
Wizards of Waverly Place: Troubled past

Abandoned neglected and abused, William Schmidt grew up without the love of his parents and as he grew older he became cold. Years later when the boy is in high school he meets Alex Russo, immediately she grows a hatred for him. Will the hatred remain, or will she warm his cold heart and change it for the better?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · TV
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20 Chs

Bitterness and Encounter

Jenna lowered her gaze due to the angry look on her husband's face. She had always been afraid of what he was capable of. The woman was so terrified of him she didn't even bother defending William in fear of him digging his fangs into her.

"Why the sudden change, Jenna? You choose now to be a mother?" Richard asked, raising a brow at his wife.

Jenna lifted her head, there was visible fear in her eyes. That didn't stop her from speaking her mind though. "You weren't there for him either. In fact you drove him away!"

Richard scoffed. "I don't understand you Jenna. You've always left William to his own devices, even when I punished him." He said for a lack of a better term.

"I should have done something back then. I'll carry that sin for the rest of my days." Jenna said, her eyes filling with sadness and regret. "Is he really alive?"

Richard smirked. "He survived that battle with Dahak, but do you really think he'll forgive you?"

"No. That would be asking for too much. William was forced to grow up without the love of a mother and father. This undoubtedly caused him to mature faster than kids around his age. He grew to become cold thanks to our actions." She said, No matter how much she wished for her son's forgiveness, she knew that it was impossible. 

Richard didn't show any emotion to her words. In fact it didn't look like he really cared. The subject of his son was making him angrier with each passing second. William was becoming far too strong for his own liking. 

As much as he hated to admit it William was stronger than him. He wouldn't last long in a fight with Dahak. Why was William getting so strong? It had been years since he used his abilities. It didn't make sense.

"That's why I've come to a Decision."

Richard directed his eyes at his wife, coming out of his thoughts. "Oh yeah, and what could that possibly be, Jenna?"

"I'm going to the police with everything we've done." When those words escaped her mouth Jenna noticed a dangerous glint in Richard's eyes, that wasn't enough to break her resolve though. "I should have done this a long time ago."

Richard glared at her, lightning crackling across his body, dangerously. Who did this woman think she was? The Blame was just as much hers as it was his!

"You go through with that ridiculous idea of yours, and you'll be placed in a cell, you know that right?"

"I'm…Aware of the consequences, Richard. I'm more than ready to pay for my sins."

Richard took a step forward. "I can't let you go through with that. I refuse to be locked behind bars!"

Jenna frowned.

Sirens in the distance could be heard, this caused Richard to narrow his eyes. "You didn't."

"I did. The police know everything."

Jenna yelped as Richard slapped her across the face causing her to fall to the ground. Richard walked towards her, his eyes glowing electric blue. "You're about to learn the true meaning of consequences." 

Richard knelt down and placed his hands over her face. He ignored the scream of agony as he electrocuted her. The smell of burnt flesh didn't seem to bother him much either. The next time he removed his hands from his wife's face her body was burnt to a crisp and the life had left her body.

The Elemental turned around with a look of irritation spreading across his face. 'Damn you Jenna. Do you make it your life's mission to make my life difficult?' He thought angrily.

Richard noticed the sirens getting closer. He sighed before walking out of the house and tak0ing off running, his body transforming into lightning as he dashed into the distance, leaving behind a trail of lightning.


Adrian rushed forward, wind swirling around his right fist. He gritted his teeth in anger as the Elemental in front of Dahak ran at him and kicked him in the face, making sure to steer clear of his wind infused fist.

"Out of the way!" Adrian exclaimed. "Move or I'll cut you down."

The Elemental smirked. "I don't think so. Betraying lord Dahak comes with consequences, you know. I'll enjoy burning you to a crisp." He stated

Dahak grinned. "I'll leave this to you, then." He said, interested to see how this battle would play out. 

Adrian stared at the enemy. If he wasn't going to move then he would cut him down like he said he would. 

"Scared? You should be. It's a shame that Allen is still MIA, he's your partner, or should I say former partner, traitor."

Adrian didn't respond to the insult, a scowl spread across his face though.

"I'll eliminate you in his stead." He said with a smirk,

"You can try, but I don't think It's going to go the way you think it will." 

"We'll just have to see about that, won't we?!"

Suddenly the two Elementals rushed each other engaging in a bout of hand to hand combat. Adrian deactivated his wind momentarily realizing it would only do more harm than good. As the battle between the former comrades commenced Dahak's grin got wider.


William had his arms crossed against his chest with his back pressed against a wall. Next to him was Alex who had a conflicted expression on her face. The two of them were outside of Harper's hospital room. 

Alex's parents had opted to stay in the room to watch over Harper. William had suggested they guard the door in case another Elemental appeared. It had been quiet. He hadn't said much since they entered the hallway.

The young wizard couldn't help but blame herself for what happened to her friend. She had gotten hurt because she was involved with William. If he wasn't there to save her, Harper would be dead right now. It wasn't like she felt regret for having feelings for William, but she hated the fact that she had put her life in danger.

As if sensing his girlfriend's distraught he unfurled his arms and stood up straight before moving closer to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "You shouldn't blame yourself, Alex. You're not the reason she's in the hospital. She's not even that injured."

"She's not?"

William nodded. "I got there before the enemy could do any serious damage."

"Thank you." 

William flashed her a smile before removing his hand away from her shoulder and placed it on the right side of her face. "I'll definitely end Dahak's reign of terror. Sooner or later we'll be living in peaceful times."

Alex smiled at him warmly. 

Slowly the two of them inched closer to one another before their lips connected. It was William's first kiss, so he wasn't sure if he was doing it right, but at least he didn't do anything stupid like biting her lips.

About fifteen seconds into the kiss Willliam pulled away.


"Get down!" William pushed Alex to the ground, before using his speed to get out of the way.

Water spears sliced through the air, however eventually it slammed against a wall. Since it was Water it didn't do much damage.

"Hello William. You miss me?" 

William helped Alex to her feet, before turning his gaze to the enemy. 


The Elemental gave him a sadistic grin.

"Where's Dahak? Tell me where he is." 

Talia laughed. "You'll have to force those answers out of me."

William narrowed his eyes as his body crackled with lightning. "I intend to." He replied before dashing towards her, the lightning accelerating his speed. Talia was sent flying back as multiple punches struck her person. 

Talia grunted as her back crashed against a wall. William wasn't willing to give her a chance to recover so he ran at her utilizing his elemental abilities to get to her quicker. 

The water Elemental took a blow to the face which sent her falling back to the ground. The woman spit out some blood before sneering at him. 

"You have all this power, and it's wasted on you. With your power, William, you could be a huge asset to our cause. To Lord Dahak's cause!"

William shook his head before looking at her as if she were crazy, and it his eyes that probably wasn't too far from the truth.

"You hurt innocent people, kill indiscriminately." William narrowed his eyes. "A peaceful world won't exist until I take you guys out of the equation."

"Oh yeah?" Talia scoffed. "How are you going to do that?"

William didn't say anything. In fact his expression remained the same. "I'll show you."
