

'We live not in a world of reality but a world of perception'

If that was indeed the case then Horatio Peppingar had it made. The sixteen-year-old perceived much more than anyone else could. With his adolescent mind always in overdrive, nothing was hidden from him. Horatio usually sensed anything long before it presented itself. He felt all and knew all, that was his norm. Right now, he felt burning desire.

Horatio had known Margulis Toldaap since the beginning of freshman year. To him she spelt danger. Horatio knew Margulis was far from pure. Why? He could never figure that out. Horatio kept his distance. He made sure that they never met, never letting himself within ten metres of her, no compromise. His perception assisted him in that. He could keep ahead of her as long as he was prepared, as such, the sudden instance whereby his perception faltered was coincidentally the time he failed to keep away. On the final day of school he was pinned against the wall by Margulis with no possible escape or witness.

Standing at a height of six feet Horatio saw himself as tall, but Margulis was surprisingly taller. Constantly avoiding Margulis, Horatio had taken no notice of who exactly she was, what exactly she looked like. He gazed timidly at her and his gaze was returned, both fiercely and laden with intrigue, the intensity of her stare boring into him. Horatio tore his eyes away, forcing himself to look down to the dull concrete.

Horatio had not expected Margulis to be as...beautiful as she was. He found himself unwittingly studying her entirety; her strong legs, supple thighs postured seductively in a pair of stockings, the not-so-long black skirt she wore held at the waist by a designer belt, her full chest covered by an ocean blue uniform blouse, her ravishing face just inches from his, her lengthy locks of straight natural scarlet-crimson hair drooping down due to gravity, enhancing the atmosphere she was creating, even the lolly stick that poked out of her mouth gave an erotic vibe, her toned arms outstretched, confidently placed against the wall with Horatio between them. Horatio never thought to fancy the muscular kind, but before Margulis, he was undeniably smitten.

"Margulis." Horatio began, he was silenced immediately, the lolly switching mouths.

"You're a virgin, aren't you?" She asked, a teasing smile on her face, almost as if the question was perfectly normal.
