
Woke Up in Naruto's World

Eliot a.k.a. Ryuuzaki Kasai woke up in Naruto's world, and stumbled upon the portal to the land of dragons before he becomes a genin. Follow him as he walked down his own path and raised dragons inside Naruto's world. Warning:This story is an alternate world where additional made up events might be included with little change in Naruto History. First 11 (each chapter) - 850 - 1050 words starting Chapter 12 - 1200 - 1800 words

Elizal_Bongaitan · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 14: First Mission

The next day dawned bright and sunny in Konohagakure. The village was bustling with activity as ninjas and villagers went about their daily routines. For Kasai, Aoki, and Hina, it was a particularly important day, as they were about to embark on their first official mission as a genin team. They had all spent the previous evening preparing their equipment and going over their basic strategies. As they made their way to the mission post, the excitement in the air was palpable, and they couldn't wait to see what challenges and adventures lay ahead on this sunny morning.

The morning sun filtered through the windows of their respective homes, casting a warm glow across the room. Kasai's enthusiasm for the upcoming mission was evident as he got ready, his eyes shining with anticipation. Hina, on the other hand, had a restless night, her mind filled with thoughts about the nature of their first mission. As for Aoki, he stood by the window, his expression calm but contemplative, perhaps pondering the challenges that awaited them outside the comfort of their village.

The anticipation in the mission hall was perceptible. Kasai, Hina, and Aoki had arrived early, eager to embark on their first mission as a team. They had heard the stories of the dangers that came with missions, stories that had left their neighbors grieving for lost family members. The weight of the responsibility they were about to undertake hung in the air, causing their appetites to dwindle, and they had finished breakfast hastily.

As they waited for their sensei, the trio huddled together in a corner of the mission hall. Kasai observed the steady flow of people passing by from both sides. Some teams were returning from their missions, while others were just receiving their assignments. The person responsible for distributing the missions was a middle-aged woman, adding to the atmosphere of excitement and apprehension in the room.

Hina couldn't help but voice her concerns. "Kasai, what do you think our first mission will be?" Her voice carried a hint of anxiety as she pondered the possibilities.

Kasai, maintaining his optimism, responded reassuringly. "I think, since we're still genin, it'll likely be a D-rank mission, maybe something like doing chores around the village."

Hina's eyes softened with relief upon hearing his words. "You really think so?"

"Yeah," Kasai nodded confidently, "We're still basically rookies, so they probably won't assign us anything too dangerous for our first mission."

"It's probably as Kasai said," Aoki chimed in, breaking the silence that had settled among them earlier.

As the awkward silence settled in, Aoki broke it by saying, "Well, we should just focus on what's ahead and be prepared for anything. Our sensei will guide us through it."

Hina nodded in agreement, feeling a bit more at ease with Aoki's reassurance. She realized that their sensei would be there to support them, and they were a team now. Despite the initial discomfort, they needed to find a way to work together effectively.

Seconds later, Kazama Gin sensei arrived at the mission hall right on time. His sharp eyes scanned the area, searching for his young team members. When he spotted them, he couldn't help but release a small laugh. "Seems like those three still haven't warmed up to each other," he mumbled to himself, shaking his head in amusement. He walked over to where Kasai, Aoki, and Hina were waiting, and as he approached, the trio greeted him in unison.

Gin waved his hand, gesturing for Kasai, Aoki, and Hina to follow him, and he led them toward a mission registration desk. Behind the desk, a middle-aged woman dressed in a white kimono was meticulously reviewing mission records, using the cap of her pen as a ruler to aid her in her work.

"Kazama Gin, captain of the new Team 20, right?" the middle-aged woman suddenly spoke as she looked up from the scroll. Upon receiving a nod of confirmation from Gin sensei, she continued. "The Hokage has already assigned a mission for you. Kindly please wait for a moment."

She gracefully rose from her seat and walked toward a nearby shelf where mission scrolls assigned by the Hokage were neatly organized. The scrolls were sorted by colors: green for D-rank missions, yellow for C-rank, blue for B-rank, and A-rank missions in red. Kasai, having some knowledge of the system, immediately recognized the green scroll and understood that it was a D-rank mission.

Gin furrowed his eyebrows as he observed the woman examining the scrolls on the shelves. "The Hokage won't be personally assigning the first missions?" he inquired.


While continuing her search, the woman replied to Gin's question. "Lord Third couldn't make it here today due to the extensive paperwork he needed to attend to, but here's the assignment. A D-rank mission."

Gin sensei stood by the side of the trio as they all watched her return to her seat.

"It's a mission to find a feudal lord's missing cat. Your task is to locate the cat and ensure its safe return. According to the mission details, the cat often roams the nearby woods," she read aloud. "Since you're recent academy graduates, this will be your first mission. I'll register your names, and you can proceed."

Gin sensei, hearing the mission's details, looked at the three genins. "There are three possible areas where the cat might be. Two are in the northern and eastern woods, and the third is in the village itself," he informed them. He continued, "I'll investigate the village while the three of you search the northern and eastern woods. Remember, if anything goes wrong, prioritize your safety and retreat immediately. Understand?"

"Yes, Sensei!" The three responded eagerly, feeling a mix of excitement and determination as they prepared to embark on their first official mission as genin.

Gin sensei nodded approvingly, offering them a reassuring smile. "Remember your training and work together as a team. Stay vigilant, and I'll meet you back here after we've completed our respective searches."

With a final nod, the trio headed out of the mission hall, ready to tackle their mission and prove themselves as capable ninja of Konohagakure.

At the forest's entrance, Kasai, Hina, and Aoki huddled together, debating their approach.

Hina suggested, "Why don't we split up to complete this faster?"

Aoki immediately disagreed, "No."

"Why not? It's faster than sticking together," Hina persisted.

"Hina, I agree with Aoki. I think we should move together. Although it might take longer, our numbers and Aoki's Byakugan will give us a significant advantage in finding the cat," Kasai explained, giving Aoki a side glance.

Hina reluctantly accepted the plan, giving Aoki a dignified look, though she was still not entirely pleased with the change in leadership. "Fine."

With Aoki leading the way and activating his Byakugan, the veins near his eyes bulged, and his iris turned completely white with a hint of purple. He scanned his surroundings but found nothing.

"Let's head to the eastern part first," Aoki directed, and then he started running in that direction.

Hina and Kasai nodded in agreement and followed Aoki as they delved deeper into the forest, hoping to find the missing cat soon.

As they ventured further into the forest, they encountered a variety of small creatures. These woodland inhabitants, upon noticing the approaching ninja, would swiftly scamper away, blending into the underbrush with their natural agility. The forest was dense, with towering trees casting shadows on the path. The foliage was lush and abundant, creating a verdant canopy above them. Each step they took was met with the gentle crunch of leaves and twigs underfoot, their presence barely making a ripple in the tranquil ambiance of the woods.

Five minutes later, Aoki suddenly halted in his tracks and crouched behind a thick bush, motioning for the others to stop and remain silent. Kasai, who saw Aoki's gestures, slowed down and approached him cautiously, followed closely by Hina.

"I found it," Aoki whispered, his eyes fixed on a thin, small tree in the distance. "Resting right below it."

Kasai and Hina nodded in acknowledgment. Kasai lowered his head and gestured for the two to listen carefully. He looked at Hina and then turned to Aoki, explaining the plan in hushed tones.

"Hina, you take this spot," he indicated, "Aoki, sneak around to the left side, while I'll circle around to its back. I'll give the signal to catch it."

Both Aoki and Hina nodded in agreement, signaling their understanding. "Let's move," Kasai whispered, and they began executing their coordinated plan. Kasai veered to the right, Aoki stealthily moved to the left, and Hina advanced cautiously to the nearest bush, closest to where the cat was resting.

Arriving at his designated spot according to the plan, Kasai suddenly felt a presence behind him, a subtle shift in the air that sent a shiver down his spine. However, it vanished almost as quickly as it had come. He remained still and vigilant, his senses on high alert as he scanned the area behind him for any signs of movement.

Despite his thorough observation, Kasai found no evidence of any disturbances or hidden threats. 'Was it just my imagination?' he wondered, his brows furrowing with uncertainty. To calm his nerves, he shook his head slightly and turned his attention toward Hina and Aoki, who were still in their respective positions, awaiting his signal. Though they appeared puzzled by his delay, they remained patient and unmoving.

Kasai bit his lip and extended his arm to signal Hina and Aoki to begin their approach. Simultaneously, he started to stealthily move towards the rear of the cat, keeping his eyes locked on its every move. The cat, startled by the sudden presence nearby, snapped awake and began to scramble up a small tree situated behind it.

As the cat desperately climbed, Aoki swiftly retrieved a shuriken from his pouch and, with precision, hurled it in the direction of the cat's ascent. The sharp, glinting weapon sliced through the air, creating a menacing whistle that heightened the cat's fear. The shuriken struck just beside the cat's climbing path, sending a shower of leaves and bark fragments into the air, which further intensified the cat's unease.

"You're scaring it!" Hina screamed when she saw the shuriken, almost freezing in her tracks, fearing it might hit the cat. However, she was relieved to see that it had merely served to block the cat's path.

"I'm not," Kasai replied calmly. "Don't stop!" he added, urging her to continue.

Aoki, who was quicker than Kasai and Hina, reached the spot right below the cat and attempted to grab its body. Just as Aoki was about to seize it, the cat made a sudden leap to the ground, evading Aoki's grasp.

Kasai arrived second at the scene and lunged toward the ground to catch the agile feline, but the cat proved to be exceptionally nimble. It slipped through Kasai's grasp and leaped into the air. "It slipped!" Kasai groaned as he rolled on the ground and watched the airborne cat. However, just as it was suspended in mid-air, Hina suddenly appeared before it, embracing the feline in her arms.

"I caught it," Hina gleefully announced as she cradled the cat against her chest. Strangely, the cat appeared to be instantly calmed by her touch.

Kasai and Aoki exchanged puzzled glances as they watched Hina holding the cat securely. "This cat..." they both mumbled in disbelief.

Kasai couldn't help but think, 'Is this cat a pervert? Why is it so calm in her arms?'

As Kasai was lost in thought, he suddenly sensed a presence behind Hina, and without hesitation, he spotted a kunai hurtling towards her. Acting swiftly, Kasai reached for a kunai of his own and flung it at the incoming weapon.

His rapid response left Aoki and Hina puzzled, their faces reflecting their confusion as they glanced at Kasai, unsure of his actions.

The sharp 'ding' as their kunais collided snapped Aoki and Hina out of their confusion. Although still uncertain about the situation, they stood their ground, prepared for whatever might come next.

Kasai swiftly moved behind Hina, positioning himself protectively with another kunai in hand. With a serious tone, he issued orders to his teammates. "Hina, stand back and protect the cat! Aoki, don't let your guard down; we're under attack."