
Woke Up in Naruto's World

Eliot a.k.a. Ryuuzaki Kasai woke up in Naruto's world, and stumbled upon the portal to the land of dragons before he becomes a genin. Follow him as he walked down his own path and raised dragons inside Naruto's world. Warning:This story is an alternate world where additional made up events might be included with little change in Naruto History. First 11 (each chapter) - 850 - 1050 words starting Chapter 12 - 1200 - 1800 words

Elizal_Bongaitan · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 8: A Companion

The next morning, Kasai awoke just before 11 a.m., grateful for a day off from the academy that meant he could linger without worry.

As he sat on the floor of his cluttered room, he couldn't help but notice the disarray that surrounded him. Plastic wrappers and empty cup noodles lay strewn about in the right corner, while a mound of dirty, sweaty clothes occupied the hamper on the left. He found himself torn between the urge to begin cleaning immediately and the temptation to postpone the chore for another day.

"Ah... this is so bothersome," Kasai grumbled, letting out a deep sigh. "I suppose it can wait until tomorrow," he decided, momentarily embracing the idea of leaving the cleaning for later as he relaxed in the comfort of his room.

Kasai decided to forego the idea of tackling the mess for now and stretched out on his bed. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on sensing the location of the dragon eggs within his subconscious. He took his time, attempting to reach out to them mentally, but to his regret, he couldn't discern their presence.

Furrowing his brow in concentration, he tried again, focusing his thoughts and trying to establish a connection with the dragon eggs. It was a peculiar sensation, like trying to find a missing puzzle piece in a vast, dark room. Despite his determination, the eggs remained elusive, leaving him with a sense of frustration and curiosity about their current whereabouts.

He lifted himself from the floor, perplexed and rubbing his temples. "Where did they go? Was it all just a dream?" Kasai pondered the enigma of the missing dragon eggs, his mind lost in a whirlwind of thoughts.

Amid his contemplation, an indistinct, faint light materialized and began to envelop Kasai's body, unbeknownst to him. While he remained deeply engrossed in his musings, he abruptly vanished from his room, leaving behind a trail of white smoke.

Kasai's reaction came too late, and all he could experience was a moment of dizziness before finding himself once again in what unmistakably appeared to be the land of dragons.

The only notable difference was that the four mountains had been replaced by four towering dragon statues, each radiating a distinct hue: Red, White, Blue, and Yellow. Kasai stood there, initially puzzled, but then a memory resurfaced, and he exclaimed, "Aha!... That independent space the Elder mentioned."

With newfound clarity, he began to explore the space, meticulously inspecting his surroundings as he moved. A strange energy enveloped him, thick and potent, creating a sensation akin to walking underwater. Yet, it didn't suffocate him; instead, his body appeared immune to its effects.

The energy felt rich and teeming with power, though Kasai couldn't help but notice it remained unresponsive when he attempted to absorb it. "Is this the energy comparable to Nature Energy?" he wondered aloud; his curiosity piqued.

Undeterred, he continued his exploration, eventually arriving at a hill adorned with cylindrical barriers, similar to those in the actual Land of Dragons, each housing a single egg.

Approaching the barriers, Kasai began inspecting each egg, moving from one to the next. When he reached the final egg, the very one that had initially reacted to him, it suddenly started to wobble, catching his attention and stirring his curiosity.

"It's hatching after just one day?" Kasai's eyes widened in astonishment.

As the egg began to move, the cylindrical barrier surrounding it gradually faded away, and cracks started to manifest on the egg's surface, growing denser with each passing moment. An invigorating aura emerged, enveloping Kasai. 

"It's hatching!" Kasai exclaimed in awe, his excitement mounting as he witnessed the imminent emergence of the dragon from the egg.

With a sudden and decisive crack, the egg split apart, unveiling a magnificent sight before Kasai. Standing there was a 2-meter-long figure—a stunning, luminous white baby dragon. Its scales resembled transparent bulbs, radiating a gentle, ethereal light that bathed its entire body in an otherworldly glow.

As the baby dragon opened its eyes, they revealed irises of a brilliant, golden-yellow hue, reminiscent of a full moon on a clear night. To Kasai, every detail of this dragon appeared flawless, and he couldn't help but be entranced by its sheer beauty. 

From the dragon's perspective, it possessed an innate awareness that Kasai was destined to be its owner. It leaned forward, gently nuzzling Kasai's hands, a gesture that seemed to express a desire for companionship and affection.

Kasai couldn't help but chuckle at the endearing display. He extended his hands and began to stroke the dragon's scaly head. The scales felt incredibly smooth yet had a unique texture, reminiscent of unprocessed crystal beneath his fingertips.

"From this moment on, your name shall be Kiyoshi," Kasai murmured, his voice carrying a sense of affection. "A name befitting your beautiful, glass-like scales." It was a gesture of bonding and the beginning of their newfound partnership.

Upon hearing its new name, the dragon emitted an ecstatic growl, nuzzling Kasai's hands with affection. It then spoke in a youthful and cheerful voice, "I love the name, Kasai."

Kasai was initially startled by the dragon's ability to communicate, but he quickly composed himself, recalling Leondro's explanation. "Kiyoshi, do you have any knowledge of the type of dragon you are?" he inquired, curious about his new companion's origins.

"Yes, I'm a light dragon," Kyoshi replied with pride, his luminous scales glowing softly as if in confirmation.

"A light dragon! That's fascinating," Kasai exclaimed, his excitement barely contained as he observed Kyoshi's unique features. "So, do you breathe light instead of fire?"

Kyoshi nodded, his golden-yellow eyes glistening with an air of tranquility. "Light dragons aren't known for aggression," he explained. "Our abilities are geared toward healing and offering protection to others."

Kasai's curiosity piqued further. "So, you can heal injuries?"

"As I am still an infant, my power is currently limited to healing small wounds or minor fractures," Kyoshi explained.

Kasai grinned appreciatively. "That's still incredible, Kyoshi!"

"Thank you," Kyoshi responded warmly. "With my abilities, I promise to assist you whenever you require aid. Simply summon me whenever you need assistance." The promise conveyed a sense of trust and camaraderie between Kasai and his newfound dragon companion, offering reassurance to both.

Kasai was well aware that while this little dragon might not be a formidable combatant, its abilities could prove invaluable in dire situations. The same principle applied to the other nine eggs, each with their unique skills and attributes. Regardless of their abilities, they would undoubtedly offer aid in various ways.

Such a creature now served as his summoning companion, and Kasai's spirit ignited with newfound enthusiasm. "How do I exit this space?" he inquired, seeking a way to return to his world.

"Oh, Kasai, you only need to say the word 'return,'" the little dragon replied, eager to continue absorbing the energy from the surrounding space without interruption.

"Alright, thank you," Kasai acknowledged. "I must go back now. I'll leave you here for the time being and perhaps visit when I'm not occupied."

The little dragon nodded and, as Kasai departed, it unfurled its wings and took to the skies, searching for a tranquil place to meditate and harness the energy of its unique environment.