
Wives:Hentai Summoning

Austin, a man who is working as a biological scientist, but he has a secret no one knows, which is that he loves hentai and ecchi so much that he has a whole room filled with shelves of hentai animes and manga. someday a being gave him an offer in exchange of completing missions for this being. Austin agreed and from this day his life changed to something he didn't expect. ------------------------------------------------------- Hello there, I'm EroticMaster, there are some points I need to make clear. Ahem... this is a hentai fanfic and also a fucking wish fulfilment, so don't fucking bother me with anything regarding it, just read it, if you dare, like a little puppy, okay? Antoher thing: THIS IS A WARNING! This novel as I said a h.e.n.t.a.i so it's basically filled with so much sex and erotism, so read it if you dare. And for those who under age, consult your parents before reading it. that's it enjoy, and don't bother me if you hate it, just don't fucking read it. Note: the cover isn't mine, so if the owner wants me to remove it, just tell me in comments.

TheSlothfulKing · Anime & Comics
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167 Chs

Final Boss Fight 2

What Austin witnessed and made him so shocked was that when he shot Edwen with the spell Ultra Blast it disappeared or rather vanished before it made contact with him.

It was as if the spell wasn't shot from the beginning. Austin was very shocked to see something like that. He couldn't believe it but watching Edwen's evil smile in front of him made him sure that he did something.

"You really have something amazing up your sleeve huh." Austin muttered while thinking of how this happened, his mind was racing and working full speed.

"Hahahahahahaha, of course I have or I wouldn't be this confident in defeating you right here and now." Edwen laughter echoed in the throne room.

Then with a deep voice he said "But don't expect me to tell what it is, you figure it out yourself. Until then, try all you can Aus~"

"Damn blood sucker don't say my name that way, it disgusts me." He shuddered when he heard the way Edwen called his name. It made him feel like several ants were crawling on his body which gave him a very disgusting feeling.

"Heeeh why? It's a good nickname you know, you can also call me Ed if you like too~"

"Fu....Haah, nevermind." Austin was about to curse but he stopped himself and focused again on the fight in front of him.

Then in the next minutes, Austin attacked Edwen with several magic spells that could send anyone to the afterlife immediately or destroy several countries in some minutes, but they all were useless in front of him, nothing worked.

But that led Austin to a good conclusion.

'So anything related to magic can't work on him as every spell I fired till now vanished in front of him as if it was... nullified!'

A realization hit him when he thought about that making his eyes widen slightly but Edwen noticed it.

"Hooo? It seems you figured something out."

"Well, yeah, it seems my mana is useless on you because you nullify it before it gets to you."

Clap! Clap!

Edwen clapped his hands and smiled cheerfully at Austin while his eyes glowed blood red.

"You are right with your guess but my ability Nullification is far broader than nullifying mana, it nullify any kind of energy in the world no matter what kind it is, it's useless in front of me."

"Now that the hella damn ability you got there, but you seem to forget something,"

"What is it?"

In the next moment after this question, Austin appeared in front of Edwen and sent a side kick at him sending him flying away untill he crashed into the wall.



The kick did several internal damages to Edwen making him feel unimaginable pain but the next second that pain disappeared as his wounds were healed.

"Cough! Cough! That's so hard but," Immediately Edwen's energy flared and was surrounded with red energy that had black outlines before on the palm of his hand, a dark red fire was flickering, then without much thought he threw it at Austin.

[Hell Blaze]

Immediately Austin was engulfed by dark red fire that incinerated everything around it and turned it to ashes and magma. But there was no screaming or groans of pain coming from the fire which made Edwen quite surprised.

"You think something like that can do anything to me?" Austin muttered from inside the fire before he waved his right hand creating a blow of wind that dissipated the dark red fire entirely.

He was standing there with nothing or injury on him much to Edwen's surprise as he didn't think that someone could survive his hell fire that could incirenate anything to ashes, but don't worry, it was according to his plan or he wouldn't be smiling this whole time even after Austin came out alive.

Austin's body flickered with lightning before vanishing from his place and appearing behind Edwen then punched his back hard, at first he wanted to infuse mana in his fist but thinking back on how Edwen nullified his magic attacks he decided against it and did it with raw strength and techniques.

After all his body was enhanced.

He didn't give Edwen any chance to get up and attacked with different kinds of techniques from Taekwondo and Muay Thai destroying Edwen's body entirely and turning him into something akin to a meat paste, but in the next seconds all the wounds and injuries were healed as if nothing happened.

Austin realized that if that continued nothing would end or maybe he would die rather than that.

His magic is useless against him, his martial arts as well due to his regeneration, so there is one thing left to try which is swordsmanship.

'If I remember correctly I only achieved Master in sword and the only way to kill him is a sword that could cut the space and dimensions which can only be achieved by a Grandmaster level. I have an idea but it might be crazy tho,'

'Reaching the Enlightenment during the battle.'

A rather dangerous but profitable approach.

Although the rates of him reaching the enlightenment during the battle are too low but it's not zero.

It's not like he has a choice either, what he can do right now is to try hard.

So with that thought in mind he pulled the sword he he got from Marjaana from his inventory and unsheathed it.

"So now we are going to play with swords, not that I mind tho." Edwen said casually as if what Austin is doing is futile.

Austin ignored him and took a stance before dashing with incredible speed at Edwen with his sword in his hand.


Edwen was socked with such speed as it was faster than before with no lightning flickering around his body this time.

Austin swiftly slashed at Edwen cutting his left hand from the shoulder and continued forward until he made an X shape on his chest that was so deep.

The man who got slashed just smiled at his injured but then frowned deeply.

He noticed a slight delay in healing his injuries. It was slight but was enough to make him wary.

From the start he was relying on his super regeneration power that was far faster than any vampire in history. It was considered an important key in his winning this battle but now it may not be anymore.

Edwen usual smile disappeared and was replaced with a serious expression. Seems he is getting serious.

Austin looked at him with serious expression as well. Both men were just tasting the waters to get to know each other, now that's over.

Edwen knew that his Nullification ability is so strong and very beneficial but he didn't train it as he only got it recently, but still even without training it is so powerful to nullify any kind of energy.

Suddenly a dark red sword appeared in Edwen's hand that was like a cross.

[Hell Sword]

Then both opponents took their stance before dashing at each other with lightening speed.



Their swords connected creating destruction around, but they didn't stop as they separated and attacked each other again.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Sparks flew everywhere and the sounds of metals hitting each other echoed throughout the throne room creating a melody of sharpness and destruction.

Both opponents were attacking relentlessly without caring about their surroundings after all they both were the only ones here.

Edwen aimed at Austin heart but his sword was deflected to the left by Austin's sword then without much delay he took the chance and kicked Edwen in the chest sending him flying back.

Austin didn't stand still and dashed at him with incredible speed and reached him in a second before taking a stance to slash his body cutting it in half.

But before that could happen Edwen with twist of his body blocked Austin's sword then used this moment to land on the floor before making a powerful slash with his sword diagonally.

[Hell Slash]

Austin's eyes widened when he witnessed that and immediately tried to block it with his sword coated with mana but the slash was too powerful that it hit Austin and sent him flying back.


"Ugh! Cough!"

He crashed into the pillar of marble and coughed some blood from his mouth as the attack affected him internally.

Austin gritted his teeth before standing up again and with a sword coated with mana he sent several slashed at Edwen that flew at him in high speed.

"Something like this is useless against me!" Edwen said with loud voice before the slashes disappeared before it hit him.

'Damn this ability of his.' Austin cursed inside before he dashed at Edwen again and engaged with him in a battle of swords.

Cuts appeared on Austin's body during this exchange but Edwen was the one with sever and critical injuries that could kill anyone if he had them but due to his damn regeneration they were healed in the next seconds.

Austin was of course casting healing spells on him to heal his injuries as well, so it was like the two were standing on equal footing but the it's clear that Edwen was inferior to Austin in swordsmanship proficiency but very proficient in magic as Edwen was attaching Austin with spells while engaging in a sword fight with him.

Austin dodged it all using his martial arts and swords techniques.

The battle between them was so intense and very fast that it destroyed the throne room entirely with several cuts on the walls, the floor and the pillars of marbles even the doors weren't spared.

Some of cuts were deep and others were very deep.

They moved faster and attacked faster that the naked or the trained eye wouldn't be able to keep up at all.

Sounds of swords hitting each other and sparks were echoing and flying everywhere so hard that no one would able to believe it unless they saw it themselves.

Then suddenly both of them met at the middle of the throne room with their swords connected to each other with both trying to push the other back but couldn't.

"You are really tough opponent Austin, I admit it but that has to end now."

"You finally called my name properly blood sucker, but yeah you are right, that needs to end now."

'Just a little more, I think I'm one step closer to reach it, I can feel it just a little more.' Austin muttered inwardly.

Both of them separated and stood in front of each other with only distance in between.

Edwen's energy flared at high alerting speed that it affected the surroundings. The dimension shook a little at the sight of such power.

Austin was the same as his mana flared at incredible speed making the air and space shake violently, making the dimension shake ever harder.

Their energies collided with each other destroying everything around due to the intensity, both were pushing back each other.

But clearly Austin was stronger.

'You are really strong Austin, even stronger than me, but,' Edwen muttered inwardly before his body was engulfed with dark red energy and suddenly his power became even more stronger pushing Austin's power back.

Austin was surprised from such a thing and he felt his instincts screamed loudly that something very dangerous is coming right now.

So so dangerous.

'Things are getting troublesome, aren't they?'