
Woke Up in Naruto's World

Eliot a.k.a. Ryuuzaki Kasai woke up in Naruto's world, and stumbled upon the portal to the land of dragons before he becomes a genin. Follow him as he walked down his own path and raised dragons inside Naruto's world. Warning:This story is an alternate world where additional made up events might be included with little change in Naruto History. First 11 (each chapter) - 850 - 1050 words starting Chapter 12 - 1200 - 1800 words

Elizal_Bongaitan · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 7: The Ten Dragon Eggs


Kasai stood at the entrance of the Central Nursery, his eyes scanning the vast expanse before him. Inside the transparent cylindrical barriers, he observed an array of dragon eggs, each possessing unique sizes and distinctive appearances. The eggs varied in shape and color, a testament to the diverse dragon clans they represented. Some eggs were large and imposing, while others were more delicate and intricately patterned. Kasai couldn't help but marvel at the incredible assortment of dragon life contained within the Nursery, each one a potential companion on his journey.

In the heart of the Central Nursery, Kasai's gaze was drawn to a remarkable egg, positioned at the centermost part of the space. It resembled a tightly bundled ball of thick, greenish vines, adorned with tiny dark red flower buds scattered across its surface. The egg exuded an aura of both mystique and vitality, capturing Kasai's fascination. Adjacent to this extraordinary egg, he noticed another equally intriguing specimen enclosed within its barrier. This particular egg seemed to consist of a purplish, gelatinous substance that undulated in a mesmerizing rhythm, giving it the appearance of constant motion. Kasai couldn't help but marvel at the sheer diversity of dragon eggs, each one a testament to the wondrous world he had stumbled upon.

As Kasai marveled at the diverse and intriguing dragon eggs before him, a sense of excitement and anticipation welled up within him. He couldn't help but imagine a future where he would be accompanied by formidable and ruthless dragons in battles against other village shinobi, picturing himself as a formidable force in his own right.

However, lost in these exhilarating daydreams, Kasai suddenly felt a light but swift whip against his head. Leondro, who hovered beside him in the air without flapping his wings, had used a mere 0.01% of his strength to deliver the reminder, jolting Kasai out of his fantasies.

Rubbing his head where the tail had landed, Kasai glanced up at Leondro, who regarded him with a stern expression. "Have you forgotten that those ten dragons will be 50% weaker than the dragons here?" Leondro reprimanded; his disappointment was evident.

"I remember, Elder," Kasai replied, still massaging the back of his head where he had been lightly struck.

"Good," Leondro acknowledged. "That means that one of the Dragons will likely possess combat strength equivalent to roughly 75% of your world's nine-tailed beast."

Kasai's curiosity piqued. "So, they each have different combat strengths?"

Leondro nodded in affirmation and elaborated, "Indeed, they do. One might have only 10%. It's crucial that you care for them, and understand their individual strengths and limitations before deploying them in battle, or you might risk losing one."

"I understand," Kasai responded earnestly. 'I forgot that foolishness could lead to inevitable loss,' he reflected silently.

"Now, Kasai, move forward," Leondro encouraged, nodding his head to prompt Kasai to explore the area. "Walk around the place, and if you pass upon an egg that is destined to be with you, you'll feel a calling in your mind."

Kasai hesitated for a moment, his fear of accidentally harming the precious eggs evident. But after a brief pause, he steeled himself and began to traverse the walkway surrounding the eggs.

As he circled each egg, inspecting their various appearances and sizes, Kasai waited for the elusive feeling Leondro had described. Then, when he reached a luminous, white-colored egg, a sensation of familiarity washed over him.

Standing there in mild astonishment, Kasai murmured to himself, "Was that it?" The notion of the first egg responding to him left him slightly shaken.

"Now, place your hand on the barrier. The egg will be automatically transferred into your consciousness," Leondro instructed upon seeing that Kasai had located the first egg. "It will remain there until you return to your world," he added, offering guidance to the young shinobi.

Following Leondro's guidance, Kasai extended his hands and gently pressed them against the barrier of the luminous white egg. As soon as his hands made contact, a warm and soothing sensation began to spread through his body, akin to the comfort of a relaxing massage. 

After a few moments, as the sensation subsided, Kasai became aware of something new that had taken residence within the depths of his consciousness.

"That's it, Kasai. Keep moving and find the remaining nine eggs," Leondro encouraged from his position near the entrance.


With newfound determination, Kasai replied, "I will, Elder," and continued his exploration of the Central Nursery, eager to discover the remaining dragon eggs that would soon be his companions.

Fueled by excitement and determination, Kasai clenched his hands with enthusiasm and offered a nod in Leondro's direction. With renewed vigor, he proceeded with high spirits, eager to complete his task and return to his own world.

An hour later, Kasai had successfully located and stored all ten dragon eggs within his consciousness. Each one represented a unique and potential bond, awaiting the moment when they would embark on their journey together.

Filled with excitement, Kasai returned to Leondro's side, sporting a wide grin. "I did it! All ten dragons," he declared confidently.

Leondro responded with an eye-roll at Kasai's exuberance. "Yes, I know. No need to get so worked up. Now, follow me. I'll lead you to the portal."

"Of course, Elder. Thank you very much," Kasai said gratefully.

"Let's proceed, so I can return you to your world. I still have my own tasks to attend to," Leondro added, trying to suppress a chuckle.

At the portal's entrance, Kasai and Leondro engaged in a final discussion about the dragon eggs and other essential details that Kasai needed to remember. Once they had covered everything, Leondro watched as Kasai confidently stepped into the portal, ready to embark on his journey back to his world.


Back inside his small, tranquil room, Kasai wearily sank onto his futon, his body fatigued from the journey to the land of dragons.

"I'll inspect those eggs tomorrow; for now, I need some rest," Kasai murmured, pulling the blankets up to cover himself.

Although the excitement of having the dragon eggs in his consciousness still pulsed through him, drowsiness soon claimed him, pulling him into a deep sleep. A contented grin adorned his lips as he drifted off.

While Kasai slumbered, an enigmatic light materialized within his room and entered his mind. It meandered through his thoughts, seeking out the presence of the ten dragon eggs. Once it had located all ten, it enveloped them and transported them away, vanishing into the ether.