
Chapter 1 arriving at wolf creek

Once upon a time there lived a young backpacker her name was Kate. Kate was 17 years old. Kate lived in south Australia. Kate had two best friends, their names were katie and Blaize. Katie was 18 years old and blaize was 19 years old. Kate went to high school. Kate went to class but saw blaize. Blaize said hey Kate. Kate said g day Blaize. Blaize said you're ready to go to wolf creek this afternoon. Kate said yeah I am. Blaize said nice. Katie walked towards Kate and Blaize. Katie said I brought the alcohol tent and food Blaize. Blaize said awesome. Katie said you're ready to go guys. Kate said yeah I am mate. Kate katie and Blaize got their stuff and left school to go to wolf creek. Blaize said we here mates. Kate said awesome

End of chapter 1