
miss p for .....

She awaited the arrival of her mom at the airport. The weather was chill and she had forgotten to carry her sweater

"Will she come or is it another trick she has planned on me again..."

She sighed and was about to leave when she saw a tall woman with blonde hair. She wore a black brazilian outfit that showed her curves perfectly. A gold necklace hunged on her neck majestically with earings dangling happily on her ears.

"hope you were not going to leave without me"

The woman said smilling.

She stared at her with owe. She never knew her mother's taste in fashion could be like this. The last time she saw her she could hardly afford a desscent outfit. She was happy for her mother's success over such a short period

"Definately not mom..i cant do that"

She replied after a long hessitation and then ran to her mother's embrace. She had really missed her mom for a while now.

As long as she can remember, they have lived a tough life and sometimes would beg inthe streets to get food atleast. She had dropped out of school when her mother fell sick. She had to do everything possible to take care of her.

There life changed when she had met an old man when she had gone to beg for food. The man paid for her mom's treatment. She thought that her mom would die soon and leave her in to fend for herself in this big and cruel world.

The strange man offered to school her and revive her mom's bussiness. Out of no opptions left, they had to agree. Her mom was to travel abroad and she was sent to a bording school.

"sweetheart.." Patricia heard her mom's voice echo removing her thoughts from the world of fantacy..

"Let us try to make our time special since i dont know when i will be back to work..."Alicia said.

"Definately mom" Patricia responded with a smile plasted on her face.

Alicia and her daughter headed to the hotel across the road. Both ordered their food and ate in silence. From the way they ate, one could tell that they were really hungry.bpat had really missed eating with her mom on the same table. It had been a year since she last saw her and she would have to cherrish every moment around her.

Patricia had promised to come over during the holidays but she never turned up based on one reason or another. Pat had thought that today would also be the same but it had turned out different

"Mom, how is Mr Geo fairing. I hope he is in good health. I would like to thank him in person some day..."

Immediately Alicia heard the name she had panicked. The name always revived old memories she would not want to remember.

Patricia had noticed how by mentioning Mr Geo's name would bring shivers to her mom even when she video called her.it had always caused a rapid change in her mother's mood.

"I would one day know what ever you are hidding from me mom..." Alicia thought

"mom, are you hidding anything from me..?" Patricia asked after a long period of silence

"No darling, you know i cant hide anything from you please" alicia answered but her whole body was covered with sweat out of fear.

"patricia is right. She deserves to know the truth. I should tell her who her real father is"... A lot was running in alicia's mind that she did not even notice the waitress standing next to her..

She cleared the bill and both of them went to the car parked outside.

"I have to tell her who her father is before that wretched man can come back for her daughter"

Alicia new very well that her life and her daughter's was at risk now that the man had found them.

"it has been only a year now but there is a lot of changes around" Alicia told her daughter as she viewed outside through the tinted glass window.

They both alighted in theirr final destination.

Patricia helped to remove their luguarge from the boot. They were both goin ro spend a few days in an hotel room because their new house was yet to be completed.

Alicia opened the door as alicia put in all their properties.

"Mom, i will be in my room. Incase you need me.. just call my name."

"Ok pat..but i think i will be fine" Alicia responded smilling.

Alicia pulled her suitcase into her room. She removed her heels and laid her body on the bed to rest

"Atlast.." she sighted

Memories from the past began dawing on her. She has tried a million times to forget but all just seemed fresh on her mind.

*flash back*

"Hey!! Alicia, where are you headed to. I can give you a ride" A voice echoed from a black lambourghini parked by the side of the road.

Alicia sruggled to see who it was in the dark.

"oooh..its you again." Alicia responded lifeless. It was Nick. Son of a very powerful mafia known around. No one wanted to get on his nerves since he can be very dangerous.

"No need Nick...am almost there"

"until when do you plan to ignore me"nick asked.

"until you know how to taik to girls properly." Alicia responded as she paced her footsteps to avoid any further conversations with him.

Nick alighted from the car swiftly and drag alicia inside and drove off before anyone could notice what was going on.

"Let me go!!"..Alicia screamed at the top of her voice to no avail.

Nick looked at her direction and only smirked. He had always wanted to spend a night with alicia but she always shove him off.

"please..i have to borrow some vash to buy my mom some drugs..just let me go.." Alicia begged him bit all her pleas fell on deaf ears.

"I can pay you if you can spend the night with me at my hotel.." Nick finally spoke.

Alicia was left in shock. She hax no idea of what to do. She needed the money to save her mom's life.

She sat quietly in the car since she was confused on what to do.

The car came to a halt after running for an hour.