
Dead on arrival

{Shizuka's POV before they came back}

It was nice, laying in the bed felt nicer then it it did before I went to sleep. (Before I went to sleep...) When I had that thought, I opened my eyes and touched my lips. I could still taste Silver on my lips, and I loved it.

Silver liked to take control, and I loved that feeling of having him make me feel good, and god did it feel good. When Silver put his lips on my neck, I felt that heat course through me, and having him dominate me made that heat rush through me even more. (I want more.) I was tempted to maybe touch myself, but the room was full, even if they were all still asleep...

Noticing that, I looked around again. The room was full, except for 4 people. I remembered Kiriko should be with Alice and Zeke... (So where are Saeko and Silver?) I thought about it, but I didn't need to think for long.

After a little bit, Silver opened the door, and I saw him carrying Saeko... And she was nibbling on his neck. It was cute, but then I smelled it. I normally would've had no way to smell this, but the nose knows, and my nose was extra smart now. I could smell the scent of Saeko's fluids on her and on Silver. And it was making me hornier then I already was.

I looked at them, and I licked my lips. "Someone's been a bad bad boy, haven't you Silver?" The way he blinked and looked surprised made me a little hornier. And seeing Saeko stop nibbling on his neck, and give me a look, made me want it all the more now.

"Um... If I said we didn't actually fuck, and the most of it was fingering, would you believe me?" He looked a little nervous, but that thought made me imagine Silver on top of me, pumping his fingers inside of me, making me scream his name... A part of me knew there were still students around, but I was already feeling it before they came in, and after hearing that? I got off the bed, walked to Silver and Saeko, who were both watching me, and I got excited.

"The big bad wolf playing with a little girl? You really SHOULD be punished." And I pressed my breasts against him and Saeko, and leaned towards his ear as I softly whispered into it. "And maybe I should be the one to punish you." They way he stiffened, made me want to do more. So I did. I nibbled onto his ear, saw Saeko bite into his neck, and I loved the feeling of teasing Silver while he couldn't do anything back. (I might've found a fetish... I like it.)

I nibbled on his ear some more, and after a few more moments, I stopped, and looked at him. I looked him in the eyes as I dropped a hand towards his cock and stroked the outline of it. I heard him suck a breath in, and the lust in his eyes made me smile. "Bad boys need to wait Silver. Wouldn't want to make your punishment any wooorse would we?" He was barely keeping himself contained, and it didn't help him that Saeko was pressing herself against him harder then before.

"You're all going to be the death of me... Just know you're doing this to yourselves later." The way he said that made my fire burn brighter. I loved the feeling of teasing him and keeping him from doing anything back. I smiled, and moved back.

"You'll just need to be a good boy then Silver. You can do that, can't you?" His eye twitched, and I could tell he wanted to just take me now, but then he wouldn't be a good boy if he did. I smiled at him, grabbed Saeko, who mewled in displeasure, and started to walk passed the door with her. Though before I left, I looked back at Silver, his cock, which I started to imagine ramming into me, destroying me, and back to him. "Be a good boy now Silver, we'll be going to have some... Girl talk." And with that, I closed the door, and hummed.

(Maccillian's POV}

(What the fuck have I unleashed? Why do I like it so much?) I had no idea what the hell just happened, and now I had no clue about what to do... So I just went with the easiest solution. I shifted, and started bashing my head into the wall. A teasing Shizuka was too strong. I wanted to fuck her silly for that, but I didn't want to hurt her either. It was a weird mix. Kinda like I had a horny demon and a saint on my shoulder.

I just kept beating my head into the wall, until someone else started to move. I stopped my torment, and looked towards who it was, and blinked. It was Rei... And she was just shifting back and fourth... It was both amusing, and interesting. One moment there's this Italian Wolf sitting in a chair, the next there's Rei. I decided to walk over to the bed, hop on it and shift back. Rei paused when she noticed, and just looked at me.

"Don't mind me, just watching the show." She blushed in embarrassment, and I laughed. She flailed her arms in my direction, and spluttered for a bit.

"S-stop laughing! It's just fun ok!" I laughed even more after that. Rei huffed and pouted at me, but I kept laughing. She groaned when she realized I wouldn't stop, and just started to chuckle with me. It was nice, and I shook my head after a bit.

"So, you've got the power. Go get your mom and make her part of your pack. When you want to bite her, focus on the feeling of making her one of yours. That'll do it."

Rei looked at me, and nodded. She got up from her chair, and came over to hug me again. "Thank you for this Mr. Maccillian... I won't let you regret this!" I smiled at her, Rei had a fire in her eyes that told me she'd live up to that. She went to the door, and just before she left, I remembered the snake.

"By the way, Shidou and his little group are here. If you're going to fuck with him, just make sure you don't get caught." She paused and turned to me. Surprise, anger, determination, and a question in her eyes.

"You won't stop me if I want to kill him?" I snorted at that.

"Cavalry, he's fucked with your family, I'm pretty sure he's fucked with you. As a Werewolf we take no insult, allow no slights against us. Besides, he's your prey. Hunt him how you wish." She grinned a bloodthirsty grin, and then she was off. I followed her with my senses, and only stopped after she made it outside. I went back to watching over the rest of the kids, and waited.

I laid on the bed for maybe another half hour, and then someone else started to wake. I looked over to who it was, and saw it was Takashi. The kid started to blink a bit, furrow his brow, then shifted. "Well would ya look at that. It's a mini me." Takashi blinked, looked at me, and shifted back.

"I'm a Grey Wolf?"

"Yeah. Your furs darker then mine in a few places, but you're a Grey Wolf." He looked thoughtful at that, and nodded. After looking around the room for a bit, he looked back to me.

"Where'd Rei and the others go?"

"Rei went to go bite her mom... Which sounds strange out of context. You'll probably find Alice and Zeke with her. Shizuka grabbed Saeko and they went off for some girl talk." He coughed a bit when I said she'd bite her mom, but I shrugged.

"Thanks Sir. Zaka." I nodded, and before he went, I decided to give him something to pass along.

"When you meet up with her or the others, let them know not to get overconfident. Overconfidence is a slow killer. Just because you all have new powers doesn't mean you can take on the world. Right now, you're all cubs, you need time to grow into you're abilities. Again, this is a crucible. Use this situation to hone your claws and grow into the warriors you can be."

Takashi looked at me, and I could see him soak my advice in. He nodded, then went out. I went back to watching the kids. It was just Kohta and Saya at this point. I wasn't sure how long they'd take, but I'd keep them safe even if it took the rest of the day.

{2 Hours later.}

The sun was setting, and I was getting bored. Rei brought her mom in a while ago, and Kiriko was going through the process right now. Kohta and Saya hadn't woken up yet, and I didn't know what Saeko and Shizuka were doing. Rei and Takashi were walking around, with Alice and Zeke, and I was beyond bored. I tried to text Rika at one point, but she was still busy.

So with nothing to do, I laid on my wolf form back, and just pawed towards the roof. I had no idea how long I did that for, but I was just bored. I didn't even pay attention to whoever was coming, I only looked towards it when it opened, and turned to see Saya's mom... Who was staring at me... And I stared back. We held that stare for a while, and I think her brain needed time to reboot. When it did, she just closed the door and opened it again. When she saw me still on my back, pawing to the roof, she sighed.

"Can you... Change back please. It's very difficult to have a serious conversation to an overgrown puppy." I rolled my eyes at her, but shifted anyway. I made my way to the bed, and sat. She stayed by the door, and looked at me. "That's... Better. Now then. From what I've gathered, there are some things I'd like to talk with you about."


"How certain are you this apocalypse isn't magical in nature?" Ah, that's what she was interested in.

"Very. I know for a fact we hunted down every subject and product of their research centuries ago. Coupled with everyone else going extinct, I'm VERY sure this wasn't magic. Anything else?"

"Are you confident that all the Vampires and the rest of your kind were truly gone?" She had a look that was searching for any lie I might speak, but there was no reason too.

(I was alone for centuries anyway... Wait. What?) I shook that thought off and decided to think on it later. "I'm sure. I made sure there weren't any vamps left, and if there WERE any of my wolves left, they would've died out long before this apocalypse."

I watched as Saya's mother looked at me, and when she could tell I was telling the truth, she relaxed. "That's a relief... Now then. These are my last questions for you. What are your intentions with my daughter, and what will you do from here?"

(Saya huh...) "With Saya, I'm not sure. She's pack. Even before I gave her the bite, she was pack. I'll be making sure she lives. That she thrives. That she becomes the tigress she can be and that I know she WILL be. If Saya wants anything, I'll be there to help her get it. Other then that, I don't have any intentions for her. And from here? I'll help them all get used to their changes, to start working on their new abilities and go from there.

I know I'll be bringing them to help clear out our main base, and eventually, we'll go look for Rei's dad. Though at some point we'll be going to the airport to meet up with Rika, so this and the last one one might not be in order but eh, fuck it."

Throughout that, I watched her keep a stern gaze on her face, and after maybe a minute? Her look softened. "... Can you promise me something Maccillian Silver Zaka?" Oh? That might be interesting.

"Go for it."

"Can you make sure she sees the world?" I blinked at that.

"That's it? That's all you want?" She nodded at me, and I just blinked again. "I was going to do that anyway. So are you sure? I could help her talk with you. Work on getting over her betrayal over the decision to leave her." She looked pained when I said that, but I had to say it anyway. This was something important for both her and Saya.

"I... I'm not sure I deserve it. We DID leave her. We prioritized the good of our people first, and our child second. Despite how much my husband and I love her, we both know we failed. We failed her as parents, and we deserve her hate for that. She could have died, and we wouldn't have known. We would've been too busy making sure survivors were found and protected to make sure she was ok... Even if she died... I think we'd be too burdened with the safety of the survivors to take time and grieve... That alone makes me unworthy of her forgiveness."

Well damn... I didn't know what I could say there. But I knew what I should say. "I'll make sure she gets to be free. To roam the world and do whatever the hell she wants. I can promise you that." Her face softened, and she gave me a grateful smile, and bowed.

"That's all I could ever ask for." And like that, she left. I sighed, and turned towards Saya. I knew she woke up at some point, I just didn't recognize when.

"How much did you catch cub?" Saya didn't respond right away. She was still looking towards the door, and I don't think she was paying me much mind. I sighed again, and made my way to her. She was still looking at the door, a conflicted look on her face. I could see she was fighting between love, resentment and sadness, so I just did what I always did. I put my hand on her head, and gently rubbed.

That broke her out of her stupor, and she looked at me. "Zaka... What do I do? I-... I can't just forgive yet... Right?" She was torn, and it hurt me to see. She was close to begging for an answer, and I just crouched down to her eye level, and looked at her.

"It's not my place to tell you what to do cub. But I can give you advice." We looked at each other, and she nodded at me. "Family... Family don't make the right choices all the time. Family fights, that's true about any family. It could be about anything. But no matter what happens, family will always have a place in our heart. They'll always be the people we love and care for till the day we die. So Saya, use your heart. Don't think. Don't guess. Don't rationalize it. Use your heart. Feel with it and run with that feeling."

Saya drank my words in, and I saw her eyes spark. There was a flame in there, and I was happy to see it burning brighter and fiercer then before. Saya, nodded, hugged me as tight as she could, and I heard her mumble 'Thank you Zaka.' I reciprocated the hug, and after a minute, she let go and ran out of the room. I watched her go, and sighed.

"Why does giving good advice make me feel old?" The quiet room didn't answer, and I just fell back towards the bed. I didn't know what to do now, night was coming, but I had to keep watch over Kohta and Kiriko. "Hah... Being alpha sucks sometimes." The room once again, didn't respond to my thoughts, and I just laid on the bed. I wanted something to happen, but I wasn't about to voice it. I wouldn't put it passed my luck and Murphy's law to fuck me over. So there I was, thinking about what to do, and then I remembered something else.

(Where are those thoughts and feelings coming from? I know I wasn't alone for centuries... But if I went by my story, I was... But that was just a bullshit story I came up with... Right?) It was worth thinking about. I knew I got weird feelings or thoughts a few times now, but I never really focused on them. But with nothing else to do, I didn't have any reason not to think about it... And when I got another feeling, something that pointed to an answer, I followed it.


Wolf King's Wisdom stage 0/1 - 7/50

I blinked at it. (But what's that got to do with anything? It should just be knowledge, right?) So I read the explanation again.

Wolf King's Wisdom - As a king, you understand more then ruling with an iron fist. You understand how to rule, how to wage war, and how to achieve victory. Ability locked until requirements met.

That was what it said... So why did I feel like there was more to that? What more could there possi...- "Motherfucker... There's no way... Right?" And then something made me remember my wish. (Instincts and all... ALL.) Was that god a fucking genie or something? Should I have minded my words better? What the fuck counted in ALL? I just thought about my revelation, and stared at the ceiling.

"Does this change anything though?" I didn't think it did? I still felt like myself. I felt protective of my pack, but I didn't exactly feel different. It could change after I unlocked the skill, but it might not. "I'll have to find out later then... Eh, screw it." I gave up thinking about it, and went back to making sure Kohta and Kiriko would be fine.

I shrugged my shoulders, and just laid there. After a while, the sun set, and the pack came back, with Alice and Zeke, together.

As soon as they did, Shizuka leapt at me in her wolf form, and it took me a second to realize why a golden Arctic Wolf was nuzzling me. The rest of the pack watched, and then, for some reason, Saeko decided to join in. So there I was, being nuzzled by a Arctic wolf and cuddled by a Mexican Wolf. Alice pouted about not being able to 'play with fluffy doggy auntie' and I just chose not to say anything to that. I gave them attention, and looked at the others.

"So, how're you kids feeling? Getting used to your new strength?" Takashi and Rei looked at each other, and Takashi shrugged.

"It's kind of weird, but I could get used to this. Though the smells almost knocked me out the first time I got too close to some of THEM. I think I need to give you more credit Sir. Zaka."

"Eh, you're standing here just fine." He rolled his eyes at that. I looked over to Rei, and I saw she looked happier then after she brought her mom to me.

"What about you Cavalry? You go snake hunting?" As soon as I said that, she grinned a feral grin, and it looked like she won the lottery.

"I did, and it was amazing! You should've seen him, 'No don't! I have lost lambs to lead, a world to make mine, I can't die here!' He kept going on and on, about shit like that. But when I sunk my teeth into his neck? It made everything worth it. All the pain he caused us, all the hours I spent cursing his name were ALL worth it! Kind of wish I let him get bit by one of them so I could kill him all over again." I blinked.

(Say nothing nothing and let it pass.) "How about his little cult? Any plans for them?" Rei shrugged.

"I don't care about them, they can get eaten alive for all I care."

"Huh. Oh well. What about you cub, you've been awfully quiet." Which she was. We all looked towards Saya, who was a little red, and biting her lip as she looked at me and the girls, and I blinked. (There's no way... Right?) I had to test this.

"You're free to join in cub." Her eyes snapped up towards me, and I saw a trail of blood start to leak out of her nose. She rubbed it off, and started to shake her head.

"Y-you Pervert! Insatiable animal! Why would you ever offer that!? I wouldn't... Wouldn't..." We all looked as steam started to come from her ears, and she started to wobble. Uh oh. She started falling backwards, and I shifted and ran under her as fast as possible. She landed on my back, and promptly passed out. We all looked at each other, and Saeko just shifted back to laugh. That did it for us, and the rest of us started to join in.

I shifted back, and brought Saya to bed. Saeko and Shizuka moved a little bit, giving her space to rest, and I sat at the edge of the bed, with Shizuka's head, in wolf form, on my lap as I looked at the others. "So while she reboots, lets go over the to place. Anything any of you would want to bring up?" Everyone looked to each other, and Saeko spoke first.

"This place is a catastrophe waiting to happen. The survivors aren't organized. The soldiers listen to Saya's mother, but it's the civilians that are the issue. Despite the safety offered by these walls, they don't understand the world has changed. Older citizens seem to think we owe them and should hand over supplies to them. Rei and I dealt with that situation, but this entitlement, and some of their refusal to understand the situation, will lead to the situation deteriorating. I guarantee it."

She was right. I remember Kohta being essentially ganged up on to give up his guns. The adults here didn't treat the kids as combatants, they just saw them as kids and didn't care about anything they said. I hummed, and looked at Rei. She just shook her head, so I nodded and looked at Takashi. "What about you Mini-me? Anything you'd want to add?" He blinked at his new nickname, and coughed into his hand after we all looked at him.

"After Shidou went missing, his cult started to panic. I think I saw some of Takagi's men be sent to deal with it, but I didn't stick around long enough to figure out what else happened."

(Hmm... Shidou's dead so the breach shouldn't happen... Right?) I was pretty sure I just tempted fate with that, but I'd deal with it later. I talked with the kids a bit more, and the couple left after a bit. They had their own room, and since Kiriko was still going through her change, I wouldn't be surprised if something happened between them.

It was me, Saeko, Saya and the 2 unconscious members of the pack in the room, Shizuka went with Alice and Zeke, and Saya was waking up. I saw her open her eyes, and I gently ruffled her hair. She groaned as she started to wake up, and leaned into my touch. I smiled at that, and Saeko giggled. "She's like a little kitten in your hands. If only she knew what those hands could do." I rolled my eyes at her, but Saya heard it, and she squeaked.

She shifted, buried her head under the covers, and I paused. I looked at the pink Maned Wolf, and I reacted. I took the covers off, pulled Saya onto my lap, and played with her ears. She let out a surprised bark/whimper, and I just went in. "Oh look at you cub, you're just adorable! Whose a cute little cub? You are, you are!" Saya whimpered again, but her tail was wagging up a storm, and she was pretty much eating up my touch. Then we heard Saeko giggle, and we both turned to her.

"Looks like I should tell Shizuka and Rika that we have another sister joining us." I blinked at that, Saya froze, and shifted back.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about! Why would y-..." Saya stopped talking when she realized our position. She was in my lap. Pressed against my crotch, and her chest against mine. She looked between Saeko and I, and settled on biting her lip and looking at me. We watched as her eyes settled on my lips, and we saw her give me a quick kiss on the lips before turned away. "You need to earn more! I won't be easy you mutt!"

I blinked and looked at her, and Saeko hummed. "Oh the things I can say and do. This will be fun." Saya burned in embarrassment, and we laughed. I ruffled her hair, and looked at her.

"Do you want to stay in the room, or sleep in your own?" She looked back to me, and I saw her fighting on accepting my offer. But eventually, she sighed and got up.

"Not yet... I mean, you have to earn the right to sleep wi...- For me to sle...- For us to be in the same bed!" Saeko and I laughed at her response, and watched her go. When she was gone, Saeko looked at me, and smiled.

"Stealing another maidens heart. How devious my lord. Maybe I should bring Shizuka back to punish you?" My eyes widened at the threat, and Saeko grinned harder.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh I would."

"Saeko, I will make you scream your throat hoarse." She licked her lips at the 'threat.'

"Don't threaten me with a good time my lord." I sighed, and just hung my head low. Saeko laughed at the sight, and I sighed again. "Don't worry, I'll let her punish you at her leisure. However, I may need some... Incentive, to not bring it up on accident."

I looked up to Saeko, and I saw the look in her eyes. I knew what she meant. So in one motion, I pulled her in claimed her lips, and held her close. I brought my tongue into her mouth, and pulling a page from my book, she bit my tongue, and sucked on it as she did. She was learning, but she was still an amateur. I held her tighter, and brought my other hand down to her ass and squeezed. She gasped and let go of my tongue, giving me the chance to move my lips from hers, and bite onto her neck. She moaned at the sensations, and I was about to do more, but we were interrupted.

"Ughhh, get a room you two." We both froze, and turned towards Kiriko. She was looking at us with annoyed amusement. A weird combination, but oh well.

"Technically, we do have a room. You're just in it." Kiriko just rolled her eyes at that.

"Smartass. I'll take the kid with me. Wouldn't want him waking up and getting a show now would you?" She had a point. I looked to Saeko, and saw her disappointment at being interrupted, but she sighed either way.

"You might as well." Kiriko nodded, and grabbed a still unconscious Kohta, and slung him over her shoulder. We saw her blink at the ease, and then shrug.

"By the way, where's Rei?" As soon as she said that, I saw Saeko get a glint in her eye.

"Oh, Rei? She should be with Takashi."

(Is she... Is she going cockblock Takashi?) I looked at Saeko, and I could tell that's what she wanted. Kiriko didn't seem to notice it, but I did. (It's only fair kid...) So with that silent prayer to Takashi, we watched as Kiriko left, and made it so it was only Saeko and I in the room. We looked at each other, and I saw Saeko sigh.

"You've earned a pass on further torment... I just wish we hadn't been interrupted."

"Want to leave it at that, or go again?" She debated that question, but ultimately sighed.

"Let's rest for now. There's always time to play later my lord." Oh well. I nodded, and laid down. Saeko fell into my side, and cuddled with me there. It was nice. Then Shizuka came in a few minutes later. She took a look at me and Saeko, and ginned.

"Bad Silver. If you keep leaving me out, I might need to tell Rikaaa." I sighed, and motioned for her to come over. She didn't sound or looked displeased, she just wanted to tease me. Shizuka came over, and laid on top of me... And I knew I was in danger. I wrapped my free arm around her waist, and when I tried to go lower, she bit me.

"Ah ah ah, not yet Silver. For tonight you're not allowed to go anyyy lower. You'll be a good boy for me and listen, won't you silver?" I widened my eyes at her, and I was about to say something, but she slowly rubbed herself against my crotch, and my response died in my throat. I tried to move, but both of them bit my neck, and I stilled. "Be a good boy for me Silver. Maybe your punishment won't be that bad." I was fucked.

Both women started to bite, Shizuka bit gently and sucked, while Saeko bit like she wanted to mark her territory. I tried to say something, but Shizuka put a finger on my lips, and came up to look at me. "Not tonight Silver. Tonight, you'll lay here, and take your punishment."

(Sweet baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I'm fucked. I should've started shit with some zombies when I had the chance.) I started praying to whatever gods were out there, and hoped to survive the night. I knew it'd be a long night, and Shizuka pressing her sex against mine as she and Saeko bit, made me know I'd probably forego sleep tonight.


Name - Maccillian Silver Zaka

Age - 19(?)

Strength - C-

Dexterity - D

Vitality - D+

Intelligence - E

Wisdom - E+

Charisma - D+

Luck - E

Werewolf Strength stage 2/4 - 581/750

Regeneration stage 1/4 - 85/200

Werewolf Senses stage 2/4 - 61/75

Wolf King's Wisdom stage 0/1 - 7/50

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