

Diyalekshmi_Pn · Fantasy
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26 Chs


" Hey guys , " said Tayden as he walked into the office.

" Man, you're alive ! " Exclaimed James as he ran towards his friend for a tight hug.

I watched the man who adorned a dark green t-shirt which was matched with his black jeans .

" Yeah , I am . What happened to you ? " He asked looking at the rest of the team , his eyes scanning each and everyone .

" Wolves , happened . " I spoke as he shifted his attention towards me .

" We came searching for you , " Syl told the moment his eyes moved onto hers.

" So , where were you ? " Johnathan asked , curious to know about what happened last night from Tayden's point of view .

Weirdly , Tayden had no marks on his body , not even a single scratch .

" I saw a wolf , a bit far coming for me , so I screamed and ran into the mansion and hid there . " He replied raising suspicions .

" Why didn't you come with the rest of the team later that night ? You obviously would have heard the cars coming in ." I asked , analysing the man. Waiting for his reaction .

" I don't know. I think I fainted or something. I woke up today morning , but I am glad that you guys tried searching for me , especially you cutie . " He spoke pointing at me while I gagged .

" Didn't think you would search for me . " He finished .

" I came searching for you only because I need my job . " I spoke , ok , maybe because I care for humans too .

" Why did- " I started with another question , which was immediately chopped off in the middle .

" Stop questioning him like that . " James intervened , shielding Tayden from my future questions .

" Sure . " I spoke , staring at Tayden as I got ready to leave .

Ava was about to leave for her work within two hours and God knew when she would return , but I hope to see her within the next week .

" I am heading back , " I told Johnathan before glancing at Tayden for the last time before I walked away . A day would come where he would be caught red handed for whatever he is hiding .


" I will see you later . " Ava spoke loosening our hug .

" We will go to the restaurant after your case is closed . "

" Just you and me . " I completed her sentence .

" Try not to get punched in the face . " I spoke , making her laugh .

" Of course . This time I will punch back , 'only' if wouldn't turn into an even bigger problem . "

Ava spoke , getting into the black vehicle .

" Call me if you need anything ." I told looking at the girl , who was adjusting her black hoodie.

" Well then see you next time . That is if you stay safe . Remember what I told you . Don't go wandering alone and always keep a gun with you . I better not see any scars on you when I come back . " Ava spoke , cupping my face , which was followed with a kiss on the forehead and disgusted noises from her team .

" Affection , disgusting . " Said someone from the back seat .

" It's not . You should try it sometime . " Retorted Ava to whoever that had said that .

" Bye . " I told as I moved backwards . The vehicle had started moving . A one last wave from her and the window closed as the car moved faster .

" To the library I go . " I spoke to myself as I headed to the library . That necklace needs to be deciphered . Who knows , if not helpful to this case , it might come handy to another .


{ At the library }

Anika walked through the library , her eyes fixated on the different books the shelves held .

Languages was not her area , she knew three , but that was due to the fact that her parents were from different places .

Different languages never made in a spark in her.

It was among the topics rarely she found interesting . Her eyes still on the varous books that sat on the shelf , she touched all of them as she read their names , dust attaching itself on to her finger tips. Finding the book she was searching for , she took it from the shelf , keeping the rest in order afterwards.

Dusting off the book ,she walked off to the nearest bench . The language section of the library was not really used . Seating herself she took the necklace to her hand and opened the book .

Looking at the sections her eyes searched for symbols similar to the one in the necklace .

" Aaha ! " She exclaimed as she found a language with similar letters .

" Now I am getting somewhere . " She muttered to herself before writing down the symbols on the necklace to a piece of paper to make it easier for her understand . She should have done it before she came here , but she didn't because laziness had kissed her forehead and kept her away from doing that .


An hour of deciphering had been done and Anika had recieved an answer as to what was written on the necklace and she didn't like it one bit .

She didn't waste an hour to recieve a shitty message from her possible future murderer .

' Is he playing with me ? ' She asked herself , because that was exactly whatever the killer seemed to do .

Apparently he had entered the glass room too , before they had arrived and somehow , he had made sure that the room would look like it had not been opened in a while . Cunning wolf .

" It's most probably not for you . " Told James who was sitting beside Anika trying to calm her .

" I believe my name is Anika Hansley and that is exactly what he has carved onto this pendant . " She replied fuming , She might not be as intelligent as all of the officers who work at Delta Force but she surely is not the dumbest .

" I am intelligent enough to be capable of recognising my name . " Anika spoke looking at James .

She looked at the pendant once more .

" Fooled you . See you at the party. I will be on leave till then .

To dear ,

Anika Hansley . "

" Dear his ass . " She muttered as she kept the necklace back on the table .

Thank you for reading .

Stay safe . Stay healthy .

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