

Aurelia strolled like a thug into the office of her father.

She hated been chained to the shackles of a job. She never wanted to have a superior. She just wanted to paint. Then race. Her father would never agree to that. Finding out that she had been sneaking out to race, he froze her cards and made her work in his company.

Her father looked up and saw the arrogant and unrestrained look on her face. He facepalmed, sighed and looked at her again.

"What do you want again?" he father growled under his breath angrily.

"Heyyo boss, I was asked to report to you. Then get my paycheck here."

He looked at her with disappointment and remembered how she had almost wrecked the company internally in the past month.

He sighed and spoke "I'm so disappointed in you. Fine you do not want to work in my company but can you just be prim and proper for once. Can't you just act like a lady?"

Aurelia rolled her eyes. 'Here we go again about the prim and proper talks'.

Her father handed over her paycheck to her when he saw that  she was not the least bit concerned about what he was saying. "Just leave" he spoke in anger.

She stuck her tongue out at him and ran out of the office.

At 21, Aurelia had completed college and she was the epitome of the word genius. She could paint, she could play several musical instruments. She loved the dreadful maths and was the very best at it.

She loved everything challenging but her parents were never up for it. Her parents were the happiest when they realised their daughter was a genius and she excelled at school.

They planned her life in every way they could to make her the next successor of the company. She was obedient throughout high school and she never rebelled.

After she went to college, she changed. It was a drastic and unbelievable change for someone who had always said 'yes' to her parents and never spoke back to them.

She became wild, no one could speak to her. She was headstrong and had her own views about everything. She did not want to be like her mother.

Always listening to her father, never having her own ideas, going for stupid tea parties with her fellow rich friends, never speaking up even after she knew that her husband was cheating on her, having a monotonous life and just waiting to die.

Aurelia didn't want to be like that. She just wanted to explore the world, have her own ideals, do whatever she wanted without being shackled by marriage and she just wanted to paint out her feelings.


Aurelia raced on the roads back home. She was scared that her dad would find out she went to the tracks. He would end up seizing her cars and even cutting off her financial source and forcing her to work again.

The past month of working under him was hell and she never wanted to go back there again.

She was going to try as much as possible not to anger them for a while and they go back to the way she always was.

She still needed her father's money to buy some art materials and fully set up her studio.

She had been postponing setting up an art studio because of her father and some minor issues but she was finally ready to set it up.

She got to the gates of the mansions and muttered "Here we go again" under her breath. She sincerely wished that her mom would not bring up any issues today.

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