

Diyalekshmi_Pn · Fantasy
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26 Chs


" Each of your moves will be watched , so remember that , if you plan on trying something . " Officer Judy spoke one last time before she walked out of the room , leaving me , Tayden , James and Johnathan .

" Thanks , buddy . " Tayden spoke as soon as she left as James looked at him , happily .

" You too , darling . " He spoke , as he winked at Anika to which she had absolutely no response.

" I am sorry . I didn't know you were trying to help . " He spoke trying to justify himself , not being able to handle the silent treatment he was recieving from Anika as well as the stares he recieved from both James and Johnathan , among which James's seemed playful while he noticed Johnathan's to be quite murderous .

" Chill back on the stare man . You look like you are planning my death . " Tayden spoke to Johnathan , who immediately broke into a burst of laughter , denying Tayden's accusation about his stare , but Anika didn't respond nor did she crack a smile .

" I was just thinking and accidently happened to be staring at you , besides why would I want to murder you ? You are my friend . "

" Righ-"

" We will see you today evening . There will be a Bolero waiting for you outside . It will take you home ." Intervened Anika , who was still just as angry as she was at him as before .

" I hope you will forgive me within tomorrow . " Spoke Tayden as he looked at Anika , disappointed , disappointed at himself .

Slowly he walked out of the room after bidding goodbyes to the rest .

The sun had rose almost two hours before . He had spent the whole night here and he was sleep deprived .

He was going to sleep till evening and he hoped Anika would forgive and forget .


" How many more days do you think we would have to be here for ? " Ava asked as she took a seat in the room that was given to her.

" Three , maybe four , maybe even more . "

Spoke her colleague Sara as she stood opposite to Ava .

" Did anyone notice any patterns or any other connections ? Honestly speaking it looked completely random . If we cut out the officers , the rest of the men don't even know each other and even when it comes to the officers , none of them were close with each other or that's what is being told . We could dive into that tomorrow ."

" I personally haven't noticed anything , and I don't know if anyone else has , but I am sure they would notify us if they find something ."

" Do any of them have a criminal record ? I dont think they do . "

" They don't , and whoever this kidnapper or in our case maybe murderer is , is only hunting for men . Not one woman has gone missing . "

" Maybe one's going to be soon . " She spoke as she stood up , placing a hand on Sara 's shoulder before walking out of the room .


Turning around , he opened his eyes , taking in the sight of his room .

Tayden couldn't sleep , no matter how hard he tried . Each time he closed his eyes , Anika's face flashed in his mind .

Her disappointed look had been haunting him , since the moment he had left the building .

Sleep didn't even pay a visit to him .

He got up from his bed , his eyes on the clock that hung in his room , 2:26 , it read .

' I could make this right . She will forgive me . '

Could he ?

Tayden paced towards his wardrobe , looking through the number of shirts that hung .

" I need something light . " He muttered to himself , as he looked for a light coloured shirt among all the other dark coloured ones .

Finally setting his eyes onto a pastel pink one , he took it out .

" This would do . "


" Sorry . "

" Try better . " Anika spoke as she walked away to another seat , her eyes glued to the phone in her hand.

She was exactly where he had expected her to be at , the canteen .

Weirdly she had no coffee with her .

" I am really really sorry . " Tayden spoke trying to get her to forgive him .

" And I am really really busy , so I would suggest you leave. " She replied her eyes still on the phone .

She was not busy with work , she was busy playing candy crush and he could see that.

" I really didn't mean anything I said . " He replied , now catching her attention.

" Really ? " She questioned , arching her eyebrow as she stared at Tayden , who was down on his knees , both of his hands clasped together as he looked at her , pleading .

" So you don't consider me as arrogant , shitty and a manipulating liar who is trying to get you behind bars ? " She asked as she continued staring at him , her eye contact weirdly made him feel intimidated .

He remembered the moment he had said that , and how fast Anika's tone had changed .

She was speaking to him as calm as she could before that , but to ruin everything , frustration had took over him and he had blabbered out words that he shouldn't have and he was deeply regretting the words that he had spoke .

" And how are you going to prove that ? " She asked , waiting for his reply .

" Cupcakes ? "

New chapter !

Please do comment , so that I would be able to know of your thoughts bout this chapter and my book overall.

Stay safe . Stay healthy .

Diyalekshmi_Pncreators' thoughts