
Wizard of Destiny

In the distant universe, there exists a fantastic world. Gods, demons, devils, Angels and Wizards. They exist having their own factions, in a power struggle to control this world. After the great war, a delicate balance has formed but how long will that balance remain? It all started to change when a programmer from the perishing planet Earth woke up in the body of a young child. This was an insignificant incident that happened in a corner of this world. But no one knew that someday, this man from earth will become a Wizard who is destined to change the fates of many worlds! __________________ **NOTE: The cover isn't mine. All rights belong to its owner.**

Archwriter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

A wood elf

Inside a tree house, several tall people were sitting around a bed in which a child was sleeping soundly. A beautiful woman could be seen caressing the head of the child with some sympathy expressed on her face. Judging by the clothes she wore and her regal aura, it could be understood that she was an important person. At this moment the closed eyes of the child opened and he sat up on the bed abruptly.

"No! I won't die here. I have t-.....", Shouted Aren after waking up as if he had experienced some sort of nightmare but stopped midway because he felt something.

Some people were taken aback, not because of what he said but because of what he was doing.

So soft and bouncy!

This was Aren's first thought after waking up. Then he found his face buried in the breasts of a woman who looked slight embarrassed and was exuding some motherly love?

"Woah!" he threw himself a little backward and started thinking about where he was. Just as he was about to check the clothes he was wearing, a female voice spoke in his mind.

"This is lithuyrm village, child. 'Lithuyrm' means 'green leaves' in your language."

"Who!? Who are you? How can you speak to me actually?" Aren was flabbergasted and scared. He had never heard anyone read someone's thoughts and even reply in someone's mind.

"I am in front of you" the voice replied.

Aren looked in front of him only to see a woman dressed like a nun from his previous life. She was smiling gently as she looked at him. Beside her were several people wearing different types of clothes but all had one similarity.

They were all beautiful and handsome!

"My name is lupia karvina. I am a wood elf and also a priestess of the shrine of the Goddess of nature." the voice again sounded inside his mind.

"You were gravely fatigued. Its your fortune that you found Tina so that I could heal you in time. You don't seem to know the elven language so I tried to communicate spiritually with you."

"Spiritually? Then how can I talk to you normally? I can't learn elf language right now and I have many questions to ask." Aren thought.

"Oh, don't worry about that." she said. Then, she chanted something which sounded like a prayer, putting her hands on his head . Following that, a green light shone on her hand as large amounts of knowledge was inserted into his brain.

"Hello. What's your name?" this time the voice came out of her mouth which he seemed to understand without any trouble.

"I am Aren. Aren Constantine." he answered.

He tried to stand up but couldn't. Sighing, he heeded the priestess's advice to lie down on the bed and rest for the time being. Seeing that he was fine, the villagers also said some words and left afterwards. Lying down, Aren asked the priestess about the questions he had and got the general idea of the situation he was in.

Green leaves village was located on the southwestern part of the Tanvr Continent. The wood elves here were all believers of the Goddess of nature like most wood elves and druids. The nearest human city, Telnos, was about 34 miles away from here.

There were many races apart from humans like elves, dwarves, druids, vampires, dragons, devils and even demons; each having their own gods or individuals on par with gods. This world wasn't technologically and scientifically advanced and the civilization was like that of middle ages.

The existence of magic and gods were universally accepted. Some extraordinary people were stronger than others whose power was determined by rankings where rank 9 being the strongest and rank 1 being the weakest. There were rumours of legendary rank 10 beings but those were not seen at all by anyone.

Lupia was a rank 2 priestess and the spell she cast on him was <lesser learn> magic which allows caster to impart knowledge or skill she knew to another person. But of course, there were limitations in it like the caster couldn't give magic and the like to other person as much as she likes. In this case, however, for learning language this fit perfectly.

'Sigh, looks like I should get back to health quickly and plan where I should go. But I'm only a child. I can't work even if I want to and I don't know if I even have any relatives or not. I can't survive in a city, this village fits my choice perfectly. I should ask the village chief if I can stay here for a while.' Sighing again Aren planned his next course of actions.


"Oh Aren, looks like you have recovered pretty quickly." Tina called out ot him when she saw him wander around the village, looking here and there.

"Ah yes, big sis Tina." replied Aren with an energetic tone. Ever since he found out that Tina liked him to call her big sis and would treat him better if he did so, he started calling her like that.

He had been in this village for three days and now he could remember the name of each villager. He had also asked the village chief about him staying here and the chief readily agreed which put him in a good mood.

Now that he was back to health, he wanted to improve himself further. Sister Tina's archery and priestess lupia's healing spells left him yearning for this otherworldly power. So he asked Tina if she could find someone to teach him how to fight. Well, she would've agreed as well if he asked her to teach him archery but Aren liked bare-handed fighting or martial arts.

"We are going to uncle Cowen's place. He is the only one who can teach you fighting techniques as he is the only rank 2 fighter of our village. Its a pity though he was more talented in archery than me but he chose to learn Martial Arts. Oh, we're here." signalled Tina after explaining a little about Mr. Cowen.

In front him was a house made up entirely of long wooden planks. The house was two story tall and the first impression of house Aren got was that it was in complete harmony with the ecosytem.

"Uncle Cowen we're here!" shouted Tina after stopping in front of the house.

Following Tina's shout, a grizzly haired man came outside from the front door. He had a sharp gaze like that of a soldier's, polished due to several life and death battles. He was wearing simple linen clothings but it couldn't hide the firm and well-defined muscles of his. His every movement gave off an overbearing aura of pressure that caused Aren's breath to become rougher.

Just as he was about to greet this soon-to-be master of his, Tina spoke up sounding helpless.

"Uncle Martin, Is uncle Cowen not home today as well?"

Huh!? uncle Martin?....Thi..this is not Mr. Cowen?

This sudden turn of events left him dumbstruck. Only when Tina called him did he snap out it.

"Aren, this is Mr. Martin, a great craftsman and uncle Martin this is Aren I told you about." introduced Tina.

"Hello, sir"

"Hoho, a polite boy aren't you?" said Mr. Martin sounding like an amicable grandpa.

Then patting Aren's head, he turned to Tina.

"He is inside reading something. As I was about to leave he asked me to bring you two inside the house. Come with me."

Mr. Martin entered the house after which Tina and Aren followed. The interior of the house had an atmosphere which would be perfect to house a scholar but Aren couldn't fathom what type of fighter Mr. Cowen would've to be, to live in this kind of environment.

Mr. Martin seemed to know this place like the back of his hand as he quickly led them towards the living room of the house. Inside the living room, Mr. Cowen could be seen reading a thick book which had wooden covers. He seemed to notice somebody coming inside the room as he closed the book and raised his head. His sight first fell on Aren and he smiled gently, his deep blue eyes giving off a calm feeling.

"Welcome!" he said.