
woke up in fallout as a cyborg

a man whose a big fan of fallout wakes up in a experimental vault where his body had been enhanced by robotics and Is greeted by a Instructional video hey hope you like it I've been wanting to do a Fallout fic for a while. if you liked it send a power stone my way

frost_claw · Video Games
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14 Chs


a day and a half had passed the other day Dan was messing around with his hand when he accidentally activated a feature in his hand it was like flicking a switch with his mind while focusing on his finger doing that made his pointer finger release a small fire like a small blow torch doing the same thing made his hand go back to normal while doing this his stomach started to grumble

Dan was hungry, real hungry and the vault was not famous for it's abundance of food so Dan was debating to eat or not eat the mole rat meat after a bit of thinking Dan made up his mind and cut up the mole rat found a working stove and a clean pan

lit up the surprisingly still functioning stove and threw the meat down onto the pan the meat after a few minutes of cooking Dan put the steak on the plate and started to cut it up

"I really don't like well done steak but I'm not gonna risk getting a super virus turning all my insides into goop"

taking a bite of the food Dan made a weird face the steak tasted like beef with a distinct off taste

"the meat isn't bad or good it's just meh it my better with seasoning but i don't have any so I'll have to make do...."

there wasn't much to do in the vault for Dan there was 3 hours left until the door opened so Dan collected water and all the ammunition he could find (3 boxes of 10mm bullets approximately 60 bullets) after he was don with all that he sat at the vault door waiting around playing on the ves for it to open

after a short wait the ground started to rumble

" thank goodness I don't have to hear that terrible buzzing from the fluorescent lights "

the hulking metal door started to make a ear piercing screeching sound of metal grinding against metal it was half open when the vault started to violently shake and pieces of rubble started to fall from the ceiling

*sigh* "I know where this is going" said dan disappointed and sprinted out of the vault and suddenly got blinded by the bright sunlight after his sight adjusted to the sun he saw a vast desert and a road in a distance after a few seconds the vault collapsed entirely creating a dust cloud

"well I guess there's no way to go back... I should get going" checking map the closest location was the Mojave outpost and is a couple of days of walking " I should get moving" Dan walked towards the road after a few minutes of walking Dan had reached the road

"I now get why those NCR guys keep on whining about how hot it is but try walking in the sun while wearing leather mostly being metal, the sun might set in a few hours so it'll be a lot cooler" thought Dan as he was walking in the blistering sun Dan walked for hours but he wasn't even close to the outpost he kept on moving until he saw a destroyed car going closer he opened up the engine it was completely destroyed "yeah I can't fix this" going to the back of the car he tried to open the trunk it was locked but a bit of trying he opened the trunk and found a suit case

in the suitcase was perfectly preserved clothing a hat also a repair magazine 2 band of pre war money and some personal items like photos

checking out the clothing it was a Hawaiian shirt and pants "finally I don't have to wear leather" Dan quickly changed into the clothing witch breathed more and it didn't make him feel like he was in an oven he put on a hat and kept on moving


who's your least favorite character in fallout new Vegas