nothing on Remnant, save being ganged up on by Titans, could force me into a situation like that. Even my dungeons wouldn't be an issue when I started going back into them. Maccillian made me agree to not test out something I didn't have mastered in an area with actual monsters. Sure I could do it in my slime dungeon, but we settled on only the big stuff like, Werewolf Form, his version of aura and my Summon Swords. I respected that, and now that he was gone, and I was sure I could use my abilities well, then I'd start going back into them.

But back to the training.

After that came figuring out my affinity. And it was a surprise.

[Trait - Speed Demon

Increase DEX gain by 2x.

DEX increased by 2x.]

I was was fast as fuck now. I couldn't pull a Barry Allen and run on water, not yet atleast, but I could keep up with Saeko now. Thanks to Gamer's Mind, I wasn't terrified of her, and we would spar whenever she wasn't fighting Saya, fucking, having fun, or hunting. Thanks to that, we became friends. I even got her rep up with me.

[Saeko Busujima - 75/100

Perk - Pain is a wonderful thing.

Reputation/Affection gain with Sadists increase by 25%]

Yeah... I still took it in stride though.

When it came to the next stage, aura training, that was fun. Now I was able to cheat, yeah, but I still went through the stages Maccillian wrote down and showed me. I even managed to get it to the mid 20's before he left. I could make some things like an aura Bardiche, and actually fight with it.

Then came the hunting aspect of our abilities. And that was a whole new experience.

[Wolf Form Level MAX - Active

STR reduced by 2x in this form.

DEX increased by 2x in this form.

Werewolf Senses and Instincts effectiveness increased by 1 stage in this form.

No stamina cost to use or maintain.]

Turning into a wolf was cool as shit. There was no other way to describe it. I even ran with Maccillian and his girls one time... And that was an awesome night. I wasn't a fan of eating stuff raw though.

Then came the Werewolf Form. And good fucking GODS! The first time I used it, I thought I could fight off the Brother Gods! That rush was unlike anything I'd ever known. It was like I had crack, speed, meth and coffee injected into my veins all at once. Then Gamer's Mind kicked in and stopped me from doing the whole power trip and mad cackle thing. I had control of myself, and I could actually spar with Maccillian with it.

The spars themselves were interesting. I never got close to beating him, even when I let my curiosity get the best of me and triggered Wrath. The time I did that, he just coated his body with his empowered aura, and knocked me flat on my ass.

I could fight Saeko in it, but that was before she used her own Werewolf Form. Base Saeko was op, please nerf!

Saya would fight against me sometimes, since yes I WAS a speed type, and that instantly put me on her shit list for some reason. She sparred with Ruby more though, so I was safe from her ire.

Rika liked to shoot me just cause she could, and Shizuka wasn't the fighting type. Unless Maccillian bribed her that was. Getting punched through trees by the busty nurse was an experience. But hey, REP gain was great. By far, Shizuka was the easiest to befriend.

[Shizuka Marikawa - 100/100

Perk - Oh, did you say something?

Reputation/Affection gain with airheaded people increased by 25%

Trait - These are kind of big

Can increase or decrease bust size at will.]

... The system was fucking with me with that... I still used it though. Who wouldn't want an extra cup? Now that I was bustier then Yang, I lorded it over her.

That aside, I didn't get enough to max Rika, since she mostly spent her time with Ruby, relaxing, or doing whatever she wanted. Though I did get enough for her perk.

[Rika Minami - 90/100


Reputation/Affection gain with snipers increased by 25%]

Then there was Saya.

[Saya Takagi - 80/100

Perk - You're a smart cookie ain't ya?

Reputation/Affection gain with geniuses increased by 25%]

Then there was Maccillian. Though he was a special case. Since he wasn't a 'character' I couldn't get any gains with him. That kinda sucked, but neither of us really minded.

The training was great, I leveled from it, the girls leveled from it, Saeko got four levels in the month she was here from fighting against me, Saya, and sometimes Maccillian himself. Saya got two, and Shizuka got one. Ruby got three and Yang got two, same as me.

I didn't know if Rika leveled, and I was doubtful Maccillian did.

But after they left, it was up to us to keep training.

And that leads into what was currently going on. Maccillian told me to wait till he was gone to get into the whole 'bite you and you get Werewolf powers' thing, and I did. So when we got to our training area, a clearing in the woods, I brought it up. And then Ruby asked if I could become a wolf... Which I did.

Then Ruby crashed into me with all the force a teenage girl could wield.

Then she started petting me. And I understood why Maccillian and his girls, and even Zwei liked to get their ears scratched. It was fucking great.

So that was how I found myself being pet by Ruby.

With Yang watching in the background, scroll out, and obviously recording.

And dad looking like he was going to have a stroke.

This was fine. I could talk about the whole biting thing later.

{Maccillian's POV an hour later}

It took some time, not because it was hard to find food, but because Saeko and Shizuka kept eating from our haul or getting distracted. There were these 'Atlas variants' of Grimm, and Shizuka got distracted by a ice covered Nevermore. She chased the damn thing like she was a cat with a laser pointer, and I just couldn't help but watch this fucking bird be chased around by Shizuka.

Saeko herself was amused at the whole thing, and just snacked on a bear we found during that event.

There were the occasional Grimm attacks, since we had our aura awakened now they came to us, but they weren't anything big. There was a Megoliath though. But the big guy took a look at us, saw wolf form Saeko chewing on a bear, me also in my wolf form watching Shizuka chasing a Nevermore around, and decided to leave. Smart guy.

But back to the present, Shizuka was done with the Nevermore, Saeko had finished her bear, and I was carrying a deer on my back as we ran back to Atlas. They both enjoyed our time there, so I didn't need to worry about anything coming up or distracting them.

When we eventually made it back to Atlas, we went straight to Saya's lab, ignoring the random people that tried to stop us and things like that, and walked into her lab.

When they heard the door open, Saya, Rika, Winter, Pietro, and the Ace ops all turned to see us come in.

"Silver! And... Saeko? Why do you smell like a butchers shop?" Rika was right to ask. Even now, Saeko had the smell of meat and blood just all over her. And she wasn't even the one carrying the deer!

I dropped the deer, shifted with the other two, and grabbed my haul by its leg as I brought it over to Saya. "SOMEBODY thought it would be nice to snack on a whole bear while we went out hunting. Didn't even save it for later, just ate the damn thing whole." Rika looked way too amused with this information, and smirked at Saeko, eyebrow raised and all.

"In my defense, bear meat just has a certain texture to it." The girls and I rolled our eyes at that.

"Sure. Doesn't give you a good enough reason to eat the damn thing whole."

"Then I guess we'll just need to... Work it off later, won't we my lord?" In unison, Saya, Rika and I snorted at that. We all got that.

"Sure. Later mo lann." She grinned at that, and looked at the others in the room. As she did that, they looked back, and Shizuka went over to Rika, starting to tell her about the 'pretty bird' she chased around for like, 10 minutes atleast.

Saya and Pietro were looking at me, for different reasons. Saya because I had her food, and Pietro because... I was me? He was just staring at me, and I wasn't sure he blinked since we came in. (I mean, there's a fuckton of reasons why he'd be looking at me. I just don't know why. Don't really care about finding out why actually.)

"Zaka, put it next to that old model would you?" Waving in the direction of said old model, I looked at it, and just did that. I walked back over to Saya, and started rubbing her head. She clicked her tongue, but started messing with my hair as usual.

"So, whatcha figure out cub?" She looked back at the knight, the model just before the modern one, and gently pried open a part of the arm.

"Alot actually. Thanks to Polendina here, I've learned about HOW they treat these metals, the metals themselves, and alot about the differences between the processes they use here against the ones back home. Though for a different world, there are way more similarities between them then I expected. Let's not even mention the near identical anatomy we share, there are things in this lab I could've found back home." She waved at a few beakers, and other lab things. Then she tapped a part of wire in the arm. "Like this. From the model I took apart when we first got here, there's a mix of copper, obviously, one of the metals from this world, and then there's the way said wires are...- You're not even listening are you?"

I wasn't. She got halfway in, and I zoned out like Shizuka would. "Saya... You're the genius out of the four of us. I hit and kill things. Saeko also kills things and plays with her food. Rika likes to shoot things until they die.-"

"Damn right I do."

"-And Shizuka is Shizuka. Not a single one of us was paying attention to that." That got me an extra vigorous hair ruffle. Though she didn't deny it. We all knew the dynamic.

"You're lucky you wouldn't feel it if I kicked you in the shin you stupid mutt." I snorted at that, and just ruffled her hair some more. We did that for a bit, then I heard Pietro clear his throat. The both of us looked at the guy, and I saw him reach his hand out for me.

"Pietro Polendina. It's an honor to meet you." Nice guy. I reciprocated, and reached put to shake his hand.

"Maccillian Silver Zaka. Nice to meet you too man. My little cub giving you any problems?" I ignored the indignant huff I heard from Saya, and the stomp to my foot, and kept smiling at him. Then he got a glint in his eye that I recognized. Oh no.

"None at all. In fact, hearing about Miss Saya's explanations about your world, the technologies achieved without the use of dust, and even the similarities she's mentioned have been nothing but astounding! To think, the use of dust has limited ...-" I zoned out again. Yeah, no. I looked at Saya, cause the good man was in his own world as he was talking, and I saw the smug grin she was giving me. She knew I was being bored out of my mind, and the way she gripped my arm would mean I was trapped even if I shifted.

(I'm in hell. There's no other way around it. I died again and went to hell.) So that was how I was going to spend however long they would take talking. Zoned out and getting bored to death. Saeko and Rika had forsaken me, and Rika had taken Shizuka with her before I would be saved. (I should've picked a fight with Salem or something. This just sucks.)

[Omake - Well that's not scary. Takashi's general POV]

It's been two weeks since Sir. Zaka and the others left, and to be honest... It was kind of peaceful. Sure the world was still going through an apocalypse, but with our efforts, we were managing really well. Like, REALLY well. Japan was pretty much clean of THEM, the Takagi estate was a good stronghold that held farms, that expanded towards the woods by the estate, and was a stable source of food for survivors.

The airport was another safe zone that doubled for a military stronghold. With our help, both areas were secure, communications were smooth between them thanks to either Takagi delivering messages to and fro in wolf form.

Japan was the first place to get itself together, and with our efforts, the first place to be truly safe. Unless THEY were hiding in some super remote cave, under water, or we missed a place when we took the sewers, the worst experience I've ever had in my life, then THEY were truly gone in Japan.

When we were sure of that, we moved out. And again, for the apocalypse, it was peaceful.

When we weren't training or taking THEM down, we traveled. The end of the world made it easy for us to see the sights. Sure some places were beyond fucked, Times Square was a mess, and that was BEFORE Sir. Zaka, Miyamoto and Saeko had a contest of 'who can clear it out first' with aura attacks. Obviously Sir. Zaka won that one, but the fact that they threw around aura slashes or waves was NOT healthy to the nearby buildings.

After that, we kept traveling, even taking a few days off in the White House, and just fixing the world up. We still couldn't use our phones yet, but before Saya left, she estimated we had another month or two until we would be able to get electronics back. We were just a week away to seeing if she was right.

We were somewhere in the middle east, and it was by far the second worst place in the world in my opinion. Usually I was fine with the heat, and somewhat fine with sand. But when you're a Werewolf that uses their wolf form to travel across the desert, you learn that sand is the enemy, and that the heat is horrible.

And that led to the present.

{Takashi's POV}

We were resting in an old US military outpost, split into couples, and we were all miserable. "It's in my ears! TAKASHI GET IT OUT!" Rei was having just as bad as a time I was.

"I think there's some in mine. I do yours you do mine?" I didn't even need to hear an answer. Rei moved a hand to my head, and started shaking me like a bobble head. After... A few seconds? I was now dizzy, but not feeling any sand in my ears. So I guess that worked.

"Mine, now!" Rolling my eyes at that, I helped deal with her ears, and got any sand I found out of it. After that was done, we both sank into the couch we found.


"Yes Takashi?"

"Remind me to never visit the desert or even the beach ever again."

"Hmm... The desert no. The beach might need some debating." I couldn't help it. I just HAD to give her a look at that. "Hey, don't give me that look! The beach is still fun! Besides..." No idea why she was leaning in for this. "You get to look at me in a swimsuit ALL you want. Would you rather nooot?" I went stiff at that, but didn't deny it. Rei knew she had me here. "Exactly."

"Hah... Fine." I ignored her giggling to focus on anything else. "Anyw...- Is that Kohta?" We both went quiet, and just listened in on the... Cackling? Of Kohta. Rei and I shared a look, and both held out our hands. ""Rock, Paper, Scissors... SHOOT!"" Fuck, I lost. Another round of giggles later, and I left the room to see why Kohta was cackling like a madman.

"It can't be that bad. What's the worst that it could be?" I shouldn't of said that. When I found Kohta, he and Asami were in the... Command center? And facing the desert. Sounds normal. But what WASN'T normal, was the goddamn aura RPG Kohta had on his shoulder!

"FIRE!" And he shot it! The explosion when the thing hit the ground had to be double a real one... And then Kohta started cackling again. All while Asami was clapping with stars in her eyes. I just looked at the scene for a few more seconds, and walked right out the door.

(Yeah... Not dealing with that.)


Name - Maccillian Silver Zaka

Age - 20(2,821)

Strength - B+

Dexterity - B-

Vitality - A+

Intelligence - B-

Wisdom - B

Charisma - A

Luck - C

Grimm slain - 1,040/10,000 - 1,093/10,000

Titan's slain - 1/3