
Within the Dark

It was not a normal world. The world was not a free world, bloodshed, slavery, brainwashing were the order of the day. They all lived in perpetual ignorance cause it was where the church wanted them to be and remain. No one dared to speak out or challenge the Supreme Church. They claimed they had all the knowledge and God was on their side and not on the people. Everyone feared the church and none dared to speak out against them. There were whispers of a 'Chosen One'. One who would lead man out of darkness, restore free will and true worship. Years wemt by and people hoped this would be fulfilled but they grew weary and disappointed. Their spirits were broken and they gave up hope. But still Within Darkness, a light shine forth.

JUSTICE_Okan · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Betrayal

The Councilroom was filled with Nestors from different part of the world.

The hall was noisy at first but when the Doyen arrived, they all got up and waited till he sat before they took their seats and the hall became quiet.

A Nestor got up to speak. "For years there have been controversy concerning the divinity of Mary the mother of the Son. Most claim she's just human, some say she's an Angel while some says she is God herself. So if we want to maintain our power over the people, we cannot be contradicting ourselves. So I want us here to discuss about how the Holy Church, fourth of the Quadrinity and Bride of Christ should see Mary. " Then he sat down.

" Thank you, Nestor Anil. I, myself have pondered on this issue for some time and I believe God wants us to make a decision on this now. " The Doyen spoke.

A Nestor got up." Your Eminence and the honourable council, I, Nestor William will support the fact of Mary's Divinity. She gave birth to the Son who is also God so that makes her the mother of God and only Divinity can beget Divinity. "

The hall became filled with indistinct murmurs. The Doyen cleared his throat and the hall became silent again.

Another Nestor got up this time. "I am Nestor Chima from the Hotlands and I question the idea of making Mary Divinity. Making her part of the Quadrinity will make women think they have equal rights with the men. They will forget their deeds in the Garden and claim equality with us. If this should be approved, I tell you, there will be broken homes." Then he sat down.

The Doyen cleared his throat and spoke. "Thank you, Nestors for your contribution and support but we cannot deny the Divinity of the Mother but the women need to know their place in this world, below us!" The Nestors cheered him. "They need to know that they are very unclean and sinful in God's sight so this new belief will not change anything. We will enforce strict laws on women as we bring this belief unto the people. "

Then he got up. " May we pray. "

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kyle sat in his cell chained, tired and hungry. Opposite him was Lily and in his right side was his mother.

"Mom." Kyle called but his mother refused to answer. "Mom, I'm sorry."

She then spoke. "I've warned you to stay away from trouble."

"I know, Mom, I just wanted to help."

"By harbouring a fugitive in our house?"

"Hello?" Lily spoke

"No offense." She said to Lily.

" All taken. I didn't ask good Samaritan here to help me. "

Sandra threw a glare at Kyle. " Really? "

Suddenly, the guards entered.

" You! " One of then said pointing to Sandra. " You have been summoned for trial. " Then the unchained her and took her away leaving Kyle with Lily.

There was silence in the cell untill Kyle's ear detected squeaking coming from Lily's position.

He looked and saw her focused on something on the floor.

" What's that? " He asked her.

" A tunnel that leads outside the city. "

" Outside the city, you say?"

" Haha! " Lily removed the sewer cover revealing the tunnel's entrance.

Then she loosed her chains and threw the key to Kyle.

" Where did you get this? "

" I have my ways, " She replied. Then she entered the tunnel.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Here was Sandra standing before the Priest of Brees.

"Sandra daughter of the Church, you have been caught in an heinous crime against the Church and against mankind. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I plead guilty and pray the Blessed One will tamper justice with mercy. "

" Mercy? Your crime is against the Church. " He said. " You sin against the Father, you shall be forgiven. Sin against the Sin and you shall be forgiven, sun against the Holy Spirit and ye shall be forgiven but if you sin against the Church therefore shall no mercy be made available until you. " He said . " Sandra , you will be beheaded by noon. "

Sandra heart almost flew out of her chest. " Blessed One, please show mercy. " But the guards took her away.


The guards reached the cell but we're suprised to see it empty. They quickly sounded the alarm while some entered the tunnel, others went try locate the tunnel end.


"What about my mother? She's in danger." Kyle said.

"Don't worry, they won't kill her cause she'll be needed in capturing you."

They trudged down the tunnel heading for the exit.

"What brings you to Brees? You skrit are enemies here." He asked her.

"Well, I was always restricted as a girl back in my home, I wanted to prove to them that I can do a lot more than what they think."

"Are you people that restrictive?" Kyle asked looking suprised.

"A question coming from someone who comes from a place where they don't bear surnames because they've been made to believe that they are all properties of the Church. So my people are better than yours."

Then they heard the alarm and sound of feet stepping on water.

"They've known! Let's run!" Lily said and they both started to run.

. . . . . . . . .

They reached the tunnel exit and started to climb up. Lily reached the top first.

As Kyle put his hand on an handle to aid his climbing, it pulled and he was about to fall back in.

He stretched his arm out asking for Lily's

Surprisingly, Lily refused to help him. She bent down so he could hear her.

"The Churchmen aren't after me. They'll stop looking if they find you. I'm sorry, Kyle." She handed him a small knife before running off.

Kyle was still in shock as the handle finally pulled off. He fell back into the tunnel. As he got up, he was surrounded b the Churchmen.

He held up the knife to defend himself.

"Come near and I'll use this knife." He said.

"Drop that weapon, Kyle." A Churchman spoke but Kyle refused and he shot Kyle in the shoulder.

He fell down and passed out.

... . . . . . . . .

Kyle opened his eyes. He was on a bed in a room, his wounds had been covered up tho he was still weak.

A light skinned lady entered the room.

"How are you doing today, Kyle?" She asked him.

Kyle held her arm as she tried to inject him. "Please, help me. They'll kill me."

The nurse dropped the syringe and took a step backwards.


Sandra was worried over her son. Was he dead? Why has no one told her anything?

Suddenly the cell gate opened and Kyle was thrown in. He grunted in pains.

Sandra rushed to hug him. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, Mom."

"Where's Lily?" Sandra asked him. "Was she killed?"

"No, she escaped."

"Then why didn't you?"

. . . . . ... . . . . . . .

Kyle and Sandra stood before the court so the Priest could tell them their fate.

The hall was filled with people of different class and backgrounds.

The Priest got up to address the people.

"People of Brees, today we have gathered here to witness judgement passed on these two sinners. "Then he faced the two sinners.

" Do you plead guilty? " He asked them.

Sandra nodded and she looked at Kyle who was gradually going down.

" Kyle! "She ran to him but he collapsed before she could reach him.

The Churchmen there examined the body and looked up at the priest.

" He's dead. " He said and the whole crowd gasped.

" Here, we have witnessed it without eyes, the judgement of God. This is a sign for you to know that God is backing the Church and He will pour out His wrath on anyone who tries to rebel against the Church. " Then he faced the Churchmen.

" Take him away! " And they obeyed.

After they had left with Kyle. The Priest faced Sandra.

"The Lord has chose to spare you. You are pardoned but whenever such happens again, you'll be killed at the spot."

Sandra got on her knees in tears. "Thank you, Blessed One."


Kyle opened his eyes. He was in a car moving outside Brees.

"Welcome back." The nurse who he had met in the hospital spoke to him.

"My mother, is she safe?" He asked.

"Yes, she is." A man replied from the driver's seat.

"That's Luke and I'm Anne." The nurse introduced herself.

"Thank you." Kyle said.


Sandra wrapped Kyle's clothes and put them in a box. She went to the window and looked up smiling.

Some hours ago.....

Anne picked a small bottle and gave it to Kyle. "Drunk this before going for the trial."

"What does it do?" Kyle asked

"It'll stop your heart for a while."

"So everyone will think I'm dead?"

"Yes, so I have a man in the Churchmen who will take your body to our car where you'll be revived. " She said.


Sandra saw the small bottle in Kyle's hand. " What is that? "

" A Poison. " He answered.

"you want to kill yourself? "

" No, it'll only stop my heart for a short while and I want you to take it with me so we can leave this city together. "

" I won't, son. I'll stay but you take it so you can leave. "

" Leave you? I can't do that. "

" You have to, I knew it would surely come to this. It's your journey, Kyle." She hugged him. " Take care of yourself. "

Present day.......

Sandra looked up. " If you are up there and you care, please protect hi for me. " Then she closed the window.


" Have you got the boy? " A voice asked Luke over the phone.

" Yes, I have him. "

" Good, now bring him to me, safely. "

" Yes, Nestor Phillos. " He said before ending the call.