
Wizard of Sky God

One sin burned an age. And time stopped for them. As darkness rises softly from under the shadows Heed the call. As the stars fall The Wizard of the sky god will return again Time passed, old stories faded Wizard of the sky god under the blue light When he respawns, the Icebreaker will come for him. Old stories circulated. In an unknown time and place, one of the holy magicians committed a sin. Finally, a punishment that set an age, a people on fire, found him. In this age of monsters rising, as time passes, a voice will be heard again from the depths of the forest and rise from the dark shadows. For the remnants of the forgotten ancient times, the Wizard of Sky godwill heed their call and come back for the final battle.

Hipolte · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Hurry up

As everyone in the room stared at David's half-moon blade, the door swung open and Aunt Abigial came in. The door slammed shut behind him with a rumble that resounded like thunder. Abigial was out of breath. The room must have sensed the tense air in the room, for it looked at the people there with trembling. "She's awake," he whispered. "We expected this," Sage said firmly.

Yelis was still sleeping in the bed. Slowly, her breathing slowed. Half-depleted logs burned in the fireplace, a good bed of coal heaped around the fire irons; Aunt Abigial took care of her while she slept. When Yelis woke up, there was a blanket at her feet. Yelis swallowed and looked around the room. Aunt Abigial's coat was hung on the door. She wiped the cold sweat from her face with one hand. She tried to make sense of her dream. It was like a dream come true.

Twilight darkened the window; The moon was high, round and fat, and the evening stars shone over the Misty Mountains. Yelis did not know how long she had slept. She felt a pain on the side of her body. She rubbed the sore spot. It seemed that she had been sleeping soundly for a long time. No wonder she slept motionless for so long, and also had nightmares on an empty stomach. What she saw was definitely a dream. Now she was even more certain. Her stomach growled and she stood up straight. When she smelled Aunt Abigial's muffins, she saw the tray left on the table and went to the table. She pulled aside the white napkin on the tray. The broth was still hot and so was the crispy bread. Aunt Abigial's hand touched this tray. She decided that she needed a hot meal more than anything right now. Her stomach wasn't saying the opposite anyway, and she didn't seem to give up until she had the meal. He drank some broth, then put some meat between two pieces of bread. She took big bites and went back to bed. Yelis saw the clean clothes left on the chair. Aunt Abigial must have seen her awake. Yelis undressed, folded her clothes neatly on the chair and left her. She got back into bed, pulled the blanket up under her chin, and fell asleep again.

Yelis opened her eyes when David touched her forehead.

"Here you are, son. Abigial said you were awake, but I couldn't come to see you right away. But Abigial said you were too tired to wake up for me to still look at you. Aunt Abigial wanted to come over to you, but we decided that I should talk to you first."

Yelis' voice was weak, but her gaze was clear and steady. Wise is right, David thought. She'd be fine, as always.

"Did you eat something? Aunt Abigial left a tray."

"I've already eaten ... . She has prepared some broth and bread for me. She wouldn't let me eat anything else anyway. How can I avoid eating her food?" David looked for one of Yelis's hands from under the blanket and touched Yelis's hand. Yelis said, "I had a dream while I was sleeping, it was very real. What happened to me, Uncle David? Where is here?" David patted her head tenderly. " A dream or not? Have a lot to talk about? I thought you were sick, but you're fine now. You should rest now," she said, and David kissed her on the forehead. "Uncle David what happened to me? The last thing I remember is a man in black and a light." David took a deep breath. "There is a lot to talk about, Yelis, that man was looking for us and we ran away from him." Yelis "Will we go back home?" David managed to put a weak smile on his lips. "I think the house will need a good cleaning even if we come back." Yelis replied back, but her smile was pale. David left Yelis's hand and stood up and went to the window, opened the curtain and looked outside.

"We were lucky. We got here just in time." Yelis looked at him as if she wanted him to make an explanation. David wanted to tell Yelis everything, or at least most of it. "Yelis, you are not who you think you are," he began by saying. Yelis was listening intently. He wanted to ask David many questions. David was looking for a way to tell Yelis about the Ice people and Tonka's story. "Yelis once lived in a different world where we lived, the Ice people. It is a world very different from the one we know, Tonka, the mage of the Ice People, she did something and finally the Sky god wanted to punish her but Tonka escaped. From that day on, the ice people were cursed and their worlds destroyed." Yelis looked in disbelief at what David had told her. He was trying to figure out if David was crazy. David; "I know it's hard to explain, but it's true, we don't have time for them anyway." Yelis said, "I am confused." David looked out the window again. "Yelis, you are a descendant of Tonka and now you are in danger. There's no time to tell you everything." David Yelis pondered the nightmares he had had while she slept. Especially Yelis's conversations with fever…. David saw no reason to mention her rambling talk. Not yet. Yelis was silent for a moment, biting her lip, scratching her head. "I can't think of anything," her said. "I'm not quite sure how to tell you," "Uncle David, you have to understand me, this is a fairy tale you told"

"So you're right, we always hid who you were from you, we tried to keep you away from this Earth,"

Yelis sighed deeply, then shrugged in annoyance. "Now I find myself here, confused and still feeling tired." David approached Yelis and kissed Yelis on the forehead. "You rest honey, I'll go outside." After David went outside, Yelis stood up and looked out the window.When David came out, Abigial and the others were waiting for him. "I tried to tell him, but he is still exhausted right now" Uras "It is very normal that he cannot accept this" Bilge said "We should give him time". Ewin said, "You're right, wise, but we don't have time. We have a very strong reason not to leave here as soon as possible. ' Uras snorted, 'Yes, the black rider is after us, it doesn't matter if the girl believes it or not, and we'll be safer in the East. Remember, when they come here, they will destroy everything." Sage thoughtful, Ewin said, "The girl needs some more rest. And they couldn't get past the firewall." Finally, Bilge said, "Listen to me carefully. It won't take them long to get past the firewall, for sure, we won't hide too long," he said. The black cavalry and the ñarqs are attached to the other two, but we know very little about the link between them, but in the old stories their role is always said to be great. In the language of the Ice people, the sorcerers of the sky god, "Acuz ", protect the ice people with the power they get from the sky god. The Sky God sent the magicians as gifts in return for the services of the Ice people. They heal them when they are sick, protect their herds, and keep them warm in harsh winters. They recover more quickly than other people and were able to go longer without food, water, or sleep. If they are strong enough, they can communicate with the spirit world. I wish I wasn't a Prick too. This power was not given to me and I learned it from my father. I have not seen the Sky God in my dreams."

The sage took a deep breath."This power was never mentioned to us, dear Sage, I was only able to steal some power from myself," Ewin said. The wise said, "It is no use talking about them anymore, we have to follow the order of our world, He will be up in a day or two. A call came from the East. The girl must have sensed it, but we don't know if she'll be safe there. No one has heard from the East for many years." Ewin nodded and David turned back to Yelis. When he entered, he saw David Yelis standing. "You need to stay in bed." Yelis opened her mouth just as she said, "Well, I'll be back in bed, but maybe you can talk to me about the Ice People and what Tonka." Yet these stories of Yelis did not seem hopeful. He shot David a sharp look. "We have to go soon. "We don't know if it's tomorrow or tonight," he said. Yelis was silent, and David shook his head sadly. "Yeah, we don't know when we're leaving, but you need to stay in bed." Yelis sat down on the bed, nervously pulled the blanket. "I'm not a kid, Uncle David, but I don't understand what's going on. I still remember the nightmares I've had, I don't want to stay in bed." Abigial poked her head into the room. "David you have to go outside now," she said. David grunted impatiently at her. hurry up!" David bent down to hug Yelis. "I'll be back. I promise you."

"Of course you will." Yelis weakly responded to the hug and David patted her on the back. "Just rest," he said. Aunt Abigial entered the room and took her by the arm and pulled her outside. "You have to hurry up," she said.