
Witness of Their Love Story

I stared at her in shock even the pain in my body seems to be less than the shock given by her. Emma then took one step ahead but the distance between us was very huge. I could feel the smoke filling inside my lungs. "Leo don't worry I'll take over the company since I'm your fiancè and I'll take care of your parents so don't worry about that and-" "You know that you could save me then why!?" I cut off her useless speech. "I Love you, Leonard Salvatore" She gave me a bitter smile and turned around, her back vanished among the thick suffocating smoke. Tears welled up in my eyes. I remembered the night when I confessed my love to her. The shining moon, the beautiful flowers and the gentle breeze, they were the only witnesses of my first love. I regretted all the wrongdoings I did, how I was a cold-blooded monster, how I destroyed many lives like killing a fly, just for her. I became a tyrant just for my woman.

IrisSyed · Urban
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13 Chs

Hazardous Rumors

"It feels good to see many fresh talents coming to this party"

An old man wearing a blue business suit smiled lightly and said to the other people.

"Of course yes, science is rapidly advancing, all thanks to the young minds and their dedications"

"Out of all times, this is the time of the year that I love the most, though I hate how other people just come in to take advantage of this party" a middle-aged man scoffed and looked angrily at the other side of the hall where people were drinking and laughing. 

"I understand your anger, of course, this party was initially started by one of the reputed scientists, his main goal was to bring young minds and the experienced minds together and after seeing how much successful this event was the businessmen and women started to covet this annual gathering to get benefits"

All the men nodded their heads in unison. 

"Then this party exclusively became a 'network building' grounds for them, the main existence for this party just vanished away"

Another man opened his mouth, "well what can we do, business people are very good with their words and they are very cunning, it's scary"

All the men sighed and were lost in their thoughts. 

"If they are very good with words then we are also very good with our brains"

All the men raised their heads to see a beautiful woman wearing off-shoulder sea blue coloured gown. 

Her black hair was tied into a bun with a beautiful silver flower pin on the left side of her head. 

Besides her stood a blonde man with green eyes he had a friendly smile and looked gentle. 

"I hope I did not disturb the gentlemen here"

"N-no not at all young lady"

It took a while for them to recover from their senses, looking at fresh people with their energetic face makes people stand in awe. 

"You said it correctly lady"

Jasmine smiled and replied, "Since we live in a democratic country it's good to adjust ourselves but also we have to make sure our existence, the main cause and the history of this party never gets vanished away"

Alex and other people nodded in unison. 

"My name is Dr Jasmine Parker"

Jasmine elegantly held out her hand and shook it with the men one by one.

"And my name is Alex Jonathan"

They quickly introduced themselves and started to converse with each other.

"Recently I heard a rumour that few companies are coming together to find a way to make mass production of radioactive minerals."

Alex swiftly changed the topic, since it was important to know more facts about this dangerous project. 

"I did hear it a few weeks ago but I thought it would just be just a baseless rumour" a man standing beside Jasmine said thoughtfully. 

Alex replied while taking a glass of champagne from the bartender, "If those companies hired the ruined scientist then I don't think there will be a problem, moreover a human brain works much faster and gets more ideas when they are desperate"

Alex gracefully sipped his champagne while studying the faces of the people in front of him. 

"A few years ago many scientists were destroyed because they actively took part in the illegal experiments, the government blacklisted their names completely. No one knows what happened after that, few said they got arrested and few said that they escaped"

Jasmine with a low voice stated the facts, the faces of the men except Alex hardened. 

Even a fool could easily guess what would happen if mass production of radioactive minerals were to happen, only destructions would befall. 

Mother Nature has already given the proper amount of resources for humans to use it, if we try to decrease or increase these resources only one thing will result in that is destruction.

"I heard that recently a research centre has shown some improvements in finding hybrid of rice"

The old man with a blue suit swiftly changed the topic.

Alex's face distorted at his action and he almost went to throw the glass at his face.

"Yes, it's good to hear it, I also heard that this hybrid has a higher resistance to pests and other diseases and has higher amounts of nutrients in it"

Jasmine quickly opened her mouth and tried to distract Alex while smiling sweetly at him. 

As they continued talking someone's phone rang.

"Please excuse me I'll be back"

The person quickly went away after excusing himself. Other people also followed his suit and quickly dispersed away. 

"Did you see? Things aren't going well here"

"It's better to stay alert and brace ourselves, the more we get information the more we are secured" She slowly whispered to him.

Alex hummed in affirmation. 

"Do you usually accompany scientists like me who recently joined this party every year?"

"No, actually I came to this party to get more information about this rumour and by judging at those people's face it seems something is going on, I can't pinpoint at it but this rumoured project... It's too risky"

"Yes it is, also alarming the government will do no good, what if the people who are carrying out this experiment frame a reputed research institute and destroy it? So that they could hide while the institute becomes the scapegoat"

"And what if a well known reputed institute and companies are carrying out this project?"

She went silent, if she considers it then the institute she is working for will also come in the list of suspects then that means... 

Her face paled after she realised the shocking truth...

"Every company, institute and centres which are active or went inactive in the past few years are in the suspicious list and if one of them gets caught, we the scientist and doctors are the ones who will get sacrificed"

She whispered slowly, her fingers were trembling. 

Alex knew that she is in shock, he slowly nudged her shoulders and gave her a reassuring look and said,  "Don't worry we'll get out of it. Anyways let's go and join other people we need to meet new scientists and doctors"

They both made their way towards the group of people.