
Wolf in the desert of ice

The insurrection, Shifters, the protectors of the world, had risen in riot and waged war following Atyer, their twisted leader. He lead the rebellion, conducting twisted experiments to "improve" the shifters until the allied races finally put him down. Since than, Shifters have been looked at with mistrust and hate, blamed for the war, even those who had nothing to do with it. Shiek, a shifter, meets Oki, a dragon girl, and together they are tasked with leading the Shifters back to their prime in these turbulent times

JimothyJonkers · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Shiek froze,

The realization of the sight in front of him washed over him; this was no oasis. This was a battlefield.

Dragon blood is colourless, the only giveaway is smell, and this place was filled with it, his wolf nose saturated with its scent, he changed again. He was back to his human form. He knew he needed to getaway.

The herd did not seem to care about the dead dragon beside them, drinking peacefully from the water, they did not know, but he did. There was no oasis here yesterday or a year ago. This place was once one of the many pillars of ice that are scattered in the desert. The only thing powerful enough to melt one of those is a dragon, and there was one right there, dead.

Shiek knew the only thing that can kill a dragon is another dragon, and dragons are much too prideful to leave the dead to the elements. He knew that there was another nearby. Frozen in fear, he turned his back to the Oasis. He needed to get away from this place, to run as far as he could. Not even his hideout would be safe, as he had witnessed something that no human ever should.

The stories from old came to mind, a familiar voice echoed in his mind "Listen here, Kiddo, dragons are proud, they do not belong in the light of day, for to be seen under the sun is to them a sin greater than none. Stay far from their territory, for if you so much as catch sight of one of the dragon tribe, you will be their enemy as long as you live."

He knew the only thing that would save him at this point was leaving the desert. The legends always said that the dragons of the ice desert do not leave it under any circumstances. So he steeled his resolve and once again changed into his primal form. He ran as fast as he could through the desert dunes.

He ran until he arrived at his hideout. As he entered the small cave, he hoped that a dragon had not already begun chasing him. He looked at his belongings, a small leather pouch with few strips of dried meat in it, a water skin half-empty from his last visit to the River. He picked his few possessions and headed for the exit.

But instead of the small opening of the cave, he found in front of him, darkness. It was too late. He had been caught.