
Wives:Hentai Summoning

Austin, a man who is working as a biological scientist, but he has a secret no one knows, which is that he loves hentai and ecchi so much that he has a whole room filled with shelves of hentai animes and manga. someday a being gave him an offer in exchange of completing missions for this being. Austin agreed and from this day his life changed to something he didn't expect. ------------------------------------------------------- Hello there, I'm EroticMaster, there are some points I need to make clear. Ahem... this is a hentai fanfic and also a fucking wish fulfilment, so don't fucking bother me with anything regarding it, just read it, if you dare, like a little puppy, okay? Antoher thing: THIS IS A WARNING! This novel as I said a h.e.n.t.a.i so it's basically filled with so much sex and erotism, so read it if you dare. And for those who under age, consult your parents before reading it. that's it enjoy, and don't bother me if you hate it, just don't fucking read it. Note: the cover isn't mine, so if the owner wants me to remove it, just tell me in comments.

TheSlothfulKing · Anime & Comics
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167 Chs

Martial Arts and Daggers

At the time when Austin was talking with Marjaana about the binding spell. The fights on other side with his wives against the 9 Lords and their leader Bismarck was going as well.

It was fierce and powerful fight that it destroyed chunks of the arenas creating deep craters here and there.

In one of the fights.

Violet was facing the War Lord Mordecai powerfully with her fists and legs techniques. Although she learned Taekwondo from Austin, but she created her own style that suited her and strengthened it with her spiritual energy making it more powerful.

Mordecai was a tall man with muscular build. He had a tanned skin and spiky white hair along with red eyes. He looked like a middle-aged man but he was far older than a mere middle-aged man.

He had a powerful techniques and was skilled at several martial arts especially the Karate. He was more proficient in it.

But Violet with her cool and calm personality and powerful techniques gave him some hard time. Although a woman, but her kicks and punches could make men see hell in front of their eyes.

Violet sent a powerful side kick to him which he blocked using his left arm, then grabbed her leg and threw her away with a powerful throw.

The arena was in an open colosseum with grey sky btw.

Anyway, Violet who was thrown away, corrected her pose on the air and landed on the ground on her feet but then, unable to react, Mordecai appeared in front of her with an excited grin and gave a knee kick to her stomach making her cough up some saliva and felt like unable to breath.

Then he grabbed her head with his big hand and slammed it to the ground breaking it in the process..

Violet felt a little dizzy from the slam but not harm done to her, she immediately locked on his hand and arm and twisted her body using her muscles.


She broke his arm making him let her go, and using this chance she escaped from him and stood up before giving a powerful kick to his chest sending him away in a high speed.



Mordecai felt some of his bones were broken but not a big deal to him as in the next second, they were healed along with his broken arm.

"That was quite powerful Jou-chan. But not enough to defeat me." He said with his rough voice.

Violet clutched her hands and coated them with violet aura which he noticed and took a stance while violet did the same before in the next second, both of them dashed at each other with incredible speed that made it hard for the anyone to follow.

In a moment they reached in front of each other and immediately punched.

Their punches collided and...


A huge wave of power erupted from the point of connection, sending both of them flying back in opposite directions.


The walls of the arena broke due the power behind the punches that collided and sent them flying back.

But this only did little damage to both of them, which was healed in the next second, one due to Mordecai physic as a demon and two due to Violet using her aura to heal her injuries.

She had a line of blood at the corner of her lips while feeling the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. She spit on the ground the blood inside before looking at Mordecai with serious expression then in the next second, she dashed at him again.

Mordecai did the same and dashed at her again. Then. Both of them began exchanging blows here and there with each one giving the other a taste of their powerful techniques.

Punches and kicks were exchanged and the damage to the arena increased even more, but neither him or her stopped for even a second to take breath and just fought each other.

Mordecai with his excited grin and Violet with her calm and cold face.




In another battlefield and another arena. Sakura and Yukikaze were fighting the Night Lord or the Lord of Assassins, Ceres.

She is also called the Queen of the Night. Having a deadly dagger techniques and fast and swift movements that no one among the lords could follow.

She is a woman with dark, yet sickly grey pale skin, her face is fully covered in shadow.

She could use the shadows to hide her presence so no one could find her or feel her and this way she could kill anyone without him/her knowing.

And now Sakura and Yukikaze were fighting with such a terrifying woman.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sparks of their daggers colliding with each other were flying everywhere as Sakura was the one who was taking the lead in this fight while Yukikaze supporting her from the side.

Both Ceres and Sakura were using daggers and both women were proficient in it, but Ceres as a demon who experienced countless wars and fights over the centuries and the experience she gained made her have the upper hand in this fight. But Sakura was compensating this with ability and talent.




Their sharp daggers collided again.

Sakura swiftly sent a slash at Ceres's neck but was blocked by her, then was countered by another slash aimed at her heart which Sakura immediately blocked with her left dagger then sent a powerful side kick at Ceres who blocked it by her arm but the kick had so much strength behind it making Ceres unable to endure and was sent flying to the side in a high speed.


She immediately crashed in the house breaking it in the process.

The arena was in an old japanese village with dark night sky and bright moon lighting the surroundings.

Ceres stood up and went out of the broken house while coughing some blood already.

Being an assassin, meant that you have a very high attack and speed but not exiled in power and endurance.

So it was natural that she couldn't defend the powerful kick of Sakura who had power and endurance, beside having speed and high deadly attacks. Yeah, she eliminated the weaknesses of the assassins with the guidance of Austin.

Anyway, after Ceres got out of the broken house, she was about to launch another attack but suddenly her instincts screamed with danger, and immediately she slashed at her back.


Looking back she saw the tanned skin little girl with two short swords in her hands. One was slashing at her which she blocked while the other still free.

Sparks flew from the point of connection between the short sword and the dagger with each one trying to push the other back.

'This girl is strong and the other one as well. Seems I can't take this fight lightly, for Edwen-sama I must eliminate both of them.'

When Yukikaze was a about to attack with the other free sword, Ceres swiftly blocked it and using daggers technique she pushed the other sword back before slashing at her again intending to behead her, but immediately Yukikaze jumped back dodging the attack.

Ceres didn't mind and didn't seek after her, just stood there before suddenly shadows enveloped her whole body making both Sakura and Yukikaze be wary and more cautious and immediately they both dashed at her using the chance of her not attacking attempting to kill her.

But then a powerful wave of energy bursted out of Ceres sending both Sakura and Yukikaze flying back.

The wave was strong but not too much, they corrected their position in the air and landed safely on the ground.

Now looking at Ceres, her clothes changed and the air around her changed becoming dangerous and screamed with death.

She was wearing an attire with black and blue colors and hoodie along with a mask covering her whole face. The attire gave her more mobility and free movements and showed some of her pale skin as well, especially at the thighs.

Sakura and Yukikaze felt dangerous with the sudden change. Their instincts were screaming to run away from here at the moment.

The now Ceres exuded a more dangerous aura then before making the atmosphere become intense.

"Let's finish this quickly." Ceres said with cold voice sending shivers down to the two women spine, making them have a cold sweat running on their face and back.

'Will we die right here?'


A/N: Just a small request from you guys. It's optional by the way.

You know...well how to say this.

Haah I will be straightforward.

I'm tight on money at the moment and need your help to continue living. It's so hard on me and your little help will be much appreciated and as I said it's optional.


You can just donate with anything, even if it's just a little to help me.

And don't forget I'm not forcing any of you to do it and I'm embarrassed to say this myself, but life is hard on me.

Thank you for your understanding.