
wizard King or immortal

dragondemoniSlayer · Games
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You are Leno, a wizard living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a staff and a spellbook. You finish your long journey and finally arrive at the ruin you've been looking for. Its the ruins of a big city called Telis. You're not sure why you came to this place. > You say "The book of essence come to me I command you" You open up your spell book and begin to see the words you know. You take the time to look through all of the spells that you know. You see a few really old ones that you've never seen before. I acquired the book of essence. I acquired the book of essence. You think back to when you wrote that last line, and how strange that seemed. "Acquired" seemed so out of place. You don't know what it means, but you're sure you've acquired something. This place is empty. Everything has been taken away. There is nothing left. I learned every cells in the book of essence spell book. You turn to page 33 and begin to read the spell. The words are not in the common language that you know. They appear to be symbols, or possibly drawings. I learned every spell from the spell book in a day I mastered all 100,000 spells 2 Days later You have acquired the power of instant casting. You can now cast any spell you have read instantly. There is no more need for the book. I acquired the book of essence. > You learn spell from spellbook. A strange feeling comes over you. Your head begins to ache mildly. You rub your head and the feeling goes away. You begin to concentrate, trying to learn the spell. It is not easy. > You learn all the stuff in the spell book. The green clover is a clue. You begin to concentrate. You try to learn all the spells in the book of essence. It feels as if your brain is being attacked by tiny little insects. Trickster exam the clover and runes appear. "You can see the runes, eh? Well, I'll be..." The runes seem friendly. They float around the clover as if they were looking it over. > You find someone to interpret the ruins. You walk around the ruins until you find something to build a fire. You sit down near the fire. A shadow looms over you. I became the wizard King tomorrow. Peter sits down next to you. "So, how are you doing?" "Fine," you grunt. "What about you, Peter?" He grins and nods. > You became the wizard King. You wake early the next morning. You pack everything you need on your back, outside of three quills and your sword. > You explore the far side of the river and catch the trickster. You walk along the river bank. Your boots crunching on the snow. You round a corner and... "Oh shit!" You find someone hanging from a tree, dead. > You go to forbidden mountains and catch the trickster. You walk through the mountains, crunching through the snow. It is dark, cold and lonely. Eventually, you come across the body of a man. You turn him over and see that he's been dead a while. > You became the wizard king. "You were here." The figure smiles, nodding. "So you've decided to help me?" "Yes. I want to be the Wizard King." Everyone in the world acknowledges me as the wizards king. I command respect. You know the Wizard King. He is a powerful man who has an army of guards to protect him. You've heard stories about him. You walk ahead, the figure matching your pace. I am a wizard team. We have strength and stamina where others have weakness. You stop, looking down at the man. The shadows conceal your face, but the man looks up, staring at you. "Tell me your name." I am a wizard King. I command respect. "Tell me your name." I am a wizard King. I command respect. The figure looks at you, his eyes narrowing. Become the wizard King !" the figure says. "Become the wizard King " "The battle is a war of magic powers. The power will be given to the most deserving." > You am the new wizard King. Diana looks at you. "I am the new wizard King." He moves forward, staring at you. His eyes are small and dark. He reaches up, grabbing you by the throat, slowly standing up. > You the magic power you don't have to say but you're using a spell to teleport yourself away from his garb then you use shadow cast to bond his shadow to the floor. Shadow bonded to the floor, you teleport away. You teleport behind him, raising your blade. You slash, he rolls to the side and deflects the blow. His hand lashes out, grabbing your throat. > You dodge again this time you teleported two more times in a row you bind him in one place with your spell. The man laughs, before teleporting before you. You teleport, only to find yourself surrounded by a glowing blue aura. He thrust his hand out, sending a wave of raw magical energy smashing into your chest. > You use a reflection spell and reflect all their magic. Reflecting all their magic, you send a blast of pure energy back at them. It hits the figure and they explode into thousands of pieces of black goo. > You say "Is anyone have injections of me being a wizard King now" "I have injections of you being a wizard King now," you say. "Ha ha! I have them too!" I guess I got to swat on my way to become wizard King I became wizard King by slaughtering my way up there. "Ha ha!" You walk down the path, and soon come across a clearing with a small river. A large castle sits on a hill in the distance. I have to find some new candidates. I found the trickster source of corruption !!! You walk up the castle steps. At the front door, a large stone wolf stands guard. > You obliteration spell Oblivion. You extend your hand towards the wolf. A black orb materializes in your hand. You concentrate for a moment, and then send the orb hurtling forward. The orb smashes into the wolf, and it explodes into black goo. You step over the wolf's body. "Hello?" you call. No reply. > You going there and find the trickster source of corruption. You continue along the corridor, finding the glen in the distance. Through the trees, you see a massive cauldron, with steam rising from it, sitting in the glen. "Ah, the cauldron." I killed the trickster !!! You see a white figure sitting on the cauldron, with its legs crossed. It has the head of a wolf, and the body of a man. > You use Oblivion spell to obliterate its body. The man disappears in a splash of black > You obliterate the blackness too. You move towards the center of the clearing, where there is a roaring fire and a few rough-looking seats with torches sitting around them. You sit down in one of the seats, waiting patiently. Open quest log to view Quests. You decide to take out the new target, and quickly log out of the game. You wake up at 8:30 in the evening, your room still somewhat dark. Do you what's up to become the wizard king or not yes or no > You say "Yes I accept " > You say "Yes" "Yes." The room brightens slightly, as a middle-aged man with a neatly trimmed beard and hair appears in front of you. "Do you?" > You say "I'm the wizard King now" The man nods. "Yes, yes. I see. So you accepted the quest?" "Of course," you say. The man raises an eyebrow. Congratulations you completed the question now order wizard team no one can deny your role. "So, the wizard king," he says, "what will you do first?" "I think after a big night's rest I should be able to start my quest," you say. > You i'm the wizard King now what should you do first. The man laughs. > You how about you go kill a demon. "Easy enough," you say. "But where can I find one?" "I'll lead you to a few," the man says. The man leans forward. > You say "If you going to lend me to one lend me to the strongest when you can find the strongest one in existence that never been killed even by the god" The man smiles, nodding. "I'll find you the most powerful of the demon god emperor creatures over the next few days. You want to go kill one now?" "Yes," you say." The man beckons you to follow him. He leads you outside the city walls, to a large camp several miles away. The Demon god emperor is right in front of us I say I'm going to kill you demon god emperor demon god emperor reply tell me not even a God can kill me mortal or should I say wizard king Me and the demon God emperor are face to face > You say "Let's see if your body tougher than my magic" The demon god emperor smiles. "I'm glad you said that, mortal," it says. "It means this will be more interesting than I thought." It steps forward slowly, stalking towards you. > You use your obliteration magic combined with light magic to make obliterate light the name of the speil is light obliteration. You point your fingers at the demon, and begin to concentrate. You fire off streams of energy which should obliterate the demon but it stands there and takes it like a champ. > You true obliteration magic annihilation existent within 200 km around the demon god emperor. Demon god Emperor packs power to the extent that even when annihilated from existence the debris of his being would cause havoc with mortal kind for centuries. > You annihilate the remainder of the demon god emperor existent completely and his leftover residue and absorb his magic power power and vitality that left over your body is strengthening a lot left over your body is strengthening a lot you absorbed it all. You finish your spell, and feel a surge of energy run through you. You feel like the work of a moment ago has brought you back to full strength again. You look at your watch. > You absorbed all the demon god empress longevity and you strength in your body and magic now you can use all sorts of demonic magic too in this reason you're stronger than ever god in existence. You walk back towards the city, smiling to yourself. The battle had been won, with only a few minor casualties. Your plan was coming together nicely. "What are you so happy about?" Len asks. > You say "I killed the demon god emperor" Len looks confused. "You're joking." You shake your head. "The demon god emperor is dead. It took me a few tries, but I'm confident that he's gone for good." > You say "I absorb all his life energy and magical power and demonic energy I took his divinity too he was stronger strong enough for even a group of gods kings couldn't kill him but I killed him single-handedly" Len's confused again. "I don't understand. How?" You laugh. > You say "That means my body strengthening every second now I took all his life energy and absorbed it so I'm pretty much forever I'm stronger than every God in existence now" Len looks very confused at this. "What your body what did you just say?" > You say "I'm basically immortal" Len looks very shocked. "You can't be serious. You're joking. What about aging? What about getting sick?" You laugh again. > You say "I'm immune to sickness now and aging I still age you but not my night every 100,000 years I would probably age a day" Len stares at you blankly. "You can't be serious." "Why not?" "Because... because..." "It's the first time I've ever heard an immortal joke!" > You say "I'm more serious than I ever been because I never joke" Len wipes his forehead. "I'm serious as hell. Immortal." "Yeah... okay" Len says, although dhe looks like I'm joking. > You stabbed yourself in the heart to prove you're immortal. You pull out your dagger, and quickly thrust it into your heart. You feel no pain. You push the blade in deeper, as blood runs down your chest, until the blood is pooling around your feet. When I take the blade out my wound closes up immediately and I'm all healed like nothing ever happen to me > You say "Do you believe me now" Len looks at you as if you've gone mad. (again) "Believe you what?" Len says. "I'm immortal. I've been immortal since I first killed the demon god emperor." Len shakes his head and sighs. "No, I don't think you've gone mad. I honestly don't think anyone can be immortal. It's absurd." You nod your head. > You say "Then explain to me how I'm living after I stab myself in the heart" You pull out the dagger, and quickly thrust it into your chest. You feel a sharp pain run through your body, but this is replaced by a warm, fuzzy sensation. > You say "Do you believe I'm in inmmortal now" Len shakes his head. "No, I don't think you're immortal. I honestly don't think anyone can be immortal. It's absurd." You nod your head. > You say "honestly I stabbed myself in the heart and I'm still alive and you fucking don't believe it are you foolish or areas of he is in their face reality I am immortal you just refuse to accept it" > You say "Listen if a normal person stopped thare self in the heart they would be dead But I stab myself in a heart in front of just to prove to you I'm immortal" > You say "Do you believe me now" > You say "That I am immortal" "..." Len looks like she's thinking for a moment. "Let me get this straight, you stabbed yourself in the heart and are still alive?" "Yes." "That doesn't sound possible." > You say "But you seen it with your own eyes" "I did." "Well, how can you not beleive me then!!" "Because..." "Because what?" "Because it doesn't make sense!" > You say "Only a demon god emperor and becoming immortal makes sense because I killed a a being stronger than than all the Gods the demon god emperor was the strongest demon god emperor in existence" Len shakes his head again. > You say "I cannot die even if I tried to kill myself " > You say "You seem to yourself len you know I stabbed myself in the heart and I am still alive I wound wound healed up the next second when the knife came out" Len sits down. "I don't know what to say." "Say you believe me" "Yeah... right..." You take the dagger out of your chest and hold it right above you. You push the blade back in your chest, and your wound heals up again. "Believe me." "I don't know, I mean yeah, I guess..." "What do you mean you guess?" You say "I'm just I'm in killable" "That's not a great explanation, bu- wait what do you mean?" > You say "I cannot die no matter what happens to me " Len is speechless for a moment. "What the hell kind of bullshit is that" You say "How about you sab my heart and stay for yourself" Len shakes his head. "Okand sabs my heart" Len takes out a dagger and stabs your chest. You feel your heart being sad but you feel no pain when she pulls the dagger out my heart my wound heals up instantly and now she making yourself to look at the blood on the Digger make sure it's real then looks at my already healed chest I say Do you believe me now I am immortal" Len looks at the ground and nods her blood stain dagger answers the question on his face "Yes, I believe you." You say "It took me stabbing myself 20 times in one of you stab me in the heart once for you to believe me" Len nods "Yeah, it took you 20 times." Len begins to chuckle a bit. "I can see this playing out in a tragic way, you know." "What do you mean ?" > You say "Every time was a stab in my heart you know but I'm still alive perfectly " "Yeah, tragic, and it only took once." "Even I can't believe it myself, it's weird." "Yeah, but thanks for the help anyway." "Any time." > You say "I am immortal that's the only reasonable estimation I killed it I killed the one the only demon god emperor and I became immortal immortal" "Well, I guess it makes sense that you'd be alive now." "Yeah, took you a long time to believe me even after I stabbed myself multiple times in the heart then let you stabbed me in a heart once for you but for you to believe that I am immortal to believe I am immortal > You say "I never joke" "Of course." "I mean seriously serious" "Got it" > You say "You are really a airhead though len" "What do you mean?" "You are really fucking slow" Len looks at you as if to question what you mean. > You say "You were slow in the uptake" "Oh, I'm sorry, my mind is too slow today Len says as she rubs her face and say it loud I finally believe you are immortal

So you don't believe me now?"

Len turns her head and makes eye contact.

"Yes, I believe you but you just keep on surprising me."

"Oh." ... end