
Wolf king hegemony

Our mc dies and gets reincarnated with some perks, starting his adventures through the myriad worlds. first world : Hotd writing gets better as the story goes. please contribute voting and reviewing. 3 chapter a day. discord server : https://discord.gg/Pm4nJWmPmU https://www.pa treon.com/user?u=80572751 if you wish to support me, i'd be thankful.

DualCultivator69 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

I guess that works?

{Maccillian's POV 5 minutes later}

The Grimm dragon was fun. It was the only thing I could actually FIGHT ever since I was given my powers. (Though, I could only fight it because of my restrictions... And it changing form a little? Eh, whatever.) I shook that though off, and took my claws out of the things head. I didn't realize how much I liked a good fight, but now I did. And I could really see why Saeko liked them too.

Speaking of. I shot up towards the roof, and landed after a few seconds. Saeko was still laying by Cinder's corpse, and turned to me when I landed. The bloody smile she gave me made me laugh. She didn't seem capable of moving yet, since it looked like she spent EVERYTHING already, but that was fine. I walked on over to her, and knelt by her side. "How do you want this mo lann. Carry or piggyback?"

Saeko hummed at the question, but raised her arms towards my neck after a second or two. "Being in your arms is always a nice experience my lord." That was nice to know. After picking her up, I turned to the other kids, and especially looked at 'Yin.' My idea ended up being proven right during the fight with the Grimm dragon. Hearing her say I had good taste was the last thing I needed. Though it was also nice to know she recognized Campione! She'd be a heathen otherwise.

She noticed my look, and tensed up a little. Her fear of me was cute, but I still rolled my eyes at it. "I'll be with the rest of my pack. We've got some stuff to talk about later though kid." The rest of team RWBY, and Pyrrha looked to her at that, and I saw her slowly nod. That was all I needed, so I jumped down the tower, and started walking back to the others.

"My lord, what ARE we going to do now?" That was a good question. I had to think on it or a bit since everything was going on too fast. I was GOING to figure out where we were in the timeline, plan around it and maybe fuck with Cinder for the shits and giggles, but I couldn't now. We were now going to be post fall, and everything could change.

"For now? Whatever we want really. We'll go hunt Grimm, I know that. Saya will probably demand to take apart any machinery she can get her hands on... And probably tear through a library. Rika will either want to go Grimm hunting, or find somewhere nice to relax at. Shizuka will do whatever she wants. We'll look for stuff to fight and all that, so that's that... I miss anything mo lann?"

Saeko hummed as she snuggled closer to me, and eventually shook her head. "No. I'm mostly curious about what else this world has to offer. Our first day here was filled with combat and fun, I just want more is all." She was going to be insatiable, I just knew it. Though I understood why, and couldn't fault her for wanting to fight more.

"Hm... Point. By the way... Are you actually still tired, or just using me for a free ride?" Saeko just smiled as she wrapped her arms around me tighter. She got real comfortable in my arms, and rested her head on my shoulder like I was a pillow.

"Who knows my lord. Who knows." We shared a laugh at that, and I kept walking. The rest of the Grimm had been dealt with, or were still being dealt with, when I was fighting the Grimm dragon. Sure there were a few here and there, but they mostly avoided us.

"Actually, what were you doing before we met up? You were tired, I know that, but what'd you do?" She looked excited at the question.

"I found a skilled opponent. Back home, there weren't many swordsmen that could or would fight me. But my second real fight here? It was glorious. There was a... Faunus. Yes, that's the word. A faunus man skilled with a blade, and he gave me the best battle of blades I've had yet." That was ringing a bell in my mind, but I could figure it out later.

"Really? Better then the magic you just fought against?"

"Yes. The woman with the magic was... Both a disappointment and a thrill at the same time."

"Why a disappointment?"

"For all her power... She didn't know how to use it. You teach us how to properly use and grow our powers. But her? She knew how to use it, but not well. Fighting against magic was new. Thrilling... But it could've been so much better." That... Made sense. Cinder had her powers for... Months? I didn't really know. But magic was weird, there was no way she'd get a good grasp on it with only a few months time. "But that just makes me look forward to the next magic user I fight. Even saying that makes a shiver flow through me." Uh oh. She was starting to get horny.

I enjoyed battle. Saeko enjoyed it too... She just enjoyed it a little too much. Not that I'd discourage her from it. Werewolves grow stronger from conflict and constant battle, so If Saeko kept going, she'd just keep growing. Though a part of me kind of feared for all the people she'd step on with her growth. Not that I'd ever help them. They were dead if Saeko decided to set her sights on them.

"Anyway. You've seen the weapons this world has. Any interest on getting a new one?" Saeko actually thought about that.

"Perhaps. I'm attached to the blade you've made me. But I doubt I will use it throughout my whole life. Different stages of our lives deserve new weapons to mark that change... My current blade marks our time and life home... But perhaps a new blade to mark the start of our adventures would be needed." She had a point.

"Hm... Want a weapon from this world then? Or do you want to wait for another world to search for a weapon?"

"It's a difficult choice... The weapons I've seen so for are interesting. A blade that's also a gun sounds more Kohta's speed however. I'm tempted in searching for a blade in another world."

"Oh? Not because you suck at shooting?" Saeko had the decency to look embarrassed when I mentioned that. Even after months back home, Saeko just could not hit a target with a gun. It was hilarious. She decided to bite me for it instead of dwell in it though. I just took the bites and laughed. "Why not just get a weapon that has a sword form and another melee form." Saeko stopped biting me, and looked thoughtful at that.

"Bwi'll ssk Ssya." That was an option, and she realized I knew that, then went back to biting. Even if we weren't having sex, Saeko just preferred to bite me. I was pretty sure it was her way of expressing her desire to 'hurt' me. That, and I was pretty sure she just liked sinking her teeth into my flesh.

The rest of the walk back was peaceful, and we made it back to the rest of the girls after a few more minutes of walking. Shizuka and Rika saw us coming, but Saya was still looking at the knight, and didn't bother looking up. The rest of the kids had gone somewhere, so it was just us here. Saeko let go, and stood by my side when we were all together again, and after hugs from Shizuka and Rika, I just looked at Saya.

"Still playing with your toy ceann beag? Haven't figured it all out yet?" Saya snorted, but kept looking at the knight.

"Of course not. I haven't seen most of these materials, and don't get me started on how the hell this 'dust' crap works. I'll need an actual lab to work out what I don't know about this stuff. Zaka, get me a lab." It was my turn to snort now.

"Sure. I'll walk into Atlas, and tell them to give up a lab or die."

"Good. Sounds like a plan."


"You heard me. That sounds like a plan... Now what's Atlas?" I needed a moment to catch up.

"Uh... It's where they made the knight you're tearing up." Saya stopped playing with said knight, and looked up at me.

"Plan. Do. Now." Then she went back to looking at the knight.

(The fuck is going on here? When did she turn into a caveman?) I looked to Rika, and saw her shrug.

"No idea what you're looking at me for. I just want a cool sniper axe." That was a weird combo, but I'd bring it up later. I looked at Saeko.

"I'm still unsure of what I'd want, but I'm fine with cutting a path towards our goal." Shizuka? I looked at her, and Shizuka was just playing with the whip weapon... I didn't notice when she grabbed it. Though I did notice the gleam in her eyes.

"Silver? Can you whip me?" I closed my eyes, and just looked to the sky. This was a wombo combo If I've ever seen one.

"... Fuck it. Fine to both." I got a cheer from Shizuka, and a grunt from Saya. (Too much shit's going on in one day.) A sigh after that thought, a prayer that she forgot about it somehow, and I just looked back to the rest of my girls. "Anyway, let's just go eat somewhere, I'm hungry after that whole thing."

A cheer from Shizuka and Rika, a nod from Saeko, and another grunt from Saya were my responses. Though, when I turned to see the destruction around us, I sighed. "Now If only I knew where we could get some food and a spot to stay. We could always get something raw, but you all might want some actual food."

"Eh, you'll figure it out Silver." I sighed. Then I had a thought.

(Could just dump the rest of us on that kid... Yeah. That'll work.) With that thought, I looked to the rest of the girls. "Until then, let's go see If some cafe's or shops are still good. A good snack or something could be nice too." They agreed, and so we spent the rest of our day snacking at a relatively intact cafe. It'd been a while, so we had to remember that goods like cakes were common enough for us to gorge ourselves on them.

The girls all seemed to miss sweets, and I couldn't blame them. Z-day and the EMP made sure we couldn't have something like chocolate whenever we wanted. It didn't help that Z-day started in the summer. Any sweets like that would've melted or gone bad before we could really eat them.

But not here. With functioning fridges and other crap, we got to eat as many sweets as we wanted. None of us minded the fact we were technically stealing. The store owner was probably dead anyway, so who cared?

Apparently somebody.

After 10 or so minutes of us just eating, blissfully unaware with the world around us, some people came in the store we were chilling in. And I recognized them. It would be kind of hard not too since one of my favorite characters was here.

"So you're the ones firecracker was talking about... You don't look that scary." Qrow, who walked in with Glynda and Ironwood, started off. The rest of us stopped eating our sweets, and looked at him. Though Saya's attention was on the general. I saw her eye his prosthetic like a piece of meat. Ironwood and the other two noticed, and I saw them subtly tense. I sighed.

"Saya. Could you stop looking at the guy like you're about to rip his arm off? He kind of needs that." She looked at me, raised a brow, then pointed her fork at his arm.

"He can get another one." I opened my mouth, then blinked. She was kind of right. It was a prosthetic after all, that was kind of their point. He had a bunch of sc...- Oh yeah. I looked back at them, and focused on Ironwood. They all noticed, and after I cleared my throat, I got to the point.

"So I said this as a joke, but since you're here, I have to go for it. Ahem. Give up a lab or die. You can say no by the way. I won't enforce it. Like, at all." Saya kicked me in my shin, and I just raised a brow at her. She met my look, not ashamed in the slightest that her kick was essentially a tap to me.

"Zaka, be serious." Saya looked back to Qrow's group, focusing on Ironwood, who gripped his gun, and looked ready to fight. Just like his companions did. "What he means is you have no real choice. We'll just go occupy one after we're done here." I blinked at that, and so did the rest of my girls.

"Saya... I feel like you forgot what negotiating is." She snorted at that.

"I haven't. We have the upper hand. Negotiations are only useful when both parties have a similar level in strength, resources, information and other factors. We're stronger. Anything they throw at us can't kill you, and If we came close to dying you'd destroy the continent. They know nothing about us or how strong we are, while I've already paid attention to how the abilities of the natives work, gone over the knowledge of aura and semblances, and my instincts know they can't be stronger then me. I know I'm the weakest of us. So if I can beat them, everyone else at this table can too. There's no need to negotiate. Besides, the demand Isn't even that outlandish."

Everyone just looked at Saya, aside from Shizuka who went back to her cake. Rika and Saeko shared a look, then went back to staring at Saeko. That made me think though.

(She's kind of right. RWBY is mostly a starting world for them. I can steamroll it, including Salem, but It's mostly for them. Saya gets to learn more about machines and technology. Saeko gets to fight against all kinds of people and monsters. Rika gets to look for a new weapon, shoot things dead, and whatever else she wants to do... And Shizuka goes to do whatever she wants. There's no real danger here. Maybe the Titans. But I can just drop a The One True Wolf on them, and make them fuck off. As we are, this is mostly a vacation... I feel like that's saying something. A post apocalyptic world is a vacation to me... Oh well. If I REALLY want to challenge them, I'd need to bring them to a world that'll challenge them and get them to really grow. Danmachi fits, so that'll be the goal for our next voyage.)

"... She's got balls." Qrow brought me out of my thoughts, and I just blinked after that. Rika choked on her snack, Saya's eye twitched, Shizuka just 'harmlessly' blinked, and Saeko laughed. Qrow came out of left field with that, and his companions were both as surprised as we were at said comment. Though I had to pass Rika some water so she didn't die via choking on sweets.

"As... crass as that was, Qrow has a point. What gives you the confidence that we are unable to deal with you all should we need too?" The girls looked at Glynda, collectively looked at me, and I watched Saya roll her hand at me.


"Zaka. Show them something. Doesn't matter what, just something to get the point across."

"What am I, a Mightyena? I've got no reason to do that in the first place." Saya blinked, started looking at me, probably comparing me to said Pokemon, then just shrugged.

"Technically, you do. Whatever I learn will be useful to us, therefore useful to you. But if you don't do it, then I will." Eh. She had a point. But at the same time.

"Then why not do it? I'm kinda busy stuffing my face here ceann beag." She huffed at that, but decided to do it anyway.

We all watched Saya flare her aura, which made the natives put their guards up, but oh well. She was making an aura construct, a pair of giant wolf claws, and a second or two after she started, she smashed them into the wall after they were done forming. The claws stayed there for a bit, probably her showing that they weren't just one-shot wonders, then dissipated when she felt like that served their purpose.

Now normally, that display wouldn't seem like much. But this was different. Remnant worked based on their aura, and I was pretty sure the natives knew what she just did.

That was PURE aura, not theirs, but something close enough to it. It was aura, and not a semblance. And since they knew that, they probably came to the same conclusion. Saya was a threat, and they had to realize that.

Glynda and Ironwood shared a look, and Qrow just blinked before he took a sip from his flask. He was my spirit animal back in my first life. Good man. Though... I looked at the wall, then back to Saya, who just raised a brow at my gaze.

"Did you have to wreck the store? We're eating here." She rolled her eyes at that, and went back to her pie. Though after she ate another bit, and realized the natives were still on guard, she scoffed. She was an antagonistic and prideful little shit. And I loved her for it.

"Are you all daft? I can tell you realize the implications of what I just did. And I will repeat, I am the WEAKEST member at this table. If I can do something like that, then you should realize my 'claims' are more factual then you believed they were. Besides, you said you were given information about us. If I'm right, which I probably am, it came with information about our other skills? Take those into account, and my confidence in our ability to subdue or dispose of you is VERY well founded." Glynda winced at that, and she got a look that just said she was going over her options. She probably could destroy the wall in the same amount of time, or even less then Saya did. But Saya used a technique that could just be a dime a dozen to her.

Which it was by the way.

After a bit, Glynda just sighed, and started to lower her guard. Ironwood and Qrow followed her lead, though Ironwood still had his grip on his gun. With that done, Saya nodded, and started eating her pie again.

"We need to set SOME terms. If what we've been told, just now and from our initial finding out of you, then you're all too much of a security risk to just be allowed to walk into Atlas." Saya rolled her eyes, but grunted an agreement nonetheless. With that, Ironwood and Saya went to another table and started setting the terms. With that, it was just Glynda left standing.

With those two going off into their own world, Qrow just shared a look with Glynda, took another look at the wall Saya destroyed, and sighed. "I'm too sober for this crap." I snorted, and looked at him. That was a feeling I knew from both my lives. Though I couldn't get drunk in this one, so oh well.

"I know that feeling. Want something stronger? I raided the best stuff from a store we passed before stopping here." Qrow perked up at that, looked at the bottles of beer I had by my feet, and just grabbed a chair. After setting it next to mine, I grabbed one of the bottles and handed it to him. He looked at the brand, nodded, and popped it open as he started to chug. Seeing that just made me think.

(I have no goddamn idea how he hasn't crashed yet.) I knew Qrow drank in the series, but he already smelled like he took a bath in the beer isle, so the fact he was still coherent enough to do something like this was crazy to me. (I'll just chalk it up to his aura,) That settled, I took a drink from my bottle, and just appreciated the taste. Because that was all I could do. I couldn't get drunk, but I wouldn't let that stop me from drinking.

Qrow and I finished our respective chugs, shared a look, then clanged bottles as we went again. He was great.

But then I heard Shizuka hum, and stopped chugging as I swallowed as fast as inhumanly possible. I knew that hum.

"Silver... Should I get a riding crop?" I was grateful I stopped drinking, poor Qrow choked on his booze, Glynda just froze, and everyone turned to look at Shizuka. Rika was even mid chew as she did, something I'd NEED to use against her later. She had been mostly silent, content to eat her cake, and now she was making herself known.

"Why?" She looked at Glynda, ran her eyes up and down her body, which made the woman raise an arm to her chest, then just spoke as nonchalantly as usual.

"She looks sexy with it. I'd probably look even better." We all turned to Glynda, and saw her look so confused. She was just called sexy by a woman she just met like 5 minutes ago, and also used as an example by someone else about how sexy they could be with a riding crop. I'd be confused as fuck too if I was her.

Qrow tapped my shoulder with his beer, and I raised a brow at him. "That normal?" I outright laughed at that, but answered him a few seconds later.

"Oh like you wouldn't believe." Rika snorted, and we went from there. The tension slowly, very slowly mind you, bled out of the room as we talked, drank and ate. After a bit, Saya and Ironwood came to an understanding, and kept talking about science stuff. I heard the name of Penny's 'dad' thrown out, and saw Saya nod with excitement clear in her eyes.

It was a little strange to me how fast things were going, but I chalked it up to the differences from the canon RWBY world, and this one. Apparently, Ozpin had survived, I was betting on the Gamer being responsible, and that Beacon hadn't really fallen. There was damage all over the place, but with the dragon, Cinder and Adam dead, which surprised the fuck out of me when Saya gave me a more detailed description of who Saeko fought, the situation was better.

Not even mentioning the massive amounts of Grimm I annihilated on my own. Those factors made the situation easier to deal with. Communications weren't as fucked as they were in cannon, down but could be fixed way faster, another thing I assumed the Gamer did, so they could coordinate easier. With all of that, it made sense things were better.

After a half hour of us just chatting and relaxing, It was time to move on.

We all left the cafe, Glynda to check on Ozpin, Ironwood to regroup with his people and finish up whatever military people need to do, and Qrow to check up on his nieces. We went with Qrow, who was starting to feel the booze, and made sure he didn't fall on his ass. Now I was very tempted to subtly kick a pebble in his path, let him blame his semblance for it, and go from there, but I didn't. Because I was beyond such childish temptations.

So I settled on him tripping on a loose brick. Fun fact. Qrow is very capable of NOT falling on his ass or face first.

It was what it was.

We ended up making it to Beacon, and met up with the rest of the RWBY gang.

The girls had stayed at the entrance of Beacon, and they were with team JNPR. Both teams stiffened when they saw us, but Ruby launched herself at Qrow when she saw him. From there, some things happened.

Rika went over to Ruby and they started talking.

Saeko went over to Weiss, much to her fear.

Shizuka and Nora hit it off at some point. And Saya went over to Pyrrha. Her weapons interested her the most, so she was there more for them then the wielder.

Me? I walked over to the Gamer, and stood next to her. Both teams were extra wary of me, for good reason, and they made sure to keep me in their sights. Blake just refused to be anywhere near me though. I didn't blame hr. Poor cat probably lost all her lives due to fear of me.

"So kid... Wanna talk now or later?" She shifted In place, and I just waited.

"Could It wait? We're still In the whole fall part."

"Huh. True. That's fine then... Quick question though."

"Uh... Yeah?"

"Did you get a quest or something about us?" She turned away from me, but nodded nonetheless.

"Cool. Anyway. I'll save anything else for later."

"Thanks." With that, we went through the motions. Beacon was closed to get time to fix itself up, the teams split up. RWBY was going to Patch, Weiss wasn't forced away, and Blake wasn't able to run from us. Then JNPR was going to Argus. Riding a bullhead was interesting. It was kind of like a plane, but more stable.

{A day later}

A long flight, where I took a nap with Saeko and Shizuka curled into my sides, and woke up when Rika and Saya joined for the night, and we eventually made it to Patch. Seeing the island itself was interesting. It felt nice and natural. Sure there wouldn't be a bunch of Grimm, but It was a nice vacation place.

Shizuka loved it, Rika liked it, Saeko found the woods to be fun for hunting, and Saya ended up not caring and just going to the workshop they had. She was talking with Ruby about Crescent Rose, and how to make mechashift weapons, so I knew I wasn't dragging her away from that. The rest of team RWBY did their own thing, and at the end of the day, when everyone was asleep, other then my girls, who knew I was going to talk with her, I went to grab the Gamer.

She was expecting it, so there was no scream of bloody murder, and we just walked out to a small clearing. She was a little nervous, but still did It anyway. When we were sure no one was around, and got rid of a Nevermore I was sure was watching us, I smiled.

"So. We've got a bunch of stuff to talk about now don't we?"

[Omake - Prey. Blake's general POV]

They were monsters. I knew that the moment the insane girl started to grow fur. She toyed with Adam. ADAM of all people. Seeing her fight was terrifying. No matter how many times Adam tore into her, cut off a limb, or even stabbed her through with Wilt, she enjoyed it.

But the moment she started to grow fur, my instincts screamed at me. 'RUN' 'HIDE' 'PREDATOR' Things like that ran through my mind, and I was scared. They felt a little strange when I first got close to either of the girls, but I never felt this way before. Nothing had made me so scared that my instincts as a Faunus made me want to run for my life. I felt fear. I'd known it ever since I escaped the White Fang and ran from Adam. But this was different.

This was a fear so primal that my body reacted before I could even figure out what was happening. And then I saw Adam get decapitated. My actual fear mixed with my instinctual fear, and I was beyond terrified. I thought my heart was going to beat itself out of my chest and run.

It was only after they got far away enough that I could talk again.

Then we met the other wolves... And their Alpha. Even when he was in his wolf form, my Faunus instincts knew he was a monster. And when he decimated a swarm of Grimm big enough to blot out the sky? My instincts froze. I couldn't move. I couldn't think. I was just frozen and hoped I wasn't seen. And then Ruby tackled him, and I almost fainted then and there.

The events after that flew by, and eventually the fight atop Beacon happened, and we watched the insane woman fight Cinder... And kill her. The way she toyed with her before she did, was going to give me nightmares for years to come.

I thought we finally caught a break, but when they all came back with Qrow? I knew I would be in for the worst week to month of my life. We took a bullhead to Patch, and I wasn't sure I'd survive it.

The part with Qrow's gang was changed. Thx Nite.

The whole 'YOU killed that swarm' bit was taken out since Ironwood says they were contacted by the gang, so they should KNOW that.


Name - Maccillian Silver Zaka

Age - 20(2,821)

Strength - B+

Dexterity - B-

Vitality - A+

Intelligence - B-

Wisdom - B

Charisma - A

Luck - C

Grimm slain - 798/10,000

Titan's slain - 1/3

I'm counting the Grimm Dragon as a Titan. Something that big, capable of spawning Grimm, wasn't seen again throughout the rest of the series, to my knowledge, and was that much of an issue?Titan status. There's also a thing I'm doing with Salem's powers, but that comes later.