
Wives:Hentai Summoning

Austin, a man who is working as a biological scientist, but he has a secret no one knows, which is that he loves hentai and ecchi so much that he has a whole room filled with shelves of hentai animes and manga. someday a being gave him an offer in exchange of completing missions for this being. Austin agreed and from this day his life changed to something he didn't expect. ------------------------------------------------------- Hello there, I'm EroticMaster, there are some points I need to make clear. Ahem... this is a hentai fanfic and also a fucking wish fulfilment, so don't fucking bother me with anything regarding it, just read it, if you dare, like a little puppy, okay? Antoher thing: THIS IS A WARNING! This novel as I said a h.e.n.t.a.i so it's basically filled with so much sex and erotism, so read it if you dare. And for those who under age, consult your parents before reading it. that's it enjoy, and don't bother me if you hate it, just don't fucking read it. Note: the cover isn't mine, so if the owner wants me to remove it, just tell me in comments.

TheSlothfulKing · Anime & Comics
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167 Chs

That's My Desire*

Going behind the kneeling Tina who was in a doggy style wiggling her ass left and right while looking back at her husband with hearts in her eyes.

She was waiting for this for a long time after all and Austin noticed how excited and horny she was from her aroused smell and her heated gazes.

He also was excited because of how he was holding himself back and how his cock was twitching and eager to go.

He knelt behind her and grabbed her big fat ass tightly and spread it.

"Hnnnnngh...Haaah...I missed this touch of yours so much darling~ touch me more~"

Hearing her honey alluring voice, a fire was ignited inside Austin and wanted to satisfy her.


"Ahhhhhhhnh Yes~"

He slapped her ass before he started to knead it, shaping it to his heart content making her moan and feel so good.

Her body was shivering while she was having mini orgasms making her so wet that no foreplay was needed to make her wet.

Inserting two fingers in her wet pussy, Tina moaned loudly.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh.....Hnnnnnngh... please give it me darling~ can't take it anymore~"

Austin took out his two fingers and looked them to see the juicy sticky substance that was staining his fingers. It was thick and sticky.

"Okay, just wanted to make sure but hell you was holding back too much, sorry for being late my dear~"

"Just ram it inside me as powerful as you can, I want to feel it so deep inside me~"


Once he said that, he pointed his huge 10 inches cock at her overly wet pussy before he slammed it all inside hitting the end of her womb in one go.


"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH~~~" Tina screamed loudly as she widened her eyes from the overwhelming pleasure that hit her body and brain so hard.

It was unimaginable.

And without waiting, he began moving his hips.



Tina's eyes were rolled back while her tongue was hanging out as her mind had been hit hard by the overwhelming pleasure.

But, did she hate it?

Absolutely not, she freaking loved it so much. This feeling of having her husband mega cock messing up her insides was the ultimate pleasure she could wish for.

His cock was filling her pussy and womb to the brim while hitting all her weak spots perfectly along the way.




"And that I will do,"


Her fat ass was jiggling and rippling with each powerful thrust of this cock while her massive breasts were bouncing forward and backward due to the violet movements of his hips as her body got sweaty making her look sexier.

And looking at her sexy back, Austin felt more excited and leaned forward before starting to kiss her back and due to that his movements slowed but still made Tina feel pleasure as his kisses on her back made her feel so good.

"Ahhhhh yes darling~ I love your kisses~ kiss me mooore~~"

He kissed every spot on her back leaving hickeys everywhere, marking her back. Then he whispered in her ears.

"You have such cute reactions my dear Tina~ I love you so much, so much that I can't imagine how my life would be if something happened to you~" Hearing those obsessive and possessive whispers made her shudder and shiver.

Her pussy tightened around his cock as she felt a great sense of unimaginable pleasure and happiness, utmost happiness.

She loved this tone, she love how he loved her, she loved how he cared for her, she loved how possessive he was of her, she loved obsessive he was of her, she loved..... EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM!!!!

'Darling Darling Darling Darling Darling Darling Darling Heheh Daaaarling~~❤️❤️' Her breath became heavy and her eyes contained unbound love and obsession.

The tattoo on her womb glowed brightly and turned into a very deep shade of violet then suddenly in front of Austin's eyes something appeared.

It was a dark violet window like those of systems which surprised him but what was written on it made him widen his eyes before a stunning smile adorned his face.

[The harem member Tina, her love for you had reached beyond the natural levels of an obsessed woman, she became a complete CRAZY YANDERE. Congratulations~]

But right now, he wanted to enjoy his time with her, so he ignored what was written on that window as he started fucking her hard and fast again.










He continued slapping her ass making her scream and moan like a whore as his cock was breaking her pussy and womb.

But she only enjoyed the pleasure.

Her ass was so red with hand marks on it while she continued moaning from how rough he was fucking her.

She had a very lewd and dirty expression on her face while cuming non-stop.

Austin then held her shoulders before he slammed his cock in her pussy with powerful thrust reaching the end of her womb that an outline of the tip of his cock could be seen on her stomach before he exploded inside.

Splurrrrrrrrrrrrrt! Splurrrrt! Splurrrrt! Splurrrrrrrrrrrrrt!



Her womb was filled with huge quantities of hot thick semen making her stomach bulge while Tina was cuming like no tomorrow as she felt the hot thick liquid in her womb but then she said something that made Austin surprised.

Turning her head back at him showing her lewd expression to him, she said.

"D-Darling, can you leave it as it is without canceling it?"

He looked at her with widened eyes not believing what he was hearing.

"Are you sure my dear?"

"Yes, I'm very sure, it's my desire to bear you children~"

Austin then smiled warmly and gently at her before he pulled her to him making her back rest on his body before he hugged her making his cock poke her womb.

"Ahhhhhng~ Then–"

"If you wish so, then as your husband I should support you my dear. Let's have a child~"

"Thank you so much my dear~"

"No need, it's my duty and also my desire as well~ if anyone of you wanted it I will gladly support it~"

He continued hugging as he released another loads of cum inside her making the bulge grow bigger as if she was pregnant but this time, he didn't prevent his sperm from fertilizing her eggs.

Tina caressed her bulging stomach with warm eyes thinking about the future and her future child.

Austin and Tina shared a deep passionate kiss before he pulled his cock out of her pussy making the cum inside flow out, it wasn't absorbed by the tattoo because of her desire was strong, she wanted to be impregnated by her husband potent semen.

After that, he healed her tired body before he took her in his arms in a bridal carry and went inside the baths where the rest of his wives were bathing.

They of course heard Tina's slutty moans and were very horny right now that when they saw their husband coming inside with Tina in his arms they wanted to jump on him immediately but they held it.

"Hey girls, it has been a week since I last saw you~"

"Hey darling, how are you doing now? Are you okay?" Said Ephildis as she stood up and walked toward him to make sure that nothing was wrong with him.

"So that's why she didn't come with us, she wanted to seduce darling to fuck her first before us, how cunning of you Tina." Dinelynd said with a smirk.

"Hehehe I wanted to be the first because I couldn't hold back anymore~" Tina replied while snuggling in her husband's embrace.

The other women exclaimed in annoyance as they lost to Tina.

The other three women were looking at Austin and didn't care about what was happening as he was naked in front of them right now with his huge magnificent cock standing high with all its might.

Their eyes were glued on him and couldn't leave him at all especially Ereshkigal and Carla who are rubbing their thighs together while having bitting their lips while Marjaana was having a strange attraction to Austin that she couldn't understand.

"Girls, after the bath, there is something I want to discuss with you. It's important." He said with firm and serious voice making them nod at him obediently while Tina was snuggling into his embrace even more while burying her face in his neck sniffing his manly intoxicating smell that made her sigh in pleasure while repeating 'Darling Darling' in her head.